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Wow... the idea is simple indeed, but who would think of it? As you said, the level is very dependent on that don medusa, and it seemed it would be impossible to improve, given it would need to be an entire cycle faster. This was a very nice idea to improve the level anyway :D I'll bundle all of those improvements in one fm2 shortly, and have a look over a few levels again myself. You constantly keep surprising me... every improvement is so unexpected! :)
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mega_man_3 wrote:
a new strategy for Knight Man's stage: Instead of switching to the Yamato Spear at the beginning of the stage use a charged shot on the cannon enemy in the room right after the falling spikes. Then switch to the jet. It will definitely save some time getting past that long climbing section.
There actually already is a certain published run that uses this strategy :P
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mega_man_3 wrote:
I know a strategy for that stage: In the second room when you're ready to go to the next screen use two Super Arrows to get extra height for the next screen then at the fourth room you should have 1 hp left. Then use that to get the energy refill for it. Then in the fifth room use 3 Super Arrows (you might have to place it at a certain height) to get past the enemies so that you kill the last one at the end of the room. It may seem almost impossible because of two enemies at the middle but I tried it and I succeeded in doing it. I recommend doing some jumping. That should help.
Hmm... sounds pretty nice idea actually... it's certainly worth a try when I get there :)
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Baxter wrote:
mega_man_3 wrote:
Then on the boss I used a new strategy. After I fired the first Star Crash on him I went all the way to the right of the room and jumped at the right time before he reversed the gravity again so that I could get another hit in (I did this twice).
Hmm, I'd love to see a movie of that.
Hmm... it seems that this is possible indeed. I think I tried the same thing before, but it didn't work out then. Either way, it's indeed a nice timesaver. I guess it makes your story more plausible... This does mean I'll probably need to redo the entire Gyroman stage :(
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mega_man_3 wrote:
In the game I know that Mega Man's pixelation goes like this: 1-1-1-2-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-1-1-2-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-1-1-2-1-1-2 then it starts from the beginning. His sliding movement alternates between 2 and 3 pixels.
In my wip, I made use of subpixel adresses, and like Bisqwit said, keeping track of such patterns is irrelevant if you have the subpixel adresses.
mega_man_3 wrote:
In the WIP what I did was start Star Man's level then I didn't use a charged shot on the first enemy in room 2 but I used three normal shots.
This strategy has been done before, and it's slower... for several reasons. It might have been faster if enemies could take successive hits like in all other megaman games, but here at megaman 5, you have to wait for about 10 frames. The enemy jumps up and down, and will shoot, before you shoot three times (in fact, its movement is triggered by you moving. This is definately not faster than the charged shot (I've tried it more than once).
mega_man_3 wrote:
Then in the room in Gravity Man's room where you use Super Arrow I charged up prior to that room and used it on two enemies in that room then switched weapons. That way I wouldn't have to worry about that much lag.
I use it in two rooms, and I don't see how your suggestion is faster in either room. Assuming it's the first room, I place the arrow as soon as possible, and get on it right away. The enemies are not in the way whatsoever. Shooting the enemies would result in placing the super arrow a lot later, and thus moving on quickly later. I seriously don't see how the suggestion could be even remotely faster... killing enemies that aren't causing any real lag, that aren't in the way, while super arrow could already be deployed. If you are talking about the second room... then you would need to change back to buster, so I kinda assume you meant the first room.
mega_man_3 wrote:
Then on the boss I used a new strategy. After I fired the first Star Crash on him I went all the way to the right of the room and jumped at the right time before he reversed the gravity again so that I could get another hit in (I did this twice).
Hmm, I'd love to see a movie of that.
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arkiandruski wrote:
No love for Nintendo World Cup? (If only it finished the game)
I don't know if I remember correctly, and surely it was manipulated a bit to get a relatively high score.... but I think I tried to let it play randomly against that easiest country, and they lost also... so I somehow failed to see why tool assistence was really needed to show the concept. More impressive would be beating the final opponent (although it would still have issues like not finishing the game).
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mega_man_3 wrote:
I'm not trying to spam. All of this really did happen.
If it did happen, it is all the more ironic. Had you posted the wip, you wouldn't have lost your progress. The reason I don't believe you is because of several things. People who found out new stuff either proudly display it, or they keep it fully to themselves to surprise people or whatever. You however constantly write about it, but never show that any of it is true. It is also not a very likely story considering that you lost 2 levels of a TAS that would be 16 levels long... so you lost about 10% of the TAS. This basically means that you didn't lose THAT much... especially considering the rate you were claiming to complete levels at. Especially since you already did those levels, it wouldn't be more to you than like two days of work to redo them. It already sounded extremely fishy when you kept saying you'd love to post wips, but wondered either (1) how to do that, (2) how often to do that and (3) would do it as soon as possible. I already kinda expected I would never actually see this wip (as I held as an option in the post before your post declaring your loss of the wip)... and then for this to come true literally within 2 minutes after the post, while you could have posted it at any given time seems to be a bit too coincidental. Either way, as I said:
Baxter wrote:
And if you have useful tips and tricks... why not actually post them... instead of just saying that you have them?
