Posts for Bisqwit

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Maximus wrote:
How about doing the non-forums parts in flash?
I'm heavily opposed, and not feeling like explaining why.
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Truncated wrote:
If all games for a console use the same memory positions for scoll position (which I think at least NES does, that's how Bisqwit's GIF ripper works), this one is possible. You could only see the parts of the level that is currently loaded, obviously. Not see what's behind doors and such.
No, the values that the "GIF ripper" uses are the PPU scrolling registers. The PPU has RAM for two screenfuls of data at any given time -- you can use Nesticle's VRAM viewer to see how it works. The scrolling registers literally tell where is the origin of the current screen, within that VRAM. Different games utilize the RAM a bit differently. In any case, the PPU scrolling registers are only written by the game; in an emulator, you can only read them. If you try to write them, the game ignores the writes, and it certainly doesn't allow you to force the game to render portions of the stage that have not yet been rendered. The game only renders stuff that it thinks is immediately going to be needed (such as half of the next or previous screen), so even viewing different windows of the PPU VRAM is not much help, except to gain insight on how the scxrolling works.
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xoinx wrote:
Hmmm, I was just wondering is there a way to merge assimilate the forum into the site nicely. In that case, when selecting a particular submission/movie, the discussion can take place there, rather than a discussion in the forum which links to the site... Just my 2 cents... because I realised that ever since I registered with the forum, I hardly refer back to the Front Page.
I've considered that too, but in my opinion, it seems to contain too big obstacles. 1. Assume submission discussions are carried out on the submission page. - It is not smart to duplicate the discussion forums, possibly in a way that uses two completely different user interfaces. The rest of the forums should also be merged into the site. 2. There's not enough room for everything on the screen. The forums already take a lot of room on the page, and without radical redesigns, it wouldn't fit into the nesvideos site layout. 3. People oppose redesigns.
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Google has some nice webmaster tools that I didn't previously know of, but I found out when I was searching for information about "Google site maps". Here's some samples about the website!
Post subject: Re: RSS Feed?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Heh, I was listening for times when the square wave managed to sneak back through, like after hitting enemies, entering doors, or riding a warp star for long enough that it stops making noise.
Yeah, me too. And for moments where some other ability than the UFO is selected.
Post subject: Re: Shakespeare edited to be readable.
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LSK wrote:
Yep, I think you lied. What's the point of this topic besides to increase your post count?
Post subject: doppler effect
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xebra wrote:
I've always interpreted the doppler effect to mean the change in frequency that occurs as the object passes you.
No, you have apparently only memorized the popular illustration of the doppler effect, as when an emergency vehicle passes you there's a change in the pitch of the sound. The doppler effect predicts that the frequency perceived by the listener is the signal source's signal frequency modified by the derivate of the distance between the listener and the source. I.e. when the distance is increasing, the frequency appears lower, and when the distance is decreasing, the frequency appears higher. Applies to sound waves as well as radio waves (light etc).
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upthorn wrote:
Why are there two megamans in that gif?
So that it'd be half the length.
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Serj wrote:
How do you make such cool gifs?
A movie of approximately 200 frames long; fceu with tiletracker compiled in; tiletracker compiled with PIXEL_METHOD_LOOPINGLOG, and LoopLength set as 90. Run fceu for 190 frames, collect savings, ???, profit.
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Warp wrote:
badrad wrote:
The real shame is that most people using ad blockers want to avoid the real invasive and annoying advertising, but by blocking out all advertising they also block the non intrusive advertising of websites who depend on advertising revenue.
I think that the revenue comes only when users click on the ads. Someone who uses ad blockers is quite unlikely to click on any ad even if they aren't blocked...
Not true, YPN occassionally reports higher payings for days with less clicks. (But rarely.) Example:
Date   	impressions clicks  CTR  CPM    Avg.RPC  earnings
09/29/2006 	12,324 	7    0.1%	$0.16   $0.29   $2.02
09/28/2006 	12,340 	9    0.1%	$0.15   $0.20   $1.82
The daily average for September second half was $1.58. Editor's note: The earnings has to reach $100 before they even consider whether to pay it or not. So I'm not rich yet.
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Warp wrote:
"I like the semicolon because it brings some nice variety. I'm not sure about its proper use though. I use it the same way as in Finnish." I see no real need for semicolon there. It doesn't bring anything that couldn't be expressed better. It just feels artificial.
