Submission #9215: CasualPokePlayer's GBC Pokémon: Gold Version in 2:51:12.92

Game Boy Color
(Submitted: Pokémon: Gold Version)
(Submitted: pokegold.gbc USA/Europe)
BizHawk 2.9.1
614270 (cycle count 21543884478)
Submitted by CasualPokePlayer on 8/6/2024 3:40 AM
Submission Comments


Emulator used: BizHawk 2.9.1

  • CGB in GBA mode is enabled for console verification.
  • Also for console verification, the RTC Offset is set to -69, to match Tikevin’s Gold cart.

Game objectives

  • Beat the game without using "glitches" (as defined by the RTA community).
    • “Beating the game” is defined as defeating Red on Mt. Silver.
    • Glitches are not used as all glitches end up just resulting in skipping to the end of the game. As such, the goal is not explicitly "glitchless" per se, but rather aiming for "no major skips."
    • There are two things which could be considered glitches and are allowed within this TAS, but they aren't considered glitches by the RTA community.
      • There are various moves which have a side effect which is supposed to always occur. However, due to an oversight these effects only have a ~99.6% chance to occur, or rather a 1/256 chance to not occur. This is similar to a "Gen 1 miss." This is used extensively with the move Mud-Slap, which is supposed to always drop accuracy.
      • Using a Rare Candy will temporarily give instant text. This extends to the text of any move being learned, or text from an evolution due to such a level up. This is similar to Gen 1's bike shop instant text exploit, although it goes away after the level up is done. This is not used by this TAS, as so far there isn't any place where using a Rare Candy helps, but is considered possibly useful for this TAS goal.


  • Very heavy luck manipulation
  • Forgoes major skip glitches
  • Uses a game restart sequence

General Strategy

Go read previous submission lol.


Most of the route remains unchanged compared to the previous submission.
The main change in this TAS is to simply not use Hidden Power, instead opting to use Mud-Slap (for ghost types) or bruteforce through with normal type moves, which ends up saving quite a bit of time. The timeloss from getting Hidden Power does not justify just dealing with Mud-Slap in Morty's gym.
Eventually, Iron Tail is learned in order to cover Raticate's type weaknesses. Iron Tail is notably learned fairly early: this is due to bag lag. The more TMs/HMs accumulated will cause more lag scrolling down the bag. Using the bag to teach Iron Tail and Whirlpool when this lag is minimal saves a considerable amount of time, more than trying to combine later menus gives.
Another minor change to the route was done to save time. The second Rival fight is done early, before Bugsy. This ends up saving time compared to doing the Rival after Bugsy.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: This movie completes the final battle against Red more than a full minute over the previous one by the same author ([4498] GBC Pokémon: Gold Version by CasualPokePlayer in 2:52:21.83) thanks to some refinements in routing and choice of abilities.
Perhaps a minor inefficiency was pointed out by Fortranm, but seems to be far than major, and will most likely be polished out in a future improvement. Otherwise, the community feedback has been positive.
Accepting to Standard.

Spikestuff: Processing...
Last Edited by Spikestuff on 8/18/2024 7:50 AM
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