You still haven't posted any kind of indication that your story is even partly true.
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Really great movie! Shinryuu's second big publication... and 2009 only just started! ;)
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No responses to my "magical sword"-only suggestion? That would have a great deal of swordless questing too (you need 12 hearts to get it, you start with 3, 8 are at dungeons, and 5 scattered throughout hyrule).
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mega_man_3 wrote:
I have terrible news! My computer had crashed just last Friday! I lost all my things and I have to get a new one! I didn't even get a chance to post a WIP. Looks like someone else is going to have to do the speedrun. :(
Don't be offended by this... but I seriously don't believe there ever was a wip.
mega_man_3 wrote:
Don't worry guys! I can still give you some useful tips and tricks I used in my run!
And if you have useful tips and tricks... why not actually post them... instead of just saying that you have them? I'm starting to get a feeling your reply to this will be "I'll post the tips and tricks as soon as I can!".
mega_man_3 wrote:
We can still get this run done!
What? We?
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mega_man_3 wrote:
I'll post the WIP for it as soon as I can!
You either: - are the most busy person in the world (which would leave one wondering how you could make a TAS) - don't want to post a wip - don't know how to upload a file - don't have a wip
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mega_man_3 wrote:
How often should I post WIPs?
That's entirely up to you. You said you finished the first level, and I think it would probably be useful if some people gave you feedback on the wip of that first level. How often, or when you post wips is entirely up to you... but I would suggest at least posting a few in the beginning so people can give some advice.
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Also possible would be a run that just doesn't use the wooden and the white sword. This would also provide a very large part of the TAS with swordless questing. I'm also in favor of "as fast as possible".
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mega_man_3 wrote:
Baxter wrote:
mega_man_3 wrote:
Shinryuu wrote:
mega_man_3 wrote:
Yeah. I started it in December 2008. I can't wait to see how it works out when I get to Gravity Man's stage!
How much are you faster than current published run? I'm also curious to know about your progress :)
Well, it took a few days to work on the first level. If I keep going at this rate I should be done by the end of next month! :D
Does this mean you aren't gonna post wips?
Don't worry. I will still post the WIPs. :) I just need to know how (if I can't find anything in the FAQ sections).
You can upload your movie (fcm or fm2 file) here. It gives you a link which you can post here.
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mega_man_3 wrote:
Shinryuu wrote:
mega_man_3 wrote:
Yeah. I started it in December 2008. I can't wait to see how it works out when I get to Gravity Man's stage!
How much are you faster than current published run? I'm also curious to know about your progress :)
Well, it took a few days to work on the first level. If I keep going at this rate I should be done by the end of next month! :D
Does this mean you aren't gonna post wips?
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Petrie911: Why did you just swing your sword after the Garo Master, instead of positioning yourself right before the treasurechest?
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Yeah, please eleborate. I'd love to see the wip (work in progress, fcm, fm2). You seemed to finish the starman level surprisingly fast.
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The major problem with the swordless run remains: how to end the movie? Either way... doing it without the glitch seems like a pretty well defined goal... but "getting the rod as late as possible" (or just later than what would be the fastest) seems rather random.
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Yeah, it's basically the same glitch/trick, as in the movie AngerFist posted... maybe it is a bit more general. It's a fun trick... although I don't see any use of it in the TAS at this point.
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mega_man_3 wrote:
You know what? I think I'll work on a Mega Man 5 run, too! :D How does that sound?
Good luck. Be sure to post wips! :) I think I'll have more time from February onwards to continue this TAS.
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adelikat wrote:
For N64 I nominate the authors who did the 3 movies I think that had the greatest impact on this movie category
Makes me wonder why you didn't nominate these three TASes at the N64 category then also.
Post subject: Re: NES TASer of 2008
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Warp wrote:
adelikat wrote:
I am nominating the top producers of NES movies for NES TASer of the year: adelikat - 10
Isn't it a bit against etiquette to nominate yourself? ;)
I think he just went by number of movies. I do think that listing the authors by their number of submissions is kinda suggestive... maybe by alphabet is better. Either way, for those 'voting' on something, or discussing who is best or whatever, I think this thread is just for nominating... voting can be done in the individual threads later.
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All the movies Warp suggested are great (although I don't really know if they are unknown). Either way, I created a thread (movie top 10 thread) for the same purpose some time ago (finding a good movie I hadn't seen/missed). The movie that I 'discovered' there was Primer. Short movie with time traveling. Very complicated, but very great :).
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Bobmario511 wrote:
I'll post a WIP sometime.
Why not post it now?
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Thanks for all the posts sofar. I'll try to draw some preliminary conclusions and work towards an initial list. If you haven't posted your ideas/opinions yet, and want me to also take them into account, please make a post sometime soon. Although the list shouldn't constantly be changed (entries on the list are carefully decided upon after all), it is always open for changes/updates. I hope there will be ongoing discussion about it.