Submission #9226: Vexxter's PICO8 Pico Snail!: Dream Castle in 01:29.95

(Submitted: snail )
libTAS v1.4.6
Used command:

libTAS -r snail.ltm /home/jaffar/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts/snail-9.bin/linux/snail-9

The Linux executable has to be compiled using the cart from the PICO-8 website. The movie will not sync with the executable provided by the creator on the page.
You have to also use Vexxter's configuration if you want to replicate their movie:
Submitted by Vexxter on 8/12/2024 1:16 PM
Submission Comments
There really isn't much to talk about here. All you have to know is that when you hit the balloon at the end of the level, you only end the animation once you hit the top of the screen so you want to have as much upwards momentum before hitting it, which is why it might seem like I lose time in some places.
The bossfight is skipped by hitting it on the top of its head which makes it go downwards and then just barely jumping over it.

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Waiting for author to provide PICO-8 info

eien86: A cute little PICO-8 platformer whose stage's goal is to reach the balloon at the end. This movie does such a thing for all the stages, reaching the final baloon in a time strictly lower than the current RTA WR.
Accepting to Standard

despoa: Processing...
Last Edited by despoa 20 hours ago
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