Posts for Acumenium

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Samsara wrote:
Acumenium wrote:
[actual literal insanity]
dude your posts make me sick can you turn them off thanks in advance
If a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
Your own rules and guidelines are "actual literal insanity". You heard it first here, folks.
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You fail to understand the concept of two contrasting colours on a spectrum, red and blue literal polar opposites used at a rapid fire in a long time span. Aka you proved my point right since I was on about colours that are not opposites, like every game.
No you don't get a redo on that, I'm honestly not responding to you after this. Your comments are baseless and have no valid point.
Hey everybody, this edgy 4chan troll is a publisher surprisingly. There are only absolutes. There is only one cause to anything good or bad. There is never a second option. He also an Almighty authority. Only He declares what is "base(d?)" and "a valid point". Motion sickness (which is actually very common among gamers, hence why VSync and its later superior versions are so common) has many causes. It doesn't take only one specific frame rate or one specific Hyper Beam in Pokemon Yellow flashes the screen five times (I think? Might be four. Would have to rewatch my own video) with your polar opposite example. Still a very possible seizure warning even though it's not for very long.
And you validated that point cause you couldn't argue it.
Or, genius, it's because more than one option can be true. If a camera jerks every other second, it's a jerky camera. If a camera jerks EVER second, it's a JERKIER camera. But still a jerky camera.
Nah, I hate Ocarina of Time
I do too! But it is a very prime example of what can be a trigger: very erratic, flickering cameras.
Because your "warnings" are invalidated random string examples. You want one that might actually get an example after we figure out how to word it correctly?
Are you so arthritic copy and pasting something to the effect of "This video features very high frame-rate motion and flickering and as such, viewers with epilepsy or motion sickness should be warned." is somehow too hard? "Random string examples" what does this gobbledygook garbage even mean? How to word it correctly? What are we discussing here, freaking rocket science? It's astounding "Judges" can determine the vast intricacies of video game glitches and how they work down to the PROGRAMMING and how to categorize runs but it's apparently impossible to type "has flashing lights" or "has high motion/flickering camera". You're a condescending tool who would be auto-banned in basically any forum for your awful and toxic behavior. You can reply to me again, troll, if you like barking at the wind, because I'm not paying any more attention to you. @feos:
Should I be comparing every publication to your fake video or should I be reading your mind? Or are you saying every SM64 publication should have been rejected for "entertainment significance which is deemed negatively"?
If a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
To help you since you can't read full sentences:
such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
I think a movie causing someone to get sick or have a SEIZURE is a "negative quality". A solution to this is a WARNING which not enough videos feature.
Which resolves this accusation
No, it really doesn't. It's not featured anywhere near enough which is bull when Judges literally HAVE to watch a video and it takes all of five seconds to mention who (epilepsy or motion sickness sufferers) MIGHT want to steer clear of it. I mean hell, you're over here bragging that sometimes "nobody tells you" but you do the bare minimum of your job anyway? Seriously?
It's never been controversial
except for this thread where you and the other troll started screaming at me and treating me like an idiot for suggesting videos have proper warnings Some videos DO have warnings. THAT IS GOOD. Far MORE need them. Motion sickness is unfortunately very common and it's really not talked about enough how it can be triggered by videos or video games. Here's the deal: you watch the videos anyway. It's not hard to identify what can be a possible trigger for either illness (epilepsy/motion sickness). It's literally anything flashing/flickering, and in the latter case, incredibly unsteady and jerky cameras. Which some glitches---like those in Ocarina of Time, use, or when zips are used in Sonic or Mega Man, etc. We have boilerplate categories like "Playaround", "Takes damage to save time", "Game end glitch" and so on. SOME videos do have a warning. Again, this is great. Just add a small line to any video featuring problematic behavior. The fact that it is not only controversial to bring this up despite what you're claiming but that you pat yourself on the back for adding a warning to some videos, is baffling.
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There's also a difference between a split second and several minutes worth of it.
