Posts for Baxter

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Great strats and fast pacing the entire run... very, very nice!
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Maybe a version with shield and as fast as possible, and a version without the shield that completes all levels.
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I don't think it's a top 10 list though, it just says "10-insanely-thrilling-toolassisted-speedruns".
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nineko wrote:
I agree, 4 options are better than 5. Being neutral when it comes to decide if something is good implicitly means that we think it's not good enough. Maybe the options should be renamed a bit, though. Let's see:
  1. Awesome/Fuck yes: something I think it's really good and must be on the site, I'll be watching it again and again
  2. Normal yes: something good to watch, entertaining, but I wouldn't kill myself if it's not approved
  3. Meh/neutral: I don't care about this one, I'm not going to watch it again, I'm not impressed, etc
  4. Strong no: wait, what? Is this a joke? I can do better unassisted!
I see no point whatsoever in renaming them, and I agree with Sticky that something like "fuck yeah" is horrible. And voting 'meh' doesn't mean to me at all "not interested, I'm not going to watch, I'm not impressed". To me it's most of the time that something in particular is just meh about the movie... too long, too short, too many errors, too slow, too arbitrary goals, etc. For me, it doesn't mean at all that the movie itself isn't interesting...
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We should keep the 'meh' option no matter what. I personally don't think I would really use a 'weak no' option... for me the current three are enough. Don't really mind five options though, if people feel they are useful.
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mega_man_3 wrote:
Baxter wrote:
mega_man_3 wrote:
Kyrsimys wrote:
Submit that MM6 run first, I demand it!!
Aw, come on! I already made it to Bright Man's stage! Please gimme a chance! I still have to find out if the boss for Wily Stage 1 from MM6 can be improved! Every second has to count!!!!!!
Feel like posting a wip of the first stage?
Are you talking about the MM4 or MM6 run?
Mega Man 4 (Sorry if it was unclear... but it was in the Mega Man 4 topic, and it was the only wip that completed a single stage)
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mega_man_3 wrote:
Kyrsimys wrote:
Submit that MM6 run first, I demand it!!
Aw, come on! I already made it to Bright Man's stage! Please gimme a chance! I still have to find out if the boss for Wily Stage 1 from MM6 can be improved! Every second has to count!!!!!!
Feel like posting a wip of the first stage?
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Sure, both questions is fine. The normalizing is a good idea no matter what voting or rating system is decided upon. nineko's picture seems like the recent rating system, just with a forced technical score (which isn't a good thing).
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moozooh wrote:
Baxter wrote:
The poll is specifically there for judges, to get a fast impression of what people think about the movie.
Right, it's also pretty useless without the elaboration.
Yeah, I never denied this.
moozooh wrote:
Baxter wrote:
Something like "I don't think this movie should be published, voting yes!" sounds a bit strange.
I'm decently sure I've read "I like this movie but I don't think it should be published here" a lot of times before.
Yeah... but why vote in this case?? Would the vote be remotely useful to the judge?
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Xkeeper wrote:
A judge's job is to read the discussion, not the poll
The poll is specifically there for judges, to get a fast impression of what people think about the movie.
Xkeeper wrote:
and any judge worth their bit in the database would see that the movie was desyncing for people and reject the movie. The rest of your argument follows similarly.
It doesn't detract from the fact that people are answering "Should this movie be published?" regardless of what the question says. Something like "I don't think this movie should be published, voting yes!" sounds a bit strange.
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moozooh wrote:
While we're at it, I can tell my opinion on the questions. The reason "do you like it" was a good question is that the audience — those guys and gals that actually watch movies and stuff — can mainly like or dislike the site's content. The latter should be liked by the audience, otherwise the site is being useless. Therefore, the question was actually right. The site isn't about publishing, it's about likable content.
