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Yeah, I also remember there being a topic about this. Either way: up/down/left/right = arrows B = Z A = C Select = [ Start = ] For Snes (which I don't use very often) X/Y = A/D L/R = W/E For two player runs, I assign multiple buttons to single keys, mostly the keys above the arrow keys. Select save state = 1234567890 Save selected state = S Load selected state = Q Frame advance = ' Pause = SPACE Watch input = , Watch frame count = Backspace I think the rest is unchanged from what is preset.
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HappyLee wrote:
I think I had finished my job,and all I have to do is wait...
Well, you indeed need to wait untill these movies get published... but there are also other games than super mario that you can TAS. Just pick another game you like, and see if it would be suitable for a TAS, or a possible improvement over a already published TAS.
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Yes vote here... short movies need to be optimized, otherwise they are not safe from Deign.
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Quite a significant improvement over the previous run. The stages seemed well planned, and executed. Most of the time, very entertaining, yes vote!
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Great run. Very nice optimizations! AKA: I honestly have no clue why you act the way you do.... just don't.
Shinryuu wrote:
I'm sure Vatchern finishes he's Mega Man 3 project soon or later.
Well, sooner or later is quite a broad term. I haven't heard anything from it in quite a while, and I think he was already 'working' on it for quite a while before it too... yet I haven't seen more than a single finished stage. girfanatic501: You definately shouldn't be too influenced by the fact that someone else is already working on a run, since you can never tell how actively there is actually being worked on. Besides that, you might just do a better job than the others who are working on it.
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I also played this game on the NES. The game is very hard, and sometimes quite fast paced. Some planning is also required with the nuke collecting, so I think (although there are obviously games more suitable for a TAS) that this game definately deserves a published TAS. I see you planned out nuke collecting quite well sometimes in this TAS. You did some research on how much was exactly needed to collect, and then didn't waste any time collecting more than needed. Also otherwise there are no really apparent mistakes. I however also TASed the first level of this game. Jumping over enemies is definately faster than shooting them. I also collected the nuke at a few different places. At the end of the first level, I am about 406 frames (nearly 7 seconds) ahead of this run, which is quite a lot I think. Most time was gained on the bonus stage, where, since I collected nuke at other places, was able to kill myself instead of finishing it. In the 'overworld', I also saved more than a second. Here is the fcm: Like I said, I definately think there should be a TAS published of this game, as I think it's entertaining and somewhat suitable for TASing. I do think this TAS can be improved by quite a lot, so I'm gonna vote 'meh'.
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nwest1140 wrote:
I wanted to request a speedrun movie of SNES arkanoid. I wanted to see what all of the levels look like.
If by speedrun, you mean TAS... I'd say a TAS isn't needed for you to see all levels. Just playing through them regularly (with rerecords) will take approximately 100 to 500 times less time than making a TAS of it. For someone to make a movie, just to show of all levels would take him just as much effort as it would take you... so my question is, why not do it yourself?
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Well, the "trades speed for entertainment" choices would make it hard to compete for this TAS. In this case, it wasn't like one little thing was done which costs a few frames, but it a lot more entertaining. In this run, all sorts of unneeded upgrades were aquired, the 5 life bonus was obtained, and in some levels, it is hard to tell what the real goal is, since it's not complete. People might argue that it's not a hack... but it is. The levels on the overworld are arranged completely arbitrary for instance (if someone else made it, it would certainly be different). But I don't think the main issue is the fact that it is a hack. If it made a really entertaining movie, I don't think many people would be bothered by the fact it was a hack. The thing is, even though these levels are indeed somewhere on the smb3 rom, and some people might be interested in seeing them... they are not suitable for making an entertaining TAS. This could be a youtube movie, for people interested in seeing how the lost levels look like, and it would do a good job at that. I'll vote no for these reasons. (On a somewhat related note: Super Mario 3 is obviously game very suitable for TASing. I think it would be great if someone made both a hack and a TAS of this game with the sole purpose of creating a great TAS.)
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Very, very nice run. Not only is it fun to see some very hard puzzles be beaten, they are beaten very fast too. If it were just straightforward puzzles, the previous submission wouldn't be beaten by nearly 15 minutes.
