GBA Digimon Ruby in 3:57:42.46 by Noxxa
Two YouTube videos are provided. The first one is the original movie in its regular glory. The second one is a supercut encode, with various modifications:
- Fade-in and fade-out animations when traveling between locations or leaving a battle are cut
- All non-boss encounter battles are also cut
- Whenever music restarts (after taking cuts into account), it will instead resume from where it left off. This goes for both overworld and in-battle music. There are still some minor pops and artifacts but in general it makes listening to the music a much more interesting experience.
- Lua displays on screen display information about the player's party (level + exp outside of battle, level + hp + mp in battle) and about enemies in battle.
- Owing to all the cuts, movie runtime is decreased by over two hours (more than half of the runtime), from 3 hours and 59 minutes to 1 hour and 44 minutes.
Generally speaking, the supercut emphasizes the more relevant/interesting parts, those being the dialogue/script, boss battles, and overworld movement, while cutting out grinding, random encounters, and time-wasting screen animations, and fixing the music.
Also, both videos have commentary in the form of CC subtitles.
Table of contents
Table of contents
Game objectives
- Emulator used: various, but final run is synced on BizHawk 2.4
- Aims for fastest time
- Takes damage to save time
- Uses game restart sequences
- Heavy luck manipulation
- Heavy glitch abuse
- Heavy abuse of the game's poor event script
- Heavy abuse of the English language
About the game
Digimon Ruby (also known as Digimon Rury, as it is written on its box-art) is a bootleg role-playing game developed by Taiwanese bootleg game developer Vast Fame (known for games including Zook Hero Z, Rockman DX3, Devil Island, and Zook Man ZX4).
Throughout its existence from circa 1998 to 2003, Vast Fame developed various Game Boy games and a few Game Boy Advance games. Most of their games are either platform games (generally heavily inspired by Mega Man games) or role-playing games (generally inspired by Pokémon, often taking after Digimon). This game is a clear example of the latter.
Vast Fame games are generally known for being relatively high quality for unlicensed developers, with original stories, reasonably solid gameplay, and surprisingly decent music (helped by the fact that they took the sound engine from Mega Man V for many of their games). They are also known for their rather spotty grasp of the English language, for any games they made English versions of.
Digimon Ruby is one of Vast Fame's last games, released circa 2003. Unlike most of their other Game Boy Advance games, it uses Direct Sound for its title screen music and for percussion in the game's soundtrack, but retains the use of chiptune audio for everything else.
As noted before, Digimon Ruby is a role-playing game. The plot centers around Davis/Daisuke Motomiya (known as DaFu in this game), of Digimon Adventure 02 fame. During a school picnic, DaFu is transported by a mysterious portal to the Digimon World ("figures world"), and he has to find a way to return back to the human world while uncovering and stopping evil influences along the way.
About the run
The foundations of this run started up back in the middle of 2014. This was when I first discovered the game, and started data mining just to be able to get the resources needed to devise a route.
One of the first challenges that comes with routing for this game is how ridiculously grindy it is at its core. If you want to fight the final boss on even terms, you would need to reach level 74. This takes around 420k experience points. If you were to grind in the final area of the game (filled likewise with lv73-74 enemies, you get ~800 exp apiece, so you'd need to beat more than 500 of those. With a more realistic progression spread (starting all the way from enemies that give between 2 and 6 experience in the first area), you're easily looking at several thousand monsters of grinding just to be able to have a chance in th end-game.
At this time, I gathered knowledge about several aspects of the game, including the full lists of 171 Digimon in the game with their stats, the experience curve, 166 moves, 625 encounter data instances, and 16 items. However, I eventually got stuck routing out how to effectively get past the second boss (let alone everything else), and let it slide for a few years.
Fast forward on five years later, when I decided with a better grasp of scripting and using information, I would be able to at least mathematically devise a way to get past all the bosses in the game, or find a shortcut, if any. An important part of the new data gathering was getting complete info about all Digimon availability and learnsets, to get a proper idea about what options were available, and if there were any particularly good ones.
Eventually, I found an important breakthrough: a pair of absorbing moves, which would always deal exactly 10% damage. When considering the odds we generally are up against in the run, 10% is a lot. There were a few different ways to access them, but following multiple rounds of testing (and uncovering a few hiccups along the way, such as a bug that prevented some Digimon from learning a certain move when that was exactly the move I needed), I found the most optimal solution to be to have the 'mon Bada Beast, who learns the absorbing move Blood-Suck Needle at level 15. And could beat the final boss with it in a testing environment. This shortened the projected runtime by a lot.
With that, along with mapping out the locations so I would know where to find Upgrade Badges to skip the heaviest part of leveling, it was possible at last to set up a leveling route. This route comes down to: Dark Tower lv1-lv4, Steaming Hot Desert (boss only), Spiral Mountain lv4-lv8, Opacification Forest lv8-lv13, and the final two levels fulfilled with Upgrade Badges. The rest of the game could be done without need of further grinding.
Once I had the route figured out, it was really just a matter of executing it. Tricks like skipping bosses, Dark Crystals, and other plot-related events also added up nice time-savers, but none that affected the main scope of the route all that much. Most of the main storyline is still played out as normal, and the final bosses still need to be fought like normal.
Mechanics, tricks and glitches
Basic Digimon mechanics
In classic style of Pokémon and similar RPGs, you can have a party of up to 6 Digimon which can all level up as they gain experience throughout battle. Digimon also learn new moves as they level up. Experience requirements increase per level but are otherwise identical for every Digimon.
The player can obtain up to 7 different Digimon; one starter, and six that are found in various chests throughout the first island. If the player finds a chest while already having the max of 6 Digimon, it will open but the player will not get the Digimon. However, the player has the option to "Transfer"/discard Digimon, to free up a slot if desired.
All Digimon have the following stats:
- HP - your Digimon faints if it reaches zero
- MP - is consumed whenever a Digimon uses a move (except for a few early moves that cost 0 MP). Generally, the better a move, the more MP it consumes, although it is not a hard rule.
- Attack - used when calculating move damage for any standard attacking move
- Defense - actually not used
- Speed - determines whether or not the player is allowed to move first. If the player's speed is greater than the enemy's speed, player moves first. Otherwise, enemy moves first.
- Magic - also actually not used
- Magic Defense - also actually not used
All stat changes and status effects are restored at the end of a battle, unless the Digimon's HP is zero - in this case, the player needs to use an item to revive the Digimon before it can be used in battle again.
All 171 Digimon have a base stat sheet that determines the stats they have at level 1. Another stat sheet determines the stat gain for every stat per level; this stat gain is universal for every Digimon. As a result, while early game Digimon can have some stat differences, in later levels their numbers will not be any more different, resulting in very even stat differences across the board.
The game has a movelist consisting of 166 moves. 16 of these are item effects (which are simply coded as performing an item-specific move), and of the remaining 150 moves, 119 are default "general attack" moves with varying power. The other 31 moves are various kinds of status moves, with effects including:
- Do nothing - ostensibly, there are moves that increase Magic Defense, which would itself be useless, but they don't even do that
- Reduce enemy defense - still functionally completely useless, but at least it kind of does anything
- Reduce enemy attack - some variants claim to only last 3-4 turns, but the effect is permanent for the duration of the battle, even if switching out
- Reduce enemy speed
- Heal user - depending on the move, can be 30% or even 100% full heal
- Absorb 10% health from the enemy
- Cause "poison" status effect - 25% chance of success, in which case it does 5% damage, then 1 damage per turn for 4 turns - this damage is presumably bugged. There are variants that claim to do 10% in the description, but they still do 5% anyway. The move descriptions also claim the effect takes either 2-3 or 3-4 turns depending on the move, but they all last for 4 turns every time. This goes for all moves with a timed effect.
- Cause "disordered" status - causes the Digimon to be unable to perform a move for 4 turns
- Cause "sleep" status - causes the Digimon to be unable to perform a move for 4 turns
- Cause "paralysis" status - causes the Digimon to be unable to perform a move for 4 turns
- Instant kill - only one move has this, and it is only accessible by a late-game encounter. Unfortunately, there is no way for the player to get this.
While the game has different "Attack" and "Magic" stats alongside matching "Defense" and "Magic Defense" stats for Digimon, all normal attacking moves follow the same damage formula, based upon only the move's damage rating, the attacker's attack stat, and the attacker's level compared to the defender's level.
The game has only 16 different kinds of items (not counting plot-specific items, which are not counted as items in gameplay logic). All but one can be bought from a vendor in the bureau chief's building. All of those are also restoration items: this includes HP restoration, MP restoration, HP and MP restoration, reviving 1 Digimon, and items that revive all Digimon at once.
The last item is only available in a few chests scattered around the world, the Upgrade Badge, which functions like the Rare Candy in Pokémon - it immediately upgrades a Digimon's level by one, and unlike the other items it cannot be used in battle. Since leveling is an important aspect of the run strategy (particularly early game), these items can be highly valuable.
Digimon Digivolve once they hit a certain level - this is a permanent upgrade, and the upgraded Digimon will have boosted stats (outside of the regular leveling bonus) and new moves. Note that Digivolution will overwrite the old move list entirely - moves from the previous grade Digimon are not kept.
Depending on what grade the Digimon is in, it can Digivolve at level 10, 30, or 60. Since all player Digimon start at level 1 in their first grade, they can all Digivolve three times in total.
Interestingly, unlike Pokémon (and largely unlike its own source material), Digivolution chains are not single chains, but are branched - most Digimon are able to Digivolve into one of multiple higher-grade options, which is determined by RNG upon the Digimon reaching the required level. Some Digimon will have 1 possible Digivolution option, but others can have 2, 3, 4, or in some cases even 6 or 8 options. Conversely, Digivolution trees can also intersect with each other, so a higher grade Digimon can come out of different lower grade Digimon.
Move learning
What specific moves a Digimon learns is unique per Digimon, but what levels they learn moves on is universal to everyone. The order is as follows:
- Level 1: First move. Due to a bug, this is always Air Bulb, even if the learnset database says something else.
- Level 4: Second move.
- Level 8: Third move.
- Level 10: First digivolution. The moveset is replaced by the first move and second move of the new Digimon species. The third move is forgotten, and due to another bug, its replacement in the learnset database is never learned.
- Level 15: Fourth move (actually third move)
- Level 22: Fifth move (actually fourth move)
- Level 30: Second digivolution. The moveset is replaced by the five moves of the new Digimon species, and an additional sixth move is learned.
- Level 35: Seventh move
- Level 43: Eighth move
- Level 56: Ninth move
- Level 60: Third digivolution. The moveset is replaced by the nine moves of the new Digimon species.
- Level 61: Tenth move
- Level 65: Eleventh move
- Level 75: Twelfth move
There's a small group of 4th-grade Digimon that have learnset data for two more moves, but they are never learned, not even upon reaching the maximum level of 99.
In the end, the maximum amount of moves a player-controlled Digimon can learn is 12, even though the UI has room of up to 24.
Encounters and bosses
Enemy Digimon encounters and bosses follow different rules from the player:
- Species is not strictly attached to level. In Ice Frost Tower, it's possible to encounter both lv10 Viner Beast (first grade) and lv9 V Beast (second grade). Bosses are even worse about this, as you encounter a third-grade Cape Dragon as early as lv4, and fourth-grade Corpse Dragon at lv30.
- The enemy's HP is not attached to their level or species, but is separately defined in the encounter data itself. Basically, encounters cheat horribly. Bosses cheat even more horribly. Normally, by late game, a lv70 player Digimon would have around 850 HP. An encounter at that level has around 1600 HP, and a boss would have more than 4000 HP.
- The moveset of any encounter or boss is also defined in encounter data as opposed to any species or level logic. All enemies have a full list of 24 moves defined, although a lot of them consist of simple duplicated loops (an early enemy's move data looks like "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2", etc.). Effectively, enemies have between 2 and 15 moves. And of course, they do not need to have any correlation to the enemy species' actual learnset at all.
- Enemy MP is calculated from its species and level, although enemies cheat and never use any of their MP.
- Other enemy stats are also calculated from their species and level and do follow the same rules as the player.
Luck manipulation
This game's RNG is an absolute pain, and provides just the bare essentials to have something to work with at all. It only ever updates when it is called (and not on a frame or input basis), which drastically limits the room for manipulation you have.
Fortunately, there is a single way to advance the RNG without much in the way of side effects - this is by switching Digimon in battle, which is a free action (most of the time), can advance RNG once or twice depending on where the switched Digimon are in the party, and costs around 20 frames per use. It works, but it does result in some very visible switching situations now and then, sometimes upwards to, say, 5 seconds of switching.
Overworld movement
DaFu's hitbox when moving in the overworld is effectively a small rectangle, which extends further to his front than his sides. Because of this, it is possible to clip deeper into a wall than simply walking into it, by instead approaching it from the side if possible. Normally this is not that interesting, but on rare occasions there's some interesting level geometry that results in things like one-way paths.

Illustrated above is an example of overworld hitbox visualization, as well as geometry forcing an one-way path: it is not possible to go through this tight pass from the left side, but it is possible to go through from the right side.
Encounter triggering
Encounters in this game basically function on a walking timer: the timer is randomly initialized between 256 and 511, and subtracted by 1 on every frame of walking in a wild environment (outside of town). If it hits 0, an encounter is triggered (with further RNG calls to determine the specific encounter).
The timer thing means there's a slight bit of leeway for manipulation to reduce/minimize encounters, but they cannot be removed entirely. It's also possible with in-battle manipulation to determine the type of the next encounter, which is useful for grinding (making sure to get the most beneficial encounters for experience).
Encounter glitch
When the player steps into a screen transition, and keeps holding onto that direction, the player will do 1 frame step in the middle of the transition into the new room (before the fade-in). If in this 1 frame the player triggers an encounter, the game will stop loading the new room and trigger the encounter instead.
As a result, after the encounter has ended and when the player returns to the overworld, the player will be in the new room, but event triggers will not be loaded. This primarily affects chests, NPCs, and similar objects; the chests, NPCs and objects from the previous room are still loaded in memory, so the player can interact with them in the new screen, if they are reachable.
The new screen's objects are not loaded, so this can help if for example an object is physically blocking a path to something. The old screen objects still send events when triggered, now to an event table that has been updated for the new screen - so the interaction will now trigger an unintended event.
More often than not, this results in crashing the game. However, sometimes, the object's event will align with a new event in the room, resulting in effects such as opening a different chest, or starting dialogue with an NPC that would be in the room, or interacting with an object that would be in the room. On some occasions, this can be used to skip an event (or a boss battle) or sequence-break to an event earlier than should normally be possible. In these cases, significant amounts of time can be saved with this trick.
Script abuse
The game's script (as in plot progression requirements) is...less than solid. The plot can tell you to destroy a Dark Crystal, when in reality the script will ignore the flag about the destruction of that crystal entirely, and it would speed things up significantly if you avoid doing so.
Therefore, an important aspect of routing is not simply looking at what the game tells you to do, but to find precisely which flags need to be set in order to allow the next event to happen or dialogue to be unlocked. This will result in some comical situations, most notably in various instances where some major plot items are just walked by and completely ignored.
Digimon conflict glitch
Due to how Digivolution branching works, it is possible to have multiple instances of the same Digimon species. If this is the case, the game gets confused when trying to switch to the unit during battle.
Essentially, if the player tries to switch to the first (in party order) Digimon, it will copy its stats to the second Digimon. Conversely, if the player tries to switch to the second Digimon, it will take the stats from the first Digimon. In both cases, the first Digimon will in effect be brought into the battle, unless it is fainted. As a result of these glitches, it effectively becomes possible in a battle to make a save-state of the Digimon by switching to the first one, and then loading it by switching to the second one.
This mainly is convenient because it makes HP and MP management very simple, as both can easily be refilled at any time just by switching to the second instance Digimon. MP-restoring items become essentially obsolete with this trick.
Database of game information
ROM address info
- 0x5E37CC - Experience level-up table (24 bytes per level, 99 levels)
- 0x5E42A4 - Digimon stat table (24 bytes per digimon, 171 digimon)
- 0x5E555C - Experience curve (99 levels)
- 0x622E48 - Move MP cost table
- 0x6230A4 - Move damage table
- 0x6234D4 - Digimon learnset table (60 bytes per digimon, 171 digimon)
- 0x625F98 - Encounter data table
RAM address info
General game data
- 0x00D8 - Game state
- 0 - game intro/title screen menus
- 1 - overworld
- 2 - game over screen
- 3 - battle
- 4 - overworld menu open
- 5 - world map 1 (Faer Island)
- 6 - world map 2 (Diluk Island)
- 7 - world map 3 (Dorlis Island)
- 8 - world map 4 (Dark Mainland)
- 9 - portal cutscene (from Campfire intro)
- 10 - unknown
- 11 - vendor
- 12 - ending
- 0x153C: RNG (4 bytes)
Overworld data
- 0x00E4: Area domain (1-4)
- 0x00E8: Area ID (1-75)
- 0x1188: Camera X position
- 0x118C: Camera Y position
- 0x1260: Encounter steps remaining
- 0x437A: Player X position
- 0x437C: Player Y position
- 0x4392: Player movement state
- 0 - facing left
- 1 - facing up
- 2 - facing right
- 3 - facing down
- 4 - walking left
- 5 - walking up
- 6 - walking right
- 7 - walking down
- 0x4C84: Pointer to current area collision data
Battle data
- 0x07F0: Attack/item menu cursor position
- 0x0834: Change menu monster select cursor position
- 0x0840: Party ID number of player digimon in battle
- 0x084C: Battle menu cursor position
- 0x085C: Battle menu state
- 2 - battle option screen
- 3 - transition to attack screen
- 4 - transition to item screen
- 5 - transition to change screen
- 6 - attack screen
- 7 - transition to battle option screen/escape
- 8 - transition to first turn
- 9 - turn in progress
- 10 - item screen
- 11 - start transition to battle option screen/escape
- 12 - end of turn
- 13 - transition to next turn
- 14 - start escape
- 15 - change screen
- 16 - change screen monster select
- 17 - change screen monster change confirm
- 18 - change screen transition to monster status
- 21 - defeat
- 22 - victory
- 23 - end of battle
- 24 - enemy defeat - exp prompt
- 25 - change screen monster status
Digimon data
- Digimon data structure: (size of 188 bytes)
- 0x00: Species ID
- 0x04: Level
- 0x08: Current HP
- 0x0C: Maximum HP
- 0x10: Current MP
- 0x14: Maximum MP
- 0x18: Current ATK
- 0x1C: Base ATK
- 0x20: Current DEF
- 0x24: Base DEF
- 0x28: Current Speed
- 0x2C: Base Speed
- 0x30: Current MDEF
- 0x34: Base MDEF
- 0x38: Last move used
- 0x3C: Status fainted
- 0x40: Status asleep
- 0x44: Status disordered
- 0x48: Status poisoned
- 0x4C: Status paralysis
- 0x50: Current EXP
- 0x54: EXP for next level
- 0x58: Gold worth
- 0x5C-0xB8: 24 moveslots
- 0x2B4C: Player party digimon #1
- 0x2C08: Player party digimon #2
- 0x2CC4: Player party digimon #3
- 0x2D80: Player party digimon #4
- 0x2E3C: Player party digimon #5
- 0x2EF8: Player party digimon #6
- 0x3070: Enemy party digimon #1
- 0x312C: Enemy party digimon #2
- 0x31E8: Enemy party digimon #3
- 0x32A4: Enemy party digimon #4
- 0x3360: Enemy party digimon #5
- 0x341C: Enemy party digimon #6
- 0x3594: Player digimon in battle
- 0x3650: Enemy digimon in battle
Obt. means that the Digimon is obtainable by the player (as a starter, from chests, or as a Digivolution of an obtainable Digimon)
Notes about move learnsets:
- Due to a bug, the first move of a stage 1 Digimon is always Air Bulb, even if the learnset says something else.
- Due to another bug, the "Lv8" move of a stage 2 Digimon is never learned.
