Player (204)
Joined: 1/24/2011
Posts: 108
I started a very rough run of this game a little while ago, but I just now stumbled upon this topic. That's an interesting glitch - it looks like it can be used to skip the second part of the fight against Scorpion Vader and R2's little dialog box. I'm not sure if it would be faster than not doing the glitch and getting the speeder, though... Also, getting all the necessary force crystals takes time as well. Any idea how it works? I triggered it a few times and ended up in different places - once I ended up in the same glitched-up room as in your demo, and once I ended up earlier in the stage except that the sandpeople were dressed in purple. Does it only work on bosses, or can I do it on other enemies as well? Once I'm done with the run I'm currently working on, I'll start testing this in-depth to see how much time it would save. I was planning to run this game anyway, but this has the potential to break it wide open...
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Skilled player (1423)
Joined: 10/27/2004
Posts: 1978
Location: Making an escape
Obligatory. Very unoptimized, clearly shows a lack of decent planning and an ignorance of various glitches, but still, it should help.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Player (204)
Joined: 1/24/2011
Posts: 108
Ferret Warlord wrote:
Obligatory. Very unoptimized, clearly shows a lack of decent planning and an ignorance of various glitches, but still, it should help.
Wow, that was so much better than my sad first attempt... Any chance I could score the input file to compare my speed?
Rayas wrote:
Dunno if I'm really clear. I need to drink more.
adelikat wrote:
The idea was to kill off my family to avoid lost time to them getting sick and other inconvenient things.
Skilled player (1423)
Joined: 10/27/2004
Posts: 1978
Location: Making an escape
Sure thing. Just noticed it starts on a soft reset? Oh dear... The biggest issue is in level 2. I later learned that the spike trap can be passed using the speed powerup and some careful positioning. Besides, I just got lazy on the spaceship sections, so those need to be overhauled. And don't ask me about the weird warp glitch. I don't know what causes it, and the cost is so great that I don't know how to use it anyway.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Joined: 5/2/2015
Posts: 157
So I just started running this game and I am interested if anyone has any info on how the teleporting works, specifically how it determines where to teleport you. I have found several uses for it so far, warping past 3 of the 6 bosses. If anyone has any idea how it works that would be super helpful. I'll include the highlights of the 4 most useful I found tonight. Stage 1 - warped from inside Sandcrawler to just outside the stage exit Stage 3 - warped from bonus room past the boss, holding Left during the warp for this one. Stage 4 - This is a big one, warps to dead Vader, taking you right to the cutscene after killing him. Holding Left after selecting Teleport for this one as well. Stage 6 - Another huge time save, probably skips like a minute of the stage
Skilled player (1896)
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I believe the warp location depends only on frame count / some timer value. I've uploaded two movies to demonstrate it (warping from same point at different time). User movie #38811493233618504 User movie #38811511895517758
PhD in TASing 🎓 speedrun enthusiast ❤🚷🔥 white hat hacker ▓ black box tester ░ censorships and rules...
Player (155)
Joined: 5/1/2006
Posts: 150
Here's a TAS that abuses this game's wacky warps and skips most of the content. When you activate the warp ability ($06:BCEA) the game will call the PRNG function ($07:F39E), AND the value returned with 0x3F, then compare it to a value associated with your current location ($135). If the ANDed value is less than $135, then it sends you there; if not, it tries up to 7 more times before just sending you to the beginning of the level. I'm not sure what purpose a costly special ability that seemingly was only intended to send you backwards in a level was supposed to serve, but it's abusable for a couple of reasons: not all levels segments are numbered linearly and in some cases holding left can affect where the warp ultimately sends you. I didn't really debug why/how left can have this effect, but it looks like a chain of events stemming from Luke's X velocity being negative when the scene change occurs. Notes on the linked input file: WhiteHat worked out most of the potentially useful warp shortcuts, I just applied them to a not-very-good TAS. Tatooine: Goal here was to get most of the energy needed for 3 warps since the second level is pretty sparsely populated before the point I intended to warp from. Various approaches were tried (see other branches of .fm3) before settling on two goes at the blocks in the second room of the sand crawler and warping to the end of the level. There's also a buggy warp possible on this level (warp target 0xF) but I couldn't find anything useful involving it. Kessell: Here's the first use of holding left to mess with the warp and having it send Luke "out of bounds" to 0xFF. From there he can go anywhere he pleases, like directly to the end of the level. I considered warping to a screen or two before the end to some nicely clustered enemies for more energy, but the extra Lukes from the buggy warp caused too much lag for that to seem worthwhile. The 0xFF warp on this level and on the Death Star level can have a lot of weird effects, but I'm just not that into this game to spend the time working out how that might be manipulated. Iscalon: Pretty straight-forward level with one bonus room numbered higher than the rest. Shooty-saber and/or Speed-up should probably have been used here. Death Star: Here we find the only useful NPC for this route. Leia can double your force energy once a level (to a max of 99, and only when indoors, apparently). It's also convenient that right outside the room you find here in is the best known place to warp to 0xFF in this level. Got lucky here with the instant Vader-death warp that ends the level. Wasn't able to make that work after manipulating RNG before the level so I just settled on waiting a number of frames and getting on with things. Death Star layout:
           56          57
     03 04 09 0D 0E 0F 13 20
      d    08          14
->00 01 02 07 10 11 12 15 21
           06          16
  58 59    05 0A 0B 0C 17 22
           37          18
  38 39 3A 36 3B 3C 3D 19 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C
     3F 40 35 41 42 43 1A     d  d  d  d  d
     44 45 34 46 47 48 1B    23 24 25 26 2F -|
     49 4A 33 4B 4C 4D 1C 2D 2E<-------------|
     4E 4F 32 50 51 52 1D
           31 53 54 3E 1E 30
           55          1F
->: Start
 d: doors
26: Rescue Leia
2F: Compactor fight (call R2-D2 to escape to 2E)
38: Vader fight
58: Millenium Falcon scene(after beating Vader)
not depicted: death barriers between 36/37 and at ends of vertical shafts
*numbers are hexadecimal
Hoth: Pretty simple. Get to the base. Use Leia. Warp to exit for those sweet Chewie smooches. Yavin: Could probably fit another usage of the Speed-boost ability in here, but it doesn't play well with collecting stuff. The OoB/0xFF warp here doesn't seem to have any weird effects, just another warp to the finish. The shooty-saber ability being active skips the Leia dialogue too! Didn't figure out why, and couldn't get any combination of active abilities to have the same effect for any other dialogue in the game. Space shooter levels: Frames between TIE fighter spawns are randomized. Time shots and scroll stars off-screen/keep them on screen to manipulate RNG. Low byte of Luke's Y position at the end of a level can also indirectly affect how much the hyperdrive animations advance the random number sequence. Convenient opportunity for free manipulation after meeting the kill quota by destroying/creating more stars. I think with better planning of energy gathering and special ability use, and proper manipulation of the 0oB/0xFF warp effects this could make a decent TAS. Some RAM info:
$019E#Leia_use#0 until next lvl after successfully calling Leia
$01A8#Game_timer#3 bytes, frames:seconds:minutes
PRNG routine (The game also temporarily stores the initial value of $16 to the stack while it zeroes the rest of RAM then puts it back.):
 07:F39E: A5 15     LDA $15
 07:F3A0: 0A        ASL
 07:F3A1: 45 14     EOR $14
 07:F3A3: 49 80     EOR #$80
 07:F3A5: 0A        ASL
 07:F3A6: 26 14     ROL $14
 07:F3A8: 26 15     ROL $15
 07:F3AA: A5 16     LDA $16
 07:F3AC: 0A        ASL
 07:F3AD: 0A        ASL
 07:F3AE: 38        SEC
 07:F3AF: 65 16     ADC $16
 07:F3B1: 85 16     STA $16
 07:F3B3: 45 14     EOR $14
 07:F3B5: 45 15     EOR $15
 07:F3B7: 60        RTS
Addresses of all JSR $F39E instructions with descriptions of varying vagueness:
0xF0A8  Every frame
0xBCF4  Use warp ability
0xA30B  Title/End screen stars
0xA31E  Title/End screen stars
0xD09E  Leia hologram fade-in
0xD0FA  Leia hologram fade-out
0xD639  Tusken Raider spawn (hop counter)
0xD363  Stormtrooper spawn
0xD389  Stormtrooper shot
0xD1D9  Stars?
0xD1DD  Stars?
0xD209  Hyperspace
0xD215  Hyperspace
0x8AAE  new star a
0x8AB7  new star b
0x8AC3  new star c
0x822B  TIE, frames until spawn
0x823D  TIE spawn
0x82F8  TIE spawn
0x8268  TIE spawn something or other
0x8469  TIE movement change
0x8980  TIE shots
0xAFA9  Planet approach scenes(~300 per frame for 3 franes each level)
0xD867  Vader attack timer
0x9803  Yavin Vader
0x9DFB  Green dudes (only found behind Death Star doors?)
0x9D07  ST spawns at end of compactor corridor
0x92B3  Trash monster, x2 on enter
0x92D9  Trash monster
0xEE57  Wampa!
0x9522  Trench start
0x99C6  Trench lasers
0x9983  Trench lasers
0x955D  Trench spawns
0xB42B  X-Wing/MF/DS victory scene
0xA899  Intro Star Destroyer scene
0xA8A9  Intro Star Destroyer scene
0xA8BC  Intro Star Destroyer scene
0xA8CC  Intro Star Destroyer scene
0xA871  Intro Star Destroyer scene