International Superstar Soccer Deluxe

  • International Super Star Soccer Deluxe
  • Sport


When watching sports, you're usually prepared for the unexpected. But what happens when it verges into the outright impossible?
In this superplay, watch in awe as a team is forced to score on its own goal ("OH NO! OWN GOAL!?"), the scoreboard mysteriously records extra goals that were never scored (and even rolls backwards at one point), and the very laws of physics themselves seem to get completely broken.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good International Superstar Soccer Deluxe (U) [!].smc U SNES SHA1: BF4DA6C24748B2AC8270BDE001A65AD377B8D78D
MD5: 345DDEDCD63412B9373DABB67C11FC05