Posts for Baxter

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Movie doesn't finish the game for me. The movie stops at the metal sonic fight. I'd also like to know about how many rerecords you really used. I don't think TASes should aim for in-level time, since that would mean that stuff like lag don't need to be taken into account. It would also be practical if you posted a table with level times of this TAS and of the previous TAS in the submission text. And what do you mean by "slowly for many years"? Does this mean you knew about the glitches before Nitsuja's movie? (not mentioning him at all in the submission text kinda implies this)
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Scumtron wrote:
Baxter wrote:
Best possible response :)
Well, maybe a better response would have been: ...
Err... no it wouldn't, hence best possible response. That response showed you were confident about your run, and if someone says he can do better, he'll just have to try and see he's wrong.
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Baxter wrote:
Appearantly someone (probably a fan) named his cat after me. Don't think the name Baxter is used at any other place on the internet though.
To clear some things up (maybe also for people on irc, saying that the owner of the cat is probably a fan of mine was a joke, so I thought people would understand that I wasn't serious either when I mentioned Baxter was probably never used. I mainly said it since Baxter gets a very large number of hits when googling for it.
FODA wrote:
what about baxter stockman (tmnt)?
That's actually the Baxter I got this nickname from. I just finished my first TAS (tmnt2) and needed a nickname fast so I could submit. Didn't realize I'd be using that nickname for a long time :P
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Appearantly someone (probably a fan) named his cat after me. Don't think the name Baxter is used at any other place on the internet though.
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Scumtron wrote:
Xipo wrote:
I think it is wonderful but not perfect.I think I can redue two frame at least.
Well, let's see it then. :)
Best possible response :)
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Absolutely love this run... game is being totally dominated! I also love the music in this game.
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The movie file has finally been updated. It is now 73 frames faster than the previous update, which makes the movie 263 frames faster than the previous submission. This last update was due to 3 suggestions from AnS (thanks!). Level 1-4 was improved 1 frame Level 7-2 was improved 8 frames Level 10-3 was improved 64 frames And thanks to BagofMagicFood for hexediting, so that I didn't have to play the entire thing from level 1-4 again. For a little more detail, check the submission text.
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The very first movie I recorded was published :) It was made with Famtasia (obviously), recording at 40% speed sometimes, and at 20% speed sometimes, which is a little fast for current standards :P. I did use 15000 rerecords (some people right now still could learn from this), and I am still very pleased with the movie (I did obsolete it later). Also read the awesome submission text :D
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Just for fun, I made a list for all players with 5 movies or more using this formula (with X = 2).
Baxter wrote:
Nitsuja         - 1302 (22)
adelikat        -  987 (16+3)
Genisto         -  805 (11+9)
JXQ             -  710 (10+3)
WalkerBoh       -  667 (15)
Phil Côté       -  619 (10+9)
FODA            -  559 (11+1)
Randil          -  551 (13+1)
Baxter          -  427 (8)
Acmlm           -  417 (9)
TheAxeMan       -  313 (7)
DonamerDragon   -  295 (5)
Sami            -  285 (6)
Arc             -  275 (7)
VANDAL          -  270 (5)
SprintGod       -  254 (7)
slash_star_dash -  211 (6)
Saturn          -  206 (6)
(16+3) means 16 regular runs, and 3 team runs. I used [0.5 * teamscore^2] for team runs.
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Baxter wrote:
I think it would just be a fun thing to have some forum ranks, nothing less, nothing more.
So I don't have any problem with the forum ranks now (as in petitioning to remove them)... I do think they can be improved.
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Veteran player player sounds to me like someone who is good for retirement.
Tub wrote:
The few core members who would understand the formulas behind the rank...
I think most people will somehow know what the ranks mean, and those who are interested in how the ranking system works (with a formula or whatever) can always look it up. I think some people are taking this thing too serious. I think it would just be a fun thing to have some forum ranks, nothing less, nothing more. And the main reason why I am in favour of this suggestion is that (and people seem to be forgetting this); we already have a forum ranking system right now. It's just that the way it is now, there are about 150 players, and about 2 ninja's. I'm not saying that the ninja rank should go away, but if we have ranks anyway, why not make some new ranks where the groups are a little more equal in size (perhaps some ranks or at least a rank between player and ninja), and some ranks that are not completely subjective (hence the formula).
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Sounds to me like a good plan, maybe there can also be a rank between player and expert player. As many of you know, I'm not a big fan of technical rating, so I don't think this should be an important factor on this all. If it is, I think 7.5 might be a little low. I also don't think "number of movies above rating Y" good idea, since the movies below this rating wouldn't count, which they should. I also don't think average rating of movies above Y is good, since then some movies would lower your average, thus those movies would make you a worse TASer, while they should make you a better one (just not to the extent higher rated movies should). I do have a suggestion to avoid all of these problems, use this formula: Take the rating of one of your movies to the power of X, then add all those numbers for all your movies. N is your total amount of movies. X should be determined on how important high ratings are considered, but all movies count to a certain extent. Call the outcome Z. If Z = 0 --> member If Z > 0 --> player If Z > A --> [insert name] If Z > B --> expert player
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ZeXr0 wrote:
Personally, I don't think that a game choice should make a No vote. It should be 50/50 with the game choice and the quality of the run. Like choosing a game that is really boring and not interesting, but that the TAS is of great quality should at least gives a Meh.
