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While I fiercely disagree with calling this game uninteresting, at some point I can understand you guys. When speaking about old console games, it's not the actual qualities of the game that really matter. More likely, it's all about previous experience with the game/games of that type. CS-J isn't worse than, say, Ninja Gaiden or Journey to Silius. It just wasn't so widespread. I don't know why I like the game THAT much. But for sure, it provides me strongest motivation to learn more about TASing.
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YES vote. I'm also tired of Contra runs that stick to spreadgun, it's just unfair. :) And I don't see a reason why this run should obsolete something. If I make dualTAS (Contra+SuperC), would it be obsoleting anything? No, it wouldn't. Same with this 2p run.
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Diman wrote:
*Sigh* I never seem to play it perfectly ; (.. But I want to be a part of this...Maybe I can kill the eagle boss or something?
Well, have you mastered memory watching and all the stuff I mentioned earlier? Only with this experience you can make something perfect in the game's boss battles. For now I recorded eagle boss myself, if you feel you can improve it then try - here's my version. So, the 4th Channel is completed 33 seconds earlier than in currently published run. Quite good, but I'm ALREADY sure it's not frame-perfect. But I doubt there's a human with enough patience to improve it any further. :]
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moozooh wrote:
By the way, in the last stage there were two turrets that held you back a couple of frames (it's about the only place in the game where you interrupt your constant movement). Is it possible to avoid the resulting slowdown by shooting them from the distance or something?
IMO, it's not possible due to this level design (high platforms without much of space to jump), like with this vertical shaft right after them. I tried hundreds of ways, so I'm sure about it.
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Warp wrote:
In my opinion speed should be a goal (even if not the *main* goal, but at least *a* goal) even in a dual TAS.
Of course there's such goal, I'm planning to keep the movie under mark of 13 minutes. But when I have to decide whether to make show-off (heh, I don't see any negative meaning here, every speedrun is a show-off in its nature) or save several frames, I'll choose entertainment.
Warp wrote:
Not aiming for speed *at all* makes, IMO, the dual video boring pretty soon. Yes, there may be cool and funny synchronization, but if it doesn't have any set goal (eg. complete the games reasonably fast) then it's just a show-off which gets old in a minute or two.
You're right, but I don't think 5-10 wasted seconds would make a difference - it won't turn watching into unbearable pain. :)
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You know, these 4 hours of FF experience were more enjoyable than SpiritsWithin and AdventChildren taken together. Only at the end I started to notice some improvable moments (Setzer's Joker is overused, IMO). So YES vote without any doubt.
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xebra wrote:
Actually, Linux is far superior to Windows because it includes code to ensure that emulators never desynchronize right there in the kernel.
...What are you talking about? 8-?
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I'll vote yes, because author seems to make everything to persuade from fast-forwarding. Almost everything. Maybe only controlling 2 players would be the last component to make entertaining movie from a game not-so-wellsuited for TASing.
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Seems the problem of desync is only urgent for Windows users, like with FCEU.
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Diman wrote:
Here is a continuation of your movie AnS: I wanna know if ya think its perfect or not until the playback is stopped...
Ёклмн... Look closely at that terrific lag you produce by using punch-jump on the balls (at the beginning). It's obvious there's some way to avoid this, maybe even normal walking will be faster here. I'll try it... tomorrow.
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FractalFusion wrote:
I had tried MMX1+2 and even MMX1+SMW without tool-assistance. In neither case was I able to pass the first levels in both games without dying.
I think, it strongly depends on games you choose. For example, I tried Rockman + Rockin' Kats without saves and frame advance, and quite easily managed to walkthrough whole level (in Rockman) without dying (but still taking damage) - but I used a lot of chaep tricks (like using spin in RK to progress in Rockman) so I doubt this run was entertaining. From today's point of view it seems impossible to make anything really valuable without tools.
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Baxter wrote:
When talking with AngerFist about what project we should do together, this idea also crossed our minds.