"Do you think this should be published" is a kind of question for the judge to answer. However, in this particular case, what exactly do we need judges for if we have the audience play their role? Shouldn't we abolish the judgment system altogether as redundant, much to Enhasa's joy? I'm not saying this is necesarily a good idea, but I am asking for opinions on why should it stay if the question is asked this way.[/quote] Just "liking" a movie doesn't tell that much. You can like a movie that has some very apparent mistakes, which the author needs to deal with before the movie is published. A movie can be slower than a previous run... a movie can even desync for everyone, and still be likeable up to the point of desync. A movie can be likeable while it's goals are so similar to a published movie on the site, that it's only likeable for the same reasons as the published movie. Similar is true for movies that are disliked. They might still be an improvement (both timewise and entertainmentwise) to a published movie, but still not very interesting to you. Should you vote no to this movie? There is still a very distinct difference between a judge, and someone who votes. A judge actually decides, while a voter gives advice. In the end, it's all about what is being posted anyway. The votes are to give the judge a good indication... they can go against the votes.
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adelikat wrote:
I'm still in favor of my idea as well. I kind of like Lord Tom's too though.
I agree.
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Twelvepack wrote:
I would prefer that the punchier of the two stay starred.
Which two?
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theenglishman wrote:
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Are the Triforce locations and item locations determined by whether or not you have a treasure map?
I'm not sure. It would be awesome to go straight to Ganon's Castle right after getting the Grappling Hook and Fire/Ice arrows!
Sounds like Kings Bounty 2.
Post subject: Re: TAS game idea?
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Amshel wrote:
I want to tas a game, but I'm not quite sure what game to run. If you could, please list some games that I can run.
Pick a game that you like, and that you want to see TASed.
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I've given the recently published A Link to the Past TAS the star that Zelda "second quest" had. It was hard to estimate exactly how popular the previous version of ALttP was, as it was pretty outdated... but this new version got a very positive response. If no one seriously objects, ALttP gets it for now.
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Xkeeper wrote:
hero of the day wrote:
Any plans on improving the any% real run?
Any% item collection Aims for lowest realtime
Haha, yeah... I would call this the real any% run. Either way, nice improvement :)
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Only a single fight? While it was entertaining (apart from the fact that half of the movie was loading screens), it was not satisfying. I would want to see more fights... voting meh.
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MrGrunz wrote:
As I want to get better at TASing, it would be cool, if someone like swordless or petrie could answer a few questions: 1. How do I do frame perfect backwalking after changing my camera angle? If I hold backwards, while link changes his camera angle, link doesn't walk backwards, he does sideways walking. 2. What are the perfect frames for a backwards superslide? 3. How can I do frame perfect Bombchu Hovers? There are a few frames, that let me backflip directly after the explosion again, but link is still holding his shield, if I do rapid backflips, so I can't reach perfect high this way. Afterwards, there are 3-4 frames, that doesn't allow me to backflip, and after those few frames, I can do bombchu hovers to reach perfect high. Do I understand it right or is there a trick to bombchu hovers with perfect high directly after the explosion? 4. Perfect frames for playing a song?
I haven't TASed the game, or even TASed any other N64 game... so I might not be of much help... but the first four questions seem to be just standard questions on how to get something perfect. I'd say the answer for any of such questions is just trial and error, by using savestates (and frame advance of course). For instace, when playing the song, try pressing the button on frame X, see what happens. If the game plays the note, load the savestate before frame X, put in the input on frame X again, make a new savestate, then move on. If you don't have the required result on frame X, try X+1, then follow the same procedure. If you are unsure about which frame it is, try X+10... if it works, X+5, if it doesn't X+8 and so on. Just trial and error, and find out what the first frame is that the right input is accepted. If you are unsure about the input of something, like in the first question, I'd suggest watching a movie where it is done frame by frame and checking the input.
MrGrunz wrote:
5. If I'm doing a long TAS, is there a way to go forwards to the frame, I want to go on at? Or is the only thing I can do movie playback?
Just set the movie to "read+write" instead of "read-only" and use a savestate to start from the point where you left of (assuming of course you made a savestate there).
MrGrunz wrote:
the only 2 games, where I have a pretty big knownledge are MM and OoT and there are much better TASers for this game than me ;) I just wanted to know it, in case, if I do a full game TAS or something someday.