Epilepsy is not a monolith. Neither is motion sickness for that matter. I have played first-person shooter games that did not make me feel queasy and have played some that make me feel like I'm about to projectile vomit. And yet I can drive in a car just fine with no motion sickness. Your logic is weird since the ten seconds that the infamous Pokemon strobe light scene was deemed by medical professionals to be excessive. Imagine entire videos---some up to an hour, or more even, with similar seizure triggers happening throughout.
Actually 4, Sonic falls under the "split second" as well.
If it's happening often enough, "split second" doesn't matter. Frankly, your post is disturbing. You're okaying everything because of [x] reasons presumably because you like the games. Hey, I do too, but why not include more warnings? If there's going to be incredibly rapid camera/screen shifting or flashing lights, try to, I don't know, have warnings? It takes maybe two seconds for a Judge (who has to watch the video anyway to judge it) to write a warning and it'd be far more inclusive as a whole. @feos
When I look at the submission thread for it, I see 58 people that liked the run, 3 that didn't feel anything definitive, and zero people who disliked it. That clearly shows that the audience doesn't feel that that movie has negative entertainment value. So it doesn't make sense to apply that rule.
Why that's just great. You're outright cherry picking. Let's read the whole segment you replied to again, shall we?
If a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
Why did you cut it off at the first comma?
Why should we speak for random youtube videos that don't credit the authors and don't provide any reference to the source they were taken from? We don't even have such a short SM64 movie published on our site!
Seriously? This is your takeaway from it? Who the hell cares?! It's using the same glitches and has the same problematic camera as the ones here.
There's no rule to reject for "seizure potential". Also your post isn't productive. If you think some publications are dangeorous to watch due to seizure risk and we're not warning people enough, please link them.
Except for the above quoted one...
If a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
What part of my post "isn't productive"? What is productive in a Gruefood thread, by the way? Just wondering. I also fail to see why I should bring anything up when I literally did that here and have you outright trolling me with your insane cherry picking, straw-manning, and condescension. It's not hard to determine what is problematic seizure or motion sickness activity, the two most common causes would be: - rapidly changing and/or erratic cameras (Zelda, Sonic, 3D Mario, etc.), which can include Mega Man games with "zips" (Mega Man 1, Mega Man 2, etc.). FPSes would be incredibly guilty of this. - flashing lights (some Pokemon games, some parts of Zelda 2, etc.) This should've been something judges did years ago since it's actually easy for them to determine any of this since they, you know, have to watch the videos. EDIT: Looking at the "Threaded Gruefood" section, it looks like some judges or runners don't like seizure warnings being pointed out. Why is this a controversial subject?
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I just noticed this as a rejection reason:
If a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is not eligible for any tier.
Why are Sonic TASes even allowed on this site? Or the 3D Zelda games? Ocarina of Time trying its best to cause motion sickness: Or Mario 64? Heck, let's go 2D again. Mega Man 2: The less said about the infamously bad Genesis Sonic TASes the better. So bad they need a "camhack" to even be followed. Plenty of glitched videos here---and I do mean plenty, utilize constant flashing screens too. Judge the movie for what it's offering, and this, it isn't much. But this "rule" isn't followed to any degree to begin with. Honestly I'm surprised any judge would say this is a "reason" when this site has very lax seizure warnings. I think I've only ever seen it for one or two videos when so many (Mega Man/Sonic/Zelda/etc.) TASes are definitely seizure potential and have zero warnings at all. I've seen more "warning bad sounds" than anything for seizures.
