Kunihiro has through Ice Breaker to high damage has faster.
Game Objective:
Hardest Difficulty.
- Y: Punch
- X: High Punch
- A: Kick
- B: High Kick
- L: Turn
- R: Pee-ro-pee-ro
Special Move:
- Double ► + X: Ice Breaker
- ▼ + ▼► + ► A/B: Gale Kick
- ▼ + ▼◄ + ◄ A/B: Tornado Whirlwind Man
nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: This run looks really good. I compared it to the WR and it clear that nothing stands out. Thanks to worsel for the translation help to confirm that the game was on the hardest difficulty.
despoa: Processing...