Submission #9223: illayaya's GBA Donkey Kong Country "101%" in 1:18:01.04

Game Boy Advance
(Submitted: 101%)
(Submitted: Donkey Kong Country (U).gba USA)
BizHawk 2.9.1
Submitted by illayaya on 8/11/2024 10:55 AM
Submission Comments
After finishing any% in same game, I decided to improve 101% as well because current published run had many room for improvement. I ended up saving 05:38.72. (Note: published run has some inputs post credits while this run ends at final texts, which occurs before them)
Sorry for delay, I was busy last couple weeks and couldn't put time on writing submission notes before judge. 101% is basically any% + collectables so my any% note covers most things so I'll write up 101% exclusive things here.

101% Objectives

You need to get all 52 photos (a camera object) and beat K.rool. There are ways to get them below.
  • Obtain the icon in middle of certain stages.
  • Beat 3 same enemies in a row with single rolling.
  • Beat several certain enemies with Donkey's hand slap.
  • Obtain certain amount of animal tokens for all animal bonuses (Enguarde: 400, rest animals: 600)
  • Talk to Cranky Kong in all worlds.
  • Beat all Candy Kong's dance minigames with nearly perfect or higher grade. (It's not necessary to be perfect for photo strangely)
  • Meating goals in all Funky Kong's fishing minigame.
  • Obtain KONG panels in all stages.
  • Enter all bonus stages. (It's not required to beat except one place)


Expresso is required to reach bonus barrels in Ice Age Alley in this category. His max is speed is 768 in both on ground and in mid-air. No trick exists to boost the speed even more.


After beating boss, the fanfare is played then Cranky starts talking. If you switch kongs at earliest frame of playing fanfare, you can do the switch without losing frame. It's because Cranky only appears after the song is finished and switch won't halt song playing. I don't think there is a name for that trick yet.
You can read any% submission for others.

The run

Most timesaves came from utilizing speed momentum and boosts everywhere like any% and better fishing games. I've made some changes explained below.

Animal token route

You can play animal minigame by obtaining 3 tokens. You'll be sent to beginning of the stage or mid-way barrel after playing bonus. So route is important to minimize forced backtrack. I made changes for Enguarde and Winky.
  • Enguarde: Skipped one in Reptile Rumble, obtained in Mine Cart Carnage instead. (Avanor did oppositely which costs 2 seconds)
  • Winky: Skipped in Barrel Cannon Canyon, obtained in second bonus of Jungle Hijinxs instead. (This causes small time loss in bonus but can cut some detour to reach the barrel above a tree after K panel)

Photo route

Not much to say here but I did all "hand slap to beat" photos in Boss Dumb Drum so needing switching kong is just once. Avanor did that in several stages separately and cost extra by extra switches.

Luck manipulation

RNG is big part of one boss, Queen B. and fishing minigame due to fish spawn is controlled by that. Unfortunately, you can't get manipulate without costing time because Funky Kong converge it before the minigame for whatever reason. Strangely RNG is constantly changing while he is facing to your kong(s) otherwise it isn't. Spawn pattern can be changed to some extent by delaying fishing things so some big waiting especially first minigame was unavoidable unfortunately. Hand slap also advances RNG by certain amount steps and used it in Queen B to change barrel spawn.

Darkman425: Claiming for judging.
Darkman425: Just a quick note, a rough adjustment of the published 101% TAS with the ending point of this submission and standard TAS makes the older 101% publication have an end time of about ~1:23:39. With that note, the given time saved in the submission notes is correct. Despite not having the entire 101% submission notes at the time of this judgment (22 August 2024) I can tell from watching this and reading the standard TAS submission notes that a lot of work was done to optimize this category in a huge way. Nice work!
Accepting to Standard as an improvement to [3465] GBA Donkey Kong Country "101%" by Avanor_ in 1:25:57.64.

EZGames69: Processing...
Last Edited by illayaya 19 days ago
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