Oh, so why did you refuse this idea? Also, Do you know some useful Contra/SuperC tricks to exploit (that I haven't mentioned above)?
Inzult wrote:
But after Contra finishes, you can start again. Would it be worth the trouble to focus on Contra, and run it twice, while still passing Super C once, and try to finish at the same time? :O
I don't think so. Are there some advantages of running Contra twice??
Hyena wrote:
How do you plan to record both at the same time?
I use Luke's fceu 0.98.16 (compiled into Windows executable).
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Baxter wrote:
I also think you shouldn't try to syncronize the levels. Just aim for the fastest time.
Speed vs. Entertainment again........... This way I'll have much less options of synchro-action. And anyway, at the end of Contra I'm gonna have 1-2 minutes to spend for nothing (waiting fo SuperC).
Baxter wrote:
The wip you posted at your first post was only a test, showing the concept, right? If not, I think you should redo, since it can be improved by a lot..
Well, there are things to improve, but also there are debatable moments I'd like to preserve. Like this one at the beginning: when I shoot first soldier (to let them both explode at the same time) I jump back - this action makes sense only when watching two movies. Sure I lose some time for this, but I don't know if this should be removed from final version?.. And some other "wasted' movements... Just IS there real reason to make yet another speedrun? That's what I created the topic for (mostly).
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Remember guys, God won't listen to your opinions on console wars until your post contains at least few words abour my DualTAS. ;)
FODA wrote:
I'm not confortable with ending and starting all levels at the same time... maybe it's just me but it felt something forced. For example, you don't need to wait for the intro title to press start. press it much earlier.
Well, I can do nothing to things that look intentional because they actually are intentional. :) The thruth is, SuperC is longer than Contra in many ways, so I always need to slow down Contra progress or it'll end several minuter earlier than SuperC. Also, isn't that fact of fighting two bosses simultaneously sound interesting? i think, I should continue to start/end levels at the same time.
FODA wrote:
also i sure do prefer it to be 2p on both games
Ok, if nothing will change, first I'll finish this 1p run and then (maybe after some other projects completed) try to make flawless-2p-destroy-everything TAS.
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Voting Meh. While your pacifist version was almost perfect, this 2-players run looks improvable (at least in terms of entertainment - there's so much things to show in 2-player TAS!)
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Warp wrote:
Personally I think that the idea of gradius/lifeforce bigame movie was great, but one thing in this choice bothered me: The fact that the fire button is different in the games. It's somehow confusing that the spaceships move synchronously but they don't shoot synchronously. It would make a great dual playaround, but I wonder if there would be some other similar game where the fire button would be the same. Or perhaps one of the games could be configured to have the same fire button as the other?
I also think that ships should shoot synchronously. It can be achieved by pressing always A+B when you want to shoot. It'll be tricky if you try to collect certain power-up. Good strategy is to build firepower at first steps and then use only SpeedUp. There's ultra-crazy idea! How about someone taking quadruple run - Gradius+Gradius2+Salamander(LifeForce)+Parodius ? :) All those shmups have universal power-ups system and everything in common. THAT would be real meaning of "Shooting Fun"! But I guess it's too early for this on current phase of TASvideos' life.
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FODA wrote:
Offtopic: AnS you might want to watch the innovations sony presented at the E3 conference..
Hope that's not a screamer :))) Edit: Okay, now I understand everything. But won't you comment current WIP?
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FODA wrote:
Genji2 reproduces battles that actually happened in ancient SuperC. for instance, flip over this giant enemy robot crab and attack it's weak point for massive damage after doing your real time weapon change!?