Stage 1 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Base HP | Base MP | Base Atk | Base Def | Base Spe | Base Magic | Base MDef | Notes |
[D1] | Y | Doding beast | DemiVeemon | 18 | 10 | 14 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 7 | Obtain - Dark Tower |
[D2] | Y | Dundun beast | Poromon | 16 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 7 | 12 | 6 | Obtain - Opacification Forest |
[D3] | Y | Ouber beast | Upamon | 17 | 10 | 12 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 5 | Obtain - Spiral Mountain |
[D4] | Mawmaw beast | Nyaromon | 18 | 10 | 11 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 6 | ||
[D5] | Larval beast | Minomon | 19 | 8 | 14 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 6 | ||
[D6] | Y | Diger beast | Tokomon | 20 | 8 | 13 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 5 | Obtain - Starter |
[D7] | Y | Beagu beast | Leafmon | 16 | 13 | 11 | 4 | 8 | 13 | 6 | Obtain - Ice Frost Tower |
[D8] | Shwchu beast | YukimiBotamon | 18 | 13 | 12 | 5 | 7 | 13 | 5 | ||
[D9] | Hechu beast | Botamon | 17 | 12 | 11 | 4 | 5 | 12 | 6 | ||
[D10] | Y | Bowl beast | Koromon | 16 | 12 | 13 | 5 | 7 | 12 | 6 | Obtain - Old Mine Pit |
[D11] | Buni beast | Punimon | 19 | 14 | 13 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 6 | ||
[D12] | Sanni beast | Tsunomon | 19 | 15 | 13 | 4 | 6 | 15 | 6 | ||
[D13] | Pelagian beast | Poyomon | 17 | 16 | 14 | 4 | 6 | 16 | 6 | ||
[D14] | Pizi beast | Yuramon | 17 | 18 | 12 | 5 | 7 | 18 | 7 | ||
[D15] | Flochu beast | Pitimon | 19 | 10 | 13 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 6 | ||
[D16] | Seed beast | Tanemon | 19 | 10 | 12 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 6 | ||
[D17] | Evil beast | Zurumon | 20 | 10 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 10 | 6 | ||
[D18] | Berku beast | Pagumon | 21 | 11 | 13 | 4 | 8 | 11 | 6 | ||
[D19] | Foam beast | Pabumon | 21 | 12 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 12 | 5 | ||
[D20] | Neangaw beast | Motimon | 20 | 8 | 16 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 6 | ||
[D21] | Pikaw beast | Yokomon | 20 | 8 | 14 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 6 | ||
[D22] | Puka beast | Bukamon | 22 | 9 | 15 | 4 | 8 | 9 | 6 | ||
[D23] | Heen beast | Mokumon | 17 | 10 | 13 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 6 | ||
[D24] | Fireball beast | DemiMeramon | 19 | 10 | 12 | 5 | 6 | 10 | 5 | ||
[D25] | Y | Viner beast | Nyokimon | 19 | 12 | 15 | 3 | 5 | 12 | 5 | Obtain - Steaming Hot Desert |
Stage 2 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Base HP | Base MP | Base Atk | Base Def | Base Spe | Base Magic | Base MDef | Notes |
[D26] | Y | V beast | Veemon | 58 | 22 | 14 | 7 | 16 | 22 | 9 | |
[D27] | Eagle beast | Hawkmon | 60 | 24 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 24 | 10 | ||
[D28] | Y | Pangolin beast | Armadillomon | 62 | 22 | 15 | 8 | 13 | 22 | 10 | |
[D29] | Puppy beast | Salamon | 66 | 20 | 12 | 6 | 14 | 20 | 8 | ||
[D30] | Y | Bada beast | Patamon | 62 | 20 | 12 | 6 | 10 | 20 | 8 | |
[D31] | Worm beast | Wormmon | 64 | 23 | 16 | 8 | 18 | 23 | 10 | ||
[D32] | Y | Yaku beast | Agumon | 66 | 23 | 16 | 8 | 19 | 23 | 10 | |
[D33] | Y | Budchu beast | Biyomon | 68 | 24 | 18 | 7 | 17 | 24 | 9 | |
[D34] | Kabu beast | Gabumon | 66 | 24 | 12 | 7 | 14 | 24 | 9 | ||
[D35] | Beetle beast | Tentomon | 64 | 25 | 14 | 8 | 16 | 25 | 10 | ||
[D36] | Y | Balu beast | Palmon | 62 | 25 | 14 | 8 | 16 | 25 | 10 | |
[D37] | Y | Germa beast | Gomamon | 66 | 22 | 16 | 8 | 17 | 22 | 10 | |
[D38] | Gazu beast | Gazimon | 60 | 20 | 15 | 7 | 14 | 20 | 10 | ||
[D39] | Ore beast | Gotsumon | 68 | 21 | 15 | 7 | 16 | 21 | 11 | ||
[D40] | Y | Ale beast | Elecmon | 64 | 21 | 12 | 6 | 15 | 21 | 12 | |
[D41] | Kisa beast | Gizamon | 56 | 18 | 12 | 6 | 14 | 18 | 9 | ||
[D42] | Y | Tadpole beast | Otamamon | 56 | 18 | 10 | 6 | 13 | 18 | 9 | |
[D43] | Better beast | Betamon | 54 | 19 | 14 | 7 | 14 | 19 | 11 | ||
[D44] | Y | Fala beast | Floramon | 54 | 20 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 20 | 9 | |
[D45] | Aaric beast | Mushroomon | 52 | 19 | 17 | 8 | 10 | 19 | 12 | ||
[D46] | Kuni beast | Kunemon | 52 | 19 | 17 | 8 | 14 | 19 | 12 | ||
[D47] | Eatdream beast | Tapirmon | 54 | 23 | 13 | 7 | 12 | 23 | 11 | ||
[D48] | Y | Pearl beast | Syakomon | 56 | 24 | 13 | 7 | 13 | 24 | 11 | |
[D49] | Y | Big crab beast | Crabmon | 58 | 25 | 15 | 8 | 14 | 25 | 11 | |
[D50] | Y | Dorsal beast | Betamon | 60 | 28 | 16 | 8 | 15 | 28 | 12 | |
Stage 3 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Base HP | Base MP | Base Atk | Base Def | Base Spe | Base Magic | Base MDef | Notes |
[D51] | Y | V EX beast | ExVeemon | 86 | 39 | 28 | 14 | 22 | 39 | 18 | |
[D52] | Dilu beast | Gatomon | 88 | 40 | 24 | 12 | 25 | 40 | 15 | ||
[D53] | Y | Angel beast | Angemon | 90 | 40 | 25 | 13 | 26 | 40 | 16 | |
[D54] | Fly worm beast | Stingmon | 92 | 42 | 26 | 13 | 22 | 42 | 16 | ||
[D55] | Y | Bawlong beast | Greymon | 94 | 42 | 26 | 14 | 23 | 42 | 17 | |
[D56] | Y | Badola beast | Birdramon | 96 | 45 | 24 | 13 | 24 | 45 | 17 | |
[D57] | Kalulu beast | Garurumon | 96 | 46 | 25 | 14 | 22 | 46 | 16 | ||
[D58] | Pido beast | Kabuterimon | 96 | 46 | 22 | 12 | 20 | 46 | 15 | ||
[D59] | Y | Cactus beast | Togemon | 98 | 47 | 23 | 14 | 21 | 47 | 17 | |
[D60] | Y | Sea lion beast | Ikkakumon | 95 | 47 | 24 | 18 | 22 | 47 | 19 | |
[D61] | Y | Unicorn beast | Unimon | 88 | 42 | 24 | 16 | 23 | 42 | 18 | |
[D62] | Y | Mantodea beast | Snimon | 86 | 42 | 20 | 12 | 21 | 42 | 15 | Boss - Steaming Hot Desert |
[D63] | Y | Betea beast | Numemon | 88 | 46 | 20 | 13 | 21 | 46 | 16 | |
[D64] | Cape dragon | Monochromon | 86 | 46 | 23 | 13 | 24 | 46 | 15 | Boss - Dark Tower | |
[D65] | Y | Drill beast | Drimogemon | 94 | 45 | 23 | 12 | 25 | 45 | 14 | Boss - Spiral Mountain |
[D66] | Y | Palmer beast | Mojyamon | 94 | 45 | 28 | 14 | 22 | 45 | 18 | |
[D67] | Y | Big Cape beast | Tuskmon | 90 | 43 | 29 | 15 | 28 | 43 | 19 | |
[D68] | Y | Big dragon | Tyrannomon | 90 | 43 | 24 | 13 | 25 | 43 | 18 | Boss - Opafication Forest |
[D69] | Nasal beast | RedVegiemon | 88 | 43 | 25 | 13 | 24 | 43 | 19 | ||
[D70] | Y | Rednasal beast | Weedmon | 86 | 40 | 24 | 13 | 20 | 40 | 16 | Boss - Ice Frost Tower |
[D71] | Y | Yeti beast | Frigimon | 86 | 40 | 26 | 14 | 23 | 40 | 15 | Boss - Old Mine Pit |
[D72] | Y | Shell beast | Shellmon | 84 | 42 | 21 | 12 | 24 | 42 | 16 | Boss - Bottom of Sea Vestige (1) |
[D73] | Y | Lobster beast | Ebidramon | 84 | 42 | 21 | 12 | 24 | 42 | 16 | Boss - Bottom of Sea Vestige (2) |
[D74] | Strange frog | Gekomon | 82 | 47 | 26 | 14 | 22 | 47 | 16 | ||
[D75] | Y | Roach beast | Roachmon | 82 | 47 | 26 | 14 | 24 | 47 | 16 | Boss - Mir iceberg |
[D76] | Y | Defend beast | Guardromon | 84 | 46 | 26 | 13 | 25 | 46 | 15 | Boss - Flare-up mountain |
[D77] | Y | 3 head dragon | Deltamon | 84 | 45 | 28 | 14 | 26 | 45 | 16 | Boss - Died Vale |
[D78] | Y | Ghost beast | Bakemon | 86 | 45 | 25 | 14 | 24 | 45 | 16 | |
[D79] | Fly dragon | Airdramon | 86 | 46 | 25 | 14 | 23 | 46 | 17 | Boss - Pila Tower | |
[D80] | Y | Flames beast | Meramon | 90 | 46 | 26 | 13 | 24 | 46 | 17 | |
[D81] | Y | Dark big dragon | DarkTyrannomon | 90 | 48 | 26 | 13 | 23 | 48 | 16 | Boss - Poland Vestige |
[D82] | Y | Deadwood beast | Woodmon | 92 | 48 | 21 | 12 | 24 | 48 | 15 | |
[D83] | Y | Empress bee | Flymon | 92 | 43 | 21 | 12 | 23 | 43 | 15 | |
[D84] | Y | Fivecape beast | Starmon | 92 | 43 | 22 | 14 | 25 | 43 | 16 | |
[D85] | Y | Left round | Deputymon | 94 | 42 | 24 | 12 | 24 | 42 | 15 | Boss - West Hole |
[D86] | Y | Kingkong beast | Gorillamon | 94 | 42 | 24 | 14 | 23 | 42 | 16 | |
[D87] | Y | Sea dragon | Seadramon | 96 | 45 | 23 | 13 | 26 | 45 | 15 | |
[D88] | Y | Turd Zimo | Sukamon | 96 | 45 | 23 | 13 | 28 | 45 | 15 | |
[D89] | Ifron beast | Ninjamon | 96 | 48 | 26 | 15 | 22 | 48 | 17 | ||
[D90] | Bigwhale beast | Whamon | 94 | 48 | 26 | 13 | 25 | 48 | 17 | ||
[D91] | Wizard beast | Wizardmon | 94 | 45 | 26 | 14 | 24 | 45 | 18 | ||
[D92] | Y | Kuka beast | Kuwagamon | 90 | 45 | 24 | 13 | 22 | 45 | 16 | |
[D93] | Y | Devil dragon | Devidramon | 90 | 44 | 24 | 15 | 26 | 44 | 17 | Boss - Moya Marsh / Flames Tower |
[D94] | Y | Spider beast | Dokugumon | 94 | 44 | 28 | 14 | 24 | 44 | 16 | |
[D95] | Y | Maqchine armor | Mekanorimon | 94 | 42 | 28 | 13 | 25 | 42 | 15 | |
[D96] | Doda beast | Tortomon | 86 | 42 | 26 | 13 | 22 | 42 | 16 | ||
[D97] | Y | Thunder ball | Thundermon | 86 | 46 | 26 | 13 | 23 | 46 | 16 | |
[D98] | Kawli beast | Golemon | 86 | 46 | 24 | 12 | 22 | 46 | 15 | ||
[D99] | Y | Urus beast | Minotarumon | 85 | 45 | 24 | 12 | 26 | 45 | 15 | |
[D100] | Warrior beast | Musyamon | 85 | 46 | 23 | 13 | 25 | 46 | 17 | Boss - Ship Burial Site | |
[D101] | Zukon beast | Leomon | 82 | 46 | 23 | 13 | 25 | 46 | 17 | ||
[D102] | Dolphin beast | Dolphmon | 82 | 44 | 22 | 11 | 25 | 44 | 14 | ||
[D103] | Y | Centauru beast | Centarumon | 82 | 42 | 22 | 12 | 25 | 42 | 15 | |
[D104] | Y | Flames Kilin | Flarerizamon | 80 | 42 | 26 | 13 | 21 | 42 | 16 | |
[D105] | Y | 8 claw beast | Octomon | 80 | 40 | 24 | 13 | 22 | 40 | 16 | |
[D106] | Sila beast | Coelamon | 92 | 40 | 24 | 13 | 25 | 40 | 18 | ||
[D107] | Y | Strange bird | Kiwimon | 92 | 44 | 22 | 11 | 24 | 44 | 17 | |
[D108] | Y | Cuttle fish | Gesomon | 92 | 45 | 20 | 12 | 23 | 45 | 16 | |
[D109] | Y | Yakula beast | Aquilamon | 90 | 48 | 23 | 11 | 22 | 48 | 15 | |
[D110] | Y | Chariot beast | Tankmon | 90 | 48 | 23 | 12 | 21 | 48 | 15 | |
[D111] | Y | Carapace beast | Ankylomon | 96 | 46 | 24 | 13 | 22 | 46 | 16 | |
Stage 4 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Base HP | Base MP | Base Atk | Base Def | Base Spe | Base Magic | Base MDef | Notes |
[D112] | Faerie beast | Angewomon | 112 | 64 | 32 | 16 | 30 | 64 | 18 | ||
[D113] | Y | Sacred angel | MagnaAngemon | 105 | 62 | 33 | 17 | 34 | 62 | 19 | |
[D114] | Y | Andolu beast | Andromon | 108 | 62 | 35 | 17 | 32 | 62 | 19 | |
[D115] | Y | Corpse dragon | SkullGreymon | 108 | 64 | 30 | 15 | 33 | 64 | 18 | Boss - Deep Sea Maze / Black Maze |
[D116] | Y | Machine dragon | MetalGreymon | 106 | 64 | 35 | 16 | 36 | 64 | 19 | |
[D117] | Y | Strange frog | Divermon | 106 | 63 | 35 | 18 | 40 | 63 | 20 | |
[D118] | Y | Egg beast | Digitamamon | 110 | 63 | 30 | 16 | 42 | 63 | 19 | |
[D119] | Frog king | ShogunGekomon | 110 | 64 | 31 | 17 | 35 | 64 | 20 | ||
[D120] | Y | Supersea dragon | MegaSeadramon | 115 | 65 | 31 | 17 | 36 | 65 | 21 | No encounter data |
[D121] | Y | Yakili beast | Arukenimon | 116 | 65 | 32 | 16 | 35 | 65 | 20 | |
[D122] | Y | Big kuka beast | Okuwamon | 118 | 60 | 32 | 16 | 34 | 60 | 18 | |
[D123] | Y | Mummy beast | Mummymon | 120 | 60 | 30 | 16 | 33 | 60 | 19 | Boss - Infinite Mountain |
[D124] | Y | WildLosa beast | Blossomon | 122 | 65 | 30 | 14 | 34 | 65 | 18 | |
[D125] | Y | Knight beast | Knightmon | 124 | 68 | 33 | 17 | 32 | 68 | 21 | No encounter data |
[D126] | Y | Mammoth beast | Mammothmon | 124 | 68 | 32 | 17 | 34 | 68 | 22 | |
[D127] | Y | Bear beast | Monzaemon | 126 | 68 | 32 | 18 | 30 | 68 | 23 | |
[D128] | Y | Triangle beast | Triceramon | 126 | 66 | 31 | 15 | 36 | 66 | 18 | |
[D129] | Y | Zuli beast | Cherrymon | 128 | 66 | 31 | 16 | 35 | 66 | 19 | |
[D130] | Y | Yaluka beast | Scorpiomon | 128 | 62 | 30 | 15 | 37 | 62 | 19 | |
[D131] | Y | Been beast | Mamemon | 110 | 62 | 33 | 16 | 35 | 62 | 18 | |
[D132] | Y | Bigness Been | BigMamemon | 111 | 63 | 33 | 16 | 35 | 63 | 19 | |
[D133] | Y | Steel Been | MetalMamemon | 110 | 67 | 34 | 17 | 36 | 67 | 20 | |
[D134] | Y | Cannon ball | Giromon | 112 | 67 | 34 | 17 | 36 | 67 | 20 | |
[D135] | Y | Corpse Satan | SkullSatamon | 115 | 56 | 34 | 17 | 38 | 56 | 20 | Boss - Dark Mine Pit |
[D136] | Y | Hag beast | LadyDevimon | 118 | 70 | 33 | 17 | 35 | 70 | 20 | Boss - Break The Fetch |
[D137] | Y | Seadevil beast | MarineDevimon | 118 | 70 | 36 | 16 | 32 | 70 | 19 | Boss - Cosmos Maze |
[D138] | Machine dragon | Paildramon | 110 | 68 | 36 | 18 | 34 | 68 | 22 | ||
[D139] | Kuzan beast | Shakkoumon | 120 | 63 | 37 | 18 | 36 | 63 | 23 | ||
[D140] | Human eagle | Silphymon | 120 | 62 | 37 | 19 | 35 | 62 | 24 | ||
[D141] | Vampire beast | Myotismon | 120 | 70 | 34 | 17 | 32 | 70 | 20 | ||
[D142] | Y | Flower faery | Lillymon | 121 | 66 | 34 | 17 | 30 | 66 | 20 | |
[D143] | Super Pido | MegaKabuterimon | 124 | 66 | 30 | 16 | 36 | 66 | 22 | ||
[D144] | Y | Kaloda beast | Garudamon | 126 | 63 | 31 | 16 | 33 | 63 | 21 | |
[D145] | Beast personal | WereGarurumon | 126 | 64 | 31 | 16 | 34 | 64 | 21 | ||
[D146] | Kimila beast | Kimeramon | 140 | 80 | 40 | 22 | 43 | 80 | 23 | Boss - Kalade Mountain | |
[D147] | Black dragon | BlackWarGreymon | 144 | 82 | 42 | 21 | 36 | 82 | 24 | Boss - Dark Hole | |
[D148] | Blueness dragon | Azulongmon | 145 | 84 | 44 | 22 | 38 | 84 | 26 | ||
[D149] | Awmika beast | Omnimon | 145 | 83 | 46 | 23 | 35 | 83 | 27 | ||
[D150] | Super devil | Diaboromon | 142 | 80 | 46 | 25 | 34 | 80 | 28 | Boss - Stray Forest / Black Devil City (2) | |
[D151] | Thousand year | Millenniummon | 140 | 82 | 48 | 28 | 36 | 82 | 34 | No encounter data | |
[D152] | Pole devil | Daemon (Mantled) | 156 | 84 | 48 | 26 | 34 | 84 | 30 | Boss - Primitive Mountain | |
[D153] | Super vampire | VenomMyotismon | 155 | 82 | 40 | 26 | 36 | 82 | 32 | No encounter data | |
[D154] | King dragon1 | Imperialdramon (Fighter) | 155 | 82 | 40 | 25 | 35 | 82 | 38 | ||
[D155] | King dragon2 | Imperialdramon (Dragon) | 160 | 83 | 46 | 25 | 32 | 83 | 34 | ||
[D156] | Ruined devil | MaloMyotismon | 162 | 85 | 46 | 26 | 35 | 85 | 32 | Boss - Final Boss | |
[D157] | Fight dragon | WarGreymon | 160 | 85 | 44 | 24 | 36 | 85 | 36 | ||
[D158] | Super Pido | HerculesKabuterimon | 160 | 86 | 45 | 24 | 34 | 86 | 30 | ||
[D159] | Y | Steel Kalu | MetalGarurumon | 160 | 86 | 45 | 25 | 34 | 86 | 33 | |
[D160] | Y | Flames beast | Flamedramon | 122 | 70 | 33 | 17 | 35 | 70 | 20 | |
[D161] | Y | Thunder dragont | Raidramon | 124 | 70 | 30 | 16 | 38 | 70 | 19 | |
[D162] | Gold dragon | Magnamon | 122 | 68 | 31 | 15 | 37 | 68 | 18 | ||
[D163] | Godeagle beast | Halsemon | 128 | 63 | 31 | 15 | 36 | 63 | 18 | ||
[D164] | Y | Ninja beast | Shurimon | 120 | 62 | 32 | 16 | 35 | 62 | 19 | |
[D165] | Y | Steel drill | Digmon | 115 | 70 | 32 | 16 | 34 | 70 | 19 | |
[D166] | Y | Prowl shark | Submarimon | 115 | 66 | 33 | 17 | 35 | 66 | 20 | |
[D167] | Nifedi beast | Nefertimon | 112 | 66 | 33 | 17 | 33 | 66 | 20 | ||
[D168] | Y | Pegasus beast | Pegasusmon | 112 | 63 | 34 | 17 | 34 | 63 | 20 | |
[D169] | Judgment day | Armageddemon | 160 | 64 | 48 | 29 | 46 | 64 | 38 | Boss - Black Devil City (2) | |
[D170] | Bawkali beast | Apokarimon | 162 | 66 | 47 | 28 | 48 | 66 | 36 | No encounter data | |
[D171] | Micellae beast | Datamon | 162 | 66 | 47 | 28 | 48 | 66 | 36 | Boss - Numerator Vestige |
Stage 1 | Obt. | Name | Lv1 | Lv4 | Lv8 | |||||||||||
[D1] | Y | Doding beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | [M7] Petal spraying | |||||||||||
[D2] | Y | Dundun beast | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M2] Soap bulb | [M1] Air bulb | |||||||||||
[D3] | Y | Ouber beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M2] Soap bulb | |||||||||||
[D4] | Mawmaw beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M2] Soap bulb | [M3] Acid bulb | ||||||||||||
[D5] | Larval beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M2] Soap bulb | ||||||||||||
[D6] | Y | Diger beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M6] Pollen geyser | |||||||||||
[D7] | Y | Beagu beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M7] Petal spraying | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | |||||||||||
[D8] | Shwchu beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M6] Pollen geyser | ||||||||||||
[D9] | Hechu beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | [M1] Air bulb | ||||||||||||
[D10] | Y | Bowl beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | [M4] Sticky bulb | |||||||||||
[D11] | Buni beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M1] Air bulb | [M8] Poison gas | ||||||||||||
[D12] | Sanni beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M9] Dizzy smoke | ||||||||||||
[D13] | Pelagian beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M32] Lovely attack | ||||||||||||
[D14] | Pizi beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M2] Soap bulb | [M4] Sticky bulb | ||||||||||||
[D15] | Flochu beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M1] Air bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | ||||||||||||
[D16] | Seed beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M8] Poison gas | [M9] Dizzy smoke | ||||||||||||
[D17] | Evil beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M11] Cradle song | ||||||||||||
[D18] | Berku beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M13] Poisonous vine | ||||||||||||
[D19] | Foam beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M3] Acid bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | ||||||||||||
[D20] | Neangaw beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | [M42] Egg attack fruit | ||||||||||||
[D21] | Pikaw beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M1] Air bulb | [M13] Poisonous vine | ||||||||||||
[D22] | Puka beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M2] Soap bulb | [M7] Petal spraying | ||||||||||||
[D23] | Heen beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M17] Ancient dint gun | ||||||||||||
[D24] | Fireball beast | [M1] Air bulb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M4] Sticky bulb | ||||||||||||
[D25] | Y | Viner beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M1] Air bulb | [M5] Poisonou bulb | |||||||||||
Stage 2 | Obt. | Name | Lv1 | Lv4 | Lv8 | Lv15 | Lv22 | |||||||||
[D26] | Y | V beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M32] Lovely attack | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M24] Straight water pole | [M26] Supersonic | |||||||||
[D27] | Eagle beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M24] Straight water pole | [M30] 3-division evil stick | ||||||||||
[D28] | Y | Pangolin beast | [M62] Roll over pound | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M124] Break wave | |||||||||
[D29] | Puppy beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M78] Cat cat mauley | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M85] Saint light bal | ||||||||||
[D30] | Y | Bada beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M26] Supersonic | |||||||||
[D31] | Worm beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M64] Minitype flames | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M46] Sensor currents | [M52] Poison tusk attack | ||||||||||
[D32] | Y | Yaku beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M34] Metal flame | [M26] Supersonic | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M14] Thunder light | |||||||||
[D33] | Y | Budchu beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M67] Fish riot walk | |||||||||
[D34] | Kabu beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M34] Metal flame | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M77] X ray | [M67] Fish riot walk | ||||||||||
[D35] | Beetle beast | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M34] Metal flame | [M85] Saint light bal | [M77] X ray | [M110] Flash gun | ||||||||||
[D36] | Y | Balu beast | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M47] Love attack | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | |||||||||
[D37] | Y | Germa beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M78] Cat cat mauley | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M125] Spider spin silk | [M67] Fish riot walk | |||||||||
[D38] | Gazu beast | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M34] Metal flame | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M17] Ancient dint gun | ||||||||||
[D39] | Ore beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M24] Straight water pole | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M26] Supersonic | ||||||||||
[D40] | Y | Ale beast | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M41] Potato wave | [M58] Black heart attack | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M77] X ray | |||||||||
[D41] | Kisa beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M46] Sensor currents | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M138] Blaze mauley | ||||||||||
[D42] | Y | Tadpole beast | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M78] Cat cat mauley | [M77] X ray | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M10] Shinning thunder | |||||||||
[D43] | Better beast | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M86] Umbra dint knife | ||||||||||
[D44] | Y | Fala beast | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M85] Saint light bal | [M116] Small bird pick shot | |||||||||
[D45] | Aaric beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M72] Super aaric | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M110] Flash gun | ||||||||||
[D46] | Kuni beast | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M72] Super aaric | [M34] Metal flame | [M84] Touch mauley | ||||||||||
[D47] | Eatdream beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M55] Super cannon | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M17] Ancient dint gun | ||||||||||
[D48] | Y | Pearl beast | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M8] Poison gas | [M35] Pumpkin covering | |||||||||
[D49] | Y | Big crab beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M11] Cradle song | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M17] Ancient dint gun | |||||||||
[D50] | Y | Dorsal beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M18] Big scissor arm | |||||||||
Stage 3 | Obt. | Name | Lv1 | Lv4 | Lv8 | Lv15 | Lv22 | Lv30 | Lv35 | Lv43 | Lv56 | |||||
[D51] | Y | V EX beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M7] Petal spraying | [M8] Poison gas | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M26] Supersonic | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D52] | Dilu beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M7] Petal spraying | [M24] Straight water pole | [M47] Love attack | [M26] Supersonic | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M84] Touch mauley | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | ||||||
[D53] | Y | Angel beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M34] Metal flame | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M72] Super aaric | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M89] High speed pound | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M100] Honeybee needle | |||||
[D54] | Fly worm beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M85] Saint light bal | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M111] Anger hair day | [M87] Volcano shell | [M92] Disaster niff | ||||||
[D55] | Y | Bawlong beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M34] Metal flame | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M26] Supersonic | [M110] Flash gun | [M116] Small bird pick shot | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M87] Volcano shell | |||||
[D56] | Y | Badola beast | [M41] Potato wave | [M34] Metal flame | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M110] Flash gun | [M84] Touch mauley | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M111] Anger hair day | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | |||||
[D57] | Kalulu beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M41] Potato wave | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M111] Anger hair day | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M123] Harpoon attack | ||||||
[D58] | Pido beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M84] Touch mauley | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M33] Evil shoot wave | ||||||
[D59] | Y | Cactus beast | [M8] Poison gas | [M11] Cradle song | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M26] Supersonic | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M87] Volcano shell | |||||
[D60] | Y | Sea lion beast | [M11] Cradle song | [M47] Love attack | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M77] X ray | [M72] Super aaric | [M85] Saint light bal | [M124] Break wave | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D61] | Y | Unicorn beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M34] Metal flame | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M26] Supersonic | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M111] Anger hair day | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D62] | Y | Mantodea beast | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M24] Straight water pole | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M94] Dragon double nip | [M87] Volcano shell | |||||
[D63] | Y | Betea beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M85] Saint light bal | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | |||||
[D64] | Cape dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M47] Love attack | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M26] Supersonic | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M33] Evil shoot wave | ||||||
[D65] | Y | Drill beast | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M34] Metal flame | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D66] | Y | Palmer beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M77] X ray | [M110] Flash gun | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M88] Tornado spiral | |||||
[D67] | Y | Big Cape beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M84] Touch mauley | [M85] Saint light bal | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M94] Dragon double nip | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D68] | Y | Big dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M26] Supersonic | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M123] Harpoon attack | |||||
[D69] | Nasal beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M41] Potato wave | [M77] X ray | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M111] Anger hair day | ||||||
[D70] | Y | Rednasal beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M34] Metal flame | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M8] Poison gas | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M47] Love attack | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M124] Break wave | |||||
[D71] | Y | Yeti beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M77] X ray | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M116] Small bird pick shot | |||||
[D72] | Y | Shell beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M41] Potato wave | [M77] X ray | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M47] Love attack | [M124] Break wave | [M116] Small bird pick shot | |||||
[D73] | Y | Lobster beast | [M41] Potato wave | [M34] Metal flame | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M8] Poison gas | [M77] X ray | [M47] Love attack | [M72] Super aaric | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M111] Anger hair day | |||||
[D74] | Strange frog | [M7] Petal spraying | [M11] Cradle song | [M24] Straight water pole | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M124] Break wave | [M125] Spider spin silk | ||||||
[D75] | Y | Roach beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M24] Straight water pole | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M41] Potato wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M99] Assimilate life root | |||||
[D76] | Y | Defend beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M47] Love attack | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M111] Anger hair day | |||||
[D77] | Y | 3 head dragon | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M41] Potato wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M8] Poison gas | [M77] X ray | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M72] Super aaric | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M124] Break wave | |||||
[D78] | Y | Ghost beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M47] Love attack | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M125] Spider spin silk | |||||
[D79] | Fly dragon | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M34] Metal flame | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M58] Black heart attack | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | ||||||
[D80] | Y | Flames beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M41] Potato wave | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M72] Super aaric | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M124] Break wave | |||||
[D81] | Y | Dark big dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M41] Potato wave | [M77] X ray | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M97] Spin fly needle | |||||
[D82] | Y | Deadwood beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M11] Cradle song | [M8] Poison gas | [M26] Supersonic | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M24] Straight water pole | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D83] | Y | Empress bee | [M7] Petal spraying | [M34] Metal flame | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M72] Super aaric | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D84] | Y | Fivecape beast | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M72] Super aaric | [M87] Volcano shell | [M92] Disaster niff | |||||
[D85] | Y | Left round | [M64] Minitype flames | [M11] Cradle song | [M34] Metal flame | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M110] Flash gun | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M116] Small bird pick shot | |||||
[D86] | Y | Kingkong beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | |||||
[D87] | Y | Sea dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M85] Saint light bal | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M33] Evil shoot wave | |||||
[D88] | Y | Turd Zimo | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D89] | Ifron beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M88] Tornado spiral | ||||||
[D90] | Bigwhale beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M84] Touch mauley | [M85] Saint light bal | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M40] Opposite energywave | ||||||
[D91] | Wizard beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M84] Touch mauley | [M26] Supersonic | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M11] Cradle song | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M123] Harpoon attack | ||||||
[D92] | Y | Kuka beast | [M32] Lovely attack | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M41] Potato wave | [M77] X ray | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M14] Thunder light | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M31] 3-angled fly driller | |||||
[D93] | Y | Devil dragon | [M3] Acid bulb | [M11] Cradle song | [M8] Poison gas | [M26] Supersonic | [M77] X ray | [M24] Straight water pole | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D94] | Y | Spider beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M34] Metal flame | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M26] Supersonic | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M33] Evil shoot wave | |||||
[D95] | Y | Maqchine armor | [M24] Straight water pole | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M87] Volcano shell | [M33] Evil shoot wave | |||||
