Submission #564: Radz's SNES Street Fighter II in 11:56.96

Super Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Street Fighter 2 World W)
(Submitted: Street Fighter 2 World Warrior (E).smc Europe)
Snes9x 1.43
Submitted by Radz on 2/23/2005 8:54 PM
Submission Comments
SNES 9X 1.43 used, No Passwords,Cheats,Warps. About Game: SNES Version of "Street Fighter 2 World Warrior" is a little change than Original version. 1 Challenge stage isn't available out of 3. Speed is around 10-15 Frames Slow. All combos moves are Same in Both Parts.
About Timeattack: As I said before & Other too, Repeated moves timeattack won't be entertaining to watch instead of Tricks (Combos) Timeattack, I follow this. Only a few no of combo are available in this game. Used All Possible Combos. Aim to finish game in fastest time using combos moves. Hopefully an Awesome Watch.
Cancelling it because of my Genesis Version.
Last Edited by adelikat on 8/29/2023 12:32 AM
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