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I must say, I was pleasantly surprised, that wasn't bad at all! I do think there could be more movement going on. Even though your movie glitched, I still feld that there was more movement in general in my 2 player movie. Some parts of the last level (the highway) however showed what I meant, and looked very awesome. Do more mirror moves with both, and make sure it looks like both turtles are busy doing something all the time. These are the ram adresses I used: 00B1 | Level position (this is good to check when you can move the level again. After you checked this, you can redo that part with entertaining stuff, then make sure you still move the level again at the first frame possible) 0581 |056F | 0585 |0573 | 0587 |0575 | 0583 |0571 | 0589 |0577 | 0591 |0579 | The adresses on the right are the enemy/boss hp adresses. The adresses on the left however are more important!! Each adress on the left corresponds to the enemy which hp shows on the adress on the left. If the adress on the left gets a non-zero value, this means you are able to hit him. You can influence this value by killing the previous enemies at different frames. So each enemy is manipulatable, and you can take advantage of it, by killing them at the right frames, and checking out when the adresses on the right turn non-zero. I hope you understand this explanation, but if not, feel free to ask. I saved a great number of frames by manipulating each enemy in my single player run. One other thing to watch out for, if you drop down the bottom of the screen, which makes you eventually drop at the top of the screen, I think this causes 2 frames of lag...
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In addition to what mmbossman wrote:
Warp wrote:
Baxter wrote:
I'm not saying this shouldn't be published or anything... but this is NOT an equally valid category as 100% or no warps. This category is a concept which almost only works well for this game.
So what? Categories are now valid only if they can be applied to more than one game? Where does it say that? I see no such rule anywhere.
Hmm, maybe I used the wrong argument here, although it's still true in some way. Which TASes should be made for which games is indeed game dependent. Fastest any% and fastest 100% are however the general categories. Additional categories added to some particular games are generally not equally valid. Let me put it this way, even though this might be publishable, it is still a less valid category for this game than the no warps run. If one of the three movies had to go, I don't think anyone would say the warps run had to go, instead of this one. I think even Bisqwit agree with this point, since when AKA wrote "The previous movie was never meant to be a serious submission.", Bisqwit responded with "but...". I am not arguing here whether or not this category is valid or not... I am only saying it's less valid than the no warps run.
Warp wrote:
Tell me, how many movies have the category "aims for in-game time instead of real-time"?
This isn't an argument for your position, as I would also say that "aims for in-game time instead of real-time" also isn't equally valid. It might be a possible publishable category for a certain game though. Some might even argue it is more valid than the any%. They might be right in some cases, but you are not right in this case (smb, B-less run), as I said before.
Warp wrote:
There are quite some people who don't find 90% of the published movies entertaining. So what?
Besides just saying that your statement was subjective, I thought I'd give a more concrete example...
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Not saying anything about whether or not the run should be published, I haven't watched this version... just responding to Warp's post...
Warp wrote:
Seriously though, I still can't understand the reason to *not* to publish this. Why not?
I think a main reason not to publish it would be that it was said that "this run is not open for competition". Should this be adjusted to "this run is not open for competition by anyone else than Bisqwit" now?
Warp wrote:
Is it really so much different than a "uses no warps" or "collects 100% items" run? IMO it's a completely valid category for this game. So why not publish it?
Are you serious? I'm not saying this shouldn't be published or anything... but this is NOT an equally valid category as 100% or no warps. This category is a concept which almost only works well for this game.
Warp wrote:
And don't say it lacks entertainment, because that's certainly not true.
This is extremely subjective... and I think there are even quite some people who don't think the regular super mario TAS is that entertaining, let alone a movie where mario doesn't run.
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Moozooh wrote:
But is there much sense in making a 2-p movie? It will only be marginally faster than 1-p unless some new glitch is discovered.
Faster??? It will be a lot slower (or longer at least). There are at least over 1.5 times as many enemies, and the bosses also have more health (about 1.5 times as many). I do think that a two player movie could be entertaining... I wanted to make one myself, and completed the first three levels. I think it looks completely awesome, but the movie became obsolete when I found the glitching... Check the first three levels out here:
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AKA wrote:
Since the universe question has been brought up, I'll answer a few more inevitable question. Aparently the universe ends in about 10 billion years time
If you deduce that the universe ends in about 10 billion years by looking at that picture, you are doing something wrong; that picture is about the sun, not the universe. And even with your picture... the sun doesn't "end" either in 10 billion years, the pic just says it's a white dwarf by then.