[D96] | Doda beast | [M63] Aeriform artillery | [M11] Cradle song | [M34] Metal flame | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M14] Thunder light | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M116] Small bird pick shot | ||||||
[D97] | Y | Thunder ball | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | |||||
[D98] | Kawli beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M34] Metal flame | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M26] Supersonic | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M38] Vacuum knife | [M37] Flying stabbing | ||||||
[D99] | Y | Urus beast | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D100] | Warrior beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M14] Thunder light | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M38] Vacuum knife | ||||||
[D101] | Zukon beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M112] Satisfied stick | ||||||
[D102] | Dolphin beast | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M84] Touch mauley | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M11] Cradle song | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M123] Harpoon attack | ||||||
[D103] | Y | Centauru beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M34] Metal flame | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M26] Supersonic | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M96] Dragon flash gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | |||||
[D104] | Y | Flames Kilin | [M24] Straight water pole | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M87] Volcano shell | [M94] Dragon double nip | |||||
[D105] | Y | 8 claw beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M11] Cradle song | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M14] Thunder light | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M116] Small bird pick shot | |||||
[D106] | Sila beast | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M47] Love attack | [M89] High speed pound | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M88] Tornado spiral | ||||||
[D107] | Y | Strange bird | [M34] Metal flame | [M64] Minitype flames | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M77] X ray | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M38] Vacuum knife | [M122] Iron claw shot | |||||
[D108] | Y | Cuttle fish | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | |||||
[D109] | Y | Yakula beast | [M32] Lovely attack | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M38] Vacuum knife | |||||
[D110] | Y | Chariot beast | [M41] Potato wave | [M11] Cradle song | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M75] Pearl attack | [M37] Flying stabbing | |||||
[D111] | Y | Carapace beast | [M34] Metal flame | [M11] Cradle song | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M84] Touch mauley | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M77] X ray | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M74] Nightmare | |||||
Stage 4 | Obt. | Name | Lv1 | Lv4 | Lv8 | Lv15 | Lv22 | Lv30 | Lv35 | Lv43 | Lv56 | Lv61 | Lv65 | Lv75 | Unused | Unused |
[D112] | Faerie beast | [M32] Lovely attack | [M34] Metal flame | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M74] Nightmare | [M51] Ruined shrapnel | [M53] Armtwisting ele-claw | [M55] Super cannon | |||
[D113] | Y | Sacred angel | [M24] Straight water pole | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M11] Cradle song | [M41] Potato wave | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M89] High speed pound | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M39] Energy light gun | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M50] Clinquant stoup | ||
[D114] | Y | Andolu beast | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M64] Minitype flames | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M77] X ray | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M38] Vacuum knife | [M122] Iron claw shot | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M112] Satisfied stick | [M96] Dragon flash gun | ||
[D115] | Y | Corpse dragon | [M42] Egg attack fruit | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M61] High sky drill | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D116] | Y | Machine dragon | [M32] Lovely attack | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M52] Poison tusk attack | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M38] Vacuum knife | [M61] High sky drill | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M20] Super energy gun | ||
[D117] | Y | Strange frog | [M41] Potato wave | [M11] Cradle song | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M85] Saint light bal | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M75] Pearl attack | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M48] Deep night raid | ||
[D118] | Y | Egg beast | [M34] Metal flame | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M84] Touch mauley | [M26] Supersonic | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M77] X ray | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M54] Justice bullet | [M73] Thunder shock | ||
[D119] | Frog king | [M2] Soap bulb | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M26] Supersonic | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M20] Super energy gun | |||
[D120] | Y | Supersea dragon | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M21] Love sea | ||
[D121] | Y | Yakili beast | [M5] Poisonou bulb | [M47] Love attack | [M23] Continuing attack | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M54] Justice bullet | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D122] | Y | Big kuka beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M84] Touch mauley | [M85] Saint light bal | [M14] Thunder light | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M122] Iron claw shot | ||
[D123] | Y | Mummy beast | [M23] Continuing attack | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M84] Touch mauley | [M26] Supersonic | [M24] Straight water pole | [M11] Cradle song | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M21] Love sea | [M61] High sky drill | [M127] Bandage snake shot | ||
[D124] | Y | WildLosa beast | [M32] Lovely attack | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M41] Potato wave | [M77] X ray | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M14] Thunder light | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M31] 3-angled fly driller | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M61] High sky drill | [M39] Energy light gun | ||
[D125] | Y | Knight beast | [M3] Acid bulb | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M26] Supersonic | [M8] Poison gas | [M24] Straight water pole | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M21] Love sea | [M48] Deep night raid | ||
[D126] | Y | Mammoth beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M54] Justice bullet | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M27] Sacred cannon bom | ||
[D127] | Y | Bear beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M87] Volcano shell | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M21] Love sea | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D128] | Y | Triangle beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M11] Cradle song | [M34] Metal flame | [M26] Supersonic | [M85] Saint light bal | [M32] Lovely attack | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M116] Small bird pick shot | [M101] Meteor rain | [M104] Ifron dart | [M51] Ruined shrapnel | ||
[D129] | Y | Zuli beast | [M8] Poison gas | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M127] Bandage snake shot | ||
[D130] | Y | Yaluka beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M21] Love sea | ||
[D131] | Y | Been beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M96] Dragon flash gun | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M51] Ruined shrapnel | ||
[D132] | Y | Bigness Been | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M34] Metal flame | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M104] Ifron dart | [M48] Deep night raid | ||
[D133] | Y | Steel Been | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M110] Flash gun | [M41] Potato wave | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M21] Love sea | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D134] | Y | Cannon ball | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M85] Saint light bal | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M94] Dragon double nip | [M54] Justice bullet | [M27] Sacred cannon bom | ||
[D135] | Y | Corpse Satan | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M84] Touch mauley | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M21] Love sea | [M20] Super energy gun | ||
[D136] | Y | Hag beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M54] Justice bullet | [M82] Meteorite big pinna | [M50] Clinquant stoup | ||
[D137] | Y | Seadevil beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M4] Sticky bulb | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M92] Disaster niff | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M87] Volcano shell | [M75] Pearl attack | [M21] Love sea | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D138] | Machine dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M11] Cradle song | [M34] Metal flame | [M26] Supersonic | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M32] Lovely attack | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M54] Justice bullet | [M70] Spin fly knife | [M91] Flames jet | [M80] Final stab the peg | |||
[D139] | Kuzan beast | [M8] Poison gas | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M92] Disaster niff | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M127] Bandage snake shot | |||
[D140] | Human eagle | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M21] Love sea | |||
[D141] | Vampire beast | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M72] Super aaric | [M57] Paralysis wave | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M82] Meteorite big pinna | |||
[D142] | Y | Flower faery | [M7] Petal spraying | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M39] Energy light gun | [M48] Deep night raid | ||
[D143] | Super Pido | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M21] Love sea | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M19] Hell hunting | |||
[D144] | Y | Kaloda beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M85] Saint light bal | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M54] Justice bullet | [M50] Clinquant stoup | ||
[D145] | Beast personal | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M14] Thunder light | [M26] Supersonic | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M75] Pearl attack | [M59] Time pause | [M21] Love sea | [M127] Bandage snake shot | |||
[D146] | Kimila beast | [M24] Straight water pole | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M92] Disaster niff | [M87] Volcano shell | [M90] Super ice arrows | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M19] Hell hunting | [M75] Pearl attack | [M21] Love sea | [M66] Wing flash | [M79] Heaven mauley | [M107] Thunder evocative | [M109] Miga Big Gun | |
[D147] | Black dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M11] Cradle song | [M34] Metal flame | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M91] Flames jet | [M82] Meteorite big pinna | [M27] Sacred cannon bom | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M120] Energy sword | [M147] Secret attack | [M98] Despiar pound | [M107] Thunder evocative | [M113] Kill cannon | |
[D148] | Blueness dragon | [M8] Poison gas | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M89] High speed pound | [M81] Super flames | [M111] Anger hair day | [M124] Break wave | [M68] Wrath rock | [M141] Lightning Cape cut | [M142] Ion shoot | [M109] Miga Big Gun | |
[D149] | Awmika beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M110] Flash gun | [M90] Super ice arrows | [M29] Storm comet | [M27] Sacred cannon bom | [M128] Die it shock | [M124] Break wave | [M68] Wrath rock | [M98] Despiar pound | [M117] Sacred bow and arrow | [M118] Waive sin saint light | |
[D150] | Super devil | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M74] Nightmare | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M39] Energy light gun | [M19] Hell hunting | [M21] Love sea | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M83] Fox flames | [M141] Lightning Cape cut | [M98] Despiar pound | [M113] Kill cannon | |
[D151] | Thousand year | [M7] Petal spraying | [M24] Straight water pole | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M95] Demolish cannon | [M21] Love sea | [M120] Energy sword | [M83] Fox flames | [M103] Sea dragon ice arrows | [M121] Zero cruise flip | [M131] Die bomb | |
[D152] | Pole devil | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M89] High speed pound | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M96] Dragon flash gun | [M73] Thunder shock | [M49] Ultimate bomb | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M21] Love sea | [M119] Super missilery | [M79] Heaven mauley | [M117] Sacred bow and arrow | [M145] Gold drill pound | |
[D153] | Super vampire | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M85] Saint light bal | [M39] Energy light gun | [M49] Ultimate bomb | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M124] Break wave | [M147] Secret attack | [M106] Big tsunami | [M130] Ivory bambard | [M136] Big sword attack | |
[D154] | King dragon1 | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M14] Thunder light | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M48] Deep night raid | [M55] Super cannon | [M126] Sulphuric acid smoke | [M124] Break wave | [M102] Super dint attack | [M129] Madness it arrows | [M107] Thunder evocative | [M131] Die bomb | |
[D155] | King dragon2 | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M34] Metal flame | [M89] High speed pound | [M14] Thunder light | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M60] Gold drill the Star | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M21] Love sea | [M108] Blood-red claw shot | [M114] Fflames bambard | [M132] Black wave of hell | [M146] Devil emmagee | |
[D156] | Ruined devil | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M96] Dragon flash gun | [M48] Deep night raid | [M55] Super cannon | [M58] Black heart attack | [M21] Love sea | [M115] Kill dart | [M129] Madness it arrows | [M139] Shell fly the knife | [M145] Gold drill pound | |
[D157] | Fight dragon | [M7] Petal spraying | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M76] Strong dint attack | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M81] Super flames | [M133] Black poison sin | [M120] Energy sword | [M105] Water fly arrows | [M98] Despiar pound | [M140] Thunder Ford | [M149] Sacred pin rain | |
[D158] | Super Pido | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M53] Armtwisting ele-claw | [M60] Gold drill the Star | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M124] Break wave | [M119] Super missilery | [M103] Sea dragon ice arrows | [M107] Thunder evocative | [M146] Devil emmagee | |
[D159] | Y | Steel Kalu | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M122] Iron claw shot | [M51] Ruined shrapnel | [M95] Demolish cannon | [M92] Disaster niff | [M21] Love sea | [M108] Blood-red claw shot | [M135] Kalulu cannon | [M142] Ion shoot | [M149] Sacred pin rain |
[D160] | Y | Flames beast | [M8] Poison gas | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M26] Supersonic | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M92] Disaster niff | [M127] Bandage snake shot | [M103] Sea dragon ice arrows | ||
[D161] | Y | Thunder dragont | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M14] Thunder light | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M71] Overstocked atomizing | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M56] Black wheel gear | [M21] Love sea | ||
[D162] | Gold dragon | [M64] Minitype flames | [M24] Straight water pole | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M77] X ray | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M97] Spin fly needle | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M100] Honeybee needle | [M44] Supporting lead bom | [M82] Meteorite big pinna | |||
[D163] | Godeagle beast | [M7] Petal spraying | [M6] Pollen geyser | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M43] Evil's kiss | [M84] Touch mauley | [M67] Fish riot walk | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M33] Evil shoot wave | [M39] Energy light gun | [M48] Deep night raid | |||
[D164] | Y | Ninja beast | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M47] Love attack | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M138] Blaze mauley | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M36] Poisoncross knife | [M99] Assimilate life root | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M21] Love sea | [M96] Dragon flash gun | [M19] Hell hunting | ||
[D165] | Y | Steel drill | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M11] Cradle song | [M23] Continuing attack | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M85] Saint light bal | [M18] Big scissor arm | [M86] Umbra dint knife | [M61] High sky drill | [M25] Sea-moaning black gun | [M54] Justice bullet | [M50] Clinquant stoup | ||
[D166] | Y | Prowl shark | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M12] Blood-suck needle | [M15] Evil magic dream | [M14] Thunder light | [M26] Supersonic | [M28] Tank direct punch | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M40] Opposite energywave | [M75] Pearl attack | [M59] Time pause | [M21] Love sea | [M104] Ifron dart | ||
[D167] | Nifedi beast | [M8] Poison gas | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M23] Continuing attack | [M41] Potato wave | [M14] Thunder light | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M89] High speed pound | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M37] Flying stabbing | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M91] Flames jet | |||
[D168] | Y | Pegasus beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M110] Flash gun | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M31] 3-angled fly driller | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M122] Iron claw shot | [M112] Satisfied stick | [M101] Meteor rain | ||
[D169] | Judgment day | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M24] Straight water pole | [M30] 3-division evil stick | [M74] Nightmare | [M84] Touch mauley | [M122] Iron claw shot | [M39] Energy light gun | [M81] Super flames | [M21] Love sea | [M58] Black heart attack | [M83] Fox flames | [M141] Lightning Cape cut | [M101] Meteor rain | [M149] Sacred pin rain | |
[D170] | Bawkali beast | [M9] Dizzy smoke | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M16] 3-dimension light wave | [M10] Shinning thunder | [M88] Tornado spiral | [M35] Pumpkin covering | [M51] Ruined shrapnel | [M55] Super cannon | [M21] Love sea | [M133] Black poison sin | [M83] Fox flames | [M98] Despiar pound | [M139] Shell fly the knife | [M131] Die bomb | |
[D171] | Micellae beast | [M13] Poisonous vine | [M45] Smiling bomb | [M34] Metal flame | [M41] Potato wave | [M120] Energy sword | [M22] Dead spirit curse | [M31] 3-angled fly driller | [M17] Ancient dint gun | [M65] Sorcery flames | [M133] Black poison sin | [M123] Harpoon attack | [M111] Anger hair day |
Stage 1 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Digivolutions (lv10) |
[D1] | Y | Doding beast | DemiVeemon | [D26] V beast [D42] Tadpole beast |
[D2] | Y | Dundun beast | Poromon | [D40] Ale beast [D30] Bada beast [D36] Balu beast [D33] Budchu beast |
[D3] | Y | Ouber beast | Upamon | [D28] Pangolin beast |
[D4] | Mawmaw beast | Nyaromon | [D29] Puppy beast [D46] Kuni beast [D40] Ale beast [D34] Kabu beast | |
[D5] | Larval beast | Minomon | [D31] Worm beast | |
[D6] | Y | Diger beast | Tokomon | [D30] Bada beast [D44] Fala beast |
[D7] | Y | Beagu beast | Leafmon | [D37] Germa beast |
[D8] | Shwchu beast | YukimiBotamon | [D29] Puppy beast [D46] Kuni beast [D40] Ale beast [D34] Kabu beast | |
[D9] | Hechu beast | Botamon | [D50] Dorsal beast [D32] Yaku beast | |
[D10] | Y | Bowl beast | Koromon | [D50] Dorsal beast [D32] Yaku beast |
[D11] | Buni beast | Punimon | [D38] Gazu beast | |
[D12] | Sanni beast | Tsunomon | [D29] Puppy beast [D46] Kuni beast [D40] Ale beast [D34] Kabu beast | |
[D13] | Pelagian beast | Poyomon | [D39] Ore beast [D43] Better beast [D35] Beetle beast [D38] Gazu beast | |
[D14] | Pizi beast | Yuramon | [D48] Pearl beast [D49] Big crab beast [D37] Germa beast | |
[D15] | Flochu beast | Pitimon | [D40] Ale beast [D30] Bada beast [D36] Balu beast [D33] Budchu beast | |
[D16] | Seed beast | Tanemon | [D40] Ale beast [D30] Bada beast [D36] Balu beast [D33] Budchu beast | |
[D17] | Evil beast | Zurumon | [D37] Germa beast | |
[D18] | Berku beast | Pagumon | [D39] Ore beast [D43] Better beast [D35] Beetle beast [D38] Gazu beast | |
[D19] | Foam beast | Pabumon | [D33] Budchu beast | |
[D20] | Neangaw beast | Motimon | [D35] Beetle beast | |
[D21] | Pikaw beast | Yokomon | [D45] Aaric beast | |
[D22] | Puka beast | Bukamon | [D37] Germa beast [D43] Better beast [D47] Eatdream beast | |
[D23] | Heen beast | Mokumon | [D37] Germa beast [D43] Better beast [D47] Eatdream beast | |
[D24] | Fireball beast | DemiMeramon | [D37] Germa beast [D43] Better beast [D47] Eatdream beast | |
[D25] | Y | Viner beast | Nyokimon | [D48] Pearl beast [D49] Big crab beast [D37] Germa beast |
Stage 2 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Digivolutions (lv30) |
[D26] | Y | V beast | Veemon | [D51] V EX beast |
[D27] | Eagle beast | Hawkmon | [D79] Fly dragon [D100] Warrior beast | |
[D28] | Y | Pangolin beast | Armadillomon | [D111] Carapace beast [D85] Left round |
[D29] | Puppy beast | Salamon | [D52] Dilu beast | |
[D30] | Y | Bada beast | Patamon | [D53] Angel beast [D80] Flames beast [D88] Turd Zimo [D66] Palmer beast |
[D31] | Worm beast | Wormmon | [D98] Kawli beast [D92] Kuka beast [D74] Strange frog [D54] Fly worm beast | |
[D32] | Y | Yaku beast | Agumon | [D81] Dark big dragon [D55] Bawlong beast |
[D33] | Y | Budchu beast | Biyomon | [D56] Badola beast [D82] Deadwood beast [D110] Chariot beast |
[D34] | Kabu beast | Gabumon | N/A | |
[D35] | Beetle beast | Tentomon | [D58] Pido beast [D107] Strange bird [D89] Ifron beast [D81] Dark big dragon | |
[D36] | Y | Balu beast | Palmon | [D92] Kuka beast [D59] Cactus beast [D103] Centauru beast [D61] Unicorn beast |
[D37] | Y | Germa beast | Gomamon | [D67] Big Cape beast [D97] Thunder ball [D93] Devil dragon [D105] 8 claw beast [D92] Kuka beast [D60] Sea lion beast [D78] Ghost beast [D109] Yakula beast |
[D38] | Gazu beast | Gazimon | [D96] Doda beast [D103] Centauru beast [D89] Ifron beast [D106] Sila beast | |
[D39] | Ore beast | Gotsumon | [D102] Dolphin beast [D58] Pido beast [D85] Left round [D74] Strange frog | |
[D40] | Y | Ale beast | Elecmon | [D76] Defend beast [D107] Strange bird [D94] Spider beast [D71] Yeti beast [D53] Angel beast [D70] Rednasal beast [D75] Roach beast |
[D41] | Kisa beast | Gizamon | [D90] Bigwhale beast [D88] Turd Zimo | |
[D42] | Y | Tadpole beast | Otamamon | [D73] Lobster beast [D65] Drill beast [D68] Big dragon [D72] Shell beast |
[D43] | Better beast | Betamon | [D97] Thunder ball [D91] Wizard beast [D86] Kingkong beast [D64] Cape dragon | |
[D44] | Y | Fala beast | Floramon | [D61] Unicorn beast [D62] Mantodea beast [D103] Centauru beast |
[D45] | Aaric beast | Mushroomon | [D69] Nasal beast [D82] Deadwood beast [D56] Badola beast [D101] Zukon beast | |
[D46] | Kuni beast | Kunemon | [D101] Zukon beast [D90] Bigwhale beast [D85] Left round [D56] Badola beast | |
[D47] | Eatdream beast | Tapirmon | [D101] Zukon beast [D90] Bigwhale beast | |
[D48] | Y | Pearl beast | Syakomon | [D105] 8 claw beast [D108] Cuttle fish [D87] Sea dragon [D60] Sea lion beast |
[D49] | Y | Big crab beast | Crabmon | [D86] Kingkong beast [D77] 3 head dragon [D95] Maqchine armor [D83] Empress bee [D84] Fivecape beast [D108] Cuttle fish [D87] Sea dragon [D92] Kuka beast |
[D50] | Y | Dorsal beast | Betamon | [D81] Dark big dragon [D109] Yakula beast [D104] Flames Kilin [D99] Urus beast [D63] Betea beast [D80] Flames beast |
Stage 3 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Digivolutions (lv60) |
[D51] | Y | V EX beast | ExVeemon | [D160] Flames beast [D159] Steel Kalu |
[D52] | Dilu beast | Gatomon | [D112] Faerie beast [D167] Nifedi beast | |
[D53] | Y | Angel beast | Angemon | [D113] Sacred angel [D168] Pegasus beast |
[D54] | Fly worm beast | Stingmon | [D113] Sacred angel | |
[D55] | Y | Bawlong beast | Greymon | [D116] Machine dragon |
[D56] | Y | Badola beast | Birdramon | [D144] Kaloda beast |
[D57] | Kalulu beast | Garurumon | [D145] Beast personal | |
[D58] | Pido beast | Kabuterimon | [D143] Super pido | |
[D59] | Y | Cactus beast | Togemon | [D142] Flower faery |
[D60] | Y | Sea lion beast | Ikkakumon | [D129] Zuli beast [D126] Mammoth beast |
[D61] | Y | Unicorn beast | Unimon | [D125] Knight beast [D136] Hag beast |
[D62] | Y | Mantodea beast | Snimon | [D127] Bear beast [D123] Mummy beast |
[D63] | Y | Betea beast | Numemon | [D127] Bear beast |
[D64] | Cape dragon | Monochromon | [D128] Triangle beast | |
[D65] | Y | Drill beast | Drimogemon | [D128] Triangle beast |
[D66] | Y | Palmer beast | Mojyamon | [D135] Corpse Satan |
[D67] | Y | Big Cape beast | Tuskmon | [D133] Steel Been |
[D68] | Y | Big dragon | Tyrannomon | [D116] Machine dragon |
[D69] | Nasal beast | RedVegiemon | [D126] Mammoth beast | |
[D70] | Y | Rednasal beast | Weedmon | [D123] Mummy beast |
[D71] | Y | Yeti beast | Frigimon | [D126] Mammoth beast |
[D72] | Y | Shell beast | Shellmon | [D114] Andolu beast |
[D73] | Y | Lobster beast | Ebidramon | [D160] Flames beast [D137] Seadevil beast |
[D74] | Strange frog | Gekomon | [D119] Frog king | |
[D75] | Y | Roach beast | Roachmon | [D130] Yaluka beast |
[D76] | Y | Defend beast | Guardromon | [D125] Knight beast |
[D77] | Y | 3 head dragon | Deltamon | [D115] Corpse dragon |
[D78] | Y | Ghost beast | Bakemon | [D123] Mummy beast |
[D79] | Fly dragon | Airdramon | [D125] Knight beast | |
[D80] | Y | Flames beast | Meramon | [D124] WildLosa beast [D131] Been beast |
[D81] | Y | Dark big dragon | DarkTyrannomon | [D115] Corpse dragon |
[D82] | Y | Deadwood beast | Woodmon | [D124] WildLosa beast |
[D83] | Y | Empress bee | Flymon | [D142] Flower faery [D132] Bigness Been |
[D84] | Y | Fivecape beast | Starmon | [D134] Cannon ball |
[D85] | Y | Left round | Deputymon | [D134] Cannon ball [D121] Yakili beast [D166] Prowl shark |
[D86] | Y | Kingkong beast | Gorillamon | [D137] Seadevil beast [D135] Corpse Satan |
[D87] | Y | Sea dragon | Seadramon | [D120] Supersea dragon [D137] Seadevil beast |
[D88] | Y | Turd Zimo | Sukamon | [D132] Bigness Been [D121] Yakili beast [D136] Hag beast |
[D89] | Ifron beast | Ninjamon | [D116] Machine dragon [D127] Bear beast | |
[D90] | Bigwhale beast | Whamon | [D128] Triangle beast [D137] Seadevil beast | |
[D91] | Wizard beast | Wizardmon | [D141] Vampire beast | |
[D92] | Y | Kuka beast | Kuwagamon | [D122] Big kuka beast [D130] Yaluka beast [D120] Supersea dragon |
[D93] | Y | Devil dragon | Devidramon | [D115] Corpse dragon |
[D94] | Y | Spider beast | Dokugumon | [D124] WildLosa beast |
[D95] | Y | Maqchine armor | Mekanorimon | [D117] Strange frog |
[D96] | Doda beast | Tortomon | [D131] Bene beast | |
[D97] | Y | Thunder ball | Thundermon | [D118] Egg beast [D136] Hag beast |
[D98] | Kawli beast | Golemon | [D113] Sacred angel | |
[D99] | Y | Urus beast | Minotarumon | [D116] Machine dragon [D127] Bear beast |
[D100] | Warrior beast | Musyamon | [D112] Faerie beast [D125] Knight beast | |
[D101] | Zukon beast | Leomon | [D136] Hag beast [D141] Vampire beast | |
[D102] | Dolphin beast | Dolphmon | [D120] Supersea dragon [D137] Seadevil beast | |
[D103] | Y | Centauru beast | Centarumon | [D125] Knight beast [D134] Cannon ball |
[D104] | Y | Flames Kilin | Flarerizamon | [D136] Hag beast |
[D105] | Y | 8 claw beast | Octomon | [D137] Seadevil beast [D129] Zuli beast [D120] Supersea dragon |
[D106] | Sila beast | Coelamon | [D114] Andolu beast | |
[D107] | Y | Strange bird | Kiwimon | [D118] Egg beast [D130] Yaluka beast |
[D108] | Y | Cuttle fish | Gesomon | [D137] Seadevil beast [D129] Zuli beast [D120] Supersea dragon |
[D109] | Y | Yakula beast | Aquilamon | [D161] Thunder dragont [D164] Ninja beast [D130] Yaluka beast |
[D110] | Y | Chariot beast | Tankmon | [D129] Zuli beast |
[D111] | Y | Carapace beast | Ankylomon | [D165] Steel drill |
Stage 4 | Obt. | Name | Real name | Digivolutions - final stages |
[D112] | Faerie beast | Angewomon | ||
[D113] | Y | Sacred angel | MagnaAngemon | |
[D114] | Y | Andolu beast | Andromon | |
[D115] | Y | Corpse dragon | SkullGreymon | |
[D116] | Y | Machine dragon | MetalGreymon | |
[D117] | Y | Strange frog | Divermon | |
[D118] | Y | Egg beast | Digitamamon | |
[D119] | Frog king | ShogunGekomon | ||
[D120] | Y | Supersea dragon | MegaSeadramon | |
[D121] | Y | Yakili beast | Arukenimon | |
[D122] | Y | Big kuka beast | Okuwamon | |
[D123] | Y | Mummy beast | Mummymon | |
[D124] | Y | WildLosa beast | Blossomon | |
[D125] | Y | Knight beast | Knightmon | |
[D126] | Y | Mammoth beast | Mammothmon | |
[D127] | Y | Bear beast | Monzaemon | |
[D128] | Y | Triangle beast | Triceramon | |
[D129] | Y | Zuli beast | Cherrymon | |
[D130] | Y | Yaluka beast | Scorpiomon | |
[D131] | Y | Been beast | Mamemon | |
[D132] | Y | Bigness Been | BigMamemon | |
[D133] | Y | Steel Been | MetalMamemon | |
[D134] | Y | Cannon ball | Giromon | |
[D135] | Y | Corpse Satan | SkullSatamon | |
[D136] | Y | Hag beast | LadyDevimon | |
[D137] | Y | Seadevil beast | MarineDevimon | |
[D138] | Machine dragon | Paildramon | ||
[D139] | Kuzan beast | Shakkoumon | ||
[D140] | Human eagle | Silphymon | ||
[D141] | Vampire beast | Myotismon | ||
[D142] | Y | Flower faery | Lillymon | |
[D143] | Super Pido | MegaKabuterimon | ||
[D144] | Y | Kaloda beast | Garudamon | |
[D145] | Beast personal | WereGarurumon | ||
[D146] | Kimila beast | Kimeramon | ||
[D147] | Black dragon | BlackWarGreymon | ||
[D148] | Blueness dragon | Azulongmon | ||
[D149] | Awmika beast | Omnimon | ||
[D150] | Super devil | Diaboromon | ||
[D151] | Thousand year | Millenniummon | ||
[D152] | Pole devil | Daemon (Mantled) | ||
[D153] | Super vampire | VenomMyotismon | ||
[D154] | King dragon1 | Imperialdramon (Fighter) | ||
[D155] | King dragon2 | Imperialdramon (Dragon) | ||
[D156] | Ruined devil | MaloMyotismon | ||
[D157] | Fight dragon | WarGreymon | ||
[D158] | Super Pido | HerculesKabuterimon | ||
[D159] | Y | Steel Kalu | MetalGarurumon | |
[D160] | Y | Flames beast | Flamedramon | |
[D161] | Y | Thunder dragont | Raidramon | |
[D162] | Gold dragon | Magnamon | ||
[D163] | Godeagle beast | Halsemon | ||
[D164] | Y | Ninja beast | Shurimon | |
[D165] | Y | Steel drill | Digmon | |
[D166] | Y | Prowl shark | Submarimon | |
[D167] | Nifedi beast | Nefertimon | ||
[D168] | Y | Pegasus beast | Pegasusmon | |
[D169] | Judgment day | Armageddemon | ||
[D170] | Bawkali beast | Apokarimon | ||
[D171] | Micellae beast | Datamon |
All encounters with a Party ID above 0 are part of a party of the previous encounter. For example, if [E14] appears as a wild encounter, it will consist of both Digimon of [E14] and [E15] as part of one battle. Only the former's EXP and Gold counts are used, and all Digimon in the party must be beaten to receive the rewards.
