Posts for Baxter

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Game shows too much of the same, and is, in my opinion , not suitable for TASing. It looks a lot like Rad Racer 1, which got low ratings. Sorry, but I'm voting no on this (265 rerecords seems low to me for making a perfect 20 minute movie... but I would also vote no on a perfect movie. If it's actually possible to create a perfect 20 minute movie with 265 rerecords, than it shows this game isn't suited for TASing).
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Truncated wrote:
if you like complicated storylines and unpredictable scripts
Well, I wouldn't have those other movies in my list if I didn't like those kind of movies, now would I. :P Anyway, I'm gonna watch it... and if I like it, this topic exactly works like I had hoped.
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Dark Fulgore wrote:
DareDevil Hulk Scorpion King AngerFist mentions Bill & Ted, haven't seen that one, but judging from his reaction it isn't too good.
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Truncated wrote:
Clever: - Fight Club - Memento - Lock Stock - Snatch - Primer - Matrix
Is Primer any good? I haven't seen it, but the rest of those movies were also in my list. Dark Fulgore: Some movies in your list really surprise me.
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In no particular order: Memento Primer Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels Snatch Matrix 12 Monkeys The Usual Suspects Fight Club The Butterfly Effect Pulp Fiction Terminator (2) Die Hard
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Write down the 10 movies you like best. If 10 is too much, pick less. If you don't know which ones you like best, just write down 10 movies you like. (Note: this isn't about TASes or speedruns, but regular movies.) Edit: It seems 10 movies might a too little (at least for some people), and if you like more than 10 certain movies a lot, then why shouldn't you post them? (people were already doing this anyway :P ) So basically, list the movies you really like. If your list is very long, it would be better to put them in order from best to least best, since I don't think a list of 50 movies will be very informative otherwise.
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Mukki wrote:
Also, will TASing die off in future...
We're not even done with NES yet, and there will always be some who want to keep trying to optimize stuff.
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Atma wrote:
This one gets a no vote from me. Firstly, it's an autoscroller, which are generally considerably limited in terms of entertainment ability. Secondly, you play with a similar objective to that of morimoto's gradius runs, which get speed powerups only. Letting stuff live gets boring. destruction ftw. I'd say I just don't find this particular 'style' generally entertaining overall, since it's complete autoscrolling for the entire thing. Something like a level or 2 in super mario world that autoscrolls is fine, as they use varying ways in an attempt to entertain the viewer. In this run, it mostly consisted of you doing the same thing over and over again, getting repetetive.
Sorry, but I have to agree... also voting no.
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Hyena wrote:
First, it seems like the reason you avoid fruit is because it adds extra time to your timer, which delays you as your score is added up at the end of the level, is that correct?
Hyena wrote:
1. Why do you avoid certain eggs at the end of each level?
It determens on which level you will enter next. For instance, the first four eggs at level 1-1 would get you to the vulcano level, but the fifth egg (which I take) gets me to the forest level (where the warp is located).
Hyena wrote:
2. Why did you dump that blue dude in the lava in that one level? It seemed to slow you down a lot for that small stretch at the end.
Yeah, it might seem slower, but I obviously timed both keeping the blue dude, and losing it. Losing it came out faster. You have to wait a bit at that spot if you don't want to lose it, which is slower.
Hyena wrote:
3. There are a few points where it appears you collide with walls that may have been easily avoided. Mostly it's with your dolphin-like creature, but it seems like the up/down controls for it are difficult to maneouver, so I can understand if there's no way to miss them without drastically slowing down. But a few times near the end you do so with your pterodactyl when it doesn't seem necessary. Why is this?
If it's at a forest level, it's mostly to avoid fruit. With the water dinosaur, you can move really fast horizontally, but really slow vertically. I take the corner is a way by which I get vertical velocity as soon as possible. Bumping into a wall is irrelevant, since horizontal velocity is saved, and you'll start at full speed when you move on. Avoiding this bumping wouldn't have gotting any better vertical speed, and would have lost the horizontal velocity... so it would have been slower.
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curtmack wrote:
a=b ab=b^2 ab-a^2=b^2-a^2 a(b-a)=(b+a)(b-a) a=b+a a=2a 1=2 0=1
Well... math doesn't allow dividing by 0. If a=b then b-a=0, and you divide by that to get a=b+a
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12Motion wrote:
X + Y = X (Of course this can easily be true, if either X or Y are 0)
This is not true if only X = 0, Y has to be 0. I'm not quite sure what you mean, but X + Y + 1 = X + Y is obviously never true.
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Main difference between a scientific theory and a religious theory is the fact that a scientific theory can be proven wrong, and a scientist will accept this. This is also why I think 75 years from now, or a lot longer from now the vast majority of organized religion in Europe and North America will still be there.
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Great movie, nice music, voting yes.
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frezy_man wrote:
wow. nice run Baxter. I enjoyed it A LOT!!
