The reason I chose this game is because I hold the speedrun WR. This was the first game I ever owned as well...
To interact with things you must press A, then a direction, then A again.
Going through doors at an angle saves time. I optimized this as much as possible.
The order I go through the game is the most optimal possible. Restricted areas for some characters during certain chapters prevent it from going any faster.
Dialogue and scenes in the very beginning can be skipped with the START button. Later on that never works.
Overall this took at least 10 hours to complete. I worked the last 30 thousand frames in just 5 hours.
Samsara: Think I'll claim this one for judgement.
Samsara: File replaced with a trimmed version. I don't see any obvious issues or huge improvements even after multiple watches, so I'm accepting this to Vault.
feos: Pub.