Encounters from [E593] to [E625] are boss encounters, and cannot be escaped from.
Encounter ID | Party ID | Digimon ID | Digimon Name | Level | HP | Experience | Gold | Notes | Moves | |||||||||||||||||||||||
[E1] | 0 | [D1] | Doding beast | 1 | 8 | 2 | 10 | Dark Tower | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] | [M1] | [M2] |
[E2] | 0 | [D2] | Dundun beast | 1 | 8 | 4 | 25 | Dark Tower | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] | [M13] | [M1] |
[E3] | 0 | [D4] | Mawmaw beast | 2 | 8 | 4 | 15 | Dark Tower | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] | [M1] | [M8] | [M23] |
[E4] | 0 | [D3] | Ouber beast | 1 | 8 | 4 | 20 | Dark Tower | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] | [M2] | [M32] |
[E5] | 0 | [D5] | Larval beast | 3 | 12 | 6 | 20 | Dark Tower | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] |
[E6] | 0 | [D6] | Diger beast | 2 | 10 | 4 | 35 | Dark Tower | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] |
[E7] | 0 | [D8] | Shwchu beast | 3 | 11 | 6 | 20 | Dark Tower | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] |
[E8] | 0 | [D7] | Beagu beast | 3 | 12 | 6 | 40 | Dark Tower | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] |
[E9] | 0 | [D10] | Bowl beast | 4 | 48 | 10 | 30 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] |
[E10] | 0 | [D11] | Buni beast | 4 | 48 | 10 | 30 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] | [M5] | [M2] | [M12] |
[E11] | 0 | [D12] | Sanni beast | 3 | 36 | 6 | 20 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] | [M2] | [M5] | [M10] |
[E12] | 0 | [D13] | Pelagian beast | 3 | 36 | 6 | 20 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] |
[E13] | 0 | [D14] | Pizi beast | 3 | 38 | 4 | 15 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] | [M4] | [M3] | [M5] |
[E14] | 0 | [D15] | Flochu beast | 4 | 48 | 16 | 35 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] |
[E15] | 1 | [D16] | Seed beast | 3 | 39 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | |
[E16] | 0 | [D13] | Pelagian beast | 4 | 44 | 10 | 30 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] | [M4] | [M7] | [M32] |
[E17] | 0 | [D12] | Sanni beast | 4 | 45 | 10 | 30 | Steaming Hot Desert | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] |
[E18] | 0 | [D14] | Pizi beast | 4 | 46 | 10 | 30 | Spiral Mountain | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] |
[E19] | 0 | [D15] | Flochu beast | 5 | 56 | 15 | 40 | Spiral Mountain | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] |
[E20] | 0 | [D7] | Beagu beast | 5 | 54 | 15 | 40 | Spiral Mountain | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] | [M2] | [M9] | [M26] |
[E21] | 0 | [D11] | Buni beast | 6 | 64 | 22 | 50 | Spiral Mountain | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] | [M2] | [M14] | [M12] |
[E22] | 0 | [D16] | Seed beast | 5 | 56 | 30 | 80 | Spiral Mountain | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] |
[E23] | 1 | [D5] | Larval beast | 5 | 58 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | [M2] | [M7] | [M3] | |
[E24] | 0 | [D6] | Diger beast | 5 | 56 | 37 | 90 | Spiral Mountain | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] | [M4] | [M1] | [M7] |
[E25] | 1 | [D7] | Beagu beast | 6 | 70 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | [M2] | [M1] | [M26] | |
[E26] | 0 | [D17] | Evil beast | 6 | 66 | 44 | 100 | Spiral Mountain | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] | [M2] | [M14] | [M3] |
[E27] | 1 | [D18] | Berku beast | 6 | 74 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | |
[E28] | 0 | [D8] | Shwchu beast | 6 | 68 | 44 | 100 | Spiral Mountain | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] |
[E29] | 1 | [D9] | Hechu beast | 6 | 72 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | [M2] | [M8] | [M26] | |
[E30] | 0 | [D19] | Foam beast | 7 | 87 | 28 | 60 | Opafication Forest | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] | [M4] | [M2] | [M13] |
[E31] | 0 | [D20] | Neangaw beast | 7 | 84 | 28 | 60 | Opafication Forest | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] | [M4] | [M3] | [M42] |
[E32] | 0 | [D21] | Pikaw beast | 8 | 98 | 36 | 75 | Opafication Forest | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] | [M4] | [M2] | [M14] |
[E33] | 0 | [D22] | Puka beast | 8 | 98 | 36 | 75 | Opafication Forest | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] | [M2] | [M3] | [M4] |
[E34] | 0 | [D23] | Heen beast | 7 | 86 | 56 | 120 | Opafication Forest | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] | [M1] | [M23] | [M18] |
[E35] | 1 | [D21] | Pikaw beast | 7 | 82 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | [M1] | [M2] | [M14] | |
[E36] | 0 | [D20] | Neangaw beast | 7 | 84 | 64 | 135 | Opafication Forest | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] |
[E37] | 1 | [D6] | Diger beast | 8 | 96 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M3] | [M7] | |
[E38] | 0 | [D22] | Puka beast | 8 | 96 | 72 | 150 | Opafication Forest | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] | [M2] | [M3] | [M8] |
[E39] | 1 | [D14] | Pizi beast | 8 | 98 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | [M2] | [M3] | [M5] | |
[E40] | 0 | [D8] | Shwchu beast | 8 | 98 | 72 | 150 | Opafication Forest | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] | [M4] | [M16] | [M7] |
[E41] | 1 | [D9] | Hechu beast | 8 | 105 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | [M4] | [M3] | [M2] | |
[E42] | 0 | [D23] | Heen beast | 9 | 165 | 45 | 86 | Ice Frost Tower | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] | [M4] | [M32] | [M18] |
[E43] | 0 | [D24] | Fireball beast | 9 | 168 | 45 | 86 | Ice Frost Tower | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] |
[E44] | 0 | [D25] | Viner beast | 10 | 180 | 50 | 102 | Ice Frost Tower | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] | [M4] | [M2] | [M10] |
[E45] | 0 | [D26] | V beast | 10 | 180 | 50 | 102 | Ice Frost Tower | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] | [M4] | [M32] | [M11] |
[E46] | 0 | [D26] | V beast | 9 | 164 | 90 | 172 | Ice Frost Tower | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] | [M4] | [M33] | [M11] |
[E47] | 1 | [D27] | Eagle beast | 9 | 166 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | |
[E48] | 0 | [D25] | Viner beast | 9 | 167 | 95 | 188 | Ice Frost Tower | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] | [M4] | [M2] | [M41] |
[E49] | 1 | [D20] | Neangaw beast | 10 | 178 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | [M4] | [M3] | [M43] | |
[E50] | 0 | [D24] | Fireball beast | 10 | 184 | 100 | 204 | Ice Frost Tower | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] | [M2] | [M24] | [M5] |
[E51] | 1 | [D18] | Berku beast | 10 | 189 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | [M4] | [M5] | [M14] | |
[E52] | 0 | [D15] | Flochu beast | 10 | 192 | 100 | 204 | Ice Frost Tower | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] | [M24] | [M2] | [M3] |
[E53] | 1 | [D16] | Seed beast | 10 | 198 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | [M2] | [M9] | [M10] | |
[E54] | 0 | [D28] | Pangolin beast | 11 | 205 | 58 | 112 | Old Mine Pit | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] |
[E55] | 0 | [D29] | Puppy beast | 12 | 219 | 63 | 119 | Old Mine Pit | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] |
[E56] | 0 | [D30] | Bada beast | 11 | 200 | 108 | 214 | Old Mine Pit | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] |
[E57] | 1 | [D31] | Worm beast | 10 | 184 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M22] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M22] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M22] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M22] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | |
[E58] | 0 | [D30] | Bada beast | 12 | 206 | 63 | 119 | Old Mine Pit | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M53] | [M47] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M53] | [M47] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M53] | [M47] | [M65] | [M64] | [M11] | [M13] | [M53] | [M47] |
[E59] | 0 | [D27] | Eagle beast | 10 | 187 | 113 | 221 | Old Mine Pit | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] |
[E60] | 1 | [D29] | Puppy beast | 12 | 206 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M85] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M85] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M85] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M85] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | |
[E61] | 0 | [D28] | Pangolin beast | 11 | 196 | 121 | 231 | Old Mine Pit | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] |
[E62] | 1 | [D30] | Bada beast | 12 | 208 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M64] | [M14] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M14] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M14] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M14] | [M13] | [M27] | [M65] | [M64] | [M14] | [M13] | |
[E63] | 0 | [D23] | Heen beast | 11 | 192 | 116 | 224 | Old Mine Pit | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] | [M4] | [M3] | [M18] |
[E64] | 1 | [D31] | Worm beast | 11 | 188 | 0 | 0 | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | |
[E65] | 0 | [D31] | Worm beast | 12 | 202 | 126 | 238 | Old Mine Pit | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] |
[E66] | 1 | [D29] | Puppy beast | 12 | 215 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M86] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M86] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M86] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | [M86] | [M65] | [M79] | [M58] | [M44] | |
[E67] | 0 | [D31] | Worm beast | 13 | 260 | 70 | 135 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] |
[E68] | 0 | [D32] | Yaku beast | 13 | 256 | 70 | 135 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M25] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M25] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M25] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M25] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M25] |
[E69] | 0 | [D33] | Budchu beast | 14 | 275 | 78 | 144 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M25] | [M46] | [M100] | [M35] | [M68] | [M25] | [M46] | [M100] | [M35] | [M68] | [M25] | [M46] | [M100] | [M35] | [M68] | [M25] | [M46] | [M100] | [M35] | [M68] | [M25] | [M46] | [M100] | [M35] |
[E70] | 0 | [D34] | Kabu beast | 13 | 255 | 140 | 270 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M65] | [M35] | [M25] | [M78] | [M68] | [M65] | [M35] | [M25] | [M78] | [M68] | [M65] | [M35] | [M25] | [M78] | [M68] | [M65] | [M35] | [M25] | [M78] | [M68] | [M65] | [M35] | [M25] | [M78] |
[E71] | 1 | [D32] | Yaku beast | 13 | 256 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | |
[E72] | 0 | [D35] | Beetle beast | 13 | 248 | 148 | 279 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M64] | [M35] | [M86] | [M78] | [M111] | [M64] | [M35] | [M86] | [M78] | [M111] | [M64] | [M35] | [M86] | [M78] | [M111] | [M64] | [M35] | [M86] | [M78] | [M111] | [M64] | [M35] | [M86] | [M78] |
[E73] | 1 | [D36] | Balu beast | 14 | 271 | 0 | 0 | [M35] | [M48] | [M17] | [M127] | [M72] | [M35] | [M48] | [M17] | [M127] | [M72] | [M35] | [M48] | [M17] | [M127] | [M72] | [M35] | [M48] | [M17] | [M127] | [M72] | [M35] | [M48] | [M17] | [M127] | |
[E74] | 0 | [D31] | Worm beast | 14 | 270 | 156 | 288 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] |
[E75] | 1 | [D32] | Yaku beast | 14 | 265 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M17] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M17] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M17] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M17] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M17] | |
[E76] | 0 | [D27] | Eagle beast | 13 | 249 | 226 | 423 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] | [M31] | [M14] | [M17] | [M27] | [M25] |
[E77] | 1 | [D28] | Pangolin beast | 14 | 266 | 0 | 0 | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | [M125] | [M63] | [M64] | [M46] | [M58] | |
[E78] | 3 | [D31] | Worm beast | 14 | 273 | 0 | 0 | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | [M53] | [M25] | [M65] | [M64] | [M47] | |
[E79] | 0 | [D32] | Yaku beast | 14 | 274 | 234 | 432 | Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] | [M15] | [M65] | [M35] | [M27] | [M58] |
[E80] | 1 | [D23] | Heen beast | 14 | 280 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M6] | [M18] | [M25] | [M31] | [M8] | [M6] | [M18] | [M25] | [M31] | [M8] | [M6] | [M18] | [M25] | [M31] | [M8] | [M6] | [M18] | [M25] | [M31] | [M8] | [M6] | [M18] | [M25] | |
[E81] | 2 | [D26] | V beast | 14 | 265 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M33] | [M4] | [M25] | [M27] | [M8] | [M33] | [M4] | [M25] | [M27] | [M8] | [M33] | [M4] | [M25] | [M27] | [M8] | [M33] | [M4] | [M25] | [M27] | [M8] | [M33] | [M4] | [M25] | |
[E82] | 0 | [D37] | Germa beast | 15 | 292 | 90 | 153 | Mir iceberg | [M64] | [M78] | [M12] | [M125] | [M67] | [M64] | [M78] | [M12] | [M125] | [M67] | [M64] | [M78] | [M12] | [M125] | [M67] | [M64] | [M78] | [M12] | [M125] | [M67] | [M64] | [M78] | [M12] | [M125] |
[E83] | 0 | [D38] | Gazu beast | 15 | 275 | 90 | 153 | Mir iceberg | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] |
[E84] | 0 | [D39] | Ore beast | 16 | 300 | 102 | 162 | Mir iceberg | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] |
[E85] | 0 | [D40] | Ale beast | 16 | 315 | 102 | 162 | Mir iceberg | [M42] | [M41] | [M58] | [M43] | [M77] | [M42] | [M41] | [M58] | [M43] | [M77] | [M42] | [M41] | [M58] | [M43] | [M77] | [M42] | [M41] | [M58] | [M43] | [M77] | [M42] | [M41] | [M58] | [M43] |
[E86] | 0 | [D41] | Kisa beast | 15 | 285 | 180 | 306 | Mir iceberg | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] |
[E87] | 1 | [D42] | Tadpole beast | 15 | 290 | 0 | 0 | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | |
[E88] | 0 | [D43] | Better beast | 15 | 290 | 192 | 315 | Mir iceberg | [M12] | [M6] | [M99] | [M57] | [M86] | [M12] | [M6] | [M99] | [M57] | [M86] | [M12] | [M6] | [M99] | [M57] | [M86] | [M12] | [M6] | [M99] | [M57] | [M86] | [M12] | [M6] | [M99] | [M57] |
[E89] | 1 | [D27] | Eagle beast | 16 | 315 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M16] | [M26] | [M24] | [M30] | [M13] | [M16] | [M26] | [M24] | [M30] | [M13] | [M16] | [M26] | [M24] | [M30] | [M13] | [M16] | [M26] | [M24] | [M30] | [M13] | [M16] | [M26] | [M24] | |
[E90] | 0 | [D42] | Tadpole beast | 16 | 310 | 204 | 324 | Mir iceberg | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M63] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] |
[E91] | 1 | [D32] | Yaku beast | 16 | 310 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M34] | [M26] | [M57] | [M14] | [M64] | [M34] | [M26] | [M57] | [M14] | [M64] | [M34] | [M26] | [M57] | [M14] | [M64] | [M34] | [M26] | [M57] | [M14] | [M64] | [M34] | [M26] | [M57] | |
[E92] | 0 | [D33] | Budchu beast | 15 | 295 | 282 | 468 | Mir iceberg | [M24] | [M45] | [M99] | [M10] | [M67] | [M24] | [M45] | [M99] | [M10] | [M67] | [M24] | [M45] | [M99] | [M10] | [M67] | [M24] | [M45] | [M99] | [M10] | [M67] | [M24] | [M45] | [M99] | [M10] |
[E93] | 1 | [D38] | Gazu beast | 16 | 310 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | [M17] | [M12] | [M34] | [M10] | [M52] | |
[E94] | 2 | [D44] | Fala beast | 16 | 310 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | |
[E95] | 0 | [D45] | Aaric beast | 17 | 322 | 114 | 175 | Flare-up mountain | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] |
[E96] | 0 | [D46] | Kuni beast | 18 | 335 | 128 | 188 | Flare-up mountain | [M42] | [M5] | [M72] | [M34] | [M84] | [M42] | [M5] | [M72] | [M34] | [M84] | [M42] | [M5] | [M72] | [M34] | [M84] | [M42] | [M5] | [M72] | [M34] | [M84] | [M42] | [M5] | [M72] | [M34] |
[E97] | 0 | [D47] | Eatdream beast | 17 | 320 | 114 | 175 | Flare-up mountain | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M10] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M10] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M10] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M10] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M10] |
[E98] | 0 | [D44] | Fala beast | 17 | 315 | 228 | 350 | Flare-up mountain | [M42] | [M71] | [M9] | [M85] | [M116] | [M42] | [M71] | [M9] | [M85] | [M116] | [M42] | [M71] | [M9] | [M85] | [M116] | [M42] | [M71] | [M9] | [M85] | [M116] | [M42] | [M71] | [M9] | [M85] |
[E99] | 1 | [D45] | Aaric beast | 17 | 300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | [M110] | [M13] | [M52] | [M72] | [M10] | |
[E100] | 0 | [D48] | Pearl beast | 17 | 310 | 242 | 363 | Flare-up mountain | [M16] | [M24] | [M9] | [M8] | [M35] | [M16] | [M24] | [M9] | [M8] | [M35] | [M16] | [M24] | [M9] | [M8] | [M35] | [M16] | [M24] | [M9] | [M8] | [M35] | [M16] | [M24] | [M9] | [M8] |
[E101] | 1 | [D49] | Big crab beast | 18 | 345 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M41] | [M9] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M9] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M9] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M9] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M9] | [M43] | |
[E102] | 0 | [D35] | Beetle beast | 17 | 310 | 342 | 525 | Flare-up mountain | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M110] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M110] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M110] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M110] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] |
[E103] | 1 | [D39] | Ore beast | 17 | 310 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | [M26] | [M23] | [M4] | [M24] | [M57] | |
[E104] | 2 | [D47] | Eatdream beast | 17 | 305 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M17] | [M13] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | |
[E105] | 0 | [D41] | Kisa beast | 17 | 310 | 356 | 538 | Flare-up mountain | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] | [M138] | [M64] | [M46] | [M6] | [M22] |
[E106] | 1 | [D50] | Dorsal beast | 18 | 335 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | |
[E107] | 2 | [D49] | Big crab beast | 17 | 300 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | |
[E108] | 0 | [D30] | Bada beast | 18 | 325 | 384 | 564 | Flare-up mountain | [M64] | [M63] | [M10] | [M12] | [M26] | [M64] | [M63] | [M10] | [M12] | [M26] | [M64] | [M63] | [M10] | [M12] | [M26] | [M64] | [M63] | [M10] | [M12] | [M26] | [M64] | [M63] | [M10] | [M12] |
[E109] | 1 | [D26] | V beast | 18 | 345 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M32] | [M10] | [M24] | [M30] | [M7] | [M32] | [M10] | [M24] | [M30] | [M7] | [M32] | [M10] | [M24] | [M30] | [M7] | [M32] | [M10] | [M24] | [M30] | [M7] | [M32] | [M10] | [M24] | |
[E110] | 2 | [D42] | Tadpole beast | 18 | 340 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M62] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M62] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M62] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | [M10] | [M62] | [M78] | [M77] | [M126] | |
[E111] | 0 | [D56] | Badola beast | 21 | 350 | 155 | 230 | West Hole | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] |
[E112] | 0 | [D57] | Kalulu beast | 22 | 375 | 160 | 245 | West Hole | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] |
[E113] | 0 | [D58] | Pido beast | 21 | 355 | 310 | 460 | West Hole | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] |
[E114] | 1 | [D59] | Cactus beast | 21 | 340 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | |
[E115] | 0 | [D56] | Badola beast | 21 | 355 | 315 | 475 | West Hole | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M109] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M109] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M109] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M109] | [M84] |
[E116] | 1 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 22 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | |
[E117] | 0 | [D60] | Sea lion beast | 22 | 370 | 320 | 490 | West Hole | [M1] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M1] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M1] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M1] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] |
[E118] | 1 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 22 | 360 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | |
[E119] | 0 | [D62] | Mantodea beast | 21 | 345 | 465 | 690 | West Hole | [M7] | [M6] | [M24] | [M43] | [M84] | [M30] | [M7] | [M6] | [M24] | [M43] | [M84] | [M30] | [M7] | [M6] | [M24] | [M43] | [M84] | [M30] | [M7] | [M6] | [M24] | [M43] | [M84] | [M30] |
[E120] | 1 | [D51] | V EX beast | 21 | 350 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M24] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M24] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M24] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M24] | |
[E121] | 2 | [D56] | Badola beast | 21 | 340 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M1] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M1] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M1] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M7] | [M6] | [M1] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | |
[E122] | 0 | [D56] | Badola beast | 22 | 350 | 475 | 720 | West Hole | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] |
[E123] | 1 | [D50] | Dorsal beast | 22 | 360 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M30] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M30] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M30] | [M24] | [M34] | [M41] | [M71] | [M18] | [M30] | |
[E124] | 2 | [D60] | Sea lion beast | 21 | 335 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M3] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M3] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M3] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | |
[E125] | 0 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 22 | 355 | 480 | 735 | West Hole | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] |
[E126] | 1 | [D59] | Cactus beast | 22 | 350 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M8] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M8] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M8] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | |
[E127] | 2 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 22 | 350 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | |
[E128] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 27 | 385 | 226 | 320 | Poland Vestige | [M7] | [M24] | [M13] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M13] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M13] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M13] |
[E129] | 0 | [D76] | Defend beast | 28 | 395 | 243 | 350 | Poland Vestige | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] |
[E130] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 27 | 385 | 469 | 716 | Poland Vestige | [M7] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M12] |
[E131] | 1 | [D76] | Defend beast | 28 | 395 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | |
[E132] | 0 | [D69] | Nasal beast | 28 | 390 | 486 | 700 | Poland Vestige | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] |
[E133] | 1 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 28 | 390 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M16] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M16] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M16] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | |
[E134] | 0 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 27 | 375 | 695 | 990 | Poland Vestige | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M7] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M7] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M7] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] |
[E135] | 1 | [D73] | Lobster beast | 27 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M6] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M6] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M6] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | |
[E136] | 2 | [D60] | Sea lion beast | 28 | 385 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M41] | [M43] | |
[E137] | 0 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 27 | 370 | 678 | 960 | Poland Vestige | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] |
[E138] | 1 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 27 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M46] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M46] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M46] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | |
[E139] | 2 | [D58] | Pido beast | 27 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M138] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M138] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | [M10] | [M110] | [M84] | [M138] | [M7] | [M6] | [M15] | |
[E140] | 0 | [D54] | Fly worm beast | 28 | 385 | 729 | 1050 | Poland Vestige | [M24] | [M4] | [M9] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M9] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M9] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M9] |
[E141] | 1 | [D57] | Kalulu beast | 28 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | |
[E142] | 2 | [D65] | Drill beast | 28 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M22] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M22] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M22] | [M6] | [M34] | |
[E143] | 0 | [D63] | Betea beast | 27 | 370 | 938 | 1340 | Poland Vestige | [M64] | [M47] | [M4] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M4] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M4] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M4] |
[E144] | 1 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 27 | 375 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M47] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M47] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M47] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M47] | [M22] | |
[E145] | 2 | [D73] | Lobster beast | 28 | 385 | 0 | 0 | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M47] | [M72] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | |
[E146] | 3 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 28 | 385 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M34] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M34] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M34] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M24] | [M34] | [M22] | |
[E147] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 29 | 390 | 262 | 366 | Moya Marsh | [M23] | [M40] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M57] | [M85] | [M23] | [M40] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M57] | [M85] | [M23] | [M40] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M57] | [M85] |
[E148] | 0 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 30 | 405 | 270 | 375 | Moya Marsh | [M24] | [M23] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M18] | [M24] | [M23] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M18] | [M24] | [M23] | [M22] | [M16] | [M26] | [M47] | [M138] | [M18] |
[E149] | 0 | [D80] | Flames beast | 29 | 385 | 524 | 732 | Moya Marsh | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] |
[E150] | 1 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 29 | 390 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | |
[E151] | 0 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 29 | 385 | 532 | 741 | Moya Marsh | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M12] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M12] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M12] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] |
[E152] | 1 | [D69] | Nasal beast | 30 | 400 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M6] | [M47] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M17] | [M24] | [M6] | [M47] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M17] | [M24] | [M6] | [M47] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M17] | |
[E153] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 30 | 395 | 540 | 750 | Moya Marsh | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M18] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M18] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M18] |
[E154] | 1 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 30 | 400 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | |
[E155] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 29 | 385 | 786 | 1098 | Moya Marsh | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] |
[E156] | 1 | [D81] | Dark big dragon | 29 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M30] | [M67] | [M18] | [M64] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M30] | [M67] | [M18] | [M64] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M30] | [M67] | [M18] | |
[E157] | 2 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 29 | 390 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M17] | |
[E158] | 0 | [D80] | Flames beast | 30 | 400 | 810 | 1125 | Moya Marsh | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] | [M24] | [M16] | [M41] | [M12] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M138] |
[E159] | 1 | [D66] | Palmer beast | 30 | 395 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M41] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M84] | [M9] | [M41] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M84] | [M9] | [M41] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M84] | |
[E160] | 2 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 30 | 390 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M28] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M28] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M28] | |
[E161] | 0 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 29 | 375 | 1064 | 1482 | Moya Marsh | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] | [M16] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M138] |
[E162] | 1 | [D76] | Defend beast | 29 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M86] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M86] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M57] | [M86] | |
[E163] | 2 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 30 | 390 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | |
[E164] | 3 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 30 | 405 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M4] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M86] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M4] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M86] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M4] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M86] | |
[E165] | 0 | [D51] | V EX beast | 19 | 365 | 142 | 201 | Pila Tower | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] |
[E166] | 0 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 20 | 375 | 149 | 213 | Pila Tower | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] |
[E167] | 0 | [D53] | Angel beast | 19 | 340 | 284 | 402 | Pila Tower | [M7] | [M34] | [M22] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M22] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M22] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M22] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] |
[E168] | 1 | [D50] | Dorsal beast | 19 | 355 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | [M16] | [M3] | [M7] | [M4] | [M9] | |
[E169] | 0 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 19 | 350 | 291 | 414 | Pila Tower | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] |
[E170] | 1 | [D49] | Big crab beast | 20 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M18] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M18] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M18] | [M23] | [M41] | [M11] | [M43] | [M17] | [M18] | |
[E171] | 0 | [D54] | Fly worm beast | 20 | 380 | 298 | 426 | Pila Tower | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] |
[E172] | 1 | [D35] | Beetle beast | 20 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M126] | [M17] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M126] | [M17] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M126] | [M17] | [M63] | [M34] | [M85] | [M77] | [M126] | [M17] | |
[E173] | 0 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 19 | 350 | 426 | 603 | Pila Tower | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M22] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] |
[E174] | 1 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 19 | 345 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | |
[E175] | 2 | [D51] | V EX beast | 19 | 360 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M17] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M17] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M17] | [M3] | [M7] | [M8] | [M9] | [M16] | [M17] | |
[E176] | 0 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 19 | 340 | 433 | 620 | Pila Tower | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M64] | [M7] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] |
[E177] | 1 | [D56] | Badola beast | 19 | 350 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | [M24] | [M12] | [M41] | [M99] | [M28] | [M67] | |
[E178] | 2 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 20 | 375 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | |
[E179] | 0 | [D49] | Big crab beast | 20 | 360 | 447 | 639 | Pila Tower | [M23] | [M41] | [M10] | [M43] | [M17] | [M24] | [M23] | [M41] | [M10] | [M43] | [M17] | [M24] | [M23] | [M41] | [M10] | [M43] | [M17] | [M24] | [M23] | [M41] | [M10] | [M43] | [M17] | [M24] |
[E180] | 1 | [D54] | Fly worm beast | 20 | 355 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M41] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M41] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M41] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M24] | [M4] | [M41] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | |
[E181] | 2 | [D53] | Angel beast | 20 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M34] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | [M7] | [M34] | [M10] | [M35] | [M72] | [M30] | |
[E182] | 0 | [D63] | Betea beast | 23 | 365 | 160 | 260 | Died Vale | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] |
[E183] | 0 | [D64] | Cape dragon | 24 | 380 | 180 | 275 | Died Vale | [M64] | [M47] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M15] |
[E184] | 0 | [D63] | Betea beast | 23 | 356 | 332 | 520 | Died Vale | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] |
[E185] | 1 | [D64] | Cape dragon | 23 | 366 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | |
[E186] | 0 | [D65] | Drill beast | 23 | 365 | 346 | 535 | Died Vale | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] |
[E187] | 1 | [D62] | Mantodea beast | 24 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M6] | [M24] | [M43] | [M84] | [M30] | [M126] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M21] | [M6] | [M34] | |