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I have nowhere else to post this. If it's not okay, please tell me. I'm planning to start a non-tool-assisted speedrun of the GBC Zelda games. Not a TAS. I don't know how to categorize these two glitches, seen in many runs but the published TAS here specifically: "Text Warping": "Pit Walking": The latter is only possible with custom (and hence not allowed for WRs likely) controllers in real-time, and the former is done in almost every speedrun. But what do these classify as? The first one is obviously a warp glitch, but does that qualify as going out of bounds? Or would "out of bounds" be more reserved for... say, entering a glitchy void? Are either of these memory corruption? Basically, I'm asking what you judges would qualify the following: - a run using the first glitch, but not second - a run using the second glitch, but not first - if it changes the categories listed, a run using both
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Cool stuff. The Vita didn't get a lot of love during its life, but it did have quite a lot of good games, and many of them would be so great emulated since they didn't get a chance to run well on the actual Vita due to how brutally underclocked* it was. * - The Vita uses the same CPU as the iPhone 4, clocked down *massively* to 333MHz (the iPhone 4 itself runs at an underclocked (base is 1GHz) 800Mhz), and can safely operate with zero difference in heat at 500MHz. The GPU is similarly brutally underclocked and is the same GPU used in the third-generation iPad. There's a lot of interesting action games on the Vita. Would love to see those at stable frame rates.
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I don't know if double-posting is frowned upon but here are two more spots that I think may be faster in the above RTA than the TAS, but I don't have any way to count frames right now for it. An S+Q looks like it makes more sense there to me, but I don't know if it actually is faster, and if it messes with RNG too much. A bomb jump is used to get to the flippers instead of taking the long way around. This one seems like it should definitely be faster. However I'm not privy on how the RNG works here---sometimes what appears faster short-term might screw up something later on.
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Watching an RTA WR for Oracle of Ages. Saw a very interesting glitch that can be adapted for the TAS too. Almost all of Skull Dungeon is completely passed over via a very tricky jump similar to the Oracle of Seasons ones. Apparently, there is no concept of a "second level" or higher platform like in A Link to the Past or anything. If you can jump to a bridge, like that, well, that's the level it is on. It is merely visually on a different plane. EDIT: This is a major edit. I just finished the run and Nitroz uses a completely different payload at the end. Instead of triggering the buggy Ring Box then beating Veran, they outright warp to the credits. Honestly, I think anyone looking to re-run OoA (not as much as OoS, but some new skips or techniques seem to have been found) should probably give it a watch. I haven't seen the TAS for awhile but the above two tricks alone would be very useful for a TAS and I know the published one here doesn't use either, for instance.
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Posts: 73 The center ("Ricky Natzu") run shows this off, although it appears earlier in the other two runs on the sides too. After talking to Drenn (who posted above me here, I see! :D), this glitch may have some good TAS usage. Here's how it is summarized: - Drenn manipulated an enemy to appear in that exact spot so it could hit them. - They then spawns a Bomb, so it can blow up and damage boost them. - They then throw it before it blows up, and use a Pegasus Seed. - Immediately after using the Pegasus Seed, they swap the Pegasus Seeds for Ricky's Flute. - Ricky's Flute is immediately used after being hit by the fire monster. This causes the fire monster to initiate a damage boost, but... - also resets your blinker. They then get hit by the bomb for a SECOND damage boost, allowing the incredibly long-range jump to be performed. However, this has even greater ramifications. Keep watching! You can skip the Hide and Seek portion via a similar jump! OoS is one of my favorite games of all time. I can't contribute much at all gameplay-wise for a speedrun, much less a TAS, but I see this thread has been pretty inactive, and many things seem to have been found recently. And I like watching videos, and sometimes that's helpful to post here too. :)
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Warp wrote:
Note that even if a game appears to be in the PD by the criteria above, it's still a gamble whether you can actually safely use it however you want or not. That's because some companies (sometimes even quite famous and big-name companies) are extraordinarily unscrupulous in claiming rights they don't actually legally have, and fighting for these alleged rights (which they can afford to do, because they are often really rich). There exist numerous examples (not necessarily video games but other types of work) where individuals or corporations have claimed rights they don't actually have, sometimes copyrights, sometimes other types of right, and have been extraordinarily zealous in fighting for these rights, essentially becoming copyright bullies. They may be legally in the wrong, but they get away with their appropriation of false rights because they are so rich and big, and effective at intimidating individuals with legal action. (And, frankly, even if you were completely in the right and the company completely in the wrong, would you have the money, time and fortitude to go into a legal battle against such a company? Life just isn't fair sometimes.) (The only video game example that I can think of is The Tetris Company, which has claimed copyright on the very concept of Tetris. Not just the name, not just the individual games in the series, but the concept of the game itself, the game mechanics. This is unambiguously uncopyrightable in pretty much any country, as has been confirmed by many copyright lawyers, and it would never hold in any court, but they don't care. And other companies and individuals have never bothered challenging them on it.)