It is true that the sentence could be written the way you did. However, it is now a different sentence from the one I wrote. In the same way as you can write "siellä ehkä syödään" ("maybe they eat there", lit. "there maybe is-eating") or "siellä syötäneen" ("maybe they eat there", lit. "there is-eating-maybe") in Finnish. Both are essentially the same thing, and people could say the potential form (the shorter) is needless and "artificial" because the other already expresses the same thing, arguably in a simpler manner. (Btw, I have recently noticed at least one incident where I used the potential form in speech, and I had to reconstruct the sentence, because the listener, a native Finnish speaker, didn't understand it.)
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xebra wrote:
The cat wouldn't exhibit the doppler effect since it was never moving towards you.
The doppler effect also applies to objects moving away. In their case, the apparent frequency is lower than the originating frequency.
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xebra wrote:
Of the movies I've seen so far, my favorite is probably the "warp jumping" that lets you pick up the magnet beam in MM1 without breaking the block in the way. As soon as you see it you know the game is getting effed in the a.
Hmm, somehow this animation fails to catch the essence of that trick.
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Comparing the "Ad Unit Impressions/day" value from YPN and the "Pages/day" value from Webalizer(decreased with the number of forum hits, which make about 25% of the traffic), it looks like about 40% of users use an advertisement blocker in their browser.
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Truncated wrote:
This is because pronunciation drifts with time, at creation these characters probably accurately reflected pronunciation. It is also a good argument for why logographic writing systems are a bad idea. :) But perhaps that's an argument for another topic.
English has also became a logographic writing system. If you type "hav", it is wrong because it must be written "have". If you type "nite", it is wrong because it must be written "night" even though it rhymes with "kite". The pronounciations change more often than the words themselves. The words have became pictograms. You must not write "musta" or "must of"; it must be written "must have" even though the "have" has been reduced into a schwa/semifricative. Writing is more longlived than speech, and thus it forms a different language, a relic of past, whereas the speech develops. In Finnish, the written language and the spoken language already follow different grammar rules (the written one being richer with grammatical cases and the spoken one being richer with exceptions), even though it is not false to say that you can pronounce exactly as is written or write exactly as is pronounced.
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I like the semicolon; it brings some nice variety. I'm not sure about its proper use though; I use it the same way as in Finnish. Usually I use it whenever I join two sentences, where the second sentence explains the first one, but a colon would be too formal and a period would disconnect the explanation from the lead-in.
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kirbymuncher wrote:
Should I try a no-powers run?
No. The entertainment of Kirby lies in its wide variety of powers. Stripping that leaves a little. EDIT: Unless you manage to do something fun-looking, of course :)
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I'm voting "yes" based on the description on the movie, the seen WIPs of Kirbymuncher, and my movie that it obsoletes by that great amount, even before watching this movie. However, I hope someone takes Kirbymuncher's ideas of improvements and applies them to make a new, better submission before this one is published! :)
Post subject: Re: Possibility of including Doom TASes?
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I published TASes of Doom at this site in the earliest days of this site. Later however I removed them because of disk space issues; I had to prioritize. It is still an option we can consider. However, I am not familiar with the newest records, their update times, whether they're updated level-by-level or episode per episode, etc... And the software I used no doubt no longer works, so it would have to be completely re-investigated.
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Gigafrost wrote:
This is the second screen on my laptop (again, not resized because I didn't want to distort it...)
That's pretty cool.
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Maximus wrote:
Turns out the University of Toronto actually has a Department of Slavic Languages and Literature ... who'd have thunk it :P
But neither Swedish or Finnish is a Slavic language.
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Maximus wrote:
:P InterTran isn't all that great it would seem
Systran/Intertran is horrible at Finnish. Every once in a while we see instruction booklets of technical gadgets that have been "translated" to Finnish apparently using Intertran, and those instruction booklets are completely illegible. I mean, completely. For example, it translates "page" (of a book) usually as a hotel boy, or "now" (as in this moment) as "there we are!", and it can't translate words like from/to/in at all (there are no exact translations for those in Finnish, because Finnish is fundamentally different).
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Maximus wrote:
Thanks a lot guys. (Kiittää te erittäin hyvin?)
= It thanks, you very well. :)
Post subject: Learning Finnish
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About learning the Finnish language… Knowing Hungarian might be useful at grasping some of the concepts of the Finnish language, as well as a minimal portion of vocabulary, considering that those languages are (very) distant relatives. Knowing German, French or English does not help. Swedish helps a bit with vocabulary, but not much and not with grammar. Here are some online resources I found regarding the Finnish language. Don't know if they're any good for sustained learning though. - - - - I can also personally help with Finnish or other languages that I know, but usually for my help to be useful, some fundamental knowledge and understanding is already required. I can best help by answering questions that arise from learning.