[E188] | 0 | [D66] | Palmer beast | 24 | 375 | 360 | 550 | Died Vale | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M86] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] |
[E189] | 1 | [D59] | Cactus beast | 24 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M17] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M17] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | [M26] | [M45] | [M30] | [M17] | [M4] | [M11] | [M22] | |
[E190] | 0 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 23 | 340 | 512 | 795 | Died Vale | [M9] | [M4] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M4] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M4] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M4] | [M45] |
[E191] | 1 | [D68] | Big dragon | 23 | 355 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M6] | [M9] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M9] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M9] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M9] | |
[E192] | 2 | [D62] | Mantodea beast | 24 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M97] | [M64] | [M47] | [M10] | |
[E193] | 0 | [D61] | Unicorn beast | 24 | 370 | 540 | 825 | Died Vale | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M89] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M89] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M89] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] |
[E194] | 1 | [D54] | Fly worm beast | 24 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M45] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M45] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M45] | [M92] | [M85] | [M67] | [M111] | [M24] | [M4] | [M45] | |
[E195] | 2 | [D56] | Badola beast | 24 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M98] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M98] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M98] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | |
[E196] | 0 | [D61] | Unicorn beast | 23 | 350 | 692 | 1070 | Died Vale | [M24] | [M4] | [M34] | [M35] | [M26] | [M86] | [M18] | [M24] | [M4] | [M34] | [M35] | [M26] | [M86] | [M18] | [M24] | [M4] | [M34] | [M35] | [M26] | [M86] | [M18] | [M24] | [M4] | [M34] |
[E197] | 1 | [D68] | Big dragon | 23 | 350 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | |
[E198] | 2 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 24 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | |
[E199] | 3 | [D60] | Sea lion beast | 24 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M10] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M41] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M41] | [M43] | |
[E200] | 0 | [D69] | Nasal beast | 25 | 377 | 196 | 280 | Deep Sea Maze | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] |
[E201] | 0 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 26 | 386 | 210 | 300 | Deep Sea Maze | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M8] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M15] |
[E202] | 0 | [D69] | Nasal beast | 25 | 370 | 196 | 560 | Deep Sea Maze | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] | [M41] | [M77] | [M52] | [M67] | [M24] | [M6] | [M10] |
[E203] | 1 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 25 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M8] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M8] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | [M8] | [M99] | [M30] | [M47] | [M9] | [M34] | [M45] | |
[E204] | 0 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 26 | 380 | 420 | 600 | Deep Sea Maze | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] |
[E205] | 1 | [D68] | Big dragon | 26 | 380 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M27] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M27] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | [M43] | [M26] | [M27] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M10] | |
[E206] | 0 | [D72] | Shell beast | 25 | 365 | 406 | 580 | Deep Sea Maze | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M77] | [M35] | [M47] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M77] | [M35] | [M47] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M77] | [M35] | [M47] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] |
[E207] | 1 | [D56] | Badola beast | 26 | 375 | 0 | 0 | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | [M99] | [M110] | [M84] | [M97] | [M41] | [M34] | [M6] | |
[E208] | 0 | [D63] | Betea beast | 25 | 350 | 602 | 860 | Deep Sea Maze | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M88] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M88] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M10] | [M110] | [M85] | [M88] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] |
[E209] | 1 | [D66] | Palmer beast | 25 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M85] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M85] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M77] | [M110] | [M30] | [M85] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | |
[E210] | 2 | [D68] | Big dragon | 26 | 365 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M26] | [M28] | [M17] | [M64] | [M6] | [M15] | |
[E211] | 0 | [D74] | Strange frog | 25 | 355 | 616 | 860 | Deep Sea Maze | [M7] | [M10] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M52] | [M138] | [M7] | [M10] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M52] | [M138] | [M7] | [M10] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M52] | [M138] | [M7] | [M10] | [M24] |
[E212] | 1 | [D75] | Roach beast | 26 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M24] | [M6] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M6] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M6] | [M41] | [M43] | [M35] | [M67] | [M7] | [M24] | [M6] | |
[E213] | 2 | [D55] | Bawlong beast | 26 | 370 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M10] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M116] | [M64] | [M10] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M116] | [M64] | [M10] | [M34] | [M99] | [M26] | [M110] | [M116] | [M64] | [M10] | [M34] | |
[E214] | 0 | [D52] | Dilu beast | 25 | 360 | 812 | 1160 | Deep Sea Maze | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M84] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M84] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] | [M47] | [M26] | [M52] | [M84] | [M13] | [M7] | [M24] |
[E215] | 1 | [D60] | Sea lion beast | 25 | 360 | 0 | 0 | [M10] | [M47] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M47] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M47] | [M43] | [M77] | [M72] | [M85] | [M124] | [M10] | [M47] | [M43] | |
[E216] | 2 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 26 | 375 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M13] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M13] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M13] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M18] | [M9] | [M13] | [M45] | |
[E217] | 3 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 26 | 375 | 0 | 0 | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M43] | [M52] | [M77] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | |
[E218] | 0 | [D76] | Defend beast | 36 | 400 | 243 | 350 | Stray Forest | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] |
[E219] | 0 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 37 | 450 | 262 | 366 | Stray Forest | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] |
[E220] | 0 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 38 | 400 | 270 | 375 | Stray Forest | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] |
[E221] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 36 | 400 | 486 | 700 | Stray Forest | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] |
[E222] | 1 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 36 | 400 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | |
[E223] | 0 | [D68] | Big dragon | 38 | 450 | 513 | 725 | Stray Forest | [M62] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M24] | [M26] | [M15] | [M62] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M24] | [M26] | [M15] | [M62] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M24] | [M26] | [M15] | [M62] | [M4] | [M13] |
[E224] | 1 | [D66] | Palmer beast | 38 | 400 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | |
[E225] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 37 | 400 | 748 | 1066 | Stray Forest | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] |
[E226] | 1 | [D80] | Flames beast | 37 | 435 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | |
[E227] | 2 | [D81] | Dark big dragon | 37 | 480 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M28] | [M65] | [M62] | [M20] | [M14] | |
[E228] | 0 | [D82] | Deadwood beast | 36 | 480 | 1088 | 1066 | Stray Forest | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] |
[E229] | 1 | [D83] | Empress bee | 38 | 400 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | |
[E230] | 2 | [D84] | Fivecape beast | 37 | 480 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | |
[E231] | 3 | [D85] | Left round | 38 | 450 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | |
[E232] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 38 | 450 | 1072 | 1472 | Stray Forest | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] |
[E233] | 1 | [D80] | Flames beast | 38 | 480 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | |
[E234] | 2 | [D74] | Strange frog | 38 | 410 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | |
[E235] | 3 | [D75] | Roach beast | 38 | 480 | 0 | 0 | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | |
[E236] | 0 | [D86] | Kingkong beast | 39 | 400 | 279 | 390 | Numerator Vestige | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] |
[E237] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 40 | 440 | 288 | 410 | Numerator Vestige | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] |
[E238] | 0 | [D86] | Kingkong beast | 40 | 535 | 567 | 800 | Numerator Vestige | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] |
[E239] | 1 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 40 | 540 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M23] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M23] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M23] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | |
[E240] | 0 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 41 | 500 | 837 | 1170 | Numerator Vestige | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] |
[E241] | 1 | [D66] | Palmer beast | 41 | 540 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | |
[E242] | 2 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 42 | 560 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | |
[E243] | 0 | [D88] | Turd Zimo | 42 | 500 | 864 | 1230 | Numerator Vestige | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] |
[E244] | 1 | [D89] | Ifron beast | 42 | 500 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | |
[E245] | 2 | [D80] | Flames beast | 42 | 535 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M75] | [M108] | [M28] | [M84] | [M26] | |
[E246] | 0 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 40 | 540 | 837 | 1170 | Numerator Vestige | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] |
[E247] | 1 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 40 | 530 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | |
[E248] | 2 | [D73] | Lobster beast | 40 | 530 | 0 | 0 | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | |
[E249] | 0 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 41 | 550 | 1134 | 1600 | Numerator Vestige | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] |
[E250] | 1 | [D91] | Wizard beast | 41 | 550 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | |
[E251] | 2 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 42 | 550 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | |
[E252] | 3 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 42 | 650 | 0 | 0 | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M11] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M108] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | |
[E253] | 0 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 42 | 550 | 1134 | 1600 | Numerator Vestige | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] |
[E254] | 1 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 42 | 650 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | |
[E255] | 2 | [D84] | Fivecape beast | 42 | 500 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | |
[E256] | 3 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 42 | 600 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | |
[E257] | 0 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 43 | 750 | 306 | 430 | Flames Tower | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] |
[E258] | 0 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 44 | 750 | 325 | 450 | Flames Tower | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] |
[E259] | 0 | [D94] | Spider beast | 44 | 700 | 650 | 900 | Flames Tower | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] |
[E260] | 1 | [D83] | Empress bee | 44 | 750 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | |
[E261] | 0 | [D95] | Maqchine armor | 45 | 750 | 612 | 860 | Flames Tower | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] |
[E262] | 1 | [D74] | Strange frog | 45 | 700 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | |
[E263] | 0 | [D94] | Spider beast | 44 | 700 | 975 | 1350 | Flames Tower | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] |
[E264] | 1 | [D95] | Maqchine armor | 45 | 750 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | |
[E265] | 2 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 46 | 750 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | |
[E266] | 0 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 46 | 750 | 918 | 1170 | Flames Tower | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] |
[E267] | 1 | [D75] | Roach beast | 46 | 750 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M16] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M16] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M16] | |
[E268] | 2 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 46 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | |
[E269] | 0 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 44 | 850 | 1300 | 1800 | Flames Tower | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] |
[E270] | 1 | [D88] | Turd Zimo | 44 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M4] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] | [M26] | [M14] | [M4] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] | [M26] | [M14] | [M4] | [M41] | [M82] | [M65] | [M15] | [M97] | [M26] | |
[E271] | 2 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 45 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | |
[E272] | 3 | [D91] | Wizard beast | 45 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | |
[E273] | 0 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 43 | 800 | 1224 | 1720 | Flames Tower | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] |
[E274] | 1 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 43 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | |
[E275] | 2 | [D94] | Spider beast | 46 | 850 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | |
[E276] | 3 | [D95] | Maqchine armor | 46 | 800 | 0 | 0 | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | |
[E277] | 0 | [D96] | Doda beast | 51 | 1000 | 383 | 510 | Kalade Mountain | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] |
[E278] | 0 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 52 | 1050 | 404 | 530 | Kalade Mountain | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M29] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M29] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] |
[E279] | 0 | [D94] | Spider beast | 52 | 1000 | 787 | 1040 | Kalade Mountain | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M31] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M31] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] |
[E280] | 1 | [D95] | Maqchine armor | 52 | 1010 | 0 | 0 | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | |
[E281] | 0 | [D96] | Doda beast | 51 | 900 | 1149 | 1530 | Kalade Mountain | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] |
[E282] | 1 | [D97] | Thunder ball | 51 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | |
[E283] | 2 | [D86] | Kingkong beast | 51 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | |
[E284] | 0 | [D89] | Ifron beast | 52 | 1000 | 1532 | 2040 | Kalade Mountain | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] |
[E285] | 1 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 52 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E286] | 2 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 52 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M34] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M34] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M34] | [M50] | |
[E287] | 3 | [D85] | Left round | 52 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | |
[E288] | 0 | [D98] | Kawli beast | 51 | 1000 | 1616 | 2120 | Kalade Mountain | [M21] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] |
[E289] | 1 | [D97] | Thunder ball | 51 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | [M87] | [M121] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M20] | |
[E290] | 2 | [D82] | Deadwood beast | 52 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | |
[E291] | 3 | [D84] | Fivecape beast | 52 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | |
[E292] | 0 | [D89] | Ifron beast | 51 | 950 | 1532 | 2040 | Kalade Mountain | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] |
[E293] | 1 | [D96] | Doda beast | 51 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | |
[E294] | 2 | [D94] | Spider beast | 51 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M31] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M31] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M24] | [M28] | |
[E295] | 3 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 51 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E296] | 0 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 52 | 950 | 1957 | 2590 | Kalade Mountain | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] |
[E297] | 1 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 52 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | |
[E298] | 2 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 52 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M123] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M123] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | |
[E299] | 3 | [D80] | Flames beast | 52 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | |
[E300] | 4 | [D82] | Deadwood beast | 52 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | |
[E301] | 0 | [D98] | Kawli beast | 53 | 1000 | 425 | 550 | Infinite Mountain | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] |
[E302] | 0 | [D99] | Urus beast | 54 | 1000 | 436 | 580 | Infinite Mountain | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M14] | [M4] | [M13] | [M41] |
[E303] | 0 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 54 | 1050 | 891 | 1223 | Infinite Mountain | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] |
[E304] | 1 | [D98] | Kawli beast | 54 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | |
[E305] | 0 | [D101] | Zukon beast | 53 | 1000 | 1320 | 1800 | Infinite Mountain | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] |
[E306] | 1 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 53 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M107] | [M20] | |
[E307] | 2 | [D96] | Doda beast | 53 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M61] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | |
[E308] | 0 | [D102] | Dolphin beast | 54 | 1000 | 1275 | 1650 | Infinite Mountain | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] |
[E309] | 1 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 54 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E310] | 2 | [D91] | Wizard beast | 54 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | |
[E311] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 53 | 1000 | 1722 | 2260 | Infinite Mountain | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M16] | [M97] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] | [M65] | [M16] | [M97] | [M5] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M41] | [M33] |
[E312] | 1 | [D78] | Ghost beast | 53 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M123] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | [M136] | [M16] | [M123] | [M22] | [M13] | [M20] | [M14] | [M24] | [M45] | |
[E313] | 2 | [D80] | Flames beast | 53 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | |
[E314] | 3 | [D103] | Centauru beast | 53 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M11] | [M32] | [M14] | [M33] | [M24] | [M26] | [M136] | [M94] | [M97] | [M11] | [M32] | [M14] | [M33] | [M24] | [M26] | [M136] | [M94] | [M97] | [M11] | [M32] | [M14] | [M33] | [M24] | [M26] | |
[E315] | 0 | [D104] | Flames Kilin | 54 | 1000 | 1782 | 2446 | Infinite Mountain | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] |
[E316] | 1 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 54 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | |
[E317] | 2 | [D95] | Maqchine armor | 54 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M31] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M31] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | |
[E318] | 3 | [D98] | Kawli beast | 54 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M35] | [M21] | [M32] | [M13] | [M75] | [M24] | [M84] | |
[E319] | 0 | [D105] | 8 claw beast | 53 | 1050 | 2203 | 2976 | Infinite Mountain | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] | [M12] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M14] | [M24] | [M83] | [M8] |
[E320] | 1 | [D102] | Dolphin beast | 53 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | |
[E321] | 2 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 53 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | |
[E322] | 3 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 54 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E323] | 4 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 54 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M31] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M26] | [M85] | [M31] | [M22] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | |
[E324] | 0 | [D102] | Dolphin beast | 55 | 1000 | 495 | 668 | Ship Burial Site | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] |
[E325] | 0 | [D104] | Flames Kilin | 56 | 1050 | 518 | 684 | Ship Burial Site | [M22] | [M3] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M28] | [M85] | [M92] | [M22] | [M3] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M28] | [M85] | [M92] | [M22] | [M3] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] |
[E326] | 0 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 55 | 1000 | 1036 | 1368 | Ship Burial Site | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] |
[E327] | 1 | [D101] | Zukon beast | 55 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M28] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M28] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M28] | [M24] | [M83] | |
[E328] | 0 | [D106] | Sila beast | 55 | 1050 | 1554 | 2052 | Ship Burial Site | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] | [M87] | [M69] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] | [M87] | [M69] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] |
[E329] | 1 | [D107] | Strange bird | 55 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | |
[E330] | 2 | [D92] | Kuka beast | 55 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M29] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | [M12] | [M16] | [M29] | [M30] | [M20] | [M14] | [M39] | [M75] | [M8] | |
[E331] | 0 | [D80] | Flames beast | 56 | 1050 | 1485 | 2004 | Ship Burial Site | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] |
[E332] | 1 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 56 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M14] | [M39] | [M22] | [M6] | [M75] | [M28] | |
[E333] | 2 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 56 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | |
[E334] | 0 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 55 | 1050 | 1980 | 2672 | Ship Burial Site | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] |
[E335] | 1 | [D91] | Wizard beast | 55 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M21] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M26] | |
[E336] | 2 | [D87] | Sea dragon | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M31] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | [M95] | [M26] | [M31] | [M62] | [M22] | [M13] | [M75] | [M83] | [M84] | |
[E337] | 3 | [D76] | Defend beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | |
[E338] | 0 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 55 | 1050 | 2072 | 2736 | Ship Burial Site | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M114] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M114] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] |
[E339] | 1 | [D67] | Big Cape beast | 55 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M92] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M92] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E340] | 2 | [D80] | Flames beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | [M70] | [M136] | [M122] | [M22] | [M14] | [M39] | [M10] | [M8] | [M33] | |
[E341] | 3 | [D106] | Sila beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] | [M87] | [M69] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] | [M87] | [M69] | [M86] | [M13] | [M43] | [M32] | [M39] | [M24] | [M45] | |
[E342] | 0 | [D107] | Strange bird | 55 | 1050 | 2544 | 3388 | Ship Burial Site | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] |
[E343] | 1 | [D101] | Zukon beast | 55 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] | [M34] | [M84] | [M110] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M24] | [M83] | |
[E344] | 2 | [D102] | Dolphin beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | [M9] | [M31] | [M121] | [M14] | [M10] | [M13] | [M82] | [M8] | [M26] | |
[E345] | 3 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | |
[E346] | 4 | [D90] | Bigwhale beast | 56 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M43] | [M8] | [M82] | [M83] | |
[E347] | 0 | [D89] | Ifron beast | 47 | 900 | 343 | 466 | Black Maze | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] |
[E348] | 0 | [D72] | Shell beast | 48 | 900 | 363 | 488 | Black Maze | [M62] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M75] | [M33] | [M45] | [M122] | [M114] | [M62] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M75] | [M33] | [M45] | [M122] | [M114] | [M62] | [M22] | [M20] | [M39] | [M75] | [M33] |
[E349] | 0 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 47 | 900 | 686 | 932 | Black Maze | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M122] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M122] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] |
[E350] | 1 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 48 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M114] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | [M75] | [M15] | [M114] | [M1] | [M45] | [M43] | [M14] | [M41] | [M50] | |
[E351] | 0 | [D107] | Strange bird | 48 | 950 | 1029 | 1398 | Black Maze | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] |
[E352] | 1 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 48 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | |
[E353] | 2 | [D83] | Empress bee | 48 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M35] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M35] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | |
[E354] | 0 | [D76] | Defend beast | 48 | 900 | 1089 | 1464 | Black Maze | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] |
[E355] | 1 | [D74] | Strange frog | 49 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M19] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M123] | [M5] | [M19] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M123] | [M5] | [M19] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | |
[E356] | 2 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 49 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M122] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | [M45] | [M84] | [M122] | [M7] | [M32] | [M43] | [M6] | [M97] | [M28] | |
[E357] | 0 | [D107] | Strange bird | 49 | 900 | 1372 | 1398 | Black Maze | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] | [M55] | [M84] | [M109] | [M11] | [M10] | [M14] | [M22] | [M97] | [M45] |
[E358] | 1 | [D85] | Left round | 49 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | [M33] | [M34] | [M114] | [M62] | [M9] | [M32] | [M24] | [M83] | [M108] | |
[E359] | 2 | [D84] | Fivecape beast | 50 | 900 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | |
[E360] | 3 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 50 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | [M56] | [M84] | [M95] | [M21] | [M39] | [M22] | [M10] | [M32] | [M50] | |
[E361] | 0 | [D108] | Cuttle fish | 49 | 950 | 1452 | 1952 | Black Maze | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M34] | [M97] | [M38] | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M34] | [M97] | [M38] | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] |
[E362] | 1 | [D107] | Strange bird | 49 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | |
[E363] | 2 | [D74] | Strange frog | 49 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M123] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | [M136] | [M122] | [M123] | [M5] | [M9] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M50] | |
[E364] | 3 | [D84] | Fivecape beast | 49 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | [M70] | [M85] | [M90] | [M16] | [M2] | [M41] | [M90] | [M97] | [M65] | |
[E365] | 0 | [D108] | Cuttle fish | 50 | 900 | 1775 | 2396 | Black Maze | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M34] | [M97] | [M38] | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] | [M34] | [M97] | [M38] | [M40] | [M4] | [M14] | [M41] | [M8] | [M65] |
[E366] | 1 | [D83] | Empress bee | 50 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M35] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | [M136] | [M97] | [M35] | [M5] | [M32] | [M20] | [M33] | [M70] | [M28] | |
[E367] | 2 | [D82] | Deadwood beast | 50 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M8] | [M22] | [M65] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | |
[E368] | 3 | [D107] | Strange bird | 50 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | [M16] | [M36] | [M120] | [M32] | [M62] | [M20] | [M33] | [M75] | [M84] | |
[E369] | 4 | [D109] | Yakula beast | 50 | 950 | 0 | 0 | [M30] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M50] | [M28] | [M136] | [M36] | [M30] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M50] | [M28] | [M136] | [M36] | [M30] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M50] | |
[E370] | 0 | [D112] | Faerie beast | 57 | 1100 | 540 | 705 | Break The Fetch | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] |
[E371] | 0 | [D113] | Sacred angel | 58 | 1100 | 564 | 728 | Break The Fetch | [M24] | [M45] | [M11] | [M41] | [M18] | [M30] | [M89] | [M71] | [M17] | [M39] | [M33] | [M50] | [M24] | [M45] | [M11] | [M41] | [M18] | [M30] | [M89] | [M71] | [M17] | [M39] | [M33] | [M50] |
[E372] | 0 | [D103] | Centauru beast | 57 | 1000 | 1104 | 1433 | Break The Fetch | [M13] | [M34] | [M16] | [M35] | [M26] | [M28] | [M138] | [M96] | [M99] | [M13] | [M34] | [M16] | [M35] | [M26] | [M28] | [M138] | [M96] | [M99] | [M13] | [M34] | [M16] | [M35] | [M26] | [M28] |
[E373] | 1 | [D121] | Yakili beast | 57 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M47] | [M23] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M33] | [M54] | [M19] | [M5] | [M47] | [M23] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M33] | [M54] | [M19] | |
[E374] | 0 | [D114] | Andolu beast | 58 | 1000 | 1692 | 2184 | Break The Fetch | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] |
[E375] | 1 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 58 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | |
[E376] | 2 | [D108] | Cuttle fish | 58 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | |
[E377] | 0 | [D123] | Mummy beast | 57 | 1100 | 2256 | 2912 | Break The Fetch | [M23] | [M6] | [M15] | [M84] | [M26] | [M24] | [M11] | [M40] | [M123] | [M21] | [M61] | [M127] | [M23] | [M6] | [M15] | [M84] | [M26] | [M24] | [M11] | [M40] | [M123] | [M21] | [M61] | [M127] |
[E378] | 1 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 57 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M42] | [M6] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | |
[E379] | 2 | [D114] | Andolu beast | 58 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | |
[E380] | 3 | [D104] | Flames Kilin | 58 | 1150 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M5] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M30] | [M87] | [M94] | [M24] | [M5] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M30] | [M87] | [M94] | [M24] | [M5] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | |
[E381] | 0 | [D111] | Carapace beast | 57 | 1000 | 2820 | 3640 | Break The Fetch | [M34] | [M11] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] | [M77] | [M33] | [M74] | [M34] | [M11] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] | [M77] | [M33] | [M74] | [M34] | [M11] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] |
[E382] | 1 | [D112] | Faerie beast | 57 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | |
[E383] | 2 | [D113] | Sacred angel | 57 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M45] | [M11] | [M41] | [M18] | [M30] | [M89] | [M71] | [M17] | [M39] | [M33] | [M50] | [M24] | [M45] | [M11] | [M41] | [M18] | [M30] | [M89] | [M71] | [M17] | [M39] | [M33] | [M50] | |
[E384] | 3 | [D106] | Sila beast | 58 | 1150 | 0 | 0 | [M15] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M26] | [M47] | [M89] | [M71] | [M88] | [M15] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M26] | [M47] | [M89] | [M71] | [M88] | [M15] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M26] | [M47] | |
[E385] | 4 | [D121] | Yakili beast | 58 | 1150 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M47] | [M23] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M33] | [M54] | [M19] | [M5] | [M47] | [M23] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M33] | [M54] | [M19] | |
[E386] | 0 | [D105] | 8 claw beast | 58 | 1150 | 2820 | 3640 | Break The Fetch | [M64] | [M11] | [M16] | [M26] | [M85] | [M10] | [M14] | [M36] | [M116] | [M64] | [M11] | [M16] | [M26] | [M85] | [M10] | [M14] | [M36] | [M116] | [M64] | [M11] | [M16] | [M26] | [M85] | [M10] |
[E387] | 1 | [D99] | Urus beast | 58 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M16] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M16] | [M6] | [M15] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | |
