Submission #8812: Induviel's GBC Batman: Chaos in Gotham in 19:25.36

Game Boy Color
(Submitted: The New Batman Adventures: Chaos in Gotham)
(Submitted: New Batman Adventures, The - Chaos in Gotham (USA).gbc USA)
BizHawk 2.9.1
69606 (cycle count 2443932272)
Submitted by Induviel on 12/29/2023 5:52 PM
Submission Comments

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: BizHawk 2.9.1
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes intentional damage to save time

Game Mechanics

  • L/R to move
  • B to jump
  • A to punch, or use an item if selected
  • A while in air to kick midair
  • A + L/R to Shoulder Bash
  • A + U to Uppercut
  • D to crouch
  • D + L/R to roll
  • D + A to Down Kick
  • D + B to Dodge Roll
  • Select to select the next item, there's three, a Bat-arang, a Hook and a Bomb, these are not very useful, and you need to stay still for a few frames to select an item, only the Bat-arang is used once, to create a required movable object

Tech and Glitches

  • Jumping is the fastest form of movement
  • When in a situation where jumping is not fast, like on a low ceiling, Dodge Roll is done, Dodge Roll also lets you go through movable objects, wich can be beneficial
  • The Shoulder Bash gives a higher burst of speed, but has a long recovery animation, so its better used in situations where that can be cancelled somehow, like getting near enough to a ledge or taking damage. Its also barely faster than walking even with the animation, so its also used in situations where you need to move a movable object
  • The Low Kick can be used to push a specific kind of movable object, the small crate
  • You can fall off ledges slightly faster if you stop moving just before you would start falling
  • You can get zips off enemies by falling into them, you can also get a zip in some cases by jumping into a low ceiling, this is rare tho, I only found to instances of that
  • Normally, the pink enemies can't be damaged multiple times with the same attack, but if you climb up a ledge and there's one very close you can
  • The neutral jump has a longer animation, so its avoided
  • Batman cannot jump in the same frame he turns around, so in some cases I first jump and then turn around


  • In the second screen, the Iceberg is supposed to instakill you, but there's some save spots that allow you to climb it
  • In the first phase on Mr Freeze bossfight, he's supposed to bounce around the screen while falling, but it can be manipulated to fall down directlly by falling besides him at roughly the same pace, you do have to do micro adjustments moving away from him slightly to manipulate him succesfully, and the specific adjustments depend on RNG. The second phase, when he starts thowing icebergs, is done normally
  • In the Posion Ivy bossfight I do some weird movements between attacks, this is because the position at which Poison Ivy comes from is random, and depends on your movement, its also possible that she delays and skips one cycle, this is manipulated so it doesn't happen
  • In the level after Poison Ivy, there's a point where I continue holding on a ceiling for a bit, and then jump out of the platform below earlier than expected, this is both to load the lower platform in a better position and because those two platforms tend to deload

feos: Claiming for judging.
feos: Accepting.

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Last Edited by despoa on 1/18/2024 10:37 PM
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