You just described Universal v. Nintendo.,_Inc._v._Nintendo_Co.,_Ltd.
Nintendo thanked John Kirby with a $30,000 sailboat christened the Donkey Kong along with "exclusive worldwide rights to use the name for sailboats."[32] The character in Nintendo's Kirby series of video games was named after John Kirby, in honor of his services in the Donkey Kong case.[33][34] It is rumored that a copy of the first game in the franchise, Kirby's Dreamland, was eventually sent to John Kirby who was humored and flattered.[35]
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I was highly entertained. The route planning was also incredibly concise, reaching the max level without needing to actually stop and grind was very interesting. Definitely a Yes vote!
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I feel like there's so many different ways you can beat ALTTP with so many different glitches and still have it enjoyable that it's doing ALTTP dirty to limit categories. The goal should be to have as many categories as is actually entertaining, not to limit it arbitrarily based on an odd notion that storage is precious and must be reserved only to [x] amount of videos. That being said, I would really like to see that "No Major Glitch" one go through. ALTTP is a very expansive game, and even for an any% run, NMG offers a lot of entertainment. I think it shines best in a 100% run, but it would still yield a highly enjoyable playthrough, I think.
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CasualPokePlayer wrote:
Ok minor correction, it's not the day counter going over 16383 (that was bullshit coming from pokecrystal comments), rather it can only occur in two cases: the day count exceeded 511, or the halt flag is set. It's likely the first option since Gambatte's RTC handling is known to be broken in these cases. Anyways, just using "from now" should be an okay fix (also assuming you never hard reset because that's fucked lol), or just using GBHawk (whose RTC isn't broken in these cases anyways). Also, on the BIOS... wait where is the ... in "GAMEBOY..." coming from? The CGB only has GAMEBOY in its BIOS. I guess assuming in case I'm looking too deep into this, I would have to guess Gambatte is still using the homebrew bios, and you didn't tick the setting to change that (and note that your recorded movies will just follow the sync settings stored in them, so if they are made with the homebrew bios they will use the homebrew bios when you play them unless you manually edit the sync settings in the movie file). Really tho, it doesn't matter in the end as I'm guessing this isn't meant to be submitted and/or console verified.
511? Interesting. I've seen the "TIME NOT SET" message appear from legitimate players too who were doing a certain challenge that requires the first part have 400-something days pass... I had absolutely no idea that's why. I'll remember that from now on (ha) regarding From Now. As long as it works the way I want it to, to resemble a reloaded savefile (and it should since a soft reset does everything a hard reset does), I don't really mind. I'm not aiming to submit it at all and although console verification is neat, I have no means to do that or record it. I'm just very particular when I upload runs of games, usually niche runs and stuff, that it's as accurate to the real games as possible and that no strange emulation glitches appear and that's why something happened/etc. I don't have a capture card but I like to upload stuff and although I can't play like other people do on real devices I want to make sure it's gameplay accurate. This is what I meant for the "GAMEBOY" message, sorry for adding the ellipsis. It only appears when I use GBHawk though, even though the Config menu says no matter what core I am using that it's finding the BIOS.
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Alyosha wrote:
Movie file 2 only starts from SRAM. It does not know what the internal state of the clock should be. Try using the 'From Now' setting when starting recording for movie 2 instead. The RTC is only an internal state to Gambatte, it doesn't actually use any real world RTC (not in BizHawk anyway by default), so whenever you reset the emulator core, the state is lost. I believe older versions had an option to use real world RTC, but not sure how reliable it was. EDIT: actually the setting is still in Gambatte, try setting Realtime RTC to true, not sure it actually works though. EDIT: also just so you know, if you want console accuracy you have to record movies using the official BIOS (you can enable it in the settings), the homebrew ones used by default will not result in console accurate RNG, and are for casual play only.