[E388] | 2 | [D101] | Zukon beast | 58 | 1150 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M26] | [M85] | [M36] | [M86] | [M112] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M26] | [M85] | [M36] | [M86] | [M112] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M26] | [M85] | |
[E389] | 3 | [D102] | Dolphin beast | 58 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] | [M11] | [M33] | [M123] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] | [M11] | [M33] | [M123] | [M16] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M10] | [M28] | |
[E390] | 4 | [D123] | Mummy beast | 58 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M23] | [M6] | [M15] | [M84] | [M26] | [M24] | [M11] | [M40] | [M123] | [M21] | [M61] | [M127] | [M23] | [M6] | [M15] | [M84] | [M26] | [M24] | [M11] | [M40] | [M123] | [M21] | [M61] | [M127] | |
[E391] | 0 | [D130] | Yaluka beast | 57 | 1050 | 3240 | 4230 | Break The Fetch | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] |
[E392] | 1 | [D131] | Been beast | 57 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | |
[E393] | 2 | [D110] | Chariot beast | 57 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M26] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M26] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M26] | [M85] | |
[E394] | 3 | [D112] | Faerie beast | 58 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M33] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | |
[E395] | 4 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 58 | 1050 | 0 | 0 | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | |
[E396] | 5 | [D133] | Steel Been | 58 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E397] | 0 | [D116] | Machine dragon | 59 | 1150 | 564 | 728 | Dark Mine Pit | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] |
[E398] | 0 | [D117] | Strange frog | 60 | 1250 | 588 | 755 | Dark Mine Pit | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M18] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M57] | [M33] | [M48] | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M18] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M57] | [M33] | [M48] |
[E399] | 0 | [D116] | Machine dragon | 60 | 1250 | 1176 | 1456 | Dark Mine Pit | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] |
[E400] | 1 | [D136] | Hag beast | 60 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | [M7] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | |
[E401] | 0 | [D118] | Egg beast | 59 | 1250 | 1692 | 2184 | Dark Mine Pit | [M34] | [M9] | [M16] | [M84] | [M26] | [M30] | [M77] | [M33] | [M18] | [M44] | [M54] | [M73] | [M34] | [M9] | [M16] | [M84] | [M26] | [M30] | [M77] | [M33] | [M18] | [M44] | [M54] | [M73] |
[E402] | 1 | [D119] | Frog king | 59 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | |
[E403] | 2 | [D122] | Big kuka beast | 59 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M14] | [M86] | [M40] | [M37] | [M56] | [M122] | [M9] | [M11] | [M45] | [M10] | [M84] | [M85] | [M14] | [M86] | [M40] | [M37] | [M56] | [M122] | |
[E404] | 0 | [D124] | WildLosa beast | 60 | 1200 | 2256 | 2912 | Dark Mine Pit | [M32] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M10] | [M14] | [M18] | [M31] | [M44] | [M61] | [M39] | [M32] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M10] | [M14] | [M18] | [M31] | [M44] | [M61] | [M39] |
[E405] | 1 | [D126] | Mammoth beast | 60 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | [M7] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | |
[E406] | 2 | [D136] | Hag beast | 60 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | |
[E407] | 3 | [D129] | Zuli beast | 60 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E408] | 0 | [D119] | Frog king | 59 | 1200 | 2256 | 2912 | Dark Mine Pit | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] |
[E409] | 1 | [D127] | Bear beast | 59 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M33] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M33] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | |
[E410] | 2 | [D129] | Zuli beast | 59 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E411] | 3 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 59 | 1100 | 0 | 0 | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | |
[E412] | 0 | [D132] | Bigness Been | 60 | 1150 | 2820 | 3640 | Dark Mine Pit | [M16] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M23] | [M104] | [M48] | [M16] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M23] | [M104] | [M48] |
[E413] | 1 | [D133] | Steel Been | 60 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E414] | 2 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 59 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E415] | 3 | [D160] | Flames beast | 59 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | |
[E416] | 4 | [D162] | Gold dragon | 59 | 2000 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E417] | 0 | [D134] | Cannon ball | 58 | 1250 | 3384 | 4368 | Dark Mine Pit | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M30] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M94] | [M54] | [M27] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M30] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M94] | [M54] | [M27] |
[E418] | 1 | [D133] | Steel Been | 58 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E419] | 2 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 59 | 1200 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E420] | 3 | [D140] | Human eagle | 59 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E421] | 4 | [D116] | Machine dragon | 60 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | |
[E422] | 5 | [D160] | Flames beast | 60 | 1250 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | |
[E423] | 0 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 60 | 1300 | 612 | 782 | Cosmos Maze | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] |
[E424] | 0 | [D142] | Flower faery | 60 | 1350 | 622 | 816 | Cosmos Maze | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] |
[E425] | 0 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 60 | 1300 | 1224 | 1564 | Cosmos Maze | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] |
[E426] | 1 | [D145] | Beast personal | 60 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | |
[E427] | 0 | [D163] | Godeagle beast | 59 | 1300 | 1836 | 2346 | Cosmos Maze | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] |
[E428] | 1 | [D164] | Ninja beast | 59 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] | |
[E429] | 2 | [D165] | Steel drill | 59 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M61] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M61] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | |
[E430] | 0 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 60 | 1300 | 2488 | 3264 | Cosmos Maze | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] |
[E431] | 1 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 60 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | |
[E432] | 2 | [D127] | Bear beast | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M33] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M33] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | |
[E433] | 3 | [D124] | WildLosa beast | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | |
[E434] | 0 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 62 | 1300 | 3110 | 4080 | Cosmos Maze | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] |
[E435] | 1 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 62 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E436] | 2 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E437] | 3 | [D130] | Yaluka beast | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E438] | 4 | [D135] | Corpse Satan | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | |
[E439] | 0 | [D145] | Beast personal | 62 | 1300 | 3110 | 4080 | Cosmos Maze | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] |
[E440] | 1 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 62 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | |
[E441] | 2 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 62 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E442] | 3 | [D162] | Gold dragon | 62 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E443] | 4 | [D166] | Prowl shark | 62 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M104] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M104] | |
[E444] | 0 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 60 | 1300 | 3732 | 4896 | Cosmos Maze | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] |
[E445] | 1 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 60 | 1350 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E446] | 2 | [D140] | Human eagle | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E447] | 3 | [D142] | Flower faery | 61 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | |
[E448] | 4 | [D143] | Super Pido | 62 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E449] | 5 | [D135] | Corpse Satan | 62 | 1300 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | |
[E450] | 0 | [D158] | Super Pido | 63 | 1400 | 630 | 834 | Primitive Mountain | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] |
[E451] | 0 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 64 | 1400 | 640 | 856 | Primitive Mountain | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] |
[E452] | 0 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 63 | 1400 | 1260 | 1668 | Primitive Mountain | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] |
[E453] | 1 | [D112] | Faerie beast | 63 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | |
[E454] | 0 | [D158] | Super Pido | 64 | 1400 | 1890 | 2502 | Primitive Mountain | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] |
[E455] | 1 | [D114] | Andolu beast | 64 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | [M15] | [M64] | [M22] | [M35] | [M77] | [M86] | [M18] | [M38] | [M122] | [M44] | [M112] | [M56] | |
[E456] | 2 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M5] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M5] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E457] | 0 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 63 | 1400 | 2520 | 3336 | Primitive Mountain | [M40] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M40] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] |
[E458] | 1 | [D116] | Machine dragon | 63 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | [M32] | [M5] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M52] | [M30] | [M138] | [M38] | [M61] | [M57] | [M20] | |
[E459] | 2 | [D119] | Frog king | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | |
[E460] | 3 | [D137] | Seadevil beast | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | |
[E461] | 0 | [D132] | Bigness Been | 63 | 1400 | 3150 | 4170 | Primitive Mountain | [M16] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M104] | [M48] | [M16] | [M6] | [M34] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M104] | [M48] |
[E462] | 1 | [D133] | Steel Been | 63 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E463] | 2 | [D168] | Pegasus beast | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] | |
[E464] | 3 | [D167] | Nifedi beast | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] | [M58] | [M83] | [M141] | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] | [M58] | [M83] | [M141] | |
[E465] | 4 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E466] | 0 | [D167] | Nifedi beast | 63 | 1400 | 3150 | 4170 | Primitive Mountain | [M18] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M14] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M91] | [M18] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M14] | [M22] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M37] | [M65] | [M91] |
[E467] | 1 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 63 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E468] | 2 | [D145] | Beast personal | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | |
[E469] | 3 | [D142] | Flower faery | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | |
[E470] | 4 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 64 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E471] | 0 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 63 | 1400 | 3780 | 5004 | Primitive Mountain | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] |
[E472] | 1 | [D167] | Nifedi beast | 63 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] | [M58] | [M83] | [M141] | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] | [M58] | [M83] | [M141] | |
[E473] | 2 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 63 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E474] | 3 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 64 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | |
[E475] | 4 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 64 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E476] | 5 | [D137] | Seadevil beast | 64 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E477] | 0 | [D112] | Faerie beast | 65 | 1400 | 665 | 877 | Dark Hole | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M32] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] | [M32] | [M34] | [M15] | [M35] | [M6] | [M36] | [M43] | [M32] | [M74] | [M51] | [M53] | [M55] |
[E478] | 0 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 66 | 1400 | 685 | 911 | Dark Hole | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M40] | [M57] | [M61] | [M19] |
[E479] | 0 | [D117] | Strange frog | 65 | 1400 | 1330 | 1754 | Dark Hole | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M18] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M57] | [M33] | [M48] | [M41] | [M11] | [M22] | [M35] | [M18] | [M85] | [M36] | [M75] | [M37] | [M57] | [M33] | [M48] |
[E480] | 1 | [D119] | Frog king | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | |
[E481] | 0 | [D124] | WildLosa beast | 66 | 1450 | 1995 | 2631 | Dark Hole | [M32] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M10] | [M14] | [M18] | [M31] | [M44] | [M61] | [M39] | [M32] | [M22] | [M16] | [M41] | [M77] | [M10] | [M14] | [M18] | [M31] | [M44] | [M61] | [M39] |
[E482] | 1 | [D126] | Mammoth beast | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | |
[E483] | 2 | [D119] | Frog king | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | |
[E484] | 0 | [D128] | Triangle beast | 65 | 1450 | 2660 | 3336 | Dark Hole | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M85] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M116] | [M101] | [M104] | [M51] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M85] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M116] | [M101] | [M104] | [M51] |
[E485] | 1 | [D131] | Been beast | 65 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | |
[E486] | 2 | [D133] | Steel Been | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | |
[E487] | 3 | [D134] | Cannon ball | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M30] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M94] | [M54] | [M27] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M30] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M94] | [M54] | [M27] | |
[E488] | 0 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 66 | 1450 | 3425 | 4555 | Dark Hole | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] |
[E489] | 1 | [D131] | Been beast | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | |
[E490] | 2 | [D136] | Hag beast | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | |
[E491] | 3 | [D119] | Frog king | 65 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | [M2] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M26] | [M86] | [M10] | [M17] | [M33] | [M37] | [M25] | [M20] | |
[E492] | 4 | [D152] | Pole devil | 65 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E493] | 0 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 65 | 1450 | 3425 | 4555 | Dark Hole | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] |
[E494] | 1 | [D140] | Human eagle | 65 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E495] | 2 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E496] | 3 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E497] | 4 | [D131] | Been beast | 66 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M17] | [M33] | [M96] | [M44] | [M51] | |
[E498] | 0 | [D142] | Flower faery | 65 | 1450 | 4110 | 5004 | Dark Hole | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] |
[E499] | 1 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 65 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E500] | 2 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 65 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E501] | 3 | [D143] | Super Pido | 66 | 1400 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E502] | 4 | [D134] | Cannon ball | 66 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | |
[E503] | 5 | [D152] | Pole devil | 66 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E504] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 73 | 1700 | 817 | 1111 | Black Devil City | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] |
[E505] | 0 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 74 | 1700 | 830 | 1212 | Black Devil City | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] |
[E506] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 73 | 1700 | 1660 | 2222 | Black Devil City | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] |
[E507] | 1 | [D152] | Pole devil | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E508] | 0 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 74 | 1750 | 2451 | 3333 | Black Devil City | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] |
[E509] | 1 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E510] | 2 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | |
[E511] | 0 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 73 | 1750 | 3268 | 4848 | Black Devil City | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] |
[E512] | 1 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E513] | 2 | [D162] | Gold dragon | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M98] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M98] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E514] | 3 | [D161] | Thunder dragont | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E515] | 0 | [D144] | Kaloda beast | 73 | 1750 | 4085 | 5555 | Black Devil City | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M10] | [M22] | [M85] | [M18] | [M86] | [M40] | [M25] | [M54] | [M50] |
[E516] | 1 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E517] | 2 | [D164] | Ninja beast | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] | |
[E518] | 3 | [D138] | Machine dragon | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M26] | [M138] | [M32] | [M18] | [M36] | [M54] | [M70] | [M91] | [M80] | |
[E519] | 4 | [D155] | King dragon2 | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | [M21] | [M108] | [M114] | [M132] | [M146] | [M134] | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | |
[E520] | 0 | [D164] | Ninja beast | 73 | 1750 | 4980 | 7272 | Black Devil City | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M96] | [M19] |
[E521] | 1 | [D168] | Pegasus beast | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] | |
[E522] | 2 | [D139] | Kuzan beast | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M65] | [M127] | |
[E523] | 3 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] | [M21] | [M66] | [M78] | [M107] | [M109] | [M134] | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] | |
[E524] | 4 | [D158] | Super Pido | 75 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | |
[E525] | 5 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 75 | 1750 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E526] | 0 | [D158] | Super Pido | 73 | 1750 | 4980 | 7272 | Black Devil City | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] |
[E527] | 1 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E528] | 2 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 73 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M72] | [M57] | [M44] | |
[E529] | 3 | [D145] | Beast personal | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | |
[E530] | 4 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 74 | 1700 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M134] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M132] | [M146] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E531] | 5 | [D155] | King dragon2 | 75 | 1750 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | [M21] | [M108] | [M114] | [M132] | [M146] | [M134] | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | |
[E532] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 67 | 1500 | 710 | 922 | unused | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] | [M21] | [M66] | [M79] | [M107] | [M109] | [M134] | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] |
[E533] | 0 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 68 | 1500 | 736 | 966 | unused | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] |
[E534] | 0 | [D168] | Pegasus beast | 68 | 1500 | 1420 | 1844 | unused | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M31] | [M17] | [M65] | [M122] | [M112] | [M101] |
[E535] | 1 | [D147] | Black dragon | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | |
[E536] | 0 | [D161] | Thunder dragont | 67 | 1500 | 2208 | 2766 | unused | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] |
[E537] | 1 | [D160] | Flames beast | 67 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | |
[E538] | 2 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 67 | 1550 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E539] | 0 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 67 | 1500 | 2944 | 3688 | unused | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] |
[E540] | 1 | [D152] | Pole devil | 67 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E541] | 2 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 68 | 1550 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | |
[E542] | 3 | [D158] | Super Pido | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | |
[E543] | 0 | [D147] | Black dragon | 67 | 1500 | 3550 | 4650 | unused | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] |
[E544] | 1 | [D145] | Beast personal | 67 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | |
[E545] | 2 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 68 | 1550 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | |
[E546] | 3 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E547] | 4 | [D160] | Flames beast | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M25] | [M123] | [M88] | [M92] | [M127] | [M103] | |
[E548] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 67 | 1500 | 3550 | 4650 | unused | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] | [M21] | [M66] | [M79] | [M107] | [M109] | [M134] | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] |
[E549] | 1 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 67 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E550] | 2 | [D152] | Pole devil | 68 | 1550 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E551] | 3 | [D141] | Vampire beast | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E552] | 4 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E553] | 0 | [D155] | King dragon2 | 67 | 1500 | 4260 | 5532 | unused | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | [M21] | [M108] | [M114] | [M132] | [M146] | [M134] | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] |
[E554] | 1 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 67 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E555] | 2 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 68 | 1550 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E556] | 3 | [D162] | Gold dragon | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E557] | 4 | [D163] | Godeagle beast | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | |
[E558] | 5 | [D147] | Black dragon | 68 | 1500 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | |
[E559] | 0 | [D167] | Nifedi beast | 69 | 1650 | 763 | 1001 | unused | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M14] | [M22] | [M89] | [M124] | [M88] | [M37] | [M37] | [M65] | [M91] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M14] | [M22] | [M89] | [M124] | [M88] | [M37] | [M37] |
[E560] | 0 | [D149] | Awmika beast | 70 | 1600 | 789 | 1044 | unused, undefined 24th move | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | [M124] | [M68] | [M98] | [M117] | [M118] | [M137] | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | |
[E561] | 0 | [D166] | Prowl shark | 70 | 1600 | 1526 | 2002 | unused | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M104] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M104] |
[E562] | 1 | [D140] | Human eagle | 70 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E563] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 69 | 1600 | 2289 | 3003 | unused | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] | [M21] | [M66] | [M79] | [M107] | [M109] | [M134] | [M24] | [M12] | [M30] | [M92] | [M87] | [M90] | [M28] | [M19] | [M75] |
[E564] | 1 | [D147] | Black dragon | 69 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | |
[E565] | 2 | [D140] | Human eagle | 69 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M18] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E566] | 0 | [D143] | Super Pido | 70 | 1600 | 3052 | 4176 | unused | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M36] | [M99] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] |
[E567] | 1 | [D154] | King dragon1 | 71 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | [M124] | [M102] | [M129] | [M107] | [M131] | [M148] | [M13] | [M12] | [M36] | [M14] | [M97] | [M28] | [M48] | [M55] | [M126] | |
[E568] | 2 | [D152] | Pole devil | 71 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M10] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M10] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E569] | 3 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 70 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E570] | 0 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 71 | 1600 | 3945 | 5220 | unused | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] |
[E571] | 1 | [D137] | Seadevil beast | 71 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | |
[E572] | 2 | [D162] | Gold dragon | 72 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M86] | [M97] | [M28] | [M65] | [M100] | [M44] | [M82] | |
[E573] | 3 | [D161] | Thunder dragont | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M35] | [M18] | [M14] | [M22] | [M45] | [M17] | [M71] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E574] | 4 | [D157] | Fight dragon | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | [M120] | [M105] | [M98] | [M140] | [M149] | [M143] | [M7] | [M6] | [M30] | [M43] | [M84] | [M76] | [M56] | [M81] | [M133] | |
[E575] | 0 | [D147] | Black dragon | 71 | 1600 | 4734 | 6264 | unused | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] |
[E576] | 1 | [D152] | Pole devil | 71 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | |
[E577] | 2 | [D149] | Awmika beast | 72 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | [M124] | [M68] | [M98] | [M117] | [M118] | [M137] | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | |
[E578] | 3 | [D142] | Flower faery | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | [M7] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M84] | [M67] | [M17] | [M99] | [M40] | [M33] | [M39] | [M48] | |
[E579] | 4 | [D145] | Beast personal | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M14] | [M26] | [M28] | [M22] | [M40] | [M75] | [M59] | [M21] | [M127] | |
[E580] | 5 | [D155] | King dragon2 | 72 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | [M21] | [M108] | [M114] | [M132] | [M146] | [M134] | [M13] | [M16] | [M34] | [M89] | [M14] | [M25] | [M45] | [M60] | [M22] | |
[E581] | 0 | [D149] | Awmika beast | 71 | 1600 | 4734 | 6264 | unused, undefined 24th move | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | [M124] | [M68] | [M98] | [M117] | [M137] | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | |
[E582] | 1 | [D126] | Mammoth beast | 71 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M35] | [M28] | [M30] | [M138] | [M99] | [M37] | [M54] | [M56] | [M27] | |
[E583] | 2 | [D130] | Yaluka beast | 72 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | [M13] | [M45] | [M34] | [M41] | [M110] | [M22] | [M89] | [M17] | [M88] | [M44] | [M56] | [M21] | |
[E584] | 3 | [D133] | Steel Been | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M41] | [M35] | [M138] | [M88] | [M21] | [M56] | [M19] | |
[E585] | 4 | [D158] | Super Pido | 72 | 1600 | 0 | 0 | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | [M124] | [M119] | [M103] | [M107] | [M146] | [M137] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M138] | [M35] | [M53] | [M60] | [M71] | |
[E586] | 5 | [D159] | Steel Kalu | 72 | 1650 | 0 | 0 | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | [M21] | [M108] | [M135] | [M142] | [M149] | [M143] | [M9] | [M11] | [M23] | [M86] | [M22] | [M122] | [M51] | [M95] | [M92] | |
[E587] | 0 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E588] | 1 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E589] | 2 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E590] | 3 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E591] | 4 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E592] | 5 | N/A | N/A | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | unused empty data | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] | [M0] |
[E593] | 0 | [D64] | Cape dragon | 4 | 30 | 10 | 30 | Boss - Dark Tower | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] | [M13] | [M1] | [M2] | [M22] |
[E594] | 0 | [D62] | Mantodea beast | 6 | 62 | 22 | 50 | Boss - Steaming Hot Desert | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] | [M7] | [M45] | [M34] |
[E595] | 0 | [D65] | Drill beast | 8 | 108 | 36 | 75 | Boss - Spiral Mountain | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] |
[E596] | 0 | [D68] | Big dragon | 10 | 200 | 50 | 102 | Boss - Opafication Forest | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] | [M24] | [M3] | [M15] | [M41] |
[E597] | 0 | [D70] | Rednasal beast | 12 | 250 | 63 | 119 | Boss - Ice Frost Tower | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] | [M3] | [M47] | [M45] | [M16] |
[E598] | 0 | [D71] | Yeti beast | 14 | 300 | 78 | 144 | Boss - Old Mine Pit | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M64] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] |
[E599] | 0 | [D72] | Shell beast | 15 | 450 | 90 | 153 | Boss - Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] | [M77] | [M41] | [M34] | [M16] | [M8] |
[E600] | 0 | [D73] | Lobster beast | 16 | 680 | 102 | 162 | Boss - Bottom of Sea Vestige | [M7] | [M11] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M7] | [M11] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M7] | [M11] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M7] | [M11] | [M24] | [M16] | [M26] | [M7] | [M11] | [M24] | [M16] |
[E601] | 0 | [D75] | Roach beast | 18 | 820 | 128 | 188 | Boss - Mir iceberg | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] | [M43] | [M7] | [M24] | [M22] | [M41] |
[E602] | 0 | [D76] | Defend beast | 20 | 940 | 149 | 213 | Boss - Flare-up mountain | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] | [M13] | [M12] | [M16] | [M24] | [M99] | [M47] |
[E603] | 0 | [D81] | Dark big dragon | 24 | 1100 | 180 | 275 | Boss - Poland Vestige | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] |
[E604] | 0 | [D77] | 3 head dragon | 26 | 1300 | 270 | 375 | Boss - Died Vale | [M42] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M42] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M42] | [M41] | [M24] | [M8] | [M77] | [M30] | [M72] | [M42] | [M41] | [M24] |
[E605] | 0 | [D115] | Corpse dragon | 30 | 1550 | 288 | 410 | Boss - Deep Sea Maze / Black Maze | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] | [M42] | [M6] | [M16] | [M43] | [M10] | [M67] | [M36] | [M99] |
[E606] | 0 | [D150] | Super devil | 36 | 1500 | 325 | 450 | Boss - Stray Forest | [M14] | [M22] | [M28] | [M72] | [M95] | [M23] | [M37] | [M17] | [M19] | [M14] | [M22] | [M28] | [M72] | [M95] | [M23] | [M37] | [M17] | [M19] | [M14] | [M22] | [M28] | [M72] | [M95] | [M23] |
[E607] | 0 | [D171] | Micellae beast | 42 | 1600 | 363 | 488 | Boss - Numerator Vestige | [M7] | [M9] | [M21] | [M8] | [M20] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M21] | [M8] | [M20] | [M83] | [M16] | [M84] | [M38] | [M7] | [M9] | [M21] | [M8] | [M20] | [M83] |
[E608] | 0 | [D146] | Kimila beast | 46 | 1800 | 404 | 503 | Boss - Kalade Mountain | [M22] | [M10] | [M28] | [M90] | [M85] | [M88] | [M26] | [M17] | [M73] | [M22] | [M10] | [M28] | [M90] | [M85] | [M88] | [M26] | [M17] | [M73] | [M22] | [M10] | [M28] | [M90] | [M85] | [M88] |
[E609] | 0 | [D123] | Mummy beast | 52 | 2000 | 473 | 644 | Boss - Infinite Mountain | [M21] | [M4] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M22] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M19] | [M21] | [M4] | [M13] | [M82] | [M24] | [M22] | [M9] | [M38] | [M121] | [M19] | [M21] | [M4] | [M13] | [M82] |
[E610] | 0 | [D100] | Warrior beast | 55 | 2400 | 518 | 684 | Boss - Ship Burial Site | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M12] | [M136] | [M36] | [M22] | [M45] | [M43] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] |
[E611] | 0 | [D121] | Yakili beast | 58 | 2600 | 622 | 816 | unused | [M3] | [M45] | [M21] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M31] | [M3] | [M45] | [M21] | [M8] | [M108] | [M20] | [M33] | [M136] | [M86] | [M31] | [M3] | [M45] | [M21] | [M8] |
[E612] | 0 | [D136] | Hag beast | 60 | 2750 | 612 | 782 | Boss - Break The Fetch | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] | [M9] | [M15] | [M22] | [M18] | [M28] | [M30] | [M36] | [M45] | [M99] | [M54] | [M82] | [M50] |
[E613] | 0 | [D135] | Corpse Satan | 62 | 3000 | 630 | 834 | Boss - Dark Mine Pit | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M58] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] | [M13] | [M12] | [M15] | [M84] | [M35] | [M58] | [M22] | [M40] | [M17] | [M37] | [M21] | [M20] |
[E614] | 0 | [D137] | Seadevil beast | 63 | 3200 | 685 | 911 | Boss - Cosmos Maze | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] | [M24] | [M4] | [M43] | [M92] | [M99] | [M67] | [M28] | [M87] | [M75] | [M21] | [M65] | [M19] |
[E615] | 0 | [D152] | Pole devil | 64 | 3300 | 736 | 966 | Boss - Primitive Mountain | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] | [M21] | [M119] | [M79] | [M117] | [M145] | [M144] | [M12] | [M47] | [M45] | [M89] | [M138] | [M96] | [M73] | [M49] | [M126] |
[E616] | 0 | [D147] | Black dragon | 68 | 3500 | 830 | 1212 | Boss - Dark Hole | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] | [M120] | [M147] | [M98] | [M107] | [M113] | [M143] | [M64] | [M11] | [M34] | [M86] | [M138] | [M91] | [M82] | [M27] | [M15] |
