Posts for Bisqwit

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nfq wrote:
Bisqwit, why don't you believe in a true Finnish religion like Kalevala instead of this dude Jesus from middle-east?
In general I ignore your posts because of the low signal-to-noise ratio, but since you asked a direct question... Simply because I'm not a religion shopper.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
yeah, I guess all languages use words correspondent to "ye" and "thou" in their classic translated bibles. That makes the book really annoying to read.
Well, not Finnish. Finnish does not really have any obsolete pronouns.
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Neophos wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Sell what you have, give alms;
"No one needs money, and you should not try to earn it, but, err, if you do.. then give it to other people. That's kinda makes them richer, therefore to some extent making them less willing to serve me, so you kinda damn them by doing so, but, eh, it's for a good purpose, right?"
I have hard time figuring out whether you're just trying to twist for the sake of twisting without realizing how witless your retorts are. But to err on the safe side, I'll interpret you by the face value. If doing so puts the mindlessness of your posts to a pedestal in the process, so much better ;) In general, the Bible does not say that you do not need money nor that you should not try to earn it. Sure, there are situations where Jesus said, "worry not what you should eat and how do you get clothes for yourself" [1], or even, "take nothing with you, no money, no food, no change clothes" [2][3]. Let's see if I can make this clear. The general outline is: One should always put God first ― and material blessings will follow.[4][5][6]. Don't worry whether you will have enough food or clothes ― if you do God's will, he will provide all that you need. It does not mean that you should immediately go and sell everything you have; that could be really stupid, because then you would become a poor in turn. It just means, that one should be obedient to God. Giving alms is of love. Jesus said, "sell what you have" ― this does not mean that you should sell your house and everything, but it does mean selling excess things. Such as if you're an art collector: unless possessing that art is the means for doing God's will[7], you should sell it and give that money for charity (or possibly utilize for other purpose that is God's will ― for example, to build a church, whatever God has put on your mind and confirmed to you).
Neophos wrote:
'You fool, this night your soul will be claimed; where will end up all that you have acquired?'
"Well, maybe I didn't plan for my wife and children to die of starvation a week after I pass away, you know? No? Alright, guess not, I'll go get a torch."
The parable makes no mention of a wife and children; if we go that road, we could just as well assume that the rich man of the parable has also a son who would carry on with the work. Instead, the focus of the parable is that the things that the man has collected, are solely for his own entertainment; it does not say "my family has wealth in case I die". It says "I can just sleep and party and rejoice for I have so much, me me me."
Neophos wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
"What matters is where our soul ends up, with whom"
Apparently with some prick that doesn't want me to have fun.
Don't know about you, but I'm having plenty of fun. Earlier[8] I wrote about a joy[9][10][11][12] that is deeper than anything else I have experienced. In general, realizing how God acts, as in really does something, to or through you, or even when you're not involved yourself, is the most fascinating and refreshing feeling you can ever have. Though sceptics categorically deny anything claimed as being done by God – even if such denials go as far as to say "sometimes that just happens. We have no idea why."[13], – they're only denying themselves the wonderful realization[14] of how God really acts; a realization that for born-again believers, is granted, for the God's Spirit[15][16][17][18] in themselves witnesses[19] about it. _____________________________ I feel like the fact that I'm linking to a shakespearian translation of the Bible that uses words like "ye" and "thou" somewhat hinders the usefulness of the said links… But what can I do, English being such a horrible language and all – or more to the point, newer English translations of the Bible either being inaccurate or horribly copyright-license-restricted so that you cannot redistribute them. Eh. EDIT: Installed NIV. Now with slightly better readable readings :)
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Twelvepack wrote:
Was he being funny, or are my language settings messed up in a really bizarre way?
Neither. Database distortion on the server.
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LagDotCom wrote:
I started doing this just for fun a while ago; I did the first 2 worlds and a bit. I wrote a bot to solve levels in the least possible 'moves'... it didn't take much more imagination to then optimise it for frame count.
Cool. How does it compare to Ragowit's movie?
