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DrJones wrote:
I really like this game, but I didn't like the pace of this run. No vote.
Was it... uh, was it too fast? I'm confused... I mean, if you know this game at all, and you were expecting it FASTER, I'm... I don't know... I don't know.
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Thanks to adelikat for taking the time to do this; I'd assumed the previous submission was at least well-researched, but apparently it wasn't. So double no to that one and no to this as well.
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I would never want anyone to not submit a run, so I'm glad you did, but this game just doesn't work. Good job on the technical side of things. No vote for the game, not for you.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I still don't see how this can be such a "major decision" that requires "lots of thought".
Part of it is fear of what precedent this might set for the site; most of it is just the natural human tendency to debate minutia ad nauseum. Discussions, if nothing else, are an entertaining distraction from life itself, and I'm pretty sure we're all on this site because we're seeking temporary relief from our mundane day-to-day goings-on. Anyway, I'm glad this is getting published. I understand the merits of the debate, but I think there's a general consensus that running a Zelda game without a sword creates a new and interesting category, like an FPS that uses no guns or the small-only Mario run. I also think it'd be entertaining to watch other Zelda games attempt no-sword runs, though none may be quite as different as this.
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Great run. Are you planning to clean it up and submit?
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Peachtotheinfinity wrote:
You little necro, you.
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We just need a way to glitch the game or Ganon and skip the boss fight. Problem solved. Too bad one of the first NES games to use savefiles can't be manipulated (à la Chrono Trigger's any glitched%). Anyway, this is getting kind of silly. I don't see any new arguments coming forth. Let's sit patiently and wait for the judges to do their thing.
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Aktan wrote:
Off how and on what player?
Viewed it in Firefox and the sound desynced shortly into play. It must've just been my settings if it's worked for other people, so never mind.
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Watched it thank to Aktan's encode (mp4 encode sound seems off, btw). This run is different enough to warrant a publish, IMO. If not that, it at least could go into the technical demos section. Hard to add much more to it than that; people are always going to balk at this category because there's a difference between the rules and the spirit of the rules. That's fine, but if this is a site about entertaining and creative runs, I just don't see a good reason this can't find a home here.
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All else aside, there has to be a better way to state this goal. "Classic Sonic" or "Sonic 1 Style" or SOMEthing more appealing. But that's mostly semantics. Will watch an encode if we get one. It's a cool concept but I'm dubious as to whether or not this is worthy of publishing. If a new category is added to a game for which we have other runs, it should be interesting in a way that only a TAS can be; otherwise, it's a glorified speedrun category.
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That's amazing. This game (and you) continue to deliver. Interested to see where you go next. All relics means you still have to visit the lower portions of the castle. Inverted castle will get less exploration but that's no big loss.
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wicked wrote:
i cant see at all when the game beggins (it press start, then it gives a name to the save file) then the character stands waiting. withoug moving and im using the corrct rom with the correct pluging and the correct emulator. or maybe i messed with something and i dont know
List the emulator version, plugin version, and ROM you're using? One of those (or a setting) is definitely wrong, or this wouldn't have been published. I've emulated myself with no problems.
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Xkeeper wrote:
The only reason the (J) movie got accepted was because it was a) Done by someone not familiar with our rules and not even for this site originally, just submitted here afterwards when someone suggested it b) the prior movie had been obsoleted by many many new discoveries and really needed to be put out of its misery Deciding you're going to use the (J) because you have a stick up your ass against tasvideos is stupid, and this is coming from me. I havetons of problems with this site and I still recommend against it. But eh, whatever. Your run, feel free to alienate the people who will be watching your movie in your crusade against the people publishing it.
The argument you're contributing to is a little less than two months old now, you know. Not that I don't agree with you or anything, but they do say something about what to do with sleeping dogs...
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I think expecting an 8-year old to be a meaningful forum contributor is one of the dictionary definitions of "optimistic." Give him read privileges but no posting ones. He's not going to bring intellectual discourse to the threads and somehow I doubt he's actively participating in the process of TAS development in any of his threads. I think we all have better things to do than to try to educate people who want this to be a requests forum.
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While hack runs are definitely criticized more deeply than regular games (and with good reason), they do get published from time to time if both gameplay and hack are up to par. So by all means, try running a new one--never hurts to try! And, like I said before, you should really do an optimized run of Eris. There are also several other good SM hacks looming on the horizon, though most of the really good ones have been announced and "in the works" for years now, so it may be a while yet before we get there.