People weren't born with TASing abilities. You can learn to become as good as anyone with that. The only thing you can't really learn is inventiveness, and coming up with surprising stuff... but in this aspect, you seem to excel. You should just TAS whatever game you like, and not worry too much. Remember: competition breeds perfection. Another thing is that it's relatively easy to get to know how games work when using an emulator. You don't need to be a pro at the game at all to make a TAS of it. The basic knowledge of the game is learned pretty fast, and soon you will have knowledge of it that people who just regularly played the game never had. I think lots and lots of TASes at this site are made by people who had to get really familiar with the game first.
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mega_man_3 wrote:
Check out my latest WIP! I finished through Wily Stage 2. I just have two more stages to play through and my run will be complete!
If you are this close to finishing it, I'll wait until the submission, and watch it in one go... but I'm very exited about it, keep it up!
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Solon wrote:
The goal of this movie is to get the number one score in Balloon Trip mode. This takes me just over 1 minute.
Even though it's probably an April fools submission... I think the goal should at least have included "as fast as possible".
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Great run, very entertaining and looked very optimized.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
Oh I thought you might not have done the glitch into lvl2 because you need to lose a heart. What about for getting the power bracelet? I'm confused how you glitch through those blocks since you through the right. Do you use the glitch move you down or right?
For the power bracelet, the glitch is applied in the published run. The glitch is done there from above, at the right half of the block (if I'm not mistaken).
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
There was also this part that happened twice where he went from the top left part of a diagonal to the right side so he didn't come from underneath. How does this work, I thought you needed to come from underneath to get halfway into the block already?
The thing here is that he is first half inside the block from above. Moving down is indeed not possible. At the right however, you are halfway at the under side of a block, which is a perfectly allowed place to move, even without glitching. So here, instead of making use of that allowed half before doing the glitch, you use it right after it (hope that makes sense to you... otherwise I'll try to explain it better).
Spider-Waffle wrote:
I was wondering if this would be faster in the last dungeon. At about frame 80,100, It was a room with the most random block placement, he entered from the left and had to bomb to the top. I was thinking you could bomb it sooner by placing the bomb the through the blocks then walking around, then you wouldn't have to wait on the bomb, but it would be a delay to drop the bomb, hard to say which is faster.
I tested it, and your suggestion is 12 frames slower if it were possible. It is however not possible, since the blue wizzrobe will be blocking this route no matter how much you luckmanipulate.
Spider-Waffle wrote:
Also, when touching the guys on the overworld which move after you touch them, why not glitch into them so you walk down the stairs right away for getting into dungeon 2.
The answer to this will be less satisfactory... since your suggestion is actually 2 frames faster. It's not something I haven't noticed... but maybe when Morrison or I timed it, we made a mistake or something. Certainly not something that hasn't been thought of... I was under the impression that it would be equally fast. The reason why the answer might be less satisfactory, is that while it's certainly something that can be done faster, it saves only 2 frames, and it's a game where randomness is affected highly. It means that there are 2 frames more to manipulate... but also that if you aren't able to get the randomness you want within 2 frames of manipulation, that it's not a possible improvement to the run. 2 frames is rather little.... and I just tested it, and I wasn't able to complete the second room any faster than in the published run... so while it's a theoretical improvement, it's not something that would have made this particular run faster. Edit: I'll make this last point a bit clearer. In the published run, Link waits 4 frames before entering the second room to get the enemies in the directions he wants. Now that he enters the dungeon 2 frames faster, Link will have to wait 6 frames to get than same randomness, this nullifies the 2 frame improvement. It would have been possible that by entering the dungeon 2 frames faster, Link wouldn't have to wait at all, or would only have to wait 1 frame in order to get the good randomness... in which case this would put the new version 5 or 6 frames ahead of the published version. In the next room, this 6 frame improvement could in a similar way become a 11 frame improvement, or lose all the gained frames (in fact, it could even become slower than the published run). In this case however, the 2 frame improvement was lost at the very first room where luck had to be manipulated.