Submission #9453: SJ's GC Crazy Taxi "Original" in 02:58.25

Nintendo GameCube
(Submitted: Original)
(Submitted: Crazy Taxi (USA).iso USA)
Dolphin Emulator 2412
10695 (cycle count 86626670133)
Submitted by SJ on 1/5/2025 5:26 AM
Submission Comments
Hey Everyone im back with another amazing improved Crazy Taxi Original TAS!


What improved in this TAS?

  • The Routing has been improved a lot, so like my last Original TAS playthrough because last time i beat Original Mode with 5 customers but NOW IN THIS TAS I BEAT CRAZY TAXI WITH 2 CUSTOMERS IN A BIG SPREAD OUT MAP!

The Story how i made this TAS

  • well there is some time ago, when i was watching my Old Original TAS Run, I was like I know this can be improved. Still, I'm not sure where to start, so it took me a few weeks to prepare together, and some days I'm too lazy to just get on crazy taxi to find good customers like the hidden customer on Arcade mode where the grandma is. Still, now today i decided to put that work into this tas, but now im glad i did so yeah that's how it happened.

How to get a Crazy License?

  • To get Crazy License you need to earn 20,000,00$ to get it!

Why Pick Gena?

The answer to that like i said, in my last submissions, is That Gena, have the best handling and steering throughout cast, the other thing what's so special about Gena that Taxi Car is so small, which allows me to fit through traffic so easily in tight spaces like i did in my other Crazy Taxi runs or this Run where i fit the tight space at the beginning, at this point Gena is the best Character in the game.

Crazy Taxi Limiter Cut

So yeah the way how Limiter Cut works, is you do the reverse pedal then put it on drive BUT there is certain timing to do it, so for a beginner that plays the game will have a hard time trying to get it down, once you play more crazy taxi it will become natural like its not hard no more. oh i forgot to mention you can also do this but reversing.

Crazy Taxi Drifting

Doing a drift if very simple you just press reverse and put it on drive while turning the analog stick which is very simple.

Money Mechanic

The  way how money works in crazy taxi have 3 categories,
  • Crazy Through: which is going through traffic, the only way to keep this combo chain going is not crash into the cars, or otherwise you will lose the combo
  • Crazy Drift:: Which is just drifting so that way you can keep the combo going
  • Crazy Jump: its when you do a Jump off a ramp or even high surfaces, it also stacks up with Crazy through, and Crazy Drift.

The more Chain Combos you get the money increases!

nymx: Claiming for judging.
nymx: Sorry for the delay on this. There was never any question about the optimization or anything else. I'm moving on trying to get other emulators set up on my machine, and I was never able to unlock the "import" feature to get the movie file loaded. Not sure why. At least I have an environment ready...I just have to continuing learning.
In regards to your run...all I have to say is that it's CRAZY!!!! Excellent work on this.
HUGE thanks goes out to EZGames69 for verifying the sync on this. At this point, I'm just not sure what is keeping me from loading up the movie file. Thank you for helping!

EZGames69: Processing...
Last Edited by EZGames69 on 2/5/2025 12:55 AM
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