[E617] | 0 | [D85] | Left round | 22 | 820 | 160 | 245 | Boss - West Hole | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] | [M10] | [M110] | [M22] | [M14] | [M24] | [M47] | [M45] |
[E618] | 0 | [D79] | Fly dragon | 26 | 999 | 210 | 300 | Boss - Pila Tower | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] | [M23] | [M41] | [M24] | [M12] | [M34] | [M52] | [M58] | [M86] |
[E619] | 0 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 28 | 1020 | 243 | 350 | Boss - Moya Marsh | [M3] | [M11] | [M8] | [M26] | [M77] | [M24] | [M18] | [M36] | [M3] | [M11] | [M8] | [M26] | [M77] | [M24] | [M18] | [M36] | [M3] | [M11] | [M8] | [M26] | [M77] | [M24] | [M18] | [M36] |
[E620] | 0 | [D93] | Devil dragon | 50 | 2450 | 440 | 600 | Boss - Flames Tower | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] | [M16] | [M34] | [M35] | [M1] | [M9] | [M6] | [M24] | [M75] | [M22] |
[E621] | 0 | [D149] | Awmika beast | 68 | 3500 | 851 | 1350 | unused | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] | [M124] | [M68] | [M98] | [M117] | [M118] | [M137] | [M13] | [M45] | [M36] | [M18] | [M110] | [M90] | [M29] | [M27] | [M128] |
[E622] | 0 | [D148] | Blueness dragon | 69 | 4200 | 891 | 1550 | unused | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] | [M124] | [M68] | [M141] | [M142] | [M109] | [M137] | [M8] | [M45] | [M23] | [M41] | [M26] | [M35] | [M89] | [M81] | [M111] |
[E623] | 0 | [D169] | Judgment day | 72 | 4500 | 1838 | 3200 | Boss 1 - Black Devil City | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] | [M58] | [M83] | [M141] | [M101] | [M149] | [M137] | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M84] | [M122] | [M39] | [M81] | [M21] |
[E624] | 1 | [D150] | Super devil | 72 | 4500 | 0 | 0 | Boss 2 - Black Devil City | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M97] | [M25] | [M39] | [M19] | [M21] | [M126] | [M83] | [M141] | [M98] | [M113] | [M143] | [M16] | [M24] | [M30] | [M74] | [M97] | [M25] | [M39] | [M19] | [M21] |
[E625] | 0 | [D156] | Ruined devil | 74 | 5000 | 1005 | 2110 | Final Boss - Black Devil City | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M96] | [M48] | [M55] | [M58] | [M21] | [M115] | [M129] | [M139] | [M145] | [M150] | [M64] | [M24] | [M15] | [M77] | [M28] | [M96] | [M48] | [M55] | [M58] |
Move | Name | Dmg | MP | Description | Notes |
[M1] | Air bulb | 22 | 0 | Generally attack | |
[M2] | Soap bulb | 0 | 3 | Add the magic-def 20~ | No effect |
[M3] | Acid bulb | 23 | 0 | Redound speed 30~ | |
[M4] | Sticky bulb | 0 | 3 | Lowers enemy speed 30~ | Reduce enemy speed by 30% |
[M5] | Poisonou bulb | 0 | 5 | Venenation 2-3 around one around damnify 5~ | 25% chance of poison, 5% damage |
[M6] | Pollen geyser | 0 | 10 | Resume individual HP 30~ | Heal 30% |
[M7] | Petal spraying | 27 | 0 | Generally attack | |
[M8] | Poison gas | 0 | 3 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M9] | Dizzy smoke | 0 | 3 | Lowers enemy hit probability30~ | Reduce enemy attack by 30% |
[M10] | Shinning thunder | 45 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M11] | Cradle song | 0 | 5 | Let enemy sleep 2-3 around can not move | 25% chance of sleep for 4 turns |
[M12] | Blood-suck needle | 0 | 7 | Assimilate enemy HP 10~ | Always does 10% damage, steals HP |
[M13] | Poisonous vine | 30 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M14] | Thunder light | 45 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M15] | Evil magic dream | 0 | 4 | Let enemy sleep 3-4 around can not move | 25% chance of sleep for 4 turns |
[M16] | 3-dimension light wave | 32 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M17] | Ancient dint gun | 40 | 4 | Generally attack | |
[M18] | Big scissor arm | 45 | 4 | Generally attack | |
[M19] | Hell hunting | 60 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M20] | Super energy gun | 58 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M21] | Love sea | 0 | 30 | Resume individual HP 100~ | Heal 100% |
[M22] | Dead spirit curse | 0 | 10 | Let enemy can not move 2-3 around | 25% chance of paralysis for 4 turns |
[M23] | Continuing attack | 24 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M24] | Straight water pole | 35 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M25] | Sea-moaning black gun | 56 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M26] | Supersonic | 48 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M27] | Sacred cannon bom | 60 | 20 | Generally attack enemy can not under shelter | |
[M28] | Tank direct punch | 57 | 4 | Generally attack | |
[M29] | Storm comet | 48 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M30] | 3-division evil stick | 54 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M31] | 3-angled fly driller | 50 | 7 | Generally attack | |
[M32] | Lovely attack | 25 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M33] | Evil shoot wave | 45 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M34] | Metal flame | 36 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M35] | Pumpkin covering | 46 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M36] | Poisoncross knife | 56 | 4 | Generally attack | |
[M37] | Flying stabbing | 70 | 5 | Generally attack | |
[M38] | Vacuum knife | 72 | 5 | Generally attack | |
[M39] | Energy light gun | 58 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M40] | Opposite energywave | 45 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M41] | Potato wave | 34 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M42] | Egg attack fruit | 28 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M43] | Evil's kiss | 0 | 12 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M44] | Supporting lead bom | 57 | 7 | Generally attack | |
[M45] | Smiling bomb | 0 | 6 | Lowers enemy attend 30~ 3-4 around | Reduce enemy attack by 30% |
[M46] | Sensor currents | 0 | 10 | Redound attend 20~ 3-4 around | No effect |
[M47] | Love attack | 0 | 12 | Lowers enemy hit probability20~ 3-4 around | Reduce enemy attack by 2 |
[M48] | Deep night raid | 55 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M49] | Ultimate bomb | 64 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M50] | Clinquant stoup | 0 | 30 | Resume individual HP 100~ | Heal 100% |
[M51] | Ruined shrapnel | 67 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M52] | Poison tusk attack | 0 | 12 | Venenation 3-4 around one around damnify 10~ | 25% chance of poison, 5% damage |
[M53] | Armtwisting ele-claw | 66 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M54] | Justice bullet | 50 | 7 | Generally attack | |
[M55] | Super cannon | 70 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M56] | Black wheel gear | 63 | 8 | Generally attack | |
[M57] | Paralysis wave | 0 | 8 | Let enemy paralysis 2-3 around can not move | 25% chance of paralysis for 4 turns |
[M58] | Black heart attack | 0 | 10 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M59] | Time pause | 0 | 15 | Let enemy 2-3 around can notmove | 25% chance of paralysis for 4 turns |
[M60] | Gold drill the Star | 62 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M61] | High sky drill | 44 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M62] | Roll over pound | 27 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M63] | Aeriform artillery | 35 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M64] | Minitype flames | 30 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M65] | Sorcery flames | 58 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M66] | Wing flash | 70 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M67] | Fish riot walk | 50 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M68] | Wrath rock | 72 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M69] | Thunder streak | 60 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M70] | Spin fly knife | 56 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M71] | Overstocked atomizing | 0 | 14 | Lowers enemy define 50~ 3-4 around | Reduces enemy defense by 2 |
[M72] | Super aaric | 0 | 10 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M73] | Thunder shock | 67 | 8 | Generally attack | |
[M74] | Nightmare | 0 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M75] | Pearl attack | 52 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M76] | Strong dint attack | 66 | 9 | Generally attack | |
[M77] | X ray | 47 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M78] | Cat cat mauley | 36 | 1 | Generally attack | |
[M79] | Heaven mauley | 75 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M80] | Final stab the peg | 67 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M81] | Super flames | 76 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M82] | Meteorite big pinna | 65 | 9 | Generally attack | |
[M83] | Fox flames | 75 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M84] | Touch mauley | 52 | 5 | Generally attack | |
[M85] | Saint light bal | 40 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M86] | Umbra dint knife | 56 | 5 | Generally attack | |
[M87] | Volcano shell | 57 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M88] | Tornado spiral | 56 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M89] | High speed pound | 54 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M90] | Super ice arrows | 60 | 5 | Generally attack | |
[M91] | Flames jet | 64 | 9 | Generally attack | |
[M92] | Disaster niff | 0 | 8 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M93] | Super hydraulic | 76 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M94] | Dragon double nip | 55 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M95] | Demolish cannon | 68 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M96] | Dragon flash gun | 55 | 7 | Generally attack | |
[M97] | Spin fly needle | 55 | 3 | Generally attack | |
[M98] | Despiar pound | 84 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M99] | Assimilate life root | 0 | 5 | Assimilate enemy HP 10~ | Always does 10% damage, steals HP |
[M100] | Honeybee needle | 59 | 6 | Generally attack | |
[M101] | Meteor rain | 67 | 9 | Generally attack | |
[M102] | Super dint attack | 74 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M103] | Sea dragon ice arrows | 80 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M104] | Ifron dart | 60 | 9 | Generally attack | |
[M105] | Water fly arrows | 70 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M106] | Big tsunami | 83 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M107] | Thunder evocative | 90 | 15 | Generally attack | |
[M108] | Blood-red claw shot | 77 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M109] | Miga Big Gun | 105 | 18 | Generally attack | |
[M110] | Flash gun | 40 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M111] | Anger hair day | 65 | 5 | Redound attend 20~ | No effect |
[M112] | Satisfied stick | 61 | 8 | Generally attack | |
[M113] | Kill cannon | 107 | 18 | Generally attack | |
[M114] | Fflames bambard | 87 | 14 | Generally attack | |
[M115] | Kill dart | 72 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M116] | Small bird pick shot | 42 | 2 | Generally attack | |
[M117] | Sacred bow and arrow | 94 | 14 | Generally attack | |
[M118] | Waive sin saint light | 109 | 18 | Generally attack | |
[M119] | Super missilery | 79 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M120] | Energy sword | 65 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M121] | Zero cruise flip | 85 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M122] | Iron claw shot | 60 | 8 | Generally attack | |
[M123] | Harpoon attack | 57 | 7 | Generally attack | |
[M124] | Break wave | 0 | 8 | Let enemy tumultuary 2-3 around | 25% chance of disordered for 4 turns |
[M125] | Spider spin silk | 0 | 8 | Let enemy can not move 2-3 around | 25% chance of paralysis for 4 turns |
[M126] | Sulphuric acid smoke | 0 | 10 | Lowers enemy hit probability20~ 2-3 around | Reduce enemy attack by 30% |
[M127] | Bandage snake shot | 63 | 8 | Generally attack | |
[M128] | Die it shock | 0 | 25 | Hit and immediate die | Instant kill |
[M129] | Madness it arrows | 86 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M130] | Ivory bambard | 96 | 13 | Generally attack | |
[M131] | Die bomb | 102 | 15 | Generally attack | |
[M132] | Black wave of hell | 88 | 14 | Generally attack | |
[M133] | Black poison sin | 0 | 12 | Venenation 3-4 around one around damnify 10~ | 25% chance of poison, 5% damage |
[M134] | Obituary shoot | 118 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M135] | Kalulu cannon | 88 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M136] | Big sword attack | 102 | 16 | Generally attack | |
[M137] | Light Laser | 115 | 18 | Generally attack | |
[M138] | Blaze mauley | 48 | 4 | Generally attack | |
[M139] | Shell fly the knife | 80 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M140] | Thunder Ford | 95 | 13 | Generally attack | |
[M141] | Lightning Cape cut | 85 | 12 | Generally attack | |
[M142] | Ion shoot | 97 | 13 | Generally attack | |
[M143] | Infinity wave | 115 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M144] | Windstorm pinna | 110 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M145] | Gold drill pound | 105 | 14 | Generally attack | |
[M146] | Devil emmagee | 109 | 14 | Generally attack | |
[M147] | Secret attack | 82 | 10 | Generally attack | |
[M148] | Silow tower | 110 | 25 | Generally attack | |
[M149] | Sacred pin rain | 100 | 18 | Generally attack | |
[M150] | Meteor ray | 110 | 20 | Generally attack | |
[M151] | Vitality cookey | 0 | 0 | Resume individual HP 30~ | Heal 30% |
[M152] | Activity cookey | 0 | 0 | Resume individual HP 50~ | Heal 50% |
[M153] | Evaporated food | 0 | 0 | Resume individual HP 100~ | Heal 100% |
[M154] | Notrition cookey | 0 | 0 | Resume wholeness HP 50~ | Heal party 50% |
[M155] | Manual spring | 0 | 0 | Resume wholeness HP 100~ | Heal party 100% |
[M156] | Power pill | 0 | 0 | Resume individual MP 30~ | Restore MP 30% |
[M157] | Chicken vim | 0 | 0 | Resume individual MP 50~ | Restore MP 50% |
[M158] | Sorcery chest | 0 | 0 | Resume individual MP 100~ | Restore MP 100% |
[M159] | Power stone | 0 | 0 | Resume wholeness MP 30~ | Restore party MP 30% |
[M160] | Energy spring | 0 | 0 | Resume wholeness MP 30~ | Restore party MP 30%? |
[M161] | First aid needle | 0 | 0 | Revivification and Resume HP 30~ | |
[M162] | Livesaving plastres | 0 | 0 | Revivification and Resume HP 50~ | |
[M163] | First aid chest | 0 | 0 | Revivification and Resume HP 100~ | |
[M164] | Regina tear | 0 | 0 | All revivification and Resume HP 50~ | |
[M165] | Angel bless | 0 | 0 | All revivification and Resume HP 100~ | |
[M166] | Upgrade badge | 0 | 0 | Prompt upgrade one level | Cannot be used in battle |
Starter digimon start with 15 experience (8 experience points for level 1, 7 towards level 2 with 27 required).
Digimon obtained from chests start with 6 experience and 9 required for level 2, which effectively equates to starting with 32 experience.
Level | Exp | Exp Total | Add HP | Add MP | Add Atk | Add Def | Add Spe | Add Magic | Add MDef |
1 | 8 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 27 | 35 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
3 | 37 | 72 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
4 | 61 | 133 | 18 | 7 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 5 |
5 | 91 | 224 | 25 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 10 | 7 |
6 | 127 | 351 | 39 | 13 | 14 | 11 | 6 | 13 | 9 |
7 | 169 | 520 | 56 | 15 | 16 | 13 | 8 | 15 | 11 |
8 | 217 | 737 | 70 | 19 | 22 | 16 | 9 | 19 | 13 |
9 | 271 | 1008 | 84 | 24 | 26 | 20 | 10 | 24 | 16 |
10 | 331 | 1339 | 98 | 25 | 28 | 23 | 10 | 25 | 19 |
11 | 397 | 1736 | 105 | 27 | 34 | 26 | 12 | 27 | 21 |
12 | 469 | 2205 | 118 | 31 | 38 | 28 | 13 | 31 | 23 |
13 | 547 | 2752 | 130 | 34 | 44 | 32 | 14 | 34 | 26 |
14 | 631 | 3383 | 142 | 36 | 48 | 34 | 14 | 36 | 29 |
15 | 721 | 4104 | 156 | 38 | 52 | 37 | 15 | 38 | 32 |
16 | 817 | 4921 | 170 | 42 | 56 | 40 | 16 | 42 | 34 |
17 | 919 | 5840 | 176 | 46 | 60 | 43 | 16 | 46 | 37 |
18 | 1027 | 6867 | 184 | 49 | 63 | 46 | 18 | 49 | 40 |
19 | 1141 | 8008 | 193 | 52 | 67 | 49 | 20 | 52 | 43 |
20 | 1261 | 9269 | 202 | 56 | 70 | 52 | 22 | 56 | 47 |
21 | 1387 | 10656 | 208 | 57 | 72 | 55 | 23 | 57 | 50 |
22 | 1519 | 12175 | 219 | 59 | 75 | 57 | 24 | 59 | 53 |
23 | 1657 | 13832 | 230 | 63 | 78 | 60 | 24 | 63 | 56 |
24 | 1801 | 15633 | 237 | 67 | 84 | 62 | 24 | 67 | 59 |
25 | 1951 | 17584 | 250 | 69 | 86 | 64 | 28 | 69 | 62 |
26 | 2107 | 19691 | 262 | 71 | 90 | 68 | 28 | 71 | 66 |
27 | 2269 | 21960 | 270 | 75 | 92 | 71 | 30 | 75 | 69 |
28 | 2437 | 24397 | 282 | 78 | 95 | 74 | 32 | 78 | 72 |
29 | 2611 | 27008 | 289 | 82 | 98 | 77 | 32 | 82 | 75 |
30 | 2791 | 29799 | 295 | 86 | 103 | 80 | 32 | 86 | 78 |
31 | 2977 | 32776 | 306 | 90 | 107 | 83 | 32 | 90 | 80 |
32 | 3169 | 35945 | 314 | 94 | 110 | 85 | 36 | 94 | 81 |
33 | 3367 | 39312 | 322 | 98 | 113 | 88 | 36 | 98 | 84 |
34 | 3571 | 42883 | 331 | 103 | 117 | 93 | 37 | 103 | 87 |
35 | 3781 | 46664 | 345 | 108 | 122 | 96 | 38 | 108 | 90 |
36 | 3997 | 50661 | 352 | 114 | 126 | 99 | 40 | 114 | 93 |
37 | 4219 | 54880 | 360 | 118 | 130 | 105 | 41 | 118 | 95 |
38 | 4447 | 59327 | 374 | 120 | 134 | 109 | 42 | 120 | 98 |
39 | 4681 | 64008 | 396 | 124 | 137 | 114 | 42 | 124 | 102 |
40 | 4921 | 68929 | 405 | 126 | 141 | 118 | 44 | 126 | 106 |
41 | 5167 | 74096 | 415 | 130 | 144 | 122 | 45 | 130 | 109 |
42 | 5419 | 79515 | 428 | 133 | 149 | 125 | 45 | 133 | 113 |
43 | 5677 | 85192 | 436 | 136 | 153 | 128 | 45 | 136 | 117 |
44 | 5941 | 91133 | 444 | 140 | 157 | 134 | 48 | 140 | 120 |
45 | 6211 | 97344 | 457 | 142 | 160 | 138 | 50 | 142 | 125 |
46 | 6487 | 103831 | 469 | 145 | 162 | 142 | 50 | 145 | 129 |
47 | 6769 | 110600 | 482 | 148 | 165 | 145 | 51 | 148 | 134 |
48 | 7057 | 117657 | 490 | 150 | 168 | 148 | 52 | 150 | 138 |
49 | 7351 | 125008 | 500 | 154 | 172 | 149 | 52 | 154 | 142 |
50 | 7651 | 132659 | 509 | 158 | 176 | 154 | 52 | 158 | 146 |
51 | 7957 | 140616 | 514 | 162 | 180 | 156 | 53 | 162 | 150 |
52 | 8269 | 148885 | 525 | 166 | 183 | 160 | 53 | 166 | 154 |
53 | 8587 | 157472 | 536 | 169 | 187 | 164 | 54 | 169 | 158 |
54 | 8911 | 166383 | 545 | 172 | 192 | 168 | 55 | 172 | 162 |
55 | 9241 | 175624 | 556 | 174 | 196 | 172 | 56 | 174 | 168 |
56 | 9577 | 185201 | 571 | 179 | 200 | 176 | 57 | 179 | 172 |
57 | 9919 | 195120 | 584 | 182 | 204 | 180 | 58 | 182 | 175 |
58 | 10267 | 205387 | 590 | 186 | 208 | 183 | 58 | 186 | 178 |
59 | 10621 | 216008 | 601 | 190 | 212 | 188 | 60 | 190 | 184 |
60 | 10981 | 226989 | 608 | 194 | 216 | 191 | 62 | 194 | 187 |
61 | 11347 | 238336 | 614 | 196 | 220 | 193 | 62 | 196 | 190 |
62 | 11719 | 250055 | 625 | 199 | 224 | 197 | 63 | 199 | 193 |
63 | 12097 | 262152 | 633 | 202 | 228 | 200 | 63 | 202 | 196 |
64 | 12481 | 274633 | 648 | 203 | 231 | 203 | 65 | 203 | 199 |
65 | 12871 | 287504 | 668 | 206 | 236 | 206 | 66 | 206 | 202 |
66 | 13267 | 300771 | 686 | 209 | 240 | 210 | 67 | 209 | 206 |
67 | 13669 | 314440 | 698 | 211 | 245 | 213 | 68 | 211 | 209 |
68 | 14077 | 328517 | 708 | 215 | 250 | 216 | 70 | 215 | 213 |
69 | 14491 | 343008 | 714 | 218 | 254 | 220 | 72 | 218 | 218 |
70 | 14911 | 357919 | 726 | 220 | 258 | 224 | 72 | 220 | 221 |
71 | 15337 | 373256 | 729 | 224 | 262 | 228 | 73 | 224 | 225 |
72 | 15769 | 389025 | 755 | 227 | 267 | 234 | 74 | 227 | 229 |
73 | 16207 | 405232 | 788 | 230 | 280 | 237 | 76 | 230 | 234 |
74 | 16651 | 421883 | 805 | 233 | 289 | 240 | 78 | 233 | 238 |
75 | 17101 | 438984 | 826 | 236 | 295 | 242 | 80 | 236 | 241 |
76 | 17557 | 456541 | 845 | 239 | 308 | 245 | 82 | 239 | 243 |
77 | 18019 | 474560 | 868 | 242 | 319 | 248 | 84 | 242 | 246 |
78 | 18487 | 493047 | 884 | 244 | 335 | 250 | 87 | 244 | 249 |
79 | 18961 | 512008 | 899 | 248 | 345 | 252 | 88 | 248 | 250 |
80 | 19441 | 531449 | 905 | 255 | 358 | 255 | 92 | 255 | 255 |
81 | 19927 | 551376 | 925 | 255 | 366 | 255 | 94 | 255 | 255 |
82 | 20419 | 571795 | 943 | 255 | 378 | 255 | 96 | 255 | 255 |
83 | 20917 | 592712 | 945 | 255 | 384 | 255 | 97 | 255 | 255 |
84 | 21421 | 614133 | 968 | 255 | 390 | 255 | 98 | 255 | 255 |
85 | 21931 | 636064 | 978 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
86 | 22447 | 658511 | 980 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
87 | 22969 | 681480 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
88 | 23497 | 704977 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
89 | 24031 | 729008 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
90 | 24562 | 753570 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
91 | 25126 | 778696 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
92 | 25669 | 804365 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
93 | 26227 | 830592 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
94 | 26791 | 857383 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
95 | 27361 | 884744 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
96 | 27937 | 912681 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
97 | 28519 | 941200 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
98 | 29107 | 970307 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
99 | 29999 | 1000306 | 999 | 255 | 399 | 255 | 99 | 255 | 255 |
All items except for the Upgrade Badge can be bought at any vendor in each of the Graduate Schools in each Digit City (except in the final area, which has no Graduate School).
All items can also be found in chests.
Item ID | Name | Effect | Vendor price |
[I1] | Vitality cookey | Resume individual HP 30~ | 100 |
[I2] | Activity cookey | Resume individual HP 50~ | 250 |
[I3] | Evaporated food | Resume individual HP 100~ | 350 |
[I4] | Notrition cookey | Resume wholeness HP 50~ | 500 |
[I5] | Manual spring | Resume wholeness HP 100~ | 1500 |
[I6] | Power pill | Resume individual MP 30~ | 100 |
[I7] | Chicken vim | Resume individual MP 50~ | 250 |
[I8] | Sorcery chest | Resume individual MP 100~ | 400 |
[I9] | Power stone | Resume wholeness MP 30~ | 750 |
[I10] | Energy spring | Resume wholeness MP 30~ | 1500 |
[I11] | First aid needle | Revivification and Resume HP 30~ | 500 |
[I12] | Livesaving plastres | Revivification and Resume HP 50~ | 750 |
[I13] | First aid chest | Revivification and Resume HP 100~ | 1500 |
[I14] | Regina tear | All revivification and Resume HP 50~ | 2500 |
[I15] | Angel bless | All revivification and Resume HP 100~ | 4500 |
[I16] | Upgrade badge | Prompt upgrade one level | N/A |
Domain | ID | Domain Name | Area | Notes |
1 | 1 | Stage One | Campfire | Starting area |
1 | 2 | Stage One | Digit City | Town area |
1 | 3 | Stage One | Digit City | |
1 | 4 | Stage One | Digit City | |
1 | 5 | Stage One | Digit City | |
1 | 6 | Stage One | Digit City | |
1 | 7 | Stage One | Digit City | |
1 | 8 | Stage One | Digit City | Graduate school |
1 | 9 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 10 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 11 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 12 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 13 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 14 | Stage One | Dark Tower | |
1 | 15 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
1 | 16 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
1 | 17 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 18 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 19 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 20 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 21 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 22 | Stage One | Spiral Mountain | |
1 | 23 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 24 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 25 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 26 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 27 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 28 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 29 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 30 | Stage One | Opacification Forest | |
1 | 31 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 32 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 33 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 34 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 35 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 36 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 37 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 38 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 39 | Stage One | Ice Frost Tower | |
1 | 40 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 41 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 42 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 43 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 44 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 45 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 46 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 47 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 48 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 49 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 50 | Stage One | Old Mine Pit | |
1 | 51 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 52 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 53 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 54 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 55 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 56 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 57 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 58 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 59 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 60 | Stage One | Bottom of Sea Vestige | |
1 | 61 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
1 | 62 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
1 | 63 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
1 | 64 | Stage One | Steaming Hot Desert | |
2 | 1 | Stage Two | Digit City | Town area |
2 | 2 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 3 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 4 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 5 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 6 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 7 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 8 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 9 | Stage Two | Mir iceberg | |
2 | 10 | Stage Two | Stray Forest | actually Mir iceberg, labeled as "Stray Forest" in save game data |
2 | 11 | Stage Two | Flare-up Mountain | |
2 | 12 | Stage Two | Flare-up Mountain | |
2 | 13 | Stage Two | Flare-up Mountain | |
2 | 14 | Stage Two | Flare-up Mountain | |
2 | 15 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 16 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 17 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 18 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 19 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 20 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 21 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 22 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 23 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 24 | Stage Two | Poland Vestige | |
2 | 25 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 26 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 27 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 28 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 29 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 30 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 31 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 32 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 33 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 34 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 35 | Stage Two | Died Vale | |
2 | 36 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 37 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 38 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 39 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 40 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 41 | Stage Two | Deep Sea Maze | |
2 | 42 | Stage Two | Digit City | Graduate school |
2 | 43 | Stage Two | Digit City | |
2 | 44 | Stage Two | Digit City | |
2 | 45 | Stage Two | Digit City | |
2 | 46 | Stage Two | Digit City | |
2 | 47 | Stage Two | Digit City | |
2 | 48 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 49 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 50 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 51 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 52 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 53 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 54 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 55 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 56 | Stage Two | West Hole | |
2 | 57 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 58 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 59 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 60 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 61 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 62 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 63 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 64 | Stage Two | Pila Tower | |
2 | 65 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 66 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 67 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 68 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 69 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 70 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 71 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 72 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 73 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 74 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
2 | 75 | Stage Two | Moya Marsh | |
3 | 1 | Stage Three | Digit City | Town area |
3 | 2 | Stage Three | Digit City | Graduate school |
3 | 3 | Stage Three | Digit City | |
3 | 4 | Stage Three | Digit City | |
3 | 5 | Stage Three | Digit City | |
3 | 6 | Stage Three | Digit City | |
3 | 7 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 8 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 9 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 10 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 11 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 12 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 13 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 14 | Stage Three | Stray Forest | |
3 | 15 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 16 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 17 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 18 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 19 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 20 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 21 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 22 | Stage Three | Numerator Vestige | |
3 | 23 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 24 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 25 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 26 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 27 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 28 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 29 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 30 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 31 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 32 | Stage Three | Kalade Mountain | |
3 | 33 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 34 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 35 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 36 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 37 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 38 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 39 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 40 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 41 | Stage Three | Ship Burial Site | |
3 | 42 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 43 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 44 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 45 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 46 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 47 | Stage Three | Black Maze | |
3 | 48 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 49 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 50 | Stage Three | Infinite Mountain | |
3 | 51 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 52 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 53 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 54 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 55 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 56 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 57 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 58 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
3 | 59 | Stage Three | Flames Tower | |
4 | 1 | Stage Four | Digit City | Main/Zunne's house |
4 | 2 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 3 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 4 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 5 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 6 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 7 | Stage Four | Break The Fetch | |
4 | 8 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 9 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 10 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 11 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 12 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 13 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 14 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 15 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 16 | Stage Four | Dark Mine Pit | |
4 | 17 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 18 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 19 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 20 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 21 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 22 | Stage Four | Cosmos Maze | |
4 | 23 | Stage Four | Primitive Mountain | |
4 | 24 | Stage Four | Primitive Mountain | |
4 | 25 | Stage Four | Primitive Mountain | |
4 | 26 | Stage Four | Primitive Mountain | |
4 | 27 | Stage Four | Primitive Mountain | |
4 | 28 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 29 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 30 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 31 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 32 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 33 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 34 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 35 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 36 | Stage Four | Dark Hole | |
4 | 37 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | |
4 | 38 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | |
4 | 39 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | |
4 | 40 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | |
4 | 41 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | |
4 | 42 | Stage Four | Black Devil City | Actually unused Dark Mine Pit area |
Stage-by stage comments
Probably few person hearing over the figures world this place, this is and human parallel of a fantasy world, figures world behaved at this is unbeknown, human live the life of the peaceful coexistence with digimon.
