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/Edit I think I downloaded it too early, I just redownloaded it, and those errors where gone :)
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Copying the config file also doesn't seem to help. It keeps getting this windows error message: (don't know what it exactly says in English, since the message isn't in English) "An error has occured at fceu.exe and has to be closed. Sorry for this inconvienience. Blah blah blah You want to tell microsoft about this problem: Send report, don't send"
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This new version crashes right at the moment I start it :/
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When changing the game speed, I believe the time it shows your speed (like 100%, 12%, 3%, 1%) is a certain amount of frames. This means that when switching to 1%, the speed will be visible in your screen like forever... instead of the framecounter. You can get it by twice pressing the frame display button, but this is kinda frustrating when having to do this all the time. The best would be when the game speed was displayed a certain, short, period of time, independent of the frames, so that it is readable, but doesn't get displayed too long.
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FILIM0NAS wrote:
I think this is a task for a hardcore Mario-player and not for someone who doesn't know what exactly happens when you collect the star on the vanish cap course, or that you can finish the entire game without even using the metal cap, or that you get 5 extra coins by jumping on a whomp, or or or... And there are so many tricks that are known for this game, that many experienced players on the SM64-board can pull off easily. But starting an absolute run for the game, without even knowing the star names, or how to get each star, doesn't seem to get the best result... What do you think?
I have great respect for regular speedrunning, and the speedrunners... don't get me wrong.... but I have to totally disagree with you. TASing is something totally different than normal speedrunning. I think someone with lots of basic knowledge will spend about the same time TASing the same game as someone who know not too much about the game. When doing a TAS of a game, you aquire knowledge of a game, you would never get by normally playing the game. You'll know stuff like at what frame to jump, how many frames a jump takes, etc etc. Glitches are easier discovered on an emulator, since you have rerecords, and slowdown, and searching for them has something to do with general knowledge on how games are programmed. You complemented Spezzafer on his run, but if I'm not mistakes Spezzafer hasn't played Mario64 that much himself, so he doesn't have that much more knowledge than Foda. Foda is an excellent TAS player, and up to now, he has been spending lots of time on this movie, and I actually have the feeling it will get completed (something I didn't thought when I heared about a 120 star TAS. You also might find it interesting that one of the best movies available (in my opinion) on the site, the NES legend of zelda movie, was played by someone who didn't know that much about zelda at all when he started the movie.
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Well... you played it better than the submitted speedrun, but there are also quite a few things that can be improved in your wip. Look at the compairison I made with Bags wip in this thread... it shows all of the frame times of all of our wips. I believe I timed at the first frame the screen was totally black after finishing a level.
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Hmz... you are right, I had bad luck at the ones I was trying out, most movies do play without desyncing. It depends on the game I guess... but for some of the more important nes games the movies do desync.
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Great! You fixed everything mentioned! There is one small problem though... when trying to play existing movies (like all movie on nesvideos) the emulator says: "Warning: Found unknown save chunk of type 74. This could indicate the save state is corrupted or made with a different (incompatible) emulator version." Then the movie plays, but all movie I tried desync at some point :(
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I recall me asking Bisqwit once what percentage votes for his/her own run, and if I remember correctly Bisqwit said about 15% does it. Personally, I wouldn't vote for a movie of my own.
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Great movie! I knew the last version could be improved by alot, but I didn't expect it to be such a big improvement (of course I checked up with the lolo 2 thread once in a while, so I knew this was coming... but you know what I mean ;) ). /Voting yes!
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In the list of selectable movies, when you press "replay movie", you can select all the movies that have the same rom checksum AND all the savestates you made from that game. I was talking about 1 movie... Angerfist and Dehacked made it, it's the megaman 4 movie that's just been submitted (you can download it at the submitted movies).
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:D Absolutely great! I really liked what was done with the cossack levels, even the autoscrolling level was very entertaining! The Dustman rematch was very nice aswell :P Aswell as the rest of the run. Obviously voting yes.
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At replay movie it also links to all the savestates now. /Edit Like Phil already mentioned... the 1% speed (and 3 and 6) don't work properly anymore, which is, to me, one of the most importent options. /Edit 2 I also noticed I couldn't see the author info for Angerfists, and Dehackeds run, and when I tried to make a rerecords in the movie, to change something, stopped the movie, and tried to watch it again, the movie wouldn't play.
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Doesn't Genisto's full amazing run qualify for showing off stuff with different suits?
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Very nice... I like it ;) Although I wonder if this falt under "abuses program errors" or "shows program errors", since it doesn't really save time.
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15 stars from which there has to be atleast one collected from level 6, one from level 7, and 1 from level 8.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
I think there should be definite, accurate goals.
I was thinking exactly the same...
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Hehe, yeah... they are monkeys to me :)
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After using the hammer at the top right of level 2, there is a monkey next to the mushroomhouse... You yourself called this a 'hidden mushroomhouse', so, with the same reasoning, I called it a 'hidden monkey'.
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I think starting off and ending with small mario, and doing ALL (except the monkey in level 2) levels, was partly done because it saves a lot of time on planning what power should be used where. I think it will be more interesting to see a "flute-less"-run, having no restrictions at all, besides actually using a flute. This would allow you to skip some really slow levels with a cloud, and some other levels can be skipped by music boxes, or a hammer. Don't get me wrong, I'd be thrilled to see a 100% of the levels run aswell, but a "uses no warps" would be cool aswell... (if you do a 100% run, I'd say you would need to do everything, exept for the bonus levels, this means the hidden monkeys in level 2 aswell...)
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Recording from a savestate that has all characters would be better I think.
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Truly amazing, definately a star... I don't know if it was tested, but getting 8 red coins and 100 rupees at Whomp's fortress might be faster than going to Cool cool mountain. - You don't need to go to Cool cool mountain and open the door and all. - Althought the 8 coins are scattered around the entire level, they can be collected pretty fast. - While you go around the entire level anyway, getting 100 coins should be doable. - You don't have to exit the level when you get the 100 coin star. - Seeing how fast the 8 rupees can be collected, in the first bowser world, it seems that coin stars are far more efficient in a TAS then in a regular speedrun, so this might also not take as much time as expected. I have no clue whether it's actually faster... the 2 stars at cool cool mountain looked very fast aswell, but should you make another version oneday, it might be worth testing.
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I'd vote for NES Super Mario 3 - no warps (but not 100% either)
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Bisqwit wrote:
So, mr. megaman, why do you wish to have your account deleted?
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It might be a little off topic, but I made this wip for Zelda a long time ago. It only plays the third world. Since it's that long ago, it's a famtasia movie file. This is why it's probably not too good comparable with Phil's published movie, but I'm pretty sure the movie is a little faster (about 100 frames) than Phil's. I'm posting this wip since it might give some new idea's.