If you mean 3rd level miniboss, I'll come to him with Laser, so there's no need to jump over - it'll be finished in few seconds. And still I don't rush for fastest time that much.
adelikat wrote:
both game should be run as 2-player ;)
You want me to die, eh? :)
Post subject: Contra + SuperC DualTAS
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Experienced player (724)
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When I first realised how innovative the idea of running several games simultaneously is, I began to recommend first dualtas (MMX1+2) everyone I know. But after first excitement (by the fact itself) most of people said it's not that cool as it sounds. Yeah, the execution is great and technically perfect, but it's difficult to catch the feeling of synchronism between right and left part. In MMX1+2 there are too many cases of playing one game while another shows something unimportant and doesn't react any input - of course it's fair trick (and unavoidable in MM games), but it somehow ruines the concept of controlling two characters by one joystick. In ideal there should be perfect synchronization between every significant action (actually - between actions that only LOOK significant). E.g. when in first game character jumps, another characters should jump as high and land at the same time. I decided to make something that would aim on the art of synchro-actions. I hope, this Contra pack shows whole essence of dualTASing, giving people feeling that one gamepad is physically connected to two consoles. That's definitely not a speedrun. Main goal is to show awesome synchronization of two characters, so that it becomes obvious they both are controlled by one input, even if viewer doesn't know about it from description (concept? hmm..) You may notice cases of exchanging time for 'entertainment' or better to say for actions that visually coincide. Like in SynchronizedSwimming - it's not the time that matters. These two games suit dualtasing very well, although SuperC levels are bigger and more intense. It appears not to be that "impossible" to perform, it only takes impressive amount of time and patience. The hardest part is to sync boss battles so that both levels end almost simultaneously. Following differences between Contra and SuperC make me think the run can be completed within 13 minutes (comparable to SuperC speedrun). Or within 14, if I'm gonna trade more time for art. * Shooting direction. In SuperC the direction of shooting is defined by previous frame input, and in Contra it's defined by current input. This feature allows to release bullet in different directions by pressing B only once. But I try not to use it everywhere because of aiming on synchronization. Those wasted shots underline the link between two games, and I don't see a reason not to waste them for good. * jumping frame. In Contra the frame when you start jumping (from the ground) will not count directional input (you should press directional button next frame after pressing A). But in SuperC it counts, so you can jump directly up in Contra and right/left in SuperC. * Contra's jump is little higher. In SuperC character lands 2 frames earlier, so I can abuse this to make another jump. Meanwhile, these 2 frames don't make any visual difference for viewer, which is good for synchronization. * L+R jump difference. When you press Left and Right simultaneously while jumping, you'll receive useable desync. In Contra the left direction has highest priority, while in SuperC the right direction has. I'm not going to use it frequently, you understand why. Current result To achieve the effect, FCEU windows should be placed side-by-side like in MMX1+2 run. More I watch current result more I see it could be performed better, but right now I don't feel like starting all over. First I planned to make the whole run (or at least post WIP with 4-5 levels completed), but today I found this L+R glitch and now I'm here to ask everyone - should I continue current recording (sounds like quick&dirty solution, but it's not-so-dirty in terms of entertainment), or it should be made from the beginning with more careful planning? (but this may postpone final release up to next year, cause I have other projects and stuff. And I'm even not sure I'd have so much motivation.) Too bad, hexeditor won't help here - movies desync after FCM-FMV-FCM conversion (flaw of Nesmock?). So, I want to have clear reason - if there's strong need to polish this to perfectness. Actually, my dream is to make 2-players DualTAS, but seems I'd gonna hate Contra series after losing all nerves into this 1-player DualTAS. :) I'm open to any suggestions, and I'd especially appreciate ideas of synchronized actions to perform it later levels (yeah, I already know where I'll use synchro-death!) Also I'd be glad if someone makes AVI for this WIP, because I'm not familiar with any video soft to merge 2 AVIs.
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moozooh wrote:
Actually, I think Morimoto's Gradius is here mostly for historical reasons rather than to show something really meaningful (aside, maybe, being a proof of the concept — but we already have plenty of movies like that). It's more like "look, this is a mother/father/predecessor of the tool-assisted runs, made by Morimoto himself, yay!" The problem is, even if you outperform Morimoto on every account, there wouldn't be anything really worth publishing here anyway, cause Gradius itself is dead boring. But I agree that making really good Gradius movie is something many of us (including myself) wanted to do, just to obsolete the dust-covered Famtasia playthrough.
