I still don't understand what flicking these switches do.

Myst Island
Immediately at the start Zip Mode is enabled, it makes you go to traveled areas you've been to sooner.
Look at the sunken-ship, and question its existence and then run up towards the Library--
Whilst heading to the Library flick the switch at the Star Observatory and do a quick look at the Library for a zip real soon.
Look at the sunken-ship, and question its existence and then run up towards the Library--
Whilst heading to the Library flick the switch at the Star Observatory and do a quick look at the Library for a zip real soon.
This is the first puzzle at the opener, to unsink the ship which will lead us to Stoneship. Solution is as forward as it gets as it only requires clicking 3 things, Snake, Spider, Leaf.
Flick the Switch that's there and move onto the--
Flick the Switch that's there and move onto the--
Log Cabin
Flick the switch from the outside.
It has a heated generator that moves a massive shaft which is an elevator, turn around open the safe (724) obtain the match and light it up.
The elevator has a value tied to it so you know where it is at all time (0x0FEB98) however I was unable to find a value associated with the time sequence where you can plan stuff out like in the PC version.
Exiting the Cabin we head back towards the generator.
The elevator has a value tied to it so you know where it is at all time (0x0FEB98) however I was unable to find a value associated with the time sequence where you can plan stuff out like in the PC version.
Exiting the Cabin we head back towards the generator.
Flick Switch.
Travel down and match the value on the left, with the buttons on the right.
Fairly forward, move up and out towards the Clock Tower.
Travel down and match the value on the left, with the buttons on the right.
Fairly forward, move up and out towards the Clock Tower.
Clock Tower
8 on the Left, 2 on the Right. Flick Switch. Go inside.
Jerk the left chain once, Jerk the right chain once, Jerk and hold the right chain so the middle one does an extra rotation.
8 on the Left, 2 on the Right. Flick Switch. Go inside.
Jerk the left chain once, Jerk the right chain once, Jerk and hold the right chain so the middle one does an extra rotation.
Exit and head towards the Library, and then move to the left towards the Spaceship puzzle.
Switch flicking. :)
In the Library it tells you the notes you need to match, and there's a piano behind you in the Spaceship to know the key you're going for, but we know this already so solution is done.
Damn, there's a lot of banging going on.
In the Library it tells you the notes you need to match, and there's a piano behind you in the Spaceship to know the key you're going for, but we know this already so solution is done.
Damn, there's a lot of banging going on.
Selenitic Age (Red)
Now I probably went for the wrong Paper-- we'll find out if I decide to correct this and ask for a file replacement, but you basically gun it to the Red Paper head back and solve the puzzle that I actually forgot where you get the hint for the solution, so good job me.
Maze Runner
This exists:
North, West, North, East, East, South, South, West, South West, West, North West, North East, North, South East.
North, West, North, East, East, South, South, West, South West, West, North West, North East, North, South East.
Myst Island
And here's the unique part about DS Myst. We can now zip anywhere, and everywhere.
That thing I wrote at the start where it's traveled areas you've been to? THAT WAS A LIE. YOU CAN ZIP EVERYWHERE IN THE DS VERSION AFTER EXITING AN AGE, YOU HAVE (almost) FULL MOVEMENT NOW.
You do not have free zip movement (for the most part) on Myst Island, this is why I looked at the ship at the start, but this won't explain why I'm able to zip to the gear later.
And here's the unique part about DS Myst. We can now zip anywhere, and everywhere.
That thing I wrote at the start where it's traveled areas you've been to? THAT WAS A LIE. YOU CAN ZIP EVERYWHERE IN THE DS VERSION AFTER EXITING AN AGE, YOU HAVE (almost) FULL MOVEMENT NOW.
You do not have free zip movement (for the most part) on Myst Island, this is why I looked at the ship at the start, but this won't explain why I'm able to zip to the gear later.
Log Cabin
So we've zipped back down here, and shut off the generator as the position of the elevator is at "4", we run up behind the Log Cabin and enter the Elevator and fun fact, you can kill audio cues to make the traveling down portion faster, but also cause there's nothing better to do here spams the button.
Once we reach the bottom we turn around and restart the shaft from down here and enter Channelwood.
Once we reach the bottom we turn around and restart the shaft from down here and enter Channelwood.
Channelwood Age (Red)
It's a lot of movement, and a lot of hitting valves to go the opposite of what it's set to, there's elevators involved, and the Red sheet.
Myst Island
Since the elevator's position is back to the bottom again, it's safe to move to any Age again... so we're going back to the longest one.
Since the elevator's position is back to the bottom again, it's safe to move to any Age again... so we're going back to the longest one.
Selenitic Age (Blue)
But we have zips-- and this is also the part where I'm deciding if I should flip the sheets around, cause there's less zipping for Blue, but probably more for Red, but I'm very indecisive about this and the magic 8 ball said "Ask again later".
