Submission #9325: Induviel's A2600 Ninjish Guy in Low Res World in 07:16.76

Atari 2600
(Submitted: NinjishGuyinLowResWorld.bin )
BizHawk 2.9.1
Submitted by Induviel on 9/30/2024 6:59 AM
Submission Comments
Ninjish Guy in Low Res World is a homebrew platformer for the Atari 2600.
In this one, you play as a guy that's kind of a ninja, in a world that happens to be on low resolution.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: BizHawk 2.9.1
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Uses intentional deaths


Jump Glitch

If you press B to jump every other frame, you can continuosly jump until you hit a ceiling, can be used to gain way more height than intended.

Edge Clip

When jumping, if you move into a corner in a specific spot, the pixel after you'd bonk on it, the hand pixel clips into the wall.
If you do this on right walls it just lets you be on pixel more to the right, and sometimes jump from the wall if the collision allows for it, but if you do it on left walls, you'll also ascend faster than normal, if you weren't using the jump glitch.

nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: I was excited to see this submission, because I quickly recognized it as a VHZC game...which I had done Peril along with MrTASer. If only these types of games excited back when the Atari 2600 was the main console for most homes. Life would have been extremely different, and Atari would have had life for years in it.
Since I understand the mechanics and have had experience with Peril, I can say that this submission is right on and don't have any glaring optimization issues.
fsvgm777: Processing.
Last Edited by fsvgm777 10 days ago
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