- SRAM used from my Anti idle first ascension run. Disable write to disk, let it run (dont unpause once it ends) and it should write some saves to .local\share\ruffle\SharedObjects\localhost. You can then use these saves to sync this run. If this doesn't sync for you i've uploaded the sram here (change the extension to zip): https://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638619421492003453
- Command line: --no-gui -g gl <path/to/v1861.swf>
- Nightly version of ruffle: Ruffle 0.1.0-nightly (7d1373368b0f0b327f69f5d8751a4c49d1e266f1 2024-09-13)
- libTAS 1.4.6 (use English keyboard layout when replaying or it will desync)
- game: v1861.swf md5: d98ae7bab6c6a07aedaf42cf415f18bc, download at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yT5xfEQmhrE8XJzQCFQVw0Ej29hvWIgb
- Extra sync information: running under wsl2 WITHOUT vcxsrv, using the native wsl2 windowing
Anti-Idle: The Game is an idle game created by Tukkun and playable exclusively on Kongregate, first released in 2009. The game follows standard idle game rules but also incorporates several elements from other types of games into one game. This run is an IL run of the Typing feature, aiming for the fastest completion.
Typing only has one level, a terms of service prompt, and the goal is to type it as fast as possible.
I used https://github.com/rythin-sr/TextToInput to input multiple keystrokes in a single frame: you can type as much as you want in a single frame, even multiple of the same key, because input poll isn't tied to visual framerate
Anti-idle limits typing to 14 characters per frame max:
if(myTyping.length - curLength >= 15 || Key.isDown(2) || Key.isDown(17) || Key.isDown(45)) { myTyping = "" }
Also there are a few other annoyances:
- To write uppercase characters I must use Shift, because the game doesn't recognize a raw uppercase letter directly.
This works to my advantage too because it thinks uppercase and lowercase letters as the same, so I alternate lowercase and uppercase every frame so I can type the same key on consecutive frames, which is normally blocked (game thinks you're holding the key)
- Space is annoying, i can type as much spaces as i want on one visual frame, but then need to wait one frame without space to use it again, same as above. Typing less in 1 frame to type more the next when you have a space is worth sometimes
- You must type the entire line then wait for the next one so no typing the next line before the current one is finished

nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: I made a mistake, taking on this. I should have tried something more simple for learning figuring out an Ubuntu environment for running a Flash game. Besides, the sync settings are a bit much for me at this stage. Sorry.
eien86: Claiming for judging.
eien86: This movie finishes, as fast as libTASible, the typing minigame in Anti-idle. This minigame is only accessible after level 300.
The author uses their previous movie [6156] Flash Anti-Idle: The Game "in-game codes" by xy2_ in 15:23.83 to generate the save state for this one. Although this is overkill (ascension requires 9000, 8700 more levels than necessary), it is perfectly acceptable nevertheless, as there is no optimization requirement for savestate-generating movies.
Thanks to mohoc for syncing this movie, as this game has proven to be very difficult in the past.
Accepting to Alternative "typing minigame"
fsvgm777: Processing.