Submission #9199: nymx's C64 Jupiter Lander in 00:44.96

Commodore 64
(Submitted: 100%)
(Submitted: Jupiter Lander (1982)(Commodore).crt Unknown)
Bizhawk 2.9.1
Submitted by nymx on 7/23/2024 2:37 AM
Submission Comments

Jupiter Lander

This game is a clone of Lunar Lander, published by Commodore in 1981. It is a single player arcade style game where you control a lander so that it finds it way to one of three landing sites. The goal is to land softly so that your craft is not destroyed.
More information can be found in the manual.

Tools Used

  • BizHawk 2.9.1

Effort In TASing

This game has a few things to consider, when trying to optimize it. Below are a few of them:
  • Landing burns: When done at the right time, you can softly land. The screen switches between an overall view and a focused view. The transition between these two needs to be played with, as you can change some characteristics and enable a faster landing.
  • Landing speed Indicator:In terms of optimization, it is quickest to ensure that the "Meters Per Second" gauge reads the loest "yellow" position possible. By doing so, the bonus will not take a long...thus getting back to the next landing as soon as possible.
  • Landing Order: Because of the bonus multiplier, it is best to keep the "10X" for last, since it takes up more time, tallying the bonus points.

Ending Choice

For an any% run, it would seem reasonable to land on all 3 sites to demonstrate the full game's content.


I have had conversations, with DrD2k9, on the possibility of different strategies or goals for completing this game. Between the two of us, we came to different conclusions...only to agree on this run itself. Basically, his idea was to reach the landing site without any consideration of destruction. On the other hand, I felt it necessary to protect the lander from damage or explosion.
For me, the idea was to play the game in a "Winning" fashion where landing softly would yield fuel for the next effort.

Human Comparison

Here is some demo game-play with commentary.

nymx: Replacing movie with a 25 frame improvement.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Another 'Moon Lander' clone which is quite well made, albeit rather short. This movie reaches all three landing zones quickly, which can be considered a full game completion (100%).
Accepting to Standard
Spikestuff: Ground Control to Major Tom.
Last Edited by Spikestuff 20 days ago
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