Posts for Baxter

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Have to agree with Bisqwit here... I liked Morimoto's movie better, so I'm voting no. I do think it should be possible to obsolete Morimoto's movie.
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Cmuxmt wrote:
This is one of my favourite runs on this site. I have used it as a sleeping aid many times. Do not get me wrong. Said from me it is quite a compliment. I am a terrible insomniac. I just cannot fall asleep with ease. The run is very well smoothly played... And the music is quite relaxing. Usually somewhere close to the river level I am asleep. The run is so peaceful that I just cannot resist it's charm.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy it. The game has a nice constant pace, which is not too slow to be boring, but not to fast so you would have to pay full attention to it. This in combination with the relaxing music makes the run quite suitable for watching when you just want to turn your mind off for a bit.
SpiDeY wrote:
I've slept in Monopoly's run
You managed to sleep within 30 seconds??
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I would want a run with clear goals. Using it sometimes sounds strange to me, and you might get something like with Genisto's gba mario kart tas, which still hasn't been published. If Genisto's tas would aim for the fastest possible time, it would have been published within a week. Even if Genisto's gba mario kart tas got published now, it could never be obsoleted, since entertainment value is a subjective thing. I would like a tas with clear goals, where people can compete against, if they think they can do better. It would be a shame if this ended up like Genisto's movie. Edit: So I would either vote for a movie which completes all 4 cups on 150cc with using the finishline trick on every track possible, or a movie which completes all 4 cups on 150cc without using the finishline trick at all. Doing it while controlling 2 characters would also be cool ;)
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Rom: Super Mario Kart (U) [!].smc Best emulator (at the time): Snes9x (found here) You should definately play it on a keyboard. Making a tool-assisted movie is not like playing a game normally. You need to play it frame by frame anyway, so a controller won't help you with that. You probably need to do a lot of testing, and don't be shy of using a lot of rerecords. I don't know if 150cc SRAM is allowed... but a 150cc GP run would be the most obvious choice for a tas (150cc is not available when starting the game). I would wait for someone (Bisqwit) to officially aprove of it, before starting your tas. (Off-topic edit: You might want to get a smaller avatar, since it will be removed otherwise anyway.)
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I think it means that the trick is also possible without a CC. The only problem I'm having is the fact that there is no snapshot included, so I can't watch the movie.
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I love how Phil's submissions always provide discussion. This one even has more than one topic covered :P
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krunkalastic wrote:
Oh, and congrats on your Monopoly run, Phil. I never thought anything would be less fun that playing the game, but I was wrong!
You can always not like a certain movie, and it's ok to say you don't like it... but it's not needed to say that watching the movie was the least fun thing you ever did. Someone thought about how to make the movie, and spend time on making it... you should think about that when writing something like this.
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Michael Fried wrote:
I'm ranked 24th now, and there's a huge difference between 1st and 24th
I think someone who is good at making tases will get better results than someone who is just good at playing the game, and has a high rank. I think it requires a different kind of skill. I do agree that general knowledge of the game helps, but this can be aquired quite easily (I'm not implying that making a tas of this game is easy).
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Everybody already jumps as less as possible in megaman 3-6, since sliding is obviously faster.
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Looking very good, voting yes.
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I think you should decide for yourself if you want to redo it. It would probably be better, but I'm not going to get into that, since I know how annoying it is to redo things, and the game doesn't really interest me that much, so it isn't really my task to say whether or not you should redo it.
Randil wrote:
Maybe you can get someone to hex-edit a new version of 1-1 into the movie...
... You are kidding, right? I would be more amazed than I've ever been before if all other levels, besides level 1-1 were played perfect. I don't know the game that well... but level 1-1 probably isn't the hardest level (the designers would have done something rather strange if this were the case). If you decide on redoing it, you should also test stuff like if the powered up super version of the game character walks faster, than if you are normal. You should test howmany hits the boss takes with the super version, and with the normal version, and test how much faster he can be beaten with either way. You should also test how many frames it takes to transform. My notes on level 1-1: - Make sure you don't have lag. - Make sure you kill the enemies in a way, so you don't have to release pressing 'right'. - Only jump if you need to get up on some platform, jumping costs a frame. - Walk off every edge possible. If you can walk on, don't jump off the edge. If you would fall, jump off the edge at the last possible frame. - Some enemies from behind must be shot. Shoot them by pressing left on frame X. Press right+fire at frame X+1, and keep walking. Some of the times, the game character moves a pixel or 2 back when pressing these keys, and sometimes, he just keeps walking to the right. Make sure the screen moves forward at all frames, when shooting an enemy from the back. - Shoot your shots at the first frame they are able to hit the boss. Shoot all of you 3 bullets (can't have more bullets on-screen), and fire new shots, when you have hit him as fast as possible. Keep walking to the front, up to the point, where you will be killed, if you would keep standing there shooting. This means that at the frame you kill the boss, he will be at the closest position possible from you. Walk forward at the first frame possible after he dies. If you keep to these rules, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to also get a time of 4128. Also use these rules for the levels ahead, I think they will be usefull to you (even though some might seem over obvious).