Post subject: Speedrun (TAS and non-TAS) article at GameInformer
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Location: Arzareth They interviewed me and few others. It's the "top story" at currently. A good and objective introductory article, it seems.
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I'll write details about the source code, database and testing procedures to those volunteering for development later ― as soon as I get the frameworks for updating that stuff finished. I'll continue hosting the main site and images until a really promising hosting situation emerges ― which I still hope happens within the next half a year. I switched yesterday to using suexec and I have cleared up the permissions a bit. Possibly I'll also experiment with using a LD_PRELOAD that restricts access, too. The tracker could be moved at any time, though. It's the least complicated piece :)
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alden wrote:
Hmm, yeah, where'd they go? I liked them too...
Uh-oh. Accident! Sorry about it. Will fix.
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Already reported at IRC, thanks though. It's because the submitter has included broken image links on the page. It should not cause an error message though. It should be fixed some day.
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qFox wrote:
Btw; with ditching us I was kind of referring to the mayhem which I think this site will be in when control is transferred to somebody else. But that's just my two pessimistic cents about that...
Ah, I understand your concern now. Thanks :) That's why it is important that we do not rush things. I wrote "desired<...> by the summer 2009", not "must<...> by the next week" :P
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RT-55J wrote:
Also, adding a 3px gap between the days would look good, like this:<image>
This looks like a nice idea. But I wonder if it's possible to render that without resorting to table layouting?
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FractalFusion wrote:
His name should be "Nietzsche".
I'm not very good with those tzsch things. If it were me, I'd say Nietše instead ― or rather, Niitše. But it's not up to me. In any case, I apologize offending any heir or fan of Nietzsche present.
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Kuwaga wrote:
"Das Ich ist nicht Herr im eigenen Haus." - Freud.
Mildly unrelated, but reminded me of this funny quote: "God is dead." (signed Nietze) "Nietze is dead." (signed God)
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Raiscan wrote:
What is it you're hoping to find which you do not already have?
I'm not "hoping to find" anything. It's not a quest that I am on, hoping to find something that I have not yet found. I have already found him; now I'm just following his voice. (Well, not an actual voice, but still, guidance. I just used the word "voice", because it reminds the reader of this; and this.)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Hmm, I think the end of my post is supposed to be here:
Oh, I forgot I was supposed to write about the "excel at" tangent. Well, I'm sure the talents I have will be put into use. Things such as analytic thinking, for instance. However, God likes to pick people who have the least number of useful traits in the eyes of the world, so as to make it certain that the people who do things in his name, aren't doing them in their own power, but due to the power invested in them by God; and it doesn't look like anything I have is a reason to that God calls me really. Which makes me all the happier, because that way, things I do for God are things I do with his power and not my own; and all that is why considering God to be a figment of my own beliefs, as suggested by Kazuma, is an absurd thought to me. Heh, enough of weird writing for today. Time for a new UTC day, and time for my sleep.
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qFox wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
This is not a sacrifice I'm making with sad minds. Programming has left me unsatisfied for quite a long time ...
Now there's something else. Something I didn't know. And if that is the case, please say so and don't make it look like you're "ditching us" (;)) for your mission.
Well, whether I enjoy programming or not is irrelevant for the "look like you're 'ditching us'" argument. But I never said "I will leave the community"; I only said "I will quit the administration and the related tasks".
qFox wrote:
PS. quoting the bible never works as an argument when talking to atheists :/
Hence, I was paraphrasing ;) Sure, I could have said this instead: "ultimately, our body will perish; however, our soul does not perish. What matters is where our soul ends up, with whom, and how do those think of us that are already there. How did you prepare for the eternal life?" But where's the joy with that when you've already got a nice parallel ready to use? No need to reinvent the wheel just because someone is suffering of the NIH syndrome.
