Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland

  • Id: 4324
  • Platforms: GBC
  • Display Name: Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland
  • Platformer


Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland is a GBC game developed by Digital Eclipse Software and published by Nintendo in 2000. Following the plot of Disney's 1951 movie, Alice chases a white rabbit with a clock and finds herself in Wonderland, a magical world where nonsensical things happen to her and her surroundings.
ninespaces finds the rabbit in record time.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Alice in Wonderland (USA, Australia).gbc U GBC SHA1: 02c49003d5eb1498f239149089a517cdfb6bda0b
MD5: 0ed5b9ffe7ad90d819cac810d05b669c