Corpse Party

  • Id: 4590
  • Platforms: 3DS
  • Display Name: Corpse Party
  • Adventure


Corpse Party is a supernatural survival horror video game. Originally released on the PC-98 system, it later saw ports to other systems, including the 3DS. The 3DS release contains 5 chapters in total, including a new chapter that was not present in the PSP or iOS versions of the game.
Tegron plays through all 5 chapters in record time.

WARNING: This game contains disturbing themes and imagery which some viewers might find disturbing. Viewer's discretion is advised.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Corpse Party - Blood Covered - Repeated Fear (Japan).3ds J 3DS SHA1: 0291299a72d75e57a55deb69187eb53a012aa15f
MD5: 2e90d2a440b32dae74fc0edbb9e1dcc5