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I could write an entire story of what I think about this all, and my reactions to other peoples reactions in this thread... but I want to be short about it: I just watched both Phils and Sleepzs runs, and even thought the wobbling didn't bother me that much, it was clear to me that I enjoyed watching Sleepzs run more. That's why I voted no for this submission. (not meaning there was never a more entertaining obsoleted for a faster one, but by just watching the movies, you can't really determen which one is faster) I wished Phil would have put his effort in a warpless run, instead of trying to improve this by a few frames...
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You should aim for fastest time, and while doing that, get the highest possible score. You can complete the bonus levels... it looks better that crashing on purpose, although it does take a little longer. The things you are able to destroy, and howmany points you get from them you should figure out yourself, by trying... it won't even take long. Aiming at mailboxes shouldn't be a problem, since you have rerecords and frame advance. I tried this a little a while ago, and by far the hardest part (the part that takes the longest) is luck manipulating the amount of papers that lie on the street.
Post subject: Kirby's Adventure, Sword and Magic Rod only
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First off... I am not a great fan of 10 movies for one game... The current Kirby's Adventure run is very good, but a little outdated. With FCEU and the extra knowledge there is now, it can surely be improved... The fastest way to complete this game might not be the most entertaining. The wheel gets a little boring after a while. I like Kirby alot more while he is jumping, bouncing and sliding. This would suggest a run, without picking up any powers. The problem is, there is a boss fight where you have to pick up a sword, and at the end the magic rod. It would also be boring to watch the bosses, and mini bosses. This can be avoided by making a run, that only picks up the least amount of different powers(only the sword, and the magic rod). I know this sounds a little "lets think of another way to run this game", or like the megaman-buster-only suggestion. I would have some arguments against that, but the main one is, that I think this will be more interesting. I made this movie, playing level 1, so you know what I mean: I have a few questions: Did you like it (the movie)? Do you like the idea? Would something like this be published? What can be improved (in this movie)? (It's been a long time since I watched the published run (don't have it on my comp anymore), so I hope there isn't something I really overlooked here.)
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Well... I found one on isle 1, isle 3 and isle 5... this suggest there should also be one on isle 7, but I couldn't find one there...
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No - He dropped a few in the water (1 in level 2, about 3 in level 3) - It was boring - It can be reproduced within 10 minutes - Someone is probably able to beat the score on a real nes - Has to wait the entire game before the last letter drops... and manages collect it in the middle of the screen in stead of at the top
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Well... it's true, there isn't a single guide on the internet that tells you the locations of the warps. So I had to play every level, and throw axes constantly to find them all (I remembered 1 or 2 from playing as a kid, but I had to be sure I didn't miss any). So the way I found out about their locations was trying all levels. I'm not 100% sure I got all of the locations. I would like it very much if you tried to find out where they are on your own aswell... if you find the same, and no more or less, I'm pretty sure we'd have them all (this will also make you more familiar with the game, and you can try out egg combinations while you're at it)... If you absolutely insist, I'll tell them, but I'd rather not.
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Fourth egg should take you to the level with the trees, instead of the level with the vulcano... And if you want proof that it does affect your path... just download the fmc I posted in this thread... it plays island 8 in 5 levels... only by taking the right eggs, you played 8 or 9 levels on isle 8! ps. use warps in your next version!
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Well... duh, you never said anything about not using them...
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How do you define impossible? I think the most intresting movie possible for this game is one that uses warps... not codes.
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You can always look at the available guides at gamefaqs... but it only helps a little. My suggestion is to just go to level 1-1, try all 8 eggs... see every possible level those eggs will take you... then try all 8 eggs in those level etc. etc. You should be able to find the routes that contain the least amounts of levels. Several routes in some levels that have the same amount of levels, sowhich of these routes can be completed fastest. You might also want to consider the other things I mentioned...
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First of all... I think it's great you did this. Very nice to see someone pay interest in this game. Some time ago Bag of Magic Food and I worked on a run for this game, but we stopped because it would take far too long to make a complete run of this game. I also only watched up to level 5-2, since that is where I came in my run. Lolo seems easy to speedrun, since you only have 4 directions you can go, and have to shoot once in a while. You would think it's not fit to speedrun, but as said beneath the Lolo 1 submission: "Lolo is a puzzle game, but surprisingly not trivial for speedrunning." The reason for this is that it seems kind of hard to find the fastest route in the game, and it takes ALOT of time. Explaining your mistakes up to 5-2 would take too much (at least for me). Here's a list of what levels can be improved (up to 5-2). 1-5 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-5 3-1 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 5-1 5-2 These are the levels you called "easy levels and all". So I think the list will go on in the "harder" levels. You also don't seem to frame perfect it, use FCEU instead. In the overworld you could take some turns faster, and the boss fight is a lot easier using frame advance. I once produced something similar like this, because I was curious of all levels. It was about just as fast as this, but it was a walkthrough... and I think this is more of a walkthrough than a speedrun aswell. Speedrunning this would take a ridiculous amount of time.