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The 4128 movie. I forgot to post it yesterday.
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Voting yes, the movie looked nice. I do think you should spend more time making these movies, like AngerFist said.
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It's something random. Walking over them at the right frame enables you to not be grabbed. Meaning it's very possible to do it in a regular speedrun... you just need to be very lucky.
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Tailz wrote:
I have no idea how Baxter got 4128
I'll post the movie this monday, I don't have acces to it now.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Makou wrote:
Baxter deserves a medal for all of the luck manipulation that must have been needed to get all of those large weapon capsule drops. I wonder if he used Bisqbot for that...
Nope. I don't know if it's just my skewed perception, but refill manipulation appears to be relatively easy in this game.
No, I didn't use Bisqbot. It might be easier to get refills in megaman 5, than in other megaman games (maybe because the game lags relatively fast, but note that this makes speedrunning the game itself only harder)... I don't know about that, since I only made a tas of megaman 5. I do know that it still was far from easy, very frustrating, and timetaking... since you don't just want the refill; you'd want to get it as fast as possible.
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Yes, I did. It was at protoman 1, where the only thing that was charged was the super arrow hp, since I hadn't used any other weapons at that point. I used it here, since there was no enemy available to get a refill from, and it worked out good this way. The M tank was collected at the crystalman level.
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Sir VG wrote:
Would have collecting that saved you any time?
No, it wouldn't: - If you use the M, all weapons and energy get charged, one after another (not at the same time)... this would cost a lot of time. - I have tested taking a pickup for the wave weapon, in order to kill starman faster, but is wasn't worth it. - I already start the gravityman refight with full star crusher hp.
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JXQ wrote:
In Wave Man's level, you use the Charge Kick, and then switch to the Super Arrow. Before you actually use the super arrow, you have a part where you land on a platform slightly, slowing your fall. Could you have waited to switch to Super Arrow during this fall to reset your falling velocity and miss this platform, saving a bit of time? (You do end up using the Charge Kick on Wave Man, but you have some left over)
This is possible for Mega Man 1, 2 and maybe 3... but you don't get an extra momentum by it at Mega Man 5; you would hit the edge the same way, if you switches weapons at that spot. The reason why I switched weapons at the first frame possible was to eliminate some lag chargekick + enemies gives.
JXQ wrote:
You can also stop the movie after frame 118996, 48 frames sooner than you do, and still make it to the ending at the same time. Perhaps this was intentional though, to coincide with the last hit on Wily.
Finishing movie at final hit, and shortest avi time I asked Bisqwit right before I submitted, and he preferred movie stop at final hit. The main reason for this was that any input after movie stop will not influence the game being finished. I did this in my movie, since it seemed it was also done in some other megaman movies like megaman 4. Shortest input time, while keeping same avi time I intentionally made my shot from very far away to show it could also have ended at frame 118996. The movie would have ended about the same way, and the avi would have been exactly equally long. You could prevent the game from finishing, by pressing start after input (the bullet will disappear. Shortest input time, with longer avi time It's also possible to make a weapon switch to napalm bomb, shoot a bomb and stop input. Since the bomb moves so slow, it will be ~10 frames faster than 118996, even with the weapon switch. Using this would result in a longer avi time, and a possibility to make the movie not finish, when playing after input time. This method would however give the lowest input time. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter which of these is used, I would however like it if the FAQ was more clear about which one of these to pick.
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Thank you all, I'm really happy you guys like it :) Would have been an awfull lot of trouble for nothing otherwise :P. The notes will give a more detailed view on the run, explaining some things, and mentioning some things that might be overlooked... but I'm afraid I won't finish them today, so expect them tomorrow.
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Nice work Blublu... it's looking great. Can't say whether it's flawless, but I couldn't find any obvious mistakes.
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Also voting yes, run was looking good.
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I made this movie a very long time ago, and just as a test, so it's probably not perfect, but I noticed it's ~23 frames faster than the movie Blublu posted. This movie plays the first 2 levels
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Nothing wrong with the run, played very well. It's just that I would never finish watching the movie, since it's way too slow paced for me. I see no problem with the movie... it's just the game that might not be perfect for a tas. Therefor, voting meh.
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I already posted this movie at the megaman 3 thread, at the NES forum... but this thread is better suited I think: Megaman going crazy at rockman/megaman 3.