This text is written by Nach.
- FCEU 0.98.15 or FCEUX 2.2.2
- Aims for fastest time.
- Luck manipulation.
- Never uses an escape disc.
- Abuses Sam (Slick?)
- Precise activity
- Genre: Action
- Genre: Puzzle
unagi made this TAS back in 2008 wanting to submit it, as described here.
The hope was to gather feedback on how to make this TAS more entertaining to make a proper submission later.
Since the user vanished before instructions how to submit were posted, he never actually got a chance to submit it. We now also have a vault, which may actually make this TAS publishable.
This submission may be too sloppy to be accepted, but at least now it can get the recognition it deserves, especially since other players on IRC were interested in seeing how this turns out to get feedback on how to best create a Q*bert run for the future. Therefore, please comment on this as you would on any other run.
Nach: So in a surprising turn of events, it seems this movie was received much better than I would have anticipated. I myself was considerably more entertained by it than I thought I would be. One of the best parts was how Sam (Slick?) who is supposed to hinder the player's progress was manipulated in several levels to help progress.
Voting wasn't great, but overwhelming majority of posts seemed pretty enthusiastic about this run. Therefore, (weakly) accepting for moons, and looking forward now to our players TASing other versions of Q*bert too.
Spikestuff: @!#?@!