Posts for Baxter

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Bisqwit wrote:
I was most struck that this name was allowed, since ninja is a special title here. I agree with Bisqwit that something like "made by God's Hand" sounds strange. He just recently joined, so it's not a big deal to change his nickname. This reminds me of a tv commercial where God's Hand changed the direction of the ball in a soccer match to score a goal (don't know for what product the commercial was)... but they stopped showing it since there were too many people offended by it.
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Looks very nice... but you already knew there were limits to it I presume. Now it's level 4, but if it wasn't it would have been 5, or 10 or 20. You will eventually end up at some level where it's not possible... what would be the goal of the run? To play until it's not possible anymore? To complete the game with as few combo's as possible? At any rate, if you find out where to place the blocks to make your combo, at least make it as fast as possible... the blocks are the same anyway. This looked great for the concept, but the execution can be made more entertaining.
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Very nice movie, great job on improving previous one :)
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I finally did it!!! High score is now above 100.000.000 Check here for the replay. I had a lot of trouble at this game, so I wasn't able to make that much tetrisses, and the time taken is also a little longer because of it (compared to my 93 million score). Because of this, I completed nearly 40 more lines than previously, reaching nearly level 150 :D
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Posts: 1821 New high score at normal 78.740.080 :D It was going so good up to a certain point that I though I was gonna get higher than this, too bad that didn't work out. Edit: New improvement, score is now 84.637.184 (same link)
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alden wrote:
an area on tasvideos where all videos are listed by submission/publication date? That would be helpful in finding old runs that could be improved.
Do you mean this page?
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
I don't get it.
AnS PMed me with fcm's of three levels that could be improved. One of those levels happens to be the level from that screenshot. Some very nice finds... great job AnS :) Submission status is 'delayed' once more.
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FFPwner wrote:
Would anyone be interested in single star TAS competitions? As in keeping time to see who can TAS stars the fastest.
The whole idea of individual level runs is that the skill of normal speedrunners is limited, and they cannot perform on all 120 stars as optimally as they could on individual stars. The want to know how fast they can complete the individual stars, so they make this cathegory. For TASing, this cathegory is however completely redundant. Since we can use tools, we can make a 120 star run which completes all individual stars as fast as possible.
laughing_gas wrote:
You can't utilize the special triple jump though, since it requires starting from sram.
FFPwner wrote:
Couldn't we just have a set save state with 120 stars that everyone uses for this?
laughing_gas was saying beginning from savestates or SRAM is (generally) not allowed.
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Possibly better screenshot for when the new movie gets published.
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Upthorn wrote:
12Motion was unique and creative. VirtualAlex... well, Virtual is cliche and Alex is not an uncommon name.
True... but who am I to speak with Baxter as a nickname :P (Had to come up with a nickname fast since I wanted to submit a movie.)
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AngerFist/ShowTime wrote:
It would be too late and too embarrassing to switch it back :(
Nah, it wouldn't be embarrassing, it's never too late to change it back.
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Randil wrote:
it has a lot in common with the Sonic Advance run
Jweb Guru wrote:
Reminded me of the Excite Bike TAS.
FODA wrote:
A furry excitebike into rock'n roll racing, only faster.
Yeah, the game is most like rock'n roll racing... but the movie brings back memories of excitebike and sonic. I've been thinking about a screenshot, but I don't think it's possible to capture the speed... and a screenshot without the player on screen isn't any good either.
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Voting yes, watching AI for too long must be avoided, so the shorter the movie, the better.
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New update, 59000 frames are complete now (16 minutes, 23 seconds). Megaman 3 is clearly ahead, 4, 5 and 6 seem to go at the same pace. Most of the 7th level for them is now done, while Megaman 3 is starting his 8th.
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It makes use of the mood feauture Bisqwit made. The more 'friends' megaman has, the better my mood. (Don't take it too serious though.) (The bosses are btw all from megaman 5.)
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Ok, one last off-topic post:
qfox wrote:
It did seem to me as if that was your first post there...
It was actually my 50th.
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Heh, it was intended to make people laugh ;) I wonder though how many people (at SDA) thought I was being serious :P
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Nice improvement to the famtasia run - yes vote. The disappearing was fun, but it kinda made me feel like I was watching a single player run, instead of a two player run. I also think some of the fights could have been a little more interesting. I vote no for this movie having a star.
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Nice movie :), clear yes vote. Must have been hard optimizing spread gun, and chosing when not to use it for one player.
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Arkanoid. I don't even feel it went that bad; I did reach level 4. How the hell are people supposed to beat all 36 levels? I'd say the game is a little too hard.
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JXQ wrote:
The selected screenshot is excellent.
Indeed, best SM64 screenshot sofar.
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I say we keep NesVideoAgent's name.
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All games contain 8 regular levels, which you can chose at the start, where the bosses give new powers to megaman. 6 of these levels are finished. After these 8 levels, each game has an aditional 8 levels (the last 4 being wily levels at all games, the first four either ?-levels, Cossack-levels, protoman levels, or X-levels). So there are 16 levels at each game, and we have complete 6 of these levels sofar.
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TMNT2 and TMNT3, Contra and Super C, Double Dragon 1, 2 and 3, and Arkanoid Doh it again (SNES). Quarth also, but that one is already mentioned. Edit: and clu clu land.
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Btw, I don't know if anyone watched past the credits at the end, but the ending text in this game is just brilliant: It's like the game knows it has just been TASed :P