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RT-55J wrote:
What the heck did I just watch? EDIT: This is weirder.
... What the heck did I just watch?
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Oh, wrong game. I misread "64" as "3" somehow. XD I still don't feel like testing that key maximum, though. XD
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Ramzi wrote:
However, this is speculation, based upon whether you can downgrade your ring. If you can't, I think I'll keep my initial definition.
No, you can't downgrade your ring. Or any other items, for that matter. (Unless maybe you count drinking the red potion, thereby turning it into a blue one. XD)
Ramzi wrote:
I noticed that you bought the meat the second time, because after you do that you can't get rid of it.
Yeah, I just wanted a full subscreen with all the items on it. :p Actually, at the end of the key run, I kicked myself for forgetting to get another bait; when I realized it, I was already at level 9's front door, so I just said "screw it". XD
Ramzi wrote:
A good example I kept going back to was the idea of what should be saved in my bottles in Zelda 64. In case you don't know the game, you get 4 bottles which you can store a red, green, blue potion, or a fairy. The red fills up all your life, green all your magic, blue all of both, and the fairy will revive all of your life even after you die. I would say that it is subjective whether the blue potion is better than the fairy. While it does restore all the magic and the fairy does not, the fairy does work automatically after death. So you could fill your bottles with all blue, or all fairies, or any combination of both. But what is clear is that you should not have red or green potions, as they are clearly inferior.
I always preferred the blue potions, myself. They refill more than just 7 hearts, and I think using fairies still counts as a death in the final count...<_<'
Ramzi wrote:
You said you can hold 255 keys. How do you know this? Maybe there is a preset limit, just like there is a limit for bombs. As you said, you don't want to be visiting the gambling game till the sun burned out. I think for this reason it is also okay to handwave away the gameover counter limit.
Messing around with RAM addresses. :p Actually, the key, bomb, and death counters can all go up to 255. (The death counter max, I found out during my first-ever time through the game, back when I was 8 or 9 years old. XD) But of course the bomb counter is throttled during normal play due to there not being enough bomb upgrades to get it that high. :p You can get a list of all those lovely RAM addresses here.
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Ramzi wrote:
4matsy: I just watched that on 400%. I appreciated it.
Why thank you. ^_^
Ramzi wrote:
I have the most extreme notion of what a 100% completion means, and that run most closely achieved it. My idea of 100%, essentially, is: do everything that cannot be undone. Collecting items or keys by killing every bad guy in the room is important because you can never get that item or key again. Same thing with visiting secrets to everybody and door repair guys. Preferably, all locked doors would be unlocked, and all rooms on a map will be visited.
I did a run like this, but that goes through every room in every dungeon, back on page 1 of this thread. Doesn't visit the door repair guys though, I was mainly trying to get enough cash in the beginning to buy everything without having to kill a bunch of enemies or gamble... :p
Ramzi wrote:
I'm not sure what inspired you to collect as many keys as possible, though, particularly because of the magic key. Also, you can buy keys, thereby surpassing the number you achieved. Had you not set this goal, I feel you would have entered the rooms you didn't. All that's left would be the door repair guys, and you would have done my idea of 100%.
One night on IRC (#PureZC on's a Zelda Classic fansite, so there's a lot of Zelda fans in there :p), me and another guy were wondering how many spare keys it was possible to finish the game with. We figured it would be right around 20 or so... So he went through the game and got 25. I had originally calculated 26 from looking at maps of the dungeons, but then last night when I did the run myself I found I'd missed counting a locked door somewhere, so yeah, it looks like the max for first quest is 25. I skipped the magic key, because then the "A" would overwrite the regular key count, and then I wouldn't be able to see how many regular keys I had left. There's 3 locked doors you have to go through in level 9, so it would be 28 if you considered yourself to be using only the magic key to unlock those. Or even many more, if you did level 8 early and then cleaned out the rest of the dungeons. XD Buying keys, I didn't bother with. The max is 255, and I didn't feel like bouncing between the gambling game and a key shop until the sun burned out... <_<'
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Posts: 498 Zelda accidentally locked 25 doors in her castle. So, she sends Link out to get some of those nifty one-use-and-then-they-disappear-forever video game keys. Oh, and she also managed to get kidnapped by Ganon again. Used speedup and savestates whenever I felt like it; this wasn't really intended to be a "serious" run or anything. :p Minor gaffe: I could've gotten the bomb upgrade in level 5 without wasting any keys, as there's both a key and a locked door in front of it. No way to get the one in 7, though, so I was stuck with 8 bombs for the whole game. It's really a wonder that I never ran out once I started the dungeons...o_O
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Kriole wrote:
JXQ wrote:
Kriole: You are very humble to give Saturn any credit for this effort at all. All of this ridicule he's receiving is absolutely deserved. Saturn sure can talk that shit, up until one of his perfect runs is completely molested, then he gets exactly what he dished out. He puts himself into this position - if you want to lie about how amazing you are, you have to deal with the consequences ones those lies are exposed.
