Emulator used:
- FCEUX 2.2.2
- Plays the Mission Jupiter
- Aims for fastest real-time
In this game, a terrorist group have overrun an embassy in Paris. The player takes control of a six-man GIGN team on a mission to free the hostages. “Mission Jupiter” is the most difficult mission in this game.
The game is split into two distinct sections:
- In the first part of the game, the player must bring three men into position so they can snipe the building. While doing so, the men must avoid the searchlights by diving for cover in doorways, windows and behind fences as well as rolling, crawling and running. If the player is caught in a searchlight, the sniper is gunned down.
- The second part involves entering the building with the other three men. The player's men abseil down the side of the building to choose which room to enter from, while the snipers who were positioned earlier can be used to shoot the terrorists through the windows. Then the building must then be searched, shooting the terrorists and finding the hostages in the process.
So,in the first part, Mike, Steve and Jumbo all have to move it all the way to their sniping positions. Unfortunately, they have to walk there in full view of the embassy and its searchlights. In fact,as long as any of the three of them arrived in any sniping positions, can complete the mission of the first half. The distance from the Jumbo to the first sniping positions is the shortest. In this case, Mike and Steve have to suicide to save time.
In the second part, controlling Jumbo to aim at the embassy is a waste of time. Here need to control the second half of my team, Ron, Dick and Kemco, only one of them to along the walls down into the embassy. The embassy has a total of three storeys,there are 40 terrorists and 3 hostages in it.What I have to do is to kill all the terrorists and rescue the hostages in the shortest possible time.
The screenshot is
(in 5492 frame)

ars4326: Judging!
ars4326: Hi again fcxiaopengyou. All in all, this is a nice, quickly executed run. The pace especially picks up in the hostage building, as the SWAT member starts rapidly picking off targets, throughout the three floors.
As for the decision to run single stage (mission JUPITER), I researched on YouTube and noticed that multiple runners (e.g. a Longplay, a "no deaths", and a longplay tool-assisted run) all did the same. So that seems reasonable enough for me to warrant approving it here. And since it's the most difficult stage, I'm going to go ahead and remove "Mission Jupiter" as a branch name (leaving it as any%). Nice work :)
Accepting for publication to Moons!
fsvgm777: Processing.