Deign wrote:
Why do people seem to subscribe to the multiple universe theory? There's no evidence of such a thing.
Some might say it would be a kind of solipsism to assume our universe is the only one. Some people have difficulty accepting that the constants of the universe are exactly what they are. If there are many universes however, it could be inevitable that there is a universe with the constants that we currently have. It could also be an answer to a more general question why everything is the way it is. If everything that can possibly happen happens....
Deign wrote:
Also, as far as i know there's no physical evidence of a black hole either (i.e. one has never been seen via telescope or otherwise) (if this is wrong, please direct me to a photo of one). (That last point is unrelated, just thought I would bring it up)
Assuming you know what a black hole is, it is obviously that there is no direct photo from it. Since its gravity makes it impossible for light to escape its gravitational field, there are no photons coming directly from it, so it cannot be seen, and a photo cannot be taken of it (a photo of it would be like a photo of a cat in a completely dark room... even though the cat might be there, it's not visible on a photo). So saying that it hasn't been seen directly isn't an argument for its non-existence (since that's exactly what is expected). We can however observe its gravitational effects. If some other star rotates around a spot in space, which is seemingly empty, it could be an indication of a black hole. Light bending around it is also.
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This time a slighly bigger new high score for death mode; 24.4 million
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Did you know there is already a 2 player clu clu land submission? This movie was rejected though, so if you really want to do this, you need to think twice, and probably make sure it's a significant improvement. Either way, I like the game :)
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I haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if I missed anything... But what exactly is the point of a tag which states the amount of authors? You can see it right away when at the movie page, and why would anyone want to specifically search for runs with multiple authors? As for "# of controller inputs"... I also don't think that's a good idea. Like mentioned before, strictly, this would include restart sequences such as in zelda or metroid, and runs where input is used to entertain, such as SM100% (or Arkanoid Warped :P) would also need to be listed as 4 or 5 controller inputs. TAS makers could randomly input multiple controller input, and the tags would be meaningless... Why not just make a tag: "2 player TAS" (or in some rare occasion 3 or 4). This would only be used if multiple players would actually be playing, if something similar to the TAS would be done normally.
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Warp wrote:
Ok, fine, let's not add any features to the site which might help people finding interesting videos from among the 400+ published ones simply because there *might* be some disagreement on whether a movie deserves a certain tag or not.
Well... there was such a thing as stars... maybe you could start a debate about that... that allows people to find interesting movies among 400+ movies... although they are probably most interested in movies of games that they played themselves. As for stars, people obviously wanted to have their movie starred... in my view, this wasn't the case for tags, and shouldn't be the case for tags. You said Earlier:
Warp wrote:
Baxter wrote:
There is already a tag for abusing programming errors in the game
Which, as used, is completely meaningless and useless (because it's applied liberally to almost any run for the sole reason that the author wanted the tag).
Like I said, I disagree that people wanted a certain tag. It's just an objective thing of something the movie has. If you would however make it subjective, like you are suggesting, then of course people would want their movies to have the 'good' tags (since you said yourself "to be able to find the interesting movies our of 400+).
Warp wrote:
(By the same logic no movies should be published at all, and this site should be closed completely, because there not only *might* be disagreement about which movies should be published or not, but there actually *is* constant disagreement with certain movies.)
For some reason you are trying to convince people about me being wrong by suggesting I am in favor of absurd things. You did the same 2 posts ago by saying I was against the idea of tags. Stop saying I have an opinion that I don't have. This isn't about being suitable for the site... this is about some movies being favorited over other movies by adding subjective tags. So far, I never heard a single debate about whether a movie should have a certain tag... I think that's a good thing.
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Warp wrote:
Now it's possible to list movies like by console type or sorted by rating.
This is how you started your post. It contradicts with this:
Warp wrote:
Even if there's a way to list movies which have a certain tag, this feature is certainly pretty well hidden. I suggest more openness.
Since they are located at exactly the same place.