:p Since Saturn won't provide smv's he has to prove that he is "better" than everyone else through talking, and poking holes in other peoples runs. I understand he has been badgering moozooh very much, especially about Ceres. Of course, this inevitably leads to very much bullshit, since his definition of perfection is a little off; anything he creates is perfect. Well, everything is perfect until proven otherwise. But I admit, he overuses the word perfect. A fair reply to our discovering would be something "Yeah, you solved the 'mystery', good job fellas", or something slimey like that. His response was somewhat "Woo. You found the last frame. And you even improved my ceres. But you are still nowhere as good as me.". God complex for life ;]
lol, this reminds me of that "Mr. Dumb" announcer someone made for Super Mario War. XD 8 kills in a row: "EIGHT KILLS?! You're getting better, but not perfect, no no no!" 9 kills: "9 kills? You're getting there! But you still can't match up to Mr. Dumb!" 10 kills: "Wow, you're perfect, BUT YOU STILL SUCK COMPARED TO MEEE! YOUUUU SUUUUCK!"
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Link helps the player find level 7. Or at least attempts to. Hilarity ensues.
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Even more oddly, it wears off eventually. After a long while, the music and scrolling speed return to normal. After a REALLY LONG while, you'll realize that Mario's Y coordinate has wrapped around as he falls from the top of the screen. XD
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superbacon wrote:
Sorry, I'm kinda new at this TAS thing. I'm not too sure what you mean by tool-assisted.
TAS = Tool-Assisted Speedrun (or Superplay). :p
superbacon wrote:
As for the Fire Pants Glitch, you execute it by alternating Up and Up+Down every frame. This makes Link walk faster. Isn't there an easier way to do this on an emulator without manually pressing Up and Up+Down every other frame?
Not really. :/ That's kinda the point of TASing though: spend time going through the game advancing frame-by-frame for maximum optimization/efficiency. :p It DOES take a long time, especially with long games such as Zelda, but the results look totally awesome once the product is complete. :)
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...Oh yeah. o.o ...Funny how I forgot that AFTER all that talk about time zones in the IRC channel. XD
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First post of '08. Whee! :D Happy new year y'all. Time to make useless resolutions that'll be dumped by the time we get up later today. :p
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AH HA HA HA HA awesome. XD I wonder if it could be used on some other bosses? You hit Turboman when he had only 3 health, and I seem to remember Crash Noise doing 2 damage to a few of the bosses (maybe I'm remembering the charged shot? Not sure). If you could just get that shot off at the right time when going through the'd probably depend on how long the boss's intro dance is though. <_<'
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LOL WUT. 6-2 is just about deserving of its own AVI. XD *kicks the now-battered shell into the "yes" voting block*
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plusminus wrote:
Interestingly, the amount of health you have in the SMS version makes no difference to the score tallying time as long as your score is counted before the music stops.
Actually it does. Notice how, in levels he finishes with only 1 bar left, the last note-and-a-half of the score tally music is actually cut off as the next level loads.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I wondered why he would talk about Oprah… does she feature program bugs? O_o)
Maybe if you count that tapeworm Dr. Oz brought onto her show not too long ago... :p
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I don't see why not. I always thought it was supposed to be "speedrun" for movies where speed is the main goal, and "superplay" for movies aiming more for entertainment (like this one). :p
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I realize it isn't really any help in a TAS, but I reread this thread after watching Frenom's submission, and just for the sake of completeness decided to tear apart worlds 3 and 4 looking for that missing warp zone 1a. :p As it turns out, I didn't even have to bother with world 4 at all, as I found the warp zone in 3-3:'s another of those warps behind a hippo-breakable wall. :p It's about 3/5 of the way through the level, right at the middle vertically. The place in my screenshot should be somewhat easy to find on this map. This, then, gives every world except 5 and 7 at least one warp zone. (Maybe because the backgrounds of worlds 5 and 7 are the same black color as the warp holes? *shrug*)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Ninja Gaiden 1 done in LEGO blocks. :p Some of the animation in the scenes is funny as hell; the opening duel had me rolling. XD
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SwordShock! NinpoShock! WalljumpShock! Now is the time to the Ninja Gaiden heart on fire! *votes yes*
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AnS wrote:
There's interesting password "KNJ7J" which doesn't contain ANYTHING in its bits. . . . So, IMO, in terms of fair play this password can be considered as playing the game normally from beginning. Am I right with the opinion? The password only skips intro movie (about 13 seconds) which could be useful for "Any%" run, but not for my current TAS.
Yeah, sounds perfectly okay to me. Precedent/example: Zoizite's old Metroid 1 run, which entered 000000 000020 000000 000020 or something like that, which did nothing except leave Samus suitless. Yours doesn't even do that (cause any graphical change), so...yeah, should be fine. ...Your run is 3240985903257208957234 flavors of awesome, btw. :p *votes yes*
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They're finally going Maverick, I guess. *calls in X, Zero, and Axl* XD
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*/me goes o_O at the auto-screenshots* Looks like NesVideoAgent had a desync. :p
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JXQ wrote:
They look like ass squared
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Dacicus wrote:
It might be boring for you, but I would be interested to see the fastest route that accomplishes that.
As would I. :)
Dacicus wrote:
Don't you mean 255 rupees?
Depends. One rupee is required for the Ganon-killing arrow, but then he could just go back a couple rooms and kill an enemy to get it...<_<
Post subject: Odd bug: "Reply with quote" sometimes not showing up
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Posts: 498 I was gonna quote Dacicus's post (the last one in the thread). But it seems that the "reply with quote" button is missing...I suspect this is somehow related to it being the only post on the new page so far. o.O EDIT: ...ooooookay, for some reason it's there now, after reloading the page. I wonder why it didn't show up the first time though...o_O
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