Cool, I thought you might not like the warping, like some others... but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the run :)
frezy_man wrote:
Your boss fights is nice but your hits on some of the bosses is irregular, why? specially the boss on the snow-stage and the boss before entering the dojo whem splinter hanging on the wall. Also the boss before krang in the technodrome.
Blue stone warrior: This doesn't seem very irregular to me. I can hit him four times before I have to take some distance to avoid being hit. I'm constantly doing this. It's not possible to deliver 5 hits in a row without being hit yourself (not even in a TAS). Red stome warrior: Same as blue stone warrior. I hit him three times, then I have to take cover for a very short while. Constantly hitting hit will get yourself hit (which costs more time). I do the same over and over, 3 hits, cover, 3 hits, cover, etc. Snow level boss: I can see why people think this boss is irregular. I actually also folllow a certain pattern with this boss, it's just a little harder to detect. Íf you're really interested in what this pattern is, I'll look it up for you (would cost me some time). I did mention in my submission text people might think this of this fight as irregular, but it isn't.
frezyman wrote:
I guess its becuse he still has the helmet (?)
frezyman wrote:
Do you know how much faster you did the fight with shredder this time compared to your old run? when you killed bouth the clones?
About 42 seconds.
Frezyman wrote:
And when you killed this white wheelers... it looks like you drawed them thogeter with a glitch when they start to drive over the screen.
This is actually the only part you could use in a speedrun I think. I'm able to to this pretty consistantly (at 100% speed). Basically, the wheelers will try to avoid you, and get as far away from you as possible. If you stand just a little higher than the top wheeler, all wheelers will move down, and will be at the same position when they turn. Just make sure they have turned before they attack, so they will all be damaged in the same direction.
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blitzag wrote:
I will let off go the coinless thing.
Just let go of the B-less thing also. The SMB1 B-less movie was only posted as a joke, for showing a fun concept, not for making an extremely entertaining movie. If you are having fun making it, then please go on... but I somehow doubt it will get published.
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Indeed. Another thing which can be tedious is the fact that everytime I want to say something at irc, or on the forum, I must disable background input at all 4 fceu's, and when I want to go back to TASing, I must enable them all again :P
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To see what problem AngerFist is talking about, do this: - start 2 fceu's (0.98.16) - load 2 roms - pause them - load 2 movies - enable "background input" - unpause (since background input is enabled, you will unpause both movies at the same time) - wait a few seconds - pause again The frame number of both movies will NOT be the same. This can be frustrating when you are TASing a bigame movie, since it means your movie will desync.
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IZVAC wrote:
Make a voting system
But there already is a voting system.
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While playing a movie on more than one fceu, and pausing it a little later, the frame counter will show slightly different values for the different fceu's. It can be avoided by playing at very low speeds, but it's still very unpractical while making a bigame tas.
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Cazlab wrote:
looking forward to it! this better be published!
Ehmz....... .... It was published over 2 weeks ago. You can find it here.
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I recently updated my personal page (signature), and added a 2 player TMNT2 movie, which completes the first three levels. I made this movie before I started my new version of TMNT2 (single player). I made this movie because I would be able to give TMNT2 some kind of perfection, since it's possible to hit all enemies right when they enter the screen with two turtles. It's very hard and frustrating to focus on, and controll both turtles at the same time, which is why I never continued this movie. A while after I had stopped working on this I found the warping thingy, and was able to luck manipulate with RAM adresses. This made the same sense of perfection also possible for a single player movie (so the main reason for this 2 player movie was gone). The movie is a little outdated, since it doesn't use RAM adresses, and I also don't skip the turtle select screen. It should be very entertaining though, for those who always wanted to see a 2 player run of this game, and for those who dislike the warping (but do like TMNT2 of course). Here is a link to the movie. Edit: Note that I'm not going to make a 2 player movie, or continue this movie, and I'm not going to in the future. Just wanted to share it, since making this movie cost me some time (and frustration), and there might be some who enjoy seeing it).
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I don't know the game, so I can't judge on how well it was played. I did enjoy the movie :), so voting yes. I am wondering though, wouldn't normal walking have been faster sometimes, instead of slinging the with the web?
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dave_dfwm wrote:
Angerfist, your opinion ... confuses the hell out of me.
I'm not trying to be offensive, but your opinion confuses the me also. Even if you dislike the warping, or think 27 minutes is too long... I'm baffled you find this Rambo movie even close to as entertaining, if not more entertaining, than the TMTN2 movie.
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Very glad to hear this TAS is being worked on again :) I'll follow the progress closely ;) I think aiming for fastest time possible with no restraints is the most obvious choice. It's pretty hard to find another really obvious goal. Showing all weapons would be nice to watch, but wouldn't be suitable for the site. A 100% run will look too much like the any% run. I tried getting people to like the "only weapons kirby holds in his hands"-idea, but I have to agree that it's too far-fetched. The only run, besides any% run, would be a no-weapon run. (Using only sword at the sixth level boss, and cancelling it at the end of the fight). Edit: JXQ, I was about to mention the getting-the-weapon-faster movie I made, but you already found it :)