I figured SRAM was more reliable for segmented gameplay since it's off of a fresh reset instead of continuing on a very lengthy singular movie. From Now, does it make a save state for future playback for where "Now" is? I don't record a video of my runs until they're done since I often go back to a previous part if I found a better path/etc. @CasualPokePlayer That's very intriguing. I thought that message meant it can't save the time, not that it did but too much passed. I also had no idea that's how time is stored. So for a single-segment run, things would work perfectly fine under how Gambatte handles it, but for segmented ones, Gambatte falters? Does GBHawk handle time differently? Or do I need to alter my PC's clock whenever I start a new segment? EDIT: I've checked my BizHawk 2.5.2 folder and setup. I am indeed using the official BIOS, but apparently Gambatte doesn't show the "GAMEBOY..." white screen before the game starts? GBHawk does. Is GBHawk more accurate or would this not really matter as far as that goes?
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Well, with a completely fresh one, it doesn't remember the RTC being set. 1: I downloadeded the Windows Binary for BizHawk 2.5.2 from this post: 2: I played the movie files on an American copy of Pokemon Crystal patched with the provided .ips. 3: Movie file 1 is 68058 frames. At frame 68058, I click Stop Movie, then load Movie file 2. 4: When Movie file 2 is loaded, it doesn't remember there being an RTC setting and asks me to redo it. So let's try doing this with the same vanilla/fresh download, but with the GBC bios added. 1: I downloadeded the Windows Binary for BizHawk 2.5.2 from this post:\ 2: I add the GBC bios to the Firmware folder. 3: I played the movie files on an American copy of Pokemon Crystal patched with the provided .ips. 4: Movie file 1 is 68058 frames. At frame 68058, I click Stop Movie, then load Movie file 2. 5: When Movie file 2 is loaded, it doesn't remember there being an RTC setting and asks me to redo it. I have no idea why it's not remembering the RTC now?
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Alyosha wrote:
It keeps track of RTC one cycle at a time. Seems to be working fine to me (I just tested 2.5.2 and master.) If you can upload a movie where things are getting messed up I can take a look at it.
Alright. This is off of a minor ROM hack (one that shouldn't alter how the RTC works at all) so I'll include the .IPS file too. Included are three movie files. - Part 1 starts the game and sets the RTC. By the end of part 1, the RTC is advancing far too quickly in comparison to movie/in-game time (I combine them because they're a similar enough metric right now). - Part 2 begins right as Part 1 ends, already on an accelerated time. By the time Part 2 ends, it's now *Thursday*, implying some three days have passed for only 36 minutes of tracked gameplay. - Part 3 is just me loading the game to see the time at the end of Part 1. I also feel the need to correct myself in case GBHawk isn't actually the same programming (and I believe it isn't or it wouldn't be a differently named core)---I use the Gambatte core, not GBHawk. I find this very odd as Gambatte is supposed to be nearly flawless in cycle accuracy? EDIT: Fixed the upload, one of the movies were incorrect.
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TiKevin83 wrote:
To me, most of the entertainment comes from knowing the history of the category, with years of memes about a tutorial skip and the category being previously completely glitchless, to now see a tutorial skip into a credits warp is hilarious (not to mention technically intricate). However, at the same time I can understand how a viewer with no context might find a video that is essentially half the tutorial and a few deck edits to be highly lacking in entertainment. Which is unfortunate, as the full gameplay for TCG goes so fast as to make it equally difficult to watch.
I feel like a good write-up in the description can help that. Some of the SM64 descriptions talk about the history of the categories and stuff and it's pretty interesting insight. It's especially good there since similar to here, the way the glitches operate you see almost no gameplay (other than what's going on in a black void).
