Posts for Baxter

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Reminds me of this youtube video.
Post subject: Re: #3254: Dark Rain's SNES Super Mario World in 17:36.08
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
TASVideoAgent wrote:
Now the currently published run is beaten by 4.5 seconds
Am I missing something?
The submission text of the currently published TAS was used as a template for this submission text, but some lines that should have been deleted weren't.
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Some useful links in addition to the links provided by sgrunt: You can use the search page to check if there are other submissions for this game, and if they were rejected, it is insightful to check why they were rejected. The How to TAS page is also very informative, and it provides many useful links. These pages are all in English however.
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Majora's Mask was starred. It was suggested several times in the submission thread, and there were no negative responses upon the suggestion here. The run shows a wide variety of inventive tricks, good planning and execution. It also makes the list more varied as 3D games were somewhat underrepresented.
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Reminded me of the (imo) funnier immortal dog video: Link to video
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Vykan12 wrote:
Take 0205, the pink background looks silly for a screenshot.
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Silent_Slayers wrote:
Hey guys, Dennis wants to update his .m64, since he was unaware that you can save time by ending input movie earlier. Here's his .m64. I hope this is a suitable way to update his .m64, if an editor can change it please. Thanks guys!
what was the change?
Indeed... I updated the file, but it doesn't seem to be different.
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Just wanted to make a few notes in addition to the decision: 1) Please be consistent with your "Real Name" in the submission form. The one in this submission is different from the one in the other submission. 2) This is about the following statement in the submission text:
y479021776 wrote:
If you think this movie is boring,you don't watch it.
I don't know if the response on this movie was so sparse due to this, or just a general disinterest after seeing so many submissions from this game. This site is about providing high quality TAS videos, and feedback from the viewers is very important. This feedback would be pointless if people only post positive comments, and refrain from posting negative comments when they don't like the movie/think the movie should not be published. 3) About the optimization of this game in general. Aglar's TAS (which was not submitted), is faster, but has a longer completion time because he ended the movie later. This submission still doesn't end the movie was fast as possible, as letting go of the gas 7 frames sooner would also complete the game. The movie however would be longer (visually) than holding the gas up till the finish line. So while this movie is improvable timewise, please do not submit any more movies for this game.
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Posts: 1821 Two crazy women on the highway. Full story with the aftermath. Truly insane story...
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I have to agree with sgrunt there. While it is a great TAS, a lot of people will not sit through it, and I think it's therefore not a good idea to recommend it. This is a bit related to Bezman's post: I don't think TASes have to be short to have a star, but they must be able to hold one's attention. Like moozooh said, the latest Mario 64 0 star movie had quite a bit of discussion surrounding it (related to its camera positioning and the very small timewise improvement), which is why it was decided that it should not automatically get the star from the obsoleted movie. After seeing the new 120 star wip, I personally think that movie would be a lot more suitable for the star... but it could take some time before it is finished.
Sonikkustar wrote:
This is probably the best that we have for the MSX as of now.
That can of course not be the reason for giving it a star. I don't know if the tricks and strategies stand out above the other runs on the site to warrant a star. A run being audiovisually pleasing is also important, especially to people who do not know the game. About the Metal Slug suggestions... how does it stand up against Genesis Gunstar Heroes (A shooter that is similar in some ways) or The Simpsons. Would it be preferable if Metal slug takes one of these stars? Why? Why not? About the 2D platformers... they are indeed generally good star candidates. You'll have to be more specific if you think the amount of 2D TASes in the starlist should be lower; is there any particular one that should not have a star? Something that may balance this slightly: I was planning on giving Zelda:MM a (new) star when it gets published. It shows inventive solutions throughout the run and high quality play. Any opinions on this?
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Hey there, welcome! You first need to login at the site: (You can login with your forum username and password.) If you have logged in, you will see a list of what you can do (such as logging out again). There is also a link to submit movies though: (And yeah, like scrimpeh said, be sure to read the guidelines.)
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Wow, really hope this gets finished some day, that was awesome :)
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MrGrunz wrote:
I made some screenshots, they are not that good imo but maybe you like a few of them:
I like snap0205.
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mklip2001 wrote:
Just one question, though: why do you get the Light Arrows? It doesn't seem like you ever use them.
To turn the stone tower temple upside down.
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One of the coolest TASes I've ever seen, great job!
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Derakon wrote:
Is there some special bonus for getting a tetris composed solely of red pieces?
No, it's merely done for entertainment. Makes the first part of the game, where there are hardly any points to earn more interesting (for me, playing the game).
Derakon wrote:
I have to admit to being amused at how many times you blocked off the leftmost column only for a red piece to immediately show up to mock you.
Yeah, usually I get it a LOT sooner... the game way playing around with me here :)
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Posts: 1821 Interesting game I just played. Don't think I ever got a red tetris this late, and I only cleared more lines in deathmode once. No highscore unfortunately due to the lack of tetrisses...
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This is always a difficult decision... it is of course cool to have a movie complete basically all there is to complete in a game, but people might think it's too long. On the other hand, people might think it's an unfinished product if the last 66 levels are not completed. I would suggest starting with the first 33 levels, and try to get feedback then. You can always decide to add the rest of the levels later to the movie. I don't think there is a big chance that more than one movie is published, as people might wonder why the levels aren't completed in a single movie.
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I thought the original goal of moons was to point out new notable publications, so that people wouldn't miss certain newly published movies that were in a way special. I thought that a movie losing its moon after a month or so was really the idea, just something never implemented. Did this change, or were moons never really related to newly published movies only? Also, "notable" is a very wide notion. It can be anything like "first 2 player", "first 100% kills", "first whatever", and also just "entertaining movie"? Can moons of obsolete movies become obsolete (if the reason was for the moon was entertainment, and the new movie is more entertaining for example), or would it keep its moon regardless, since it was a notable publication at the time it was published? Also, is there a certain maximum percentage of all the TASes that should have moons? Too many and a moon might not be something special anymore... Btw, it might be a good idea that besides people posting here suggesting moons, people would also post when they assign a moon and state the reason again. ...just some thoughts :)
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Very entertaining stuff, good job!
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While I think it's good to have variety, I don't think we need absolute rules like that. If a wii run comes along that everyone finds special enough to get a star, it doesn't matter if there are only very few wii runs. There being only very few wii runs, or a run being the first game TASed on a wii emulator shouldn't be a reason in itself to give a run a star though. And besides megaman 10 being a wii TAS, I don't know if it really adds something unprecedented to the current star list (if you do think so, by all means let us know why it does).
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sgrunt wrote:
Posting *why* a run deserves a star rather than just posting a link to it might be helpful for Baxter.
Indeed, I had already noticed the run ;)
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Nice TAS! All megaman games should have had an option to switch weapons without having to pause the game...
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Cool that you did a movie in english, I liked it :).
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Synced fine for me. Awaiting to see a 100% all melon run! (...and waiting for an update from Comicalflop on that improvement.)