I disagree. Voting is to help judges decide on accepting the movie, some games can never be accepted, since they are not suitable for TASing. They should get a No vote no matter how optimized the run is.
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Savestate 1 is usually at the beginning of the level I'm working at, I use it a lot to see what I produced (with help of read only). Most of the time I use all other savestates just random, except sometimes savestate 0 gets a special function, when I played a part, and doing a test to check whether I'm faster, then savestate 0 will be my first attempt (in case the test was slower). I only TASed on nes and snes, my hotkeys are the same: 1,2,...,0 = select state # S = save state Q = load state Spacebar = pause ; = frame advance (also sometimes ' since it's closer to the arrows, but ; accepts more keys pressed at the same time) shift+8 = readonly mode Tab = turbo F11 = load movie (saves me time with the quadrun) + = speed up - = speed down , = input display Button setup for nes: up = up down = down left = left right = right Z = B C = A ] = start [ = select Some extra's for making 2 player TAS: Num8 = up (player 2) Num2 = down (player 2) Num4 = left (player 2) Num6 = right (player 2) A = B (player 2) D = A (player 2) Delete = right (for both players) Insert = left (for both players) Home = up (for both players) Num7 = down (for both players) Page Up = B (for both players) Buttons for snes: up = up down = down left = left right = right Z = B C = A A = Y D = X W = L E = R ] = start [ = select
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jaysmad wrote:
20 years later
What? You think he's still alive in 20 years?
Highness wrote:
Never expected to see this.
How did that manage to put on the sweater?
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Dromencieus wrote:
It seems improbable, but could you have saved any time by making one of the players game-over?
Nice idea! You gave me a bit of a scare there, since I must admit that I hadn't considered it. I tested it, and it is true that if one player goes game over, the other player is able to scroll at the center. However, I tested it, and it couldn't save more than the death abuse that was done in level 8. For this death abuse there are obviously 2 players needed, and player 2 is the one that has to die, and he will be the player in front. This means that player 1 would need to go game over, right after player 2 respawns. But (and I tested it with no spare lifes left, so player 1 went game over with 1 death) before it's possibly for player 1 to go officially game over, player 2 has already gotten to the scrolling point, so to put it short: It's not possible to save time with this.
Twelvepack wrote:
Up and down at the some time might be helpful as well, it causes you to be laying down, but you still fire as if you are standing.
We spend like lots of time doing making this run, did you think we didn't notice this? When Xipo suggested the left+right thing, we also knew about it. The thing is that shortly afterwards we realized it could save time (at the bubbles and such). Laying down while firing normal cannot save time (unless you prove us wrong of course).
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Six year old bodybuilder:
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JXQ wrote:
In FCEU (0.98.16, probably other versions as well), when I record to frame x, toggle read-only, load a state back at frame x minus whatever, and play the movie, my movie stops anywhere from 50-100 frames before it should.
This can be somewhat avoided. It stops after the last time that input changes... so if you press right for the last 100 frame of your movie (while recording), and no other buttons, and go in read only mode, it will stop 100 frames too soon. If you replay a finished movie (not directly from recording), there is no problem. Like I said, you can avoid the problem, by giving some random input at the end of your movie, and it will play the entire movie, since it plays untill the last frame different buttons are pressed.
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Made a pic (I was bored) of all of these 32 bosses we've beaten sofar. Remember that for each boss you see in this pic, an entire stage is beaten: Edit: As for the run itself, I just finished another segment, so it's on the move ;)
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Vatchern wrote:
Frame-Advance without save state? I bet it can be done fairly good.
You just have to remember the input!
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SXL wrote:
true, but showing how TAS are done, on an online video site (read : youtube/googlevideo), would prevent newcomers from being misinformed (the usual "cheaters !" comment). tutorials are not only for players beginning TASing, they could be some use for watchers too, and even more to the general public.
I think these are 2 completely different things. I'd say for people who make comments like "CHEATED!!!" a video can be made for youtube to show what the purpose is, and an overview of what tools are/can be used. For people who want to make a TAS themselves, and tutorial can be made as a series of webpages (like Warp said).
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Alter wrote:
As for the PS3... let`s wait for PS2 emulation first, now shall we ^^
The author of this thread ended his question with "for this site", and for this site (so with rerecording functions and stuff), lets wait for a PSX emulator first.
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FODA wrote:
he took 102 coins on WF. that's proof of improvability
If he collected 2 coins less along the way, and took that red coin as a last coin, it would probably be harder to acces the star.
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Why make a new topic, and not post it here?
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You made Gradius 2 tool assisted speedrun that beats previous run by 22 seconds, and Ouzo's run by 98 seconds without rerecords in Speedrun competition in Gradius II Survival Thread. You can use rerecords to undo mistakes that are made. This movie is 22 minutes and used 409 rerecords. With 5 powerups, you can get option. You used 4 options in your movie. Options fire weapons just like the ship does. When bosses are fought, lots of weapons are fired with options. Lag are produced when too many moving things appear on the screen. Lag slowed you down. I have to vote no, sorry.