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I'm using BizHawk 2.5.2. How exactly is GBHawk Gambatte tracking RTCs? Time seems to progress far too quickly to make any sense. - <1 minute of in-game and movie time: Monday, 3:52AM (set manually at this point) - properly at ~28000 frames, Monday: 4:00AM (~28000 frames being roughly 8 minutes) - 18 minutes of in-game and movie time: Monday, 12:30PM - 36 minutes of in-game and movie time: Thursday, 3:19 AM What's going on here? The game is Pokemon Crystal. I had to set the clock to Monday at the start of the run for a specific item, and the time was important too, but the timer is going far faster than I can ever reach the item where Monday is necessary. EDIT: I am using Gambatte, not GBHawk.
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The two main arguments against the second-player features (debug codes?) seem to be: - they weren't intended to be left in. I understand the sentiment but there's no consistency on this site for either. Developers did not intend to leave in glitches either, much less arbitrary code execution, but both get utilized to beat games. and - they use a second controller in a single-player game. This one doesn't really make sense given that it has no bearing on what the game is. Almost all TASes feature button presses faster than even a turbo controller, of which those aren't official either. One human player will never, ever be able to do most glitches seen in TASes as they require absolutely frame-perfect timing that a human is literally incapable of. I also recall at least one ACE video featuring another controller's input, or maybe even more than that, but I think it was for a playaround so the rules are probably a bit different. The actual argument should be if it changes the game much, and as outlined above, it does not for Mega Man 3. Less than 10 seconds of the video are influenced by the second controller features. It's a shame, these debug features would be incredible in say, Mega Man 4, where a lot more stages feature pits to moonjump out of, or something.
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Thanks. I was using 2.5 to record my movies which seemed fine, at least for the Gambatte core I played and recorded with. I take it nothing has changed in those two updates for that core anyway? 2.5 loaded my 2.5.1 movie just fine with no syncing issues or anything.
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BizHawk 2.5.1 doesn't seem capable of using the FFmpeg writer option. It triggers an infinite loop of a 0xc000007b error. Here is the error: If I click "OK", it brings me to this menu: It never downloads. During the download it stops abruptly then triggers the 0xc000007b error again. If I exit out of that window, I get the 0xc000007b error again. If I go download that file manually and try FFmpeg writer again, nothing changes. Just tested 2.5.0. It worked perfectly fine.
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Hmm. Sounds like I was a bit hasty with my assumptions---and unobservant, after a second watch I see many points where a stage is selectable in the older run that isn't on the newer, indicating that a different path was indeed taken. I apologize for that. The old run is purely for comparing each stage. One area I can see a comparison for where the old run did many more stages is W4. The Head Smash Helmet is obtained in E2, which is never even played in the new run. It makes it feel very strange to even show a comparison if there really isn't any. E6 however still seems weirdly done as neither lifts the frog up via that power-up. New run: The Pneumos/Jellybobs (the jellyfish thing that inflates Wario when it stings) stings Wario in the right area of the stage so that Wario floats to the top and gets the Silver/Gray Key. Old run: Wario bashes into the wall to jump up again, gets the Silver/Grey Key, and then proceeds as normal. Is a power-up needed to do that wall jump in the old run? It's the more powerful bash, do you need to ricochet off the wall to do that specific jump?
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First post here. Long time lurker. Very long time. Anyway... I know ISMin's run was mentioned above but here it is in case anyone wants to see it again since it was (formerly, anyway) nicovideo-only: Part 1: Part 2: It's obviously far better than an RTA but the optimization is really, really poor. I didn't calculate offhand but I think the run on the right (which is what he's comparing his run to?) is actually faster because there's simply too many points where ISMin's run is dawdling or glitching pointlessly. E6 is a great example in Part 2, but there's many others. However, it seems to have a lot of commentary if anyone here can read Japanese? I saw a user here named Fortranm had a WIP earlier in the thread but it doesn't seem to have gotten (much?) past that point. Wario Land 3 is such an amazing game and it's the only Wario Land game to not feature a TAS here. :( I wish there was something I could contribute to a possible run but I'm really not good at TASing, especially action games like this, and I'm not particularly skilled with programming either so glitch finding or .lua scripting would be out. I could find videos of other TASes like the above ISMin one but I don't think that's a rare skillset, haha.