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Yes... the movie is great, but B.A.L.: you do know how the movie was created right? If not, check the FAQ at the top of your screen, on why and how these movies are made.
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Great movie, voting yes! Funniest part was when these two evil robots combined, and formed this new robot, which didn't even look a bit like either one of them... (but this doesn't have anything to do with the movie itself :P)
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The only glitch I couldn't reproduce till now was the "through the wall" glitch, but I finally figured it out. The glitch was found by finalfighter some time ago, so nothing new here... Movie This movie shows the glitch at another location, and by going through the wall, it's possible to reach the enemy while still being damaged, which allows megaman to zip through him aswell. /Edit Another movie Showing limited use of the wallglitch. This is why is probably will not be used very often, if it's going to be used at all. Either way, I'll try to find a spot where it saves time ;)
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Well... I don't think setting a minimum amount of frames is right. If this movie was 3 frames faster, and those 3 frames where obtained by a completely different route, I would have voted yes... but this movie is basically the same, so I'm voting no.
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No, that wasn't SMB 1. Since (I think) Phil and Genisto made a 1 frame faster movie than Pom, but Bisqwit rejected it, since it didn't add anything new. I think the same goes for this... there isn't really anything that's new to this. No one watching the AVI would spot the difference.
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Nice finalfighter! You kinda read my thoughts here... I thought about trying it, but I hadn't tried it out yet. I was planning on trying this after I finish the 8 robotmasters, since I need to plan how much super arrow, and stuff I need to save for the bosses at the protoman, and wily levels... but you beat me to it :P
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First wily encounter. By using super arrow, you can hit wily twice... battle is about 11 seconds faster than the published version. (Note that this movie is not optimized)
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Great movie Shinryuu, I don't believe I've seen that trick before! The first zip you perform is like finalfighter showed in the stoneman stage, correct? Getting in the ground is also possible for that room, which looks faster... but I'm sure gonna test that out, well before I get there ;)
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I think the end result will be more rewarding to see, if I don't make the wips public ;)
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Well... actually I did continue, but at a very slow pace. I'm about done with four robotmasters at this point.
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It's a nice movie... it outlines what I had in mind. I think I can improve it a bit.
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Looking great! If I'm not mistaken, you save 1 from on Genisto on 1-1, and another on 1-2... I also liked how you got to the hammer bros before 1-5... and shooting the star was nice as well (can't remember seeing that before). However, I make sure that the whistle is definately not faster, just so it won't haunt you for the rest of the run.
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I'm not entering, since I'm far too busy with other things, sorry. I would vote for a NES run, N64 would be nice aswell, but I don't see that actually happening. If you want to see what teams perform best, 2 weeks is a good time limit, but if the goal is to produce great movies aswell, I think 2 weeks is a little short.
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I attempted megaman 5 some time ago, but I stopped halfway gravitymans level. A little while after I stopped I decided to finish it eventually, but I'm currently busy with other things. So in the far future, you can expect to see a megaman 5 run by me (but like I said, I'm currently busy with other things). The wip you made is pretty much the same as kopernicals run, with the improvements mentioned in this thread. I don't think this is enough, since my wip is faster on every single room. Every room is played more accurate, but in most rooms, I just have a different strategy... which I found by trying all different possible options I saw for this room. This has costs me a lot of time...
AngerFist wrote:
there is some minor things that you can improve
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Better say what they are if you know!
I'd say spending way more time on the game would be what I think is improvable.
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Some submissions don't use rerecords at all, others have gotten a better version, and some were just plain boring... I think those are the reasons submissions are rejected, and I don't really know what could be discussed at a separate forum for these submission, that can't be discussed at the nes games forum.
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Great job! Your movie is exactly as fast as this movie I made a long time ago: (I did make this after the wip you already had... but I never went further than 1:1:1 with this)
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Your link gives me Nitsuja's movie, if I'm not mistaken.
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Hmz... when I saw your wip, I had some serious doubts to be perfectly honest... but you are taking them away pretty much -> I like your approach, it's the same as what I think I would have done in your position ;)
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Very nice... keep it up, and make sure you won't lose accuracy when getting further in the game. What strategy do you plan on using for the first world? Have you tested different things?
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josh l. wrote:
Suprised this hasn't gotten more votes!
You read my thoughts.
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Yes, it's a big project, to do it right... but far bigger projects are being worked on, and have been completed I think.
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Yeah, I forgot to mention spark an beam... Ball could be tested on other bosses... the other ones felt like not usefull to mention. I thought throw would get 3, since I thought a double star did twice the damage a single star did. Either way, for stuff like Throw, you need to wait for enemy drops...
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Stuff like what weapons do what damage, you should find out, this is pretty essential (I know it takes time, and isn't fun to do)... luckily for you, I already did this ;) This is a table on how many hit it took each weapon to kill the evil tree (which probably has a name) with each weapon: Hammer: 6 Stone: 6 High Jump: 8 Needle: 8 Parasol: 10 Freeze: 10 Tornado: 10 Sword: 12 Fire: 12 Wheel: 14 Fireball: 14 Ice: 15 Cutter: 15 Laser: 20 This pretty much list how strong each weapon is. (Hammer and Stone, strongest... Laser weakest)
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Voting yes for this, it was clearly better than the previous version... played on very hard, and more accurate. For me, the perfect movie of this game would: - Get all secret characters (this means playing the main game three times, if I'm not mistaken) - Once, beat very hard as fast as possible. - Once, go for highest score, get pacifist on all stages (exept for master hand) if possible) - Once, just go for entertainment, and show off stuff Then, 3 characters are unlocked, and the movie should continue on getting record times on break the targets. this will unlock the last character, and you can make record times on break the targets for everyone. Finally, make records for every character on board the platforms... the stop the movie. ... just a suggestion :P
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First of all, I would love to see a speedrun of this game, and I think it's great that you are working on it! (so please don't get me wrong) I just watched your WIP, and actually, I think it's pretty bad... It felt like watching Bisqwit's run, and that run can be improved by minutes! I'm sure your version is faster than Bisqwit's version, but I think your version still can be improved by minutes. You might want to check the wip nitsuja posted, and the wips I posted. I haven't timed anything, but I'm pretty sure, I'm over a minute faster after only 2 worlds than your version. You should check them out! I would give you the following tips: - Start a new version, played on FCEU - Use a (U) version of the game, instead of an (E) version (I know Bisqwit played on a (E) version, but it shouldn't matter, since the run will be improved by a lot) - Use frame advance - Check out all posibilities from different weapons, and test all weapons on all levels to see what's fastest (of course, you can skip stuff that's obviously not faster) - Constantly release wips, so people can check if you're heading in the right direction I think I can produce something simular to your run in a very short period of time, while I took pretty long on making my wip. You should make sure your wip is faster than mine (nitsuja showed that's possible, with the use of tornado... but also consider hammer as a weapon!)... That aside, you might want to consider doing an easier game first... this game is pretty hard, and pretty long. =============================== I don't mean to be cruel, sorry if it seemed that way :) But please consider what I wrote... I wish you the best of luck on whatever you decide to do!