Submission #9428: SJ's GC Catwoman in 42:13.17

Nintendo GameCube
(Submitted: any%)
(Submitted: Catwoman (USA).rvz USA)
Dolphin 2409
151990 (cycle count 1231117417541)
Synced on Dolphin release 2409.

No specific settings required.
Submitted by SJ on 12/25/2024 6:03 PM
Submission Comments
okay well, im finally submitting this tas because i was so lazy to do a submission like 3 weeks ago when i finished this Catwoman TAS!
Note: So this really took a while to finish because i kept finding TONS OF NEW SKIPS I MADE!

Improvements in this Catwoman TAS

Movement improved to be Smoother

  • Yes this game is mostly like known to have bad movement throughout its gameplay but now i made it look even smoother as possible despite how difficult to control Catwoman when she moves around 😎
you can tell its pretty well done how fast i was going through the levels.

Catwoman special moves

  • So the special moves that are in the store is pretty useless... EXCEPT THE WEAPON REMOVAL i bought the super move when i ge the Performance center so i can remove that annoying gun out of that guy hand so i can do the WallClip Glitch i came up with.

Important thing to know about this game

so this game is pretty weird when it comes to climbing mostly because there is some parts of the wall that the game wouldn't let you climb if you see some parts that looks like i can reach trust me, i tried to it but it didnt work so i have to do the parkour normally, in some parts of the TAS

Jewlery Store

  • So there is a new skip i came up with in that level its called the police dumpster skip, its the very first skip i made when i playthrough the game as you can see,, the skip is very simple to do, you just jump on the box then jump through this gap of the dumpster then you see that catwoman manage to squeeze through the gap skipping the fight, so once i do a bit parkour then the level ends.

Scrap Yard

  • Not much to Level i manage to be creative to find some faster routes of the parkour and i manage to do a attack wallclip like Natetheman223 did in his last TAS Shoutout to him...
But once i defeated the 2 enemies into the machine thingy, you get to see the wallclip glitch i came up with on my own ill call it CatWall Clip i mean why not...

Parking Lot Scene

Same thing as Scrap yard except it doesn't have any skips but the parkour have been improved a lot since the movement is so smooth and optimized properly .

My own Wallclip Glitch Explained

I'll tell you how my Wallclip Glitch Works, so pretty much you attack the enemy depends on the angle where you trying to wallclip, despite how difficult it is to control Catwoman you need to jump on the wall but you have to scale, ONCE the enemy tries to get up you slide down , then the enemy pushes you to other side of the wall which is huge for this TAS!
As i should mention when you try Wallclip out of bounds you would just fall off the map i just need to say it incase you wonder why i didn't wall clip anywhere else

Scene 83

  • Now we getting to fun part of the TAS! now will see more of the WallClips Skips i came up with, its a huge thing i found, not only that these wallclips are a huge deal because it chops off tons of time i mean TONS OF TIME! and i also managed to do to skip a cutscene to jump on the boxes to skip a cutscene which saves a bit of time... but i did last the wallclip of the level when i pushed that one guy into the wall then jump on the wall slide down once the guy gets up he pushes me onto the other side then BOOM wall clip. Now we are at the boss battle, which is simple knock him into objects to deal more damage then thats it.

Factory Perimeter Scene

  • Same thing like scrap yard and parking lot, the parkour have been improved a lot and made more faster routes, there is some parts of the level that you have damage into objects in order to make a platform to come out, im not to excited to explain the level because its not much to it, mostly likely i hated that level when i did the first playthrough.

Hadare Factory Scene

  • Now this Level is also improved with a new parkour skip where i didnt have to use the lever, i just jump on the railing then do i high jump to the pole on top... its really hard to do it, but same thing like the others not much to it, just parkour... i just wanna get the boring stuff out the way because these factories levels are so boring.

Mansion Grounds

  • THIS LEVEL IS THE MOST IM PROUD OF! let me tell you guys this, these wallclips i did it chops off tons of time, but here is some issues in some part of the level, when i did the first wallclip you see get through the platforms easy enough... then you see 2 enemies come out, but you guys might be wondering why did i not wallclip through the gate?
  • well when i was making this TAS it is possible to wallclip the 1st gate and the 2nd gate but once i wallclip the 3nd gate the enemies doesnt spawn which is the issue, not only that im stuck, that i couldn't do nothing , so i went back to do a savestate where i encounter the last two enemies i defeated them, then defeat the other one enemies but now once the cutscene plays the gate opening the last 2 enemies spawn down there now i can do the wallclip in order to skip the fight then the level is done.
Man thats a fun level to TAS not going to lie.

Mansion Interior

Man another level thats fun to TAS
  • Same thing like last level very Cool new skips for examaple wallclips going crazy in that level, also the new parkour faster route. but you might be wondering why didnt i wallclip at the beginning of the level where the last level is...
I mean i did wallclip by the lasers at the level the huge issue is the last level doesnt spawn at the beginning.... so yeah...
  • But later how you notice how i took damamge by these lasers. but the thing is i didnt get stunt why is that? its because CatWoman has a weird Glitch Where she can stunt animation from enemies or lasers, You can either attack or use the whip you can see that happening in that level as i took advantage of it. once i get to the end the level i did wallclip, enter the last level defeated that annoying lady with objects which is the faster way to down her then the level is completed.
Note: i had a blast tasing level coming up with new skips...

Derlict Building Scene

  • Nothing to exciting unlike the mansions just faster Parkour routes as i go forward, then the level is done :/

Performance Center Scene

  • Now this Level is a bit a pain in my butt to tas because of these enemies at the beginning, but before i loaded in the level you can tell i bought a special move but what did i buy you ask? i bought a special move called weapon removal so i can use my whip to remove the gun out of the enemy hands so it wont be a pain so i can do this simple wall clip, so pretty much i skipped the fight, then you see parkour over platforms then once i pulled that lever you will see me doing creative parkour thats not been done it, then i pull another level to pull down another platform once i get all that annoying parkour the level, but now i enter a boss fight, similar to the Scrap Yard Boss Fight you knock him into objects to deal more damage then your done.

Hadare HQ

  • Ah yes the last level... TASING this level is not bad, but in this level there is no wallclip skips but there is some parkour skips i done, but first when i spawn i have to deal with these annoying enemies so i gain another platform easy as that, same thing like the rest there is no wallclip skips sadly... but the parkour looks very interesting and entertaining to watch,

Last Boss Fight

  • The last Boss Fight, all i did is just abuse the kicks then knock her into objects and sometimes throw the item if i ever did... probably but then the level is finished,
Me when i Finished the TAS: im TASing that game no more😭

eien86: Claiming for judging.

eien86: Drinking game: take a shot everytime you hear a cheesy one-liner.
This movie makes use of skips and glitches to zoom through the stages. It beats the game half an hour faster than the current RTA WR. The execution looks flawless, including well planned fights and some entertaining inputs on waiting parts.
The community found this movie entertaining and I agree.
Accepting to Standard

EZGames69: Processing...
Last Edited by EZGames69 on 1/24/2025 4:13 PM
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