Dungeon Explorer

  • Action
  • RPG


Dungeon Explorer is based off of Gauntlet, but adds a plot, bosses, magic spells and RPG elements. Notably, it also one-ups Gauntlet by allowing for five players.
The author races through the dungeons with all five players, making short work of bosses. The five characters were selected for their high starting agility, and include a fighter (blue), a warlock (purple), an elf (green), a bard (orange), and a thief (red).
Also, the only exit that matters is the last one used by a player, and the author uses this extensively to use the fastest character, the thief, to run when an earlier exit is available for the other characters to use.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Dungeon Explorer (USA).pce U PCE SHA1: D6D18128D55D886A9B6A8C8EA65AF76E783001F9
MD5: A07C43BEA439C8C904BC4908737AF5C5