Submission #9376: LoganTheTASer's ChannelF Boxing "maximum score" in 04:46.40

Fairchild Channel F
maximum score
(Submitted: boxingv3.bin )
BizHawk 2.9.1
Submitted by TealToad64 on 11/3/2024 8:51 PM
Submission Comments
Hi my name is callum and I’m a friend of Logan’s. He gave me permission to resubmit this tas on his behalf. I don’t have discord like he does but you can message me on the forums here if you want

CasualPokePlayer: Claiming for judging.
CasualPokePlayer: Having a non-banned user submit a TAS solely created by a banned user does not make it eligible for publication. Cancelling.
Samsara: For context, Logan was recently banned for extremely poor behavior on Discord. He had been banned for the same reason prior to this, but he was unbanned about two weeks ago after promising to show good behavior. As you can see, that good behavior didn't last long. The account that submitted this isn't "a friend of Logan", it's Logan himself lying to circumvent his ban. While it is still true that solo submissions from banned users are not allowed at all for publication even when submitted by others, I've updated this submission from cancellation to outright rejection for being an unauthorized submission so that it does not get mistakenly reinstated should we ever choose to change that rule.
Last Edited by Samsara on 11/4/2024 2:56 AM
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