Submission #6214: F4LL0U7's NES Monopoly "fastest jail" in 00:12.08

Nintendo Entertainment System
fastest jail
(Submitted: fastest jail)
(Submitted: Monopoly (USA).nes USA)
FCEUX 2.2.3
Submitted by F4LL0U7 on 12/30/2018 10:33 AM
Submission Comments

Monopoly for the NES is a game based off the board game Monopoly. This movie aims to go to jail in Monopoly in the fastest way possible.


  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.2.3
  • Game region: USA
Only one character needs to be controlled during the duration of this movie. The game does not reset during the movie, as it has no reason to. The only aim is to get to jail as fast as possible. I think this movie would be interesting for people to watch to see how quickly this can actually be done.

Game objectives

  • To get the fastest jail.


This Tool Assisted Speedrun was created for two reasons. One was to see how fast this could be done, and the other was to test FCEUX's built in TAS editor. This run uses a couple of basic strategies.


Luck Manipulation

This movie heavily uses luck manipulation as a way to roll consistent doubles.

Name selection

This isn't a very interesting strat, but it is used to maximise optimization. The name "A" takes 4 inputs to select, as does the name "G". Most other names, if not all other names, will take 5 or more frames to input.

Other Comments


The movie is shorter than shown. A few extra frames were played at the end of the movie, so if that needs to be fixed in the movie, can you please request that?
Last Edited by ThunderAxe31 on 12/30/2018 4:42 PM
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