Hey, I can't agree with that! Morimoto's movie is something that differs from all those "aimed on fastest time", its aestetic value consists not only from tool-assistance handling, but more from player's creativity and sense of harmony. I especially appreciate the systematics of Morimoto's actions - it's not like he was doing everything to entertain the public, looks like he just played the game as he felt its spirit. These systematics make the movie look similar to music patterns - sometimes it's just not appropriate to show everything you can show. And like in music, there's no need to rush if whole tempo is defined at the beginning. If you decide to change the tempo, then you should preserve this mood in every action you perform, or else you'll produce cacophony - that's why this movie is hard to obsolete.
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Diman wrote:
But I have an idea: How about a do help you in the game like you wrote, and if I happen to make a mistake you can fix that with a hexeditor?
No, I haven't said that I will FIX anything with hexeditor - it's way too tedious, especially in this game, it's always easier to rewrite whole level than to fix something in previous version. I was speaking about merging several levels into one run, but it's not useful until we're sure everything is perfect. This game proves to have no limit of improvement, that's why it's better to record this movie like ancestors were doing.
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Well, guys, even with just 4 games in the pack you are going to make historical TAS. But don't overuse cheap tricks (I mean tricks that LOOK cheap, like playing half a level in first game when other games show some intro or menu screen), that's what ruins the external semblance of fantastic challenge of DualTASes. Such moments in MMX1+2 run made my friend think that double-speedrunning is possible even without tool-assistance ("you just need to plan your route, nothing superhuman") while I think the opposite.
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Diman wrote:
I've also found a "spin"-glitch on my own. Its on the first channel at the end on the train, if ya do it right you should be able to spin in the air, unfortunately there is no need to do this glitch because you don't go through the wall..I just wanted you to know about this...But it would be awesome if you could just skip a few levels with that glitch if you found a new place to do that.
Even when glitch can't be abused to save time, it's still very interesting, thanks for sharing this!
Diman wrote:
By the way how is it going with your continuation on your current recording?
I'm little busy for now, but here's what I managed to achieve in miniboss battle. Unfortunately, it's hard to make something entertaining here, because every additional movement makes huge lag, so I just finish miniboss as fast as possible and then use little trick. ;) There's also pretty optimized walkthrough of level 3 and 4, but you should try to beat these levels faster than me. Or am I gonna do everything myself? :-? And again few words about the game's cruelty. I'm forced to rewrite whole Baxter's run (dunno how to call this - bonus run or minirun... so I'll call it Baxter's :)) because I made fatal error at the beginning. There's strange correlation between time you wait at title screen and bosses' difficulty. Memory address 0xF0 stores quantity of frames you spent before pressing START at title screen. If you press it first frame possible, you'll get 01, if you press SELECT and then START, you'll get 02 and so on. I figured that in last boss battle this number affects falling bombs. If F0=01 - the bombs appear more frequently then while F0=02 (in this case it's even possible to avoid bombs at all). No need to say that bombs provide terrific lag... that's why now I regret pressing START first frame possible (actually SELECT+START to choose "password" line). As for normal run, there's no need to worry about it - Channel selector writes FF into this address, which means easiest boss tactic. But does anybody see the logic in this correlation?? I don't understand Atlus programmers at all.
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Meh vote from me. The game's way too repetitive, and the sidescroller levels are too slow, so I end up fast-forwarding whole levels. But it seems this TAS made everything that could be made with such material.
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Yes vote for invulnerable pacifist run! I like when movies make hard game look easy and also when movie makes viewer think that player is cheating (when he wasn't). Although I knew (from submission text) about collision glitch, it still looks a lot like hacked game or something of this kind - so much playing with death was performed.