Maze Runner
This still exists:
North, West, North, East, East, South, South, West, South West, West, North West, North East, North, South East.
That was just under 9 minutes of sitting around (and crying).
North, West, North, East, East, South, South, West, South West, West, North West, North East, North, South East.
That was just under 9 minutes of sitting around (and crying).
Myst Island
So Selenitic is complete and we NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK THERE AGAIN. And thankfully the options are, short and short, both of which are to our left.
Cause we grabbed that zip at the start we can enter the unSunken Ship sooner and into Stoneship.
So Selenitic is complete and we NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK THERE AGAIN. And thankfully the options are, short and short, both of which are to our left.
Cause we grabbed that zip at the start we can enter the unSunken Ship sooner and into Stoneship.
Stoneship Age (Red)
Stoneship, is a lot of button presses, and poking a generator for a frame, going down a flight of stairs, after pressing a button, and then grabbing the Red Sheet, going up, pressing a specific spot on the compass rose and then pressing a button before heading down into the ship WHERE A COOL TRANSITION PLAYS.
Oh also there's like a lot of zipping going on, and those buttons actually redirect where it's flooding.
Oh also there's like a lot of zipping going on, and those buttons actually redirect where it's flooding.
Myst Island
Nothing to do, back to Stoneship.
Nothing to do, back to Stoneship.
Stoneship Age (Blue)
Since we poked the generator it's got enough juice to get that Blue Paper, and then leave. So that's exactly what happens.
Myst Island
Oh the elevator is at 4 now, it's probably best to do the sequences from earlier when entering Channelwood EXCLUDING restarting the generator.
spams the button again
Oh the elevator is at 4 now, it's probably best to do the sequences from earlier when entering Channelwood EXCLUDING restarting the generator.
spams the button again
Channelwood Age (Blue)
It's a lot less movement, and a lot less hitting valves to go the opposite of what it's set to, but there's elevators involved still, and the Blue sheet.
Myst Island
Oh no more banging, good. :)
We have to head up to the Sunken Gear where the Mechanical Age is opened up to us, meaning that we can exploit the zip to the Sunken Gear... what?
So for some reason, I'm able to zip to Sunken Gear, but I wasn't able to zip to unSunken Ship when neither have been looked at and when exiting an Age.
We have to head up to the Sunken Gear where the Mechanical Age is opened up to us, meaning that we can exploit the zip to the Sunken Gear... what?
So for some reason, I'm able to zip to Sunken Gear, but I wasn't able to zip to unSunken Ship when neither have been looked at and when exiting an Age.
Oh and we flick the Switch before entering the Mechanical Age.
Mechanical Age (Red)
Fairly foward, you just run out go Left, stare at this chair, open up, go in, grab the Red Paper.
Neat little Puzzle, where the solution is somewhere in the Age I swear, and leave.
Neat little Puzzle, where the solution is somewhere in the Age I swear, and leave.
Myst Island
And back to the Sunken Gear again.
Mechanical Age (Blue)
Fairly forward, you just run out go Right, stare at this other chair, open up, go in, grab the Blue Paper and leave.
Myst Island
We grab the white paper as normal and go visit Atrus and give him the page.
And we're done.
And we're done.
"But wait!" you shout. "You missed two papers below the green book."
Ah, observant as you are, but if you do collect all 6 Red/Blue papers you actually become trapped in the respective book forever, causing a bad end.
Ah, observant as you are, but if you do collect all 6 Red/Blue papers you actually become trapped in the respective book forever, causing a bad end.
Special Thanks
- As the few who were observant in the submission text I link towards keyofw's video guide this was helpful in knowing what to do.
- As well as Admiral Flapjack who ran the DS version of this game, some zips were spotted because of them, and I used it to my advantage, as well as others I came across in the making of this.
- Scepheo. That's their smiley face, just with a nose.
Samsara: it is a Mystery (3/6)
Samsara: Fun case! Good times!
As stated in the submission text, this is not "all pages". Granted, there's a very good reason for that (actually collecting all pages would lead to bad ends, so the goal is still technically achieved), but that reason also makes things weird in terms of full completion. Namely, I don't think "all pages" really qualifies as full completion because of those extra pages, and the consequences of collecting them. I've spoken with Spike, which is different than having spiken with Spoke, and I've come to the conclusion that a run that achieves all of the game's endings would be better suited for full completion, as these pages would be collected, thus both fulfilling the goal of collecting all pages better than this run as well as having additional content that should be seen in a full completion run.
So that makes this a Moons category... But this is Myst for the Nintendo DS. Prior to the changes to ratings (and prior to the recent improvements), Myst explicitly had one of the lowest entertainment ratings out of all published movies, and that's for a minute long any% run. This is much longer, and really, truly showcases how much of your time Myst is intent on wasting. Given that Moons still has an entertainment barrier, there's no way this would ever make it there.
...Hey, isn't there some sort of system that accepts well made runs of niche categories that wouldn't otherwise be accepted under our current rules?