Rockman 2: Back to Basics

  • Mega Man 2,Megaman 2
  • Action
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Rockman 2: Back to Basics is a ROM hack of Mega Man 2 with new music, new levels, and new enemies. These new levels include a jungle caverns level and a lava furnace level. Exclusive to this romhack are robot masters such as Zircon Man and Fluid Man. And no extensive Mega Man romhack is complete without a couple new gadgets and weapons to play around with.
In this run, longbao completes this romhack in record time with a couple clipping and zipping glitches performed here and there.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack MM2_BTB_early_final_built_22-4-2024.nes W 4-22-2024 early build NES SHA1: 95D8984A4053F8D4E8DDCB4F4495FA0025EFC897
MD5: 6317D65F0C6D12BBC5096DE5EC4B8D33