Live in the human and digimon of this place to support mutually, each other it have no power, did war, to us, the figures world probably to is we many the year make track forto look for of fantasy paradise!
However like this of peace just brief appearance, ever since that time the Wild Dragon Reform Ithuriel figures world back, disturbed human and digimon it the even pact of, whole figures world sank in to had never the crisis of the emergence...
At a bright morning, Dafu miler the mountain climbing activity that school hold, in high spirits of arrived at the champaign mountain to camp , suddenly the sky to appear a flash of the crack took Dafu to the figures world...
Why does Dafu can arrive at the figures world? actually to have in figures world what the crisis is waiting for Dafu?
"Everybody all don't matter?" -One of DaFu's classmates
- Hey look, it's DaFu's Digimon Adventure 02 friends! We will never see them again for the rest of the game.
- Thanks to oddities depending on the exact position DaFu stands on when starting the opening dialogue, DaFu's friends and classmate will start questioning where DaFu is...even when he is right there on screen.
Faer Island
"I am not to ask this! I want know that why am I at here?" -DaFu
"This I am dimness! I think that have certainly what reason!" -Mizeda bureau chief
"................" -DaFu
"This I am dimness! I think that have certainly what reason!" -Mizeda bureau chief
"................" -DaFu
- As a starter, DaFu gets Diger beast (Tokomon) as an ally to fight with. More Digimon can be found later on, allowing a party of a maximum of six Digimon.
Dark Tower
"Ho....!!" -Cape dragon
"Wa....!! Waht is this?" -DaFu
"He is Cape dragon! He is the opponent that allow of no to neglect!" -Diger beast
"So, Let's go, V beasst~" -DaFu
"Yes sir!" -Diger beast
"Wa....!! Waht is this?" -DaFu
"He is Cape dragon! He is the opponent that allow of no to neglect!" -Diger beast
"So, Let's go, V beasst~" -DaFu
"Yes sir!" -Diger beast
- This is the first area we visit, and already we will be taking some time to grind for the first few upcoming boss battles here. The target is level 3 for the boss in this area, and level 4 for the next.
- We find our first new party member here: Doding beast (DemiVeemon). It has a higher attack stat than Diger beast, so we will use it for most combat and grinding purposes at this stage.
- Once we reach level 3, we fight the first boss, Cape dragon. It is level 4 and has 30HP, and at this phase we can do 3 damage per hit. Therefore, this battle will take 10 turns.
- Cape dragon's attacks deal significantly more damage and can easily wipe our party, so I use luck manipulation (with the Change command) to manipulate him into using an useless move most of the time.
- After this battle is finished, we go back down to the entrance while using the rest of the encounters to reach level 4. At level 4, Diger beast learns Poisonou bulb, a poison move which will be useful later.
Steaming Hot Desert
"Please head on to Steaming Hot Desert O.K.? Have quite a few persons to be passing by Steaming Hot Desert lose.." -Lady
"Steaming Hot Desert! I knew it!" -DaFu
"Steaming Hot Desert! I knew it!" -DaFu
- We use the money we got from grinding to buy some MP-restoring items. These will be useful in some fights in the near future.
- Talking to this person in this house reveals that some people were "lost" in Steaming Hot Desert. DaFu, being the hero he is, immediately sets out to investigate.
- I understand the expression they were going for, but I believe "Steaming Hot" is not exactly a fitting way to describe a desert.
- The enemies here take way too long to fight to be worth their experience, so we skip all encounters here and go straight to the boss fight.
- We do find another new party member, Viner beast. It's underleveled now and not particularly useful, but it is good to have for luck-manipulation purposes now, and will have other uses later on.
- The next boss is Mantodea beast (level 4, 62 HP). Normally we can do 3 damage per attack, but its only non-damaging move is one that reduces our attack by 30% - this effect can be stacked. Weirdly, this means that our damage gets reduced to 2, and then to 1, but once we reach 0 attack, the damage becomes 2 again. This conveniently allows us to keep fighting even with 0 attack in this battle.
- Diger beast now also sees use in battle again to use Poisonou bulb. This move has a 25% chance of poisoning the user, dealing 5% damage rounded down (so 3 HP in this case), and then 1 point of damage for the next 4 turns. This adds up to 7 damage per use, saving quite a few turns. The move costs 5 MP, which limits our usage, as Diger only has 15 max MP at this stage.
- We use a MP-restoring item to restore Diger beast's MP, so it can use Poisonou bulb once more.
Spiral Mountain
"I see you like this earnest, I participate in you!" -Ouber beast
- This is our next grinding area. While we do the mandatory plot stuff here, we fight random encounters all the way until Doding beast reaches level 8. For this, we need nearly 400 EXP, from encounters that give 22 EXP per monster, in battles that take around one minute each. Yeah, this will take a while, but it is needed to be able to progress later.
- I use the Encounter Glitch here for the first time. By setting up so that a random encounter will be triggered in the middle of a room transition, the transition will be interrupted. This results in sprites such as chests persisting from the previous room, and pointing to the wrong events. The first use of this is making a chest containing our fourth party member (Ouber beast) on the way.
- As with Viner beast, Ouber beast is underleveled and will currently only be used for luck-manipulation purposes.
- By chaining another Encounter Glitch, I de-spawn the boss guarding the chest with our next plot item. The chest itself is also de-spawned, but can be recovered by saving and reloading. By saving and reloading in a specific location, it is possible to open the chest and then walk back past the boss, skipping the boss entirely. This saves us a lot of fighting time.
- We are supposed to use the Energy Sword from this chest to destroy a Dark Crystal that's in this area, but...naaah.
- Before we can go to the next area, it is required to destroy the Dark Crystal in Steaming Hot Desert. Since we skipped the one in Spiral Mountain, that's 1/2 so far for Dark Crystals.
Opacification Forest
"Don't prolixity! I don't have must time at here!" -DaFu
- We are still not done with the level grind - a lot more time will be spent in this area. We are up to level 8 now, but will not fight the boss until we reach level 12, and leave the area at level 13.
- At level 8, Doding beast has learned a new attacking move. The animation is slightly longer, but it does a good bit more damage, which helps saving turns.
- One chest contains an Upgrade Badge, which instantly elevates a Digimon's level by one. It's very useful, but also really rare, so we get them where we can.
- Another chest contains yet another party member, Dundun beast. As with other new party members, it is only useful for luck-manipulation currently, but will become very valuable later on.
- Once a Digimon reaches level 10, it Digivolves, getting a new appearance, new moveset, and stat boosts. Which Digimon one Digivolves into is random (with a few options depending on the Digimon). Digivolving is a permanent evolution, and cannot be cancelled or reversed. In this instance, Doding beast digivolved to Tadpole beast. I chose this as it has the best attacking move from the available options.
- Diger beast, our starter, also reaches level 10 now and Digivolves to Bada beast (Patamon). It loses its poison move but will get something really valuable later.
- Viner beast reaches level 10 and Digivolves to Pearl beast. It will also be valuable later on.
- Ouber beast reaches level 10 and Digivolves to Pangolin beast.
- We finally meet our antagonist - Wild Dragon Reform (Digimon Emperor). He walks away, leaving a boss battle for us - Big dragon (level 10, 200 HP). These kinds of encounters will be a recurring trend.
- Even though this is one of very few boss battles in the movie where we actually out-level the boss, Tadpole beast can still only barely win it in a straight-up damage battle. This shows just how much the deck is stacked against the player in these battles, and it only gets worse later on. This is one of the major reasons why we have been having to grind so much in this game.
- Oh yeah, this Dark Crystal right here? Forget about destroying that one as well. 1/3 for destroyed Dark Crystals!
- Dundun beast reaches level 10 and Digivolves to...Bada beast. Wait, didn't we already have a Bada beast? Well, now we have two. The game actually gets confused at times if you have two of the same Digimon in your party. We can take this to our advantage in various ways. One of the ways where having two Bada beasts is beneficial is luck manipulation; swapping to Bada beast in this state will always roll the RNG twice, saving time for luck manipulation.
- Because of this, we now discard Pangolin beast, who is no longer needed for luck manipulation purposes. This saves it costing time through swap screen lag or post-battle experience gain or level-up messages.
- With the first Bada beast having reached level 13, our grinding is finally complete. We can now proceed through the rest of the game without need for further grinding.
Ice Frost Tower
"Rest assured! I can't occupy of!! And still have to don't call my small friend! My name is DaFu~" -DaFu
- There is another chest with an Upgrade Badge here, so we now have two. Both are used now in order to elevate Bada beast to level 15.
- Also, Tadpole beast is now discarded, even though it has been our primary fighter for almost all the game up to this point. We no longer need it, so we discard it to save lag and post-battle message time.
- Remember when I said that having multiple Digimon of the same kind confuses the game? I make use of this here to copy one Bada beast's stats to the other one, so now both are level 15.
- At level 15, Bada beast learns Blood-Suck Needle, the move which single-handedly carries this entire run to the end of the game. It absorbs a flat 10% of the enemy's maximum HP. Even in this phase of the game, as a level 15 Digimon against a level 12 boss with 250 HP, flat 10% is more damage than we can do with our regular damaging moves. Blood-Suck Needle costs 7 MP, but this cost is trivialized with another Digimon-conflict bug that allows taking up the back-up Bada beast's stats to restore HP and MP instantly. Therefore, for most of the rest of the run, boss battles become a 10-turn affair of sucking them empty. It does get more interesting as we reach the late stages of the movie, when bosses get more and more likely to one-hit us before we are able to give them the needles.
- We do need to destroy this one Dark Crystal to advance the plot. 2/4
- Wild Dragon Reform has already left the island, so to chase after him, we need a ship...which needs two Wheel Gears. The first one belongs to the Digimon we just spoke to, so we need to backtrack again.
Old Mine Pit
"Want to steal Gold Wheel Gear of burglar! Unpardonable!" -Yeti beast
"Who is burglar! For the sake of obstruct Wild Dragon Reform of greed! Therefore I must get Gold Wheel Gear, let that ship can set out!" -DaFu
"Have not yet admission to take Gold Wheel Gear! Do not be a burglar is what?" -Yeti beast
"Who is burglar! For the sake of obstruct Wild Dragon Reform of greed! Therefore I must get Gold Wheel Gear, let that ship can set out!" -DaFu
"Have not yet admission to take Gold Wheel Gear! Do not be a burglar is what?" -Yeti beast
- The second Wheel Gear is at the end of this area.
- The Wheel Gear is protected by this boss, Yeti beast - level 14, 300 HP.
- Before going on to the last area of this island, we need to return to Dark Tower to destroy the large Dark Crystal and save the island from its evil corruption. I'm not sure why we needed to wait until now (instead of any time after getting the Energy Sword in Spiral Mountain) but plot demands it be done at this point in time. 3/5 destroyed Dark Crystals!
Bottom of Sea Vestige
"Do my wife!" -Shell beast
"I want to beat of your this olid shell!" -DaFu
"I want to beat of your this olid shell!" -DaFu
- Apparently, the ship we need to use is at the bottom of the sea. It's also full of hostages that need to be rescued, but let's ignore that part and just walk straight ahead.
- Shell beast is level 15 and has 450 HP.
- After defeating Shell beast, his friend, Lobster beast, joins in on the fun. Level 16, 680 HP. Effectively, this is the final boss of the first island.
Diluk Island
"Oh, it is one Wild Dragon Reform person, take some digimon to claim the village of male, and take them to Mir iceber : Flare-up Moutain bulid the Dark Rystal!" -Bate bureau chief
- To get the plot going on this island, there are more reports of Wild Dragon Reform's servant Digimon kidnapping groups of people. Time to go to the rescue again!
Mir iceberg
"Prohibit to stop! Get up, fast!" -Roach beast
"Gtandfather have already advanced in years! Please let him to take a break!" -Guy
"Gtandfather have already advanced in years! Please let him to take a break!" -Guy
- This iceberg looks suspiciously like a desert.
- Roach beast - level 18, 820 HP
- This is one of the only times in the entire game when after defeating a boss, you are immediately warped back to town. Why couldn't they do this more often?
Flare-up mountain
"If you have the skill to obstruct to come right away!" -DaFu
- This location contains some more hostages that need to be rescued, including Dr. Mid, who we need to rescue because he knows what we need to do next.
- Defend beast - level 20, 940 HP
- Unfortunately, no more automatic warps from this point on. Back to the backtracking ways we go!
West Hole
"Wait! Before you go to Poland historic relic, you must acquire first the hole of the west deep place of Killer key." -Dr. Mid
"I knew! Now I go to the Hole of the West immediately!" -DaFu
"I knew! Now I go to the Hole of the West immediately!" -DaFu
- At this point we need to get an Energy Sword again, for breaking Dark Crystals on this island. But first, before we can do that, we get a key to Poland Vestige in this area.
- Fun fact: The dialogue here is fragmented inside the dialogue script table. The "Wait, you must go to West Hole to get a key" part of the dialogue appears way later in the table than the rest of the dialogue, hinting that this part was added much later in development.
- The key is so poorly protected, that the boss can be skipped just by walking around him, clipping a little bit into an invisible wall, and interacting with the chest that way. Nice and easy!
Poland Vestige
"Hoho.. long time no see! Originally you return the on the hoof?" -Wild Dragon Reform
- The Energy Sword is protected by Wild Dragon Reform and a minion. There is no way to bypass Wild Dragon Reform by Encounter Glitch or related ways, so we do need to fight the boss here.
- Dark big dragon: level 24, 1100 HP
- We are far enough behind on leveling at this point, that a strong boss move does more than half damage. Blood-Suck Needle heals 110 HP per turn in this battle, but from here, attacks start doing more than that.
- Now that we have the Energy Sword, we'll leave this area. There is a Dark Crystal in a room to the right, but...nah. There are also Dark Crystals in Mir iceberg and Flare-up mountain that will not be seen again. So, we are 0/3 for destroyed Dark Crystals in this island already. What a nice start!
Moya Marsh
"I am not meeting helplessly to looking at like this of affair occurence of!" -Devil dragon
"Very good, so you are plan and I a war!" -DaFu
"Go to die! Little devil~" -Devil dragon
"Very good, so you are plan and I a war!" -DaFu
"Go to die! Little devil~" -Devil dragon
- This area does contain a Dark Crystal that we need to destroy.
- The Dark Crystal here is attached to a bossfight directly, so we can't skip around it.
- Devil dragon - level 28, 1020 HP
- That's the first Dark Crystal that we destroy on this island! For those keeping count, that's 1/4 so far here.
Pila Tower
"Hoho..connect down to will break where of dark crystal?" -DaFu
- This area contains another Dark Crystal that we need to destroy.
- Wild Dragon Reform appears once more here, with another boss battle. Fortunately, just clipping into the wall a bit is enough to skip him and destroy the Dark Crystal. That's 2/5!
Died Vale
"I hear that only inhale overdo of Yellow poisonous gas, the intelligence of the digimon can is controled!" -Better beast
- One of the most obtuse plot progression elements is right here. If the last two Dark Crystals are destroyed, then talking to this random Digimon in this random house will open up the next area and plot element.
- Apparently there's a machine in Died Vale that sends out yellow poisonous gas that mind-controls Digimon. Naturally, it is up to us to destroy it!
- A chain of Encounter Glitches is performed here, with the end result that the boss is removed, and instead there is a chest that when opened, counts as DaFu destroying the "machine". Easy!
- There's yet another Dark Crystal in a side room here, but...skip! 2/6 now.
Deep Sea Maze
"Hum! That all is this to be playing tricks! Let me to break you!" -DaFu
- The large Dark Crystal of this area has been located in his area. Time to destroy it!
- Another chain of Encounter Glitches is executed here. Normally, the Dark Crystal is in the final room, blocked by a boss. This series of Encounter Glitches has made it so that instead, the Dark Crystal is replaced by a chest stuck inside a wall, which when opened will trigger as if the Dark Crystal was destroyed.
- Wild Dragon Reform has already gone off to the next island, so it is time for DaFu to go after him. The next island, Dorlis Island, is reached by exiting Digit City.
Dorlis Island
"You are the Dafu! I am NaNa~" -NaNa bureau chief
"Oblige me with the benefit of your!AA is really go" -DaFu
"Oblige me with the benefit of your!AA is really go" -DaFu
- Right off the bat we get a plot dump of what needs to be done on this island from Bureau Chief NaNa. First get the Courage Badge from Stray Forest and Power Badge from Numerator Vestige, then enter Kalade Mountain and get the Energy Sword.
Stray Forest
- At the start of Stray Forest is a chest with an Upgrade Badge. I pick it up here - it will be used soon.
- Time to use a trick that hasn't been seen since Spiral Mountain two islands ago: Encounter Glitch into save+reload to clip into the boss area to reach a chest. This skips the boss.
- While save+reloading, I also used the Upgrade Badge on Pearl beast, so it is now level 15. The benefit of this will be made clear starting from the next boss battle.
Numerator Vestige
- The boss here can be skipped really easily by a simple oversight - just walk below him to reach the Power Badge chest.
Kalade Mountain
"Interesting!The world indeed as expected did not eat without paying of lunch! Come!" -DaFu
- There are no ways to use Encounter Glitch or other tricks to skip anything here. So, we just fight the boss to get the Energy Sword as usual.
- Kimila beast - level 46, 1800 HP
- Pearl beast is now level 15, which means it gets Poison gas, which is a move that has a 25% chance of... disordering the enemy. This renders it incapable of attacking for 4 turns.
- We are now reaching the point where bosses are starting to be likely to one-hit kill our Digimon before they can move. We can circumvent this by manipulating the boss' first move to be one that is either weak enough not to kill, an useless healing move, or a status move that fails - while at the same time manipulating for our Poison gas to correctly disorder the enemy. Once that is done, battles just become a matter of Blood-Suck Needle, and re-applying Poison gas whenever it is about to run out. The enemy will not be able to do any move while it is slowly going down.
- Now that we have the Energy Sword, we can destroy the
Infinite Mountain
"Hoho.. I will let you speak this sentence speech however compunctious!" -Mummy beast
"What's meaning?" -DaFu
"Hoho.. Dorlis Island already full bomb by me to put!" -Mummy beast
"What do you say?" -DaFu
"Are you have time to speech? Be inferior to find the bomb!! Hahahahaha~" -Mummy beast
"What's meaning?" -DaFu
"Hoho.. Dorlis Island already full bomb by me to put!" -Mummy beast
"What do you say?" -DaFu
"Are you have time to speech? Be inferior to find the bomb!! Hahahahaha~" -Mummy beast
- Talking to this person after getting the Energy Sword reveals that a bunch of Digimon are kidnapped (gasp!) on Infinite Mountain, and (gasp!) DaFu sets out to investigate as usual. Starting to notice the repetition here? At least we can basically ignore the Dark Crystals this time around...which we are 0/3 for already, on this island.
- This boss is another straightforward plot-related fight. No skips.
- Mummy beast: level 52, 2000 HP
- Upon death, Mummy beast reveals that he has placed bombs all over the island. Just what we needed, an urgent subplot with a lot of walking time!
- Before we can defuse the bombs, we need to get an item to defuse it with from Bureau Chief NaNa. Fortunately, we get a "figures ice gun"...whatever that is. However, that's not enough, as we also need a bomb sensor to be able to locate the bombs. On to the next area we go, in order to find one of those!
Ship Burial Site
"Where is that bomb? How can I to find it?" -DaFu
"................" -DaFu
"I thoughted! You go to Ship Burial Site! There have bomb sensor can find out the right locality of the bomb!" -NaNa bureau chief
"I knew! I go to immediately Ship Burial Site!" -DaFu
"................" -DaFu
"I thoughted! You go to Ship Burial Site! There have bomb sensor can find out the right locality of the bomb!" -NaNa bureau chief
"I knew! I go to immediately Ship Burial Site!" -DaFu
- This time, the chest containing our plot coupon is actually directly bound to the boss battle that precedes it, so no way to skip it this time. One wonders why they didn't do this more often...
- Warrior beast - level 55, 2400 HP
- Now that we have the Bomb Sensor, we can finally see the bombs terrorizing the islands...and look at these tiny little cartoon bombs that we find. Are we supposed to believe that the entire island is in peril because of a handful of these bombs?
- Besides the one we just removed, we also have to take out bombs in Infinite Mountain, Kalade Mountain, Numerator Vestige and Stray Forest. Get ready for a lot of boring walking with very little plot progress!
- After the 5 bombs from Stray Forest, Numerator Vestige, Kalade Mountain, Infinite Mountain, and Ship Burial Site are all removed, Black Maze is silently unlocked. Time to go there!
Black Maze
"You are really not simple!Dafu~" -Wild Dragon Reform
- For a "maze", this is actually a very linear area.
- And here we find...Wild Dragon Reform, and a large Dark Crystal! Oh yeah, remember those Dark Crystals? Of the previous six areas, five had a Dark Crystal in them, and we ignored them all. And yes, that's six areas. You may have noticed a tower on the map that we never entered. It's Flames Tower, which contains nothing but a boss and a Dark Crystal...and we ignored all those.
- Corpse dragon - level 30, 1550 HP
- You may notice that this boss is significantly underleveled compared to previous bosses on this island. That's because this event mistakenly has the wrong boss encounter associated with it. The intended boss battle entry is level 58, but it ends up being unused because of this mistake. Despite its weakness, we still need to use the same strategy as usual to deal reasonable damage.
- Now that the boss is defeated and Wild Dragon Reform is on the run again, it's time to inform Bureau Chief NaNa. Oh, that large Dark Crystal? Ignore it like the rest! 0/6 for this island.
- Bureau Chief NaNa informs us that a "dark mainland" burst out of the ocean. Surely, Wild Dragon Reform must be involved? It's time for DaFu to hop islands and investigate yet again!
Dark Mainland
"Are you Dafu?" -Zunne
"Are you?" -DaFu
"Are you?" -DaFu
- Even though this land apparently just came straight out of the ocean, it already has a "Digit City". Even then, it isn't a city, just a single house inhabited by Zunne (Gennai).
- Zunne informs DaFu of what needs to be done for this island: In order to enter Black Devil City, the final area, DaFu must get the Bright Key of the Dark Hole. To reach the Dark Hole, four Bright Ring fragments are required. Those are scattered across each of the first four areas.
Break The Fetch
"I think you also not meeting darling to me?" -DaFu
"Hohoho.. calculate your wise! If you want Bright RIng, knock down me first!" -Hag beast
"I on the nose! Come on!" DaFu
"Hohoho.. calculate your wise! If you want Bright RIng, knock down me first!" -Hag beast
"I on the nose! Come on!" DaFu
- No skips here - just defeat the boss and get the first Bright Ring fragment.
- Hag beast - level 60, 2750 HP
Dark Mine Pit
- Some shoddy room design means there's an open path to the second Bright Ring fragment, allowing us to skip a boss again.
Cosmos Maze
"Impish.. of small.. you indeed as expected severe.." -Seadevil beast
- There is no possibility here to skip the boss. There almost was one, but it is blocked by a 2-pixel gap. So we still need to fight the boss for this one.
- Seadevil beast - level 63, 3200 HP
Primitive Mountain
- Again, the boss can be skipped just by walking right past it.
- With all four Bright Ring fragments collected, we can now enter the Dark Hole.
Dark Hole
"Hu~ Hu~ It is really the hornet!" -DaFu
"No...not bad.... impish ....Ya......" -Black dragon
"No...not bad.... impish ....Ya......" -Black dragon
- This Dark Hole looks suspiciously much like a vestige and not like a hole of any sort. It's also really not dark at all. What a poorly named area.
- As with the Ship Burial Site in the previous area, the chest and boss are connected, so we are forced to fight this boss.
- Black dragon - level 68, 3500 HP
- Now that we have the Bright Key, everything is set to go to Black Devil City. It's time for DaFu to have his final showdown with Wild Dragon Reform! But wait, Zunne reminds us that there are still Dark Crystals on this island. You may have noticed that we've walked past a few? Well, this time, we actually do need to destroy them. But how do we destroy those? Well, Zunne has a "pole wild dragon machine" to destroy them. Thanks for giving that to us now, grandfa, instead of when we were actually going to visit those areas. So, here we go again - time to revisit the previous areas and destroy Dark Crystals in each of them.
- Only after the Dark Crystals in the first 4 areas are destroyed, it is possible to destroy the large Dark Crystal hidden inside the Dark Hole. With that done, Black Devil City is finally accessible.
Black Devil City
"I want to become the world of dominate!" -Wild Dragon Reform
"What are you after all is thinkingt? Become the world of dominate? You are crazy.." -DaFu
"What are you after all is thinkingt? Become the world of dominate? You are crazy.." -DaFu
- Black Devil City is...just a regular tower environment, like what we started out in. Expected something more impressive? Well, this game knows ways to disappoint you.
- This boss fight is a two-in-one fight. Judgment day, followed by Super devil, both level 72 with 4500 HP. These final boss enemies have plenty of ways to one-hit our whole team, but instead are manipulated to use the power of the "Love sea" (a full-heal move). Very apocalyptic.
- With Wild Dragon Reform defeated, it's time to meet the man behind the man, Yukifu sahib (Yukio Oikawa). Well, kind of, as he doesn't seem to have an in-game sprite.
"I will let you regret to do the all these!" -Yukifu sahib
"This is my possitive! Come on! I will let you experience unheard-of the terror!" -Ruined devil
"This is my possitive! Come on! I will let you experience unheard-of the terror!" -Ruined devil
- Ruined devil - level 74, 5000 HP
- Naturally, this is the single strongest enemy in the game. As a fun reminder, our regular attacks at this point do around 2-3 damage. This enemy is manipulated to use its weakest move, which barely allows a level 20 Pearl Beast to live. That's enough to get a Poison gas off, and that's enough not to allow it to do anything else. Imagine having to defeat this boss (or the previous two) with conventional means. The amount of grinding necessary to reach a high enough level for that would be positively insane.
- With the final antagonists defeated, and the Dark Crystals gone (well...close enough), time to go to the credits scene? Well, not quite...we still need to backtrack to go to Zunne to report our victory. Yay, padding!
The Wild Dragon Reform and and Yukifu these two masterminds who break the figures world peace control with the dark crystal digimon, and scheme open the conjunction figures - to - human world front door!
Because of their greed, bring about almost to do not can save of big crisis, It's a mercy that Dafu timely retardment them to carry toward the digimon to the action of the human world.
The mission ended, apparently also is and at the time that figures world take leave, wave a frewell in former days a the digimon that partner fight shoulder, though all manners of do not forget, however the Dafu after all to do not belong to in this world....
Returned to the champaign out the Dafu of the encampment, see to one group for searching oneself however fluster, anxious teacher and classmates, though can not help the at one feed to call down, however the deep plcae of heart is however very feel nest heart....
Remember this figures world it travel, feel resemble dream general, probably a Dafu have already had no the opportunity return to the figures world, however he forever can't forgetful of at the are and he together for the sake of the figurines world of peace however effort of a line.

As extra supplementary content, I ripped the game's soundtrack. If you liked what you heard throughout the movie, you can access the original soundtrack playlist of Digimon Ruby here.
Thanks for reading and/or watching!
ThunderAxe31: Judging!
ThunderAxe31: A lot of researches have been done here for producing an optimized movie, but it still turned quite boring due to certain game aspects that ruin the watching experience, mostly the level grinding and the fact that the fight BGM restarts after every turn. If it wasn't for these two aspects, it could have been much better, and I hope that someday someone will discover a way to skip these in a TAS. Until then, I doubt it will be possible for this game to feature Moons movies.
Accepting this submission for Vault.
Spikestuff: Publishing.