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Xkeeper wrote:
implication that he was leaving what most people percieve him to excel at (programming, coding) for something religion based
Intellectual pursuits the kind of that is programming are a filler in the life, entertainment among other kinds of entertainment, and sometimes hard work. However, ultimately it is a complete waste of time. God's Son spoke this allegory, paraphrased: There was a rich man, a farmer, and his crop produced so much that he had excess, so he built bigger silos to hold it all, and he was joyful for he had goods for many years, and he saw he could just sleep, eat, drink and rejoice the coming years. But God told him, 'You fool, this night your soul will be claimed; where will end up all that you have acquired?' Thus happens to those who acquire treasures for themselves, but have no riches at God's place. And continued, saying: Don't worry your life, what you should eat or what you should wear. The world beseeches all of this, but your Father in Heaven knows all that you need. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and all this will be given to you. Sell what you have, give alms; collect a treasure for you into the Heaven instead. Where your treasure is, there is your heart. Be alarm and await my return, for you don't know when it will happen. In other words, only things that determine 1) whether you will get to Heaven and 2) the amount of work you have done with God (in effect accumulating that said treasure in Heaven), matters. Anything else is a complete waste of time. This is not a sacrifice I'm making with sad minds. Programming has left me unsatisfied for quite a long time -- already for a few years I have noticed that if I do this at work and then at home, too, I'll burn out, so I had to choose whether to do it at work or at home. I have to rest, too. Naturally I cannot abandon work, so I had to decrease the amount of programming I do for my hobby. Of course, sometimes I get a clever idea I just have to try; it is a fascinating intellectual pursuit, that sometimes produces useful results for the world. Depriving myself of trying out that idea would be painful. Well, I'll see what happens to that angle. Most often though, I only get those ideas as a filler for my time; I'm already _seeking_ for that kind of challenges when I get those ideas. So if I'm voluntarily giving up those "fascinating intellectual pursuits", what am I going to get in return? That's a difficult question. My first thought is, "inexplicable satisfaction that comes from following God's will". I also considered talking about miracles, but that's a moat of fruitless debates so I won't go there. Hmm, I think the end of my post is supposed to be here:
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Baxter wrote:
I don't think dat Kuwaga would say that he isn't sure that you (Bisqwit) exist. If he posts something, he gets a response. He could go and visit you, and directly talk to you, and even touch you. I think that's enough for him to objectively conclude that you exist.
I disagree on the underlined notion, but as I said, I don't wish to go further that road. > I think his point is that the same cannot be said about God. I don't feel like my relationship with God is one-directional at all. qFox: Thanks for your concern.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Oh, you can never know, but you can think you know. If you think you can know, then it's because you believe in something in the first place, but on what basis?
Oh, you seem to be a follower of the "the entire universe might just be an illusion and nothing really exists at all, but you can never know" principle. I'm not willing to go further that path. (I'm sorry if I skipped an intermediate step or two. I'll explain. You're in effect trying to refute subjective experiences. But subjective experiences are all that we have. Our entire perception of the world is just a subjective experience through our senses. By making subjective experiences in general an issue of doubt, you're in effect doubting the existence of the whole universe.)
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Kuwaga wrote:
What is your opinion on all of this? ^^
This. > I know that no human being can ever know if there's something like a god or there isn't. I naturally disagree on this. > I guess that's all very smart of you unless you let yourself be abused by others too much. I suppose you are suggesting that people are abusing me or that I'm letting myself be abused by others? I disagree on that account as well. I'm trying to guess what is it that you mean by abusing -- in what context could it be considered that I'm getting abused? My guess is that you mean that when you are helping people, those people you are helping, are actually abusing you and robbing you from resources, even if completely unintentionally. However, it is my experience that quite contrary to the previous sentence, when you help someone, you feel strengthened and more joyful after the fact than before it. Most teachers can vouch for this in particular: Teaching is the best way to learn; when you manage to induce understanding in someone by something you have spent effort in trying to formulate in an understandable way, you feel greatly rewarded. EDIT: Oh, I seem to have misread your "unless" as "until". Stupid people union! Yes, I suppose I can agree on that. There's the concept of "help vampires", for instance. It is also a real possibility to suffer a burn-out if you answer "yes" to every