Warp wrote:
Most of the current tags are rather meaningless. The genre tags are not really all that useful, and tags like "abuses programming errors" are even less useful (because of the way they are used).
Well... sorry for assuming that this wasn't a duplacate thread of this. It seems it is (could therefore be closed I think).
Warp wrote:
No. I mean there are certain movies which are categorized eg. as "extremely glitched" and then you can list those movies.
That seems rather arbitrary, and for every movie, people could have debates whether it's "extremely" glitched, or just "glitched", or "glitched a little". It is rather subjective, and I wouldn't want such subjectivity in tags. They should be objective, like the things I suggested in my previous post.
Warp wrote:
Baxter wrote:
I'm sorry, I don't think that it's a good idea.
I find that a bit amusing. First you say that it's already possible to list movies by tags, and then you say it's not a good idea. Does that mean that the feature should be removed? ;)
Sorry again for assuming this wasn't a duplacate thread of this. I never said I had something against tags.
Warp wrote:
Which, as used, is completely meaningless and useless (because it's applied liberally to almost any run for the sole reason that the author wanted the tag). Also, it can't be used to find the glitchest runs.
Once again, like I suggested, "programming errors" could be specified more (left+right?, zipping through walls?), but it should still be something objective, and not subjective, like "very glitched".
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Sounds to me exactly the same as tags... and you can already search for that. If you mean, being able to list like the most glitch movies at the top, going down till the least glitched moveis at the bottom, I think you'd need to make like another rating system... and for how many tags would that be? And which tags? And how reliable would they be? I'm sorry, I don't think that it's a good idea. There is already a tag for abusing programming errors in the game (although it are a lot, 257)... maybe it could be subdivided into "uses left+right" and "zips through walls" or something. But other than that, no. (When searching, I just found out there was one movie with the tag "does not abuse programming errors in the game". Quite funny, and probably a good subject for debate in Aqfaqs thread
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Dear Fabian, In about a week, time is being set an hour forward, so that it's light for a longer period of time in the evening. I was thinking... during this hour, there will be no babies born in the entire country (since the hour is skipped). But when the time for set backwards an hour, there would have to be relatively twice as many babies born on that hour... so this got me thinking... What about twins that were born during this hour where the time is set backwards? What if the older twin was born before it was set backwards, and the younger twin after? If you would look at the data, it would seem that the younger twin was the older one... Do you know what happens in this situation?
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Phil wrote:
Yes, if the name changes something for the game like in Dragon Warrior and Monopoly and many many other games.
This also solves the thing I mentioned.
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The answer to the question is obviously "no". There are however more difficult questions. For instance, at NES metroid, some TASes use a code to be suitless. Obviously, a TAS which is faster less frames than it takes to input the code would be rejected, if the code wasn't used. However, inputting a different name can affect the randomness in the game. Maybe, if someone wants to make an improvement with armor on, but is unable to not lose frame due to worse randomness, even though there might be another small improvement. This would mean that each TAS needs to be suitless, or else it would be relatively slower. (this was just a hypothetical example... not sure whether this is actually the case) This would mean that the time measured for a TAS is the time after the name input is over (or in the case of for instance OoT, even accounted for longer cutscenes). Now I would ask, does this also apply for games where no name has to be entered? For instance Tetris, Dr Mario, Wetrix (and so on). If someone gets a way faster game by waiting 10 seconds before starting it, but has a longer input time for waiting at the start menu, would it count as faster or not? I would say, "no". This would allow theoretically infinite long waits, and being 'lucky' with randomness is also a part of TASing. Answering "no" to both of these questions seems to contradict itself (even though I would say "no" to both). So my next question is, is there a difference between being able to enter a name before starting the game, or pressing start before starting the game? Why would you be allowed to wait longer at one without people considering it as "losing frames", while at the other, waiting before starting the game is considered "losing frames"? (sorry if this post is considered off topic)
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I played a NES game a long time ago... don't know much about it. I believe you could walk and jump around, and punch. There were also several different powerups... and I think the second boss was on an autoscrolling elevator, with fireballs you had to dodge while fighting him (probably the most clear thing I can remember, because no matter how often I hit this second boss, he wouldn't die). It could very well be that this game was never officially released, I played it on a 13 in 1 game cartridge... anyone know the name of this NES game?