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I voted a clear no. I must say that I only watched the first two levels, since I don't have too much time now... but I started a run once (only finished the first two islands) so I'm pretty familiar with the game: There are only very few games that are easy to perfect, and don't take alot of time. I think you should have spent over 10 times as much time to this movie. Here what to change in the first two levels: - The eggs at the end of the level determen what level you enter next. You always pick the first egg, so you enter a lot of levels that are far longer than others you could have gotten to by taking the second or the third egg. - Not only do you play the longer levels, but you also play too much levels. Some routes have a lot less levels before you get to the boss, just by taking the right eggs. You can finish level 2 in less levels than you played (probably level one, and the later levels aswell). - You take all of the fruit.... why??? It just adds time. - In a game that is as easy playable as this, you should aim for the highest score aswell. - It's not frame perfected (at all). You should use FCEU for this. Your jumps where not very accurate, and other stuff. - In level 2, you play 3 water level, swimming, while you could have gotten a dino that swims, this saves ALOT of time (in all 3 levels!). - You should jump if you run uphill. - The first boss fight isn't very good. The first could be more accurate, but I can't say how much faster it can be done (since I did a run on a version with warps, so I didn't play this boss). - The second boss fight is really terrible... I think the shell opened and closed about 10 times in this movie, while you could kill him in letting the shell close only once. - This is not really a reason I voted no, but you should definately use warps. ============================= My two main tips would be: - Make sure you know the game. Play it alot, read gamefaqs on it, whatever. You should have known eggs influenced the level order. And you should try to find out with order contains the fewest levels, and which of the orders with the fewest levels have the fastest levels in it. You should find out where warps are and use them, and in what enemies eggs with dinosaurs are. - You should use FCEU, and play at 1 % speed, or se frame advance in parts where you have to make exact jumps or boss fights. I don't mean to get you down, I really hope you'll try it again... but it would be a shame if it could easily be improved...
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I started a movie using warps awhile ago, but never finished it. It only plays the first two levels. If you'd post your progress, I could give you some comment. There aren't any great tips I think (nothing you shouldn't be able to walk into/figure out yourself), the game is pretty straightforward.
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You can fly to the right untill the timer runs out, nothing appears. If you fly only a little to the right, you can fly to the left aswell untill the timer runs out, the castle won't return.
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I'm not trying a Rockman 2 run, but I tried the first finishing the first screen, and it's 3 frames faster than your version. I think the main reason is you jump too often. Sometimes jumping slows you a frame down (I think).
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I just tried the first screen of the bubbleman level for rockman 2 aswell, it's 10-11 frames faster than Morimoto and FinalFighter's.
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Not trying to offend you, but it's definately not worse than the Where is Waldo speedrun. A while ago I tried a Defenders of the Crown movie, but stopped because I couldn't get some extra part of the game (saving the woman) filterred out of the movie by luck manipulation. The game is made by the same makers, and would probably seem a little the same to people who have played neither of the games. I got Defenders of the Crown a loooong time ago for my birthday, and it was actually very enjoyable and difficult. It took me quite some time to finish it the first time. I'd love to see that game speedrunned, so I can fully understand why some people like this speedrun.
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Right, but the rest of my post (also) applies to #1
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Wasn't the docter mario movie rejected because of the soft reset that was in it? It skipped the moving of the cursor to level 20, which saved about 40 frames (the actual playing was unaffected). I'm also not against it (it can be used for luck manupulation (this was also the case in the dr mario vid)), but it would complicate things... You would have to say you used a soft reset if you submitted a movie and what it skips. And there should be rules of what you are allowed to skip using a soft reset. It's also difficult if there is already a published movie, you could just add the frames you won by the soft reset, but you might be able to luck-manipulate better with the soft reset so that's a problem.
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I also stopped working on it... I think I know the fastest route of the first five levels, but I haven't completed those... A while ago I made a complete walkthrough with all 17 the levels pretty fast cleared, but not giving any thought of how to complete them as fast as possible... At the moment I'm working on something that takes a lot of time. I've been working on this for quite a while, and I've only completed the first five minutes now. I'm not telling what game this is yet, because the run may never be finished, if I have the motivation to work on it a bit every week, it might be finished around July. If a speedrun takes too long I wander of to other games... The game I was talking in this topic was Adventure Island II. After each level you'll run in some sort of cave, a music plays, the stripes you get from the fruit are counted, and you enter a room where you can choose an egg. While trying what route was fastest I finished a level and didn't need to listen to the music before the stripes were counted, it started counting right away... (never managed to do this again) (I am doing a run with level warps. I found level warps in level 1, level 3 and level 5... does anyone know if there are any other levels where you can find a secret egg that allows you to skip the level?)
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Thx, although I think it's a little too hard for me. I'll just forget what happened in the test version...
Post subject: Pressed buttons
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Is it possible to see what butons you pressed in a fcm? In a test version of a run, I did something that skipped a sequence I normally had to wait for, and I can't figure out how to do it again... If I open an fmv in a bit editor I can clearly see my input, I was wondering if anything like this is possible for an fmc.
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I really liked this game, so a while ago I recorded the first level aswell. The movie looks pretty much the same. I decided not to continue since there are so many routes, characters, weapons and upgrades that it's nearly impossible to get a perfect run. About the Fist: Level 1: 3 punches in a row > damage 1,1,1 Level 2: 3 punches in a row + uppercut > damage 1,1,1,4 Level 3: jumpkick and groundkick > both damage 3 Level 4: attack straight down (performed while jumping by pressing down+a (I think)) > damage 8 I think this also goes for scuba, and probably some others, but the ninja's for instance do damage 10 by doing the level 4 down attack. The guns are the same for everybody, but when I tried to make a list of the guns and their levels and the damage, I noticed that some guns are better against some bosses then others, so it's hard to really make a table of that. I would love to see a complete run of this game, but it's is too hard (well it would take to long) for me, good luck
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I once recorded the first four games. This contains 8 aces and 8 winner returns. You could get 8 aces, and let him make 8 double faults, but that's slower. The first four games are worth watching once, but not twice, and it would be a waste of time making the whole video (you would be watching 48 aces, en 48 winner returns).