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As an SM hacker myself, I'm always glad to see these being done. I will note right off the bat, however, that this desyncs for me shortly after boost ball is acquired (about 1/5th of the way through the run by frame count). Whether or not it's publishing material, however, is a totally different discussion. Like Derakon said, breaking down the differences is really important if you're going to submit this. And, like Derakon said, I'm fairly certain that there are other hacks more likely to get published than this one if runs were done (not to say they're a shoe-in, either). If anyone wants to see what this hack looks like, a quick YouTube search of "Angry Fire Chozo" gave me this along with some others. (Note the TAS submitted is not the same as the one in this link!) I do feel this is one of the better SM hacks out there, but that's not really as nice a compliment as it sounds (most hacks are terrible for any game, and SM is no exception). I have played and beaten AFC, and in the world of SM hacks it's notable, but it is not necessarily an entertaining TAS choice, simply because most of the sequence breaks and general play is not going to make sense to anyone who has not played it. This is not a major issue in games (I can enjoy TASes of games I've not played), but in hacks, it becomes a more pressing problem because it is harder to differentiate between native gameplay and modified gameplay if you are not familiar with the game. When you can watch a TAS of a hack but not understand what's impressive about it, you're possibly looking at a poor choice for publication. Again, I am glad to see that hacks are being TASed... I'd like to see more. But I do not think that this particular hack is a great choice for submission. I would agree with Derakon that there are better choices out there (Eris, Eris, Eris!) that viewers can enjoy without playing through on their own.
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spweasel wrote:
I don't like the lack of information [...] There really needs some submission information
Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Great stuff again, but I'm still of the opinion that a TAS should be a single movie completing all chapters.
Both excellent suggestions. Can the submitter not speak English well enough to write commentary? :(
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mmbossman wrote:
So where should the line be drawn, and what sort of criteria should we use to favor one character over another?
I feel like this is the kind of question that's often asked and still rarely answered (but then again I'm not an integral part of the community here either). The stance on publishing here isn't exactly clear to me, beyond "we don't want to publish lots of runs of the same game and we don't want to publish runs of games that do not make for very entertaining runs." I wish there was just a section of the site for "showcased" runs on each console. Then everything else could still be published, perhaps under a different heading. I know that involves a lot of bandwidth, time, and drama, though, so maybe it's just a dream. As far as SaGa Frontier specifically goes, I'm a big fan of this game but I agree it's not quite as interesting to watch if you haven't played it. I'd say the line could be drawn here. I mean, it's somewhat arbitrary, yes, because there's no reason beyond "well, these two are better runs for TASing", but there's a general avoidance here of publishing a game for more than two runs unless it's really a mainstay (like Mario games or something). Saying "no more after this" would be in line with what I've observed to be the implied philosophy at work here.
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I was thinking strictly in the sense of the category (collecting instruments from all 8 dungeons). If this is a speed-entertainment tradeoff, I'm all for it, because it would be less interesting than some of the cooler glitches involved in getting the Slime Key if nothing else. (The Angler's Key is less interesting, and I still wish we could skip the fetch quest involved there, but hey, it's not my run.) I don't think I said this earlier, so I'll say it now: I loved this run.
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I had something I wanted to check out but haven't had the time, so I'll throw it out here. When I used to play this game on the original Game Boy (not the DX) I would use the select trick (warping to the same spot one screen away) to get up on places you aren't supposed to reach. You do the same here in the DX version sans the select trick to get to Turtle Rock without going up against the flamethrower obstacle, using the sword + jumping trick to "fall" out of one screen into another in the nearby cave. IIRC, the whole cave/dungeon system is just one big map (pretty normal for these games). You use that to get to Turtle Rock quickly. Is it possible you could skip some fetch quests entirely by glitching your way out of the normal boundaries? I'm specifically thinking of the trading sequences to get the keys for the third and fourth dungeons. Maybe this has already been discussed, in which case, my apologies. I just wonder, if you found one place to glitch out of normal level boundaries, that there aren't any others that could save time. This game is riddled with glitches, after all.
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I liked the scripted encode more, to be sure, but I can't see any reasoning that the published encode would have any content removed or edited; the "main" or "primary" version should be the game, exactly as it is. I think providing a more entertaining encode as a secondary option is certainly a good idea, though.
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I can see where people take umbrage with the run's goals, and there's also been plenty of good responses to that, so it's hard to add anything to the discussion. All I can say is that, ultimately, I have enjoyed this run more than any other Sonic game TAS I've seen before, even with the boring emerald-collect-a-thon. Voting yes.
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I wouldn't call this flawless top-of-the-line unbreakable; I'm sure there's improvements to be found. I would guess around 99.9% of all current published runs are sub-optimal in SOME sense. The debate seems to be that it wasn't polished enough to satisfy one person, and the other submitted it as an interim run until this submission could be obsoleted. That's not really a fight that's worth slugging out in public, of course, 'cause it's really an issue between those two. For the record, though, I am glad this was submitted, even if it's not as optimal as desired. What run ever is?
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I'm surprised that the Alucard Shield isn't faster than... uh, whatever spell that is, I don't even know. Medusa, apparently. I honestly almost didn't bother to look at this entry in the submissions because I just assumed there was little left to improve on after the first one; I figured it'd be maybe a few frames saved from gaining levels or something boring. So color me pleasantly surprised. It's really amazing how so many little things about this game allow it to be TAS'd this way. Take out one of the many minor programming glitches or neat little tricks this game has, and this route would be impossible. I love it.
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Reading HappyLee's posts now, I can barely tell English isn't his first language. Someone's come a long way. Wish I could watch this, but my Windows compy is on the fritz. I'll cross my fingers and await an encode.
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