Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong

  • Platformer


Classic NES Series is a series of ports of various NES games to the Game Boy Advance, many of them popular classics. One of these games is Donkey Kong, the game that kick-started Nintendo's rise in the video game industry. As the Classic NES Series version of the game is a port of the NES version, it lacks the pie factory level from the original arcade version.
Spikestuff in this run saves Pauline once again in record time, taking advantage of the port's vulnerability to RNG manipulation.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Classic NES Series - Donkey Kong (USA, Europe).gba UE GBA SHA1: 8e3b203630f10c32aa7896afe9b7fbed7e1c8d30
MD5: e0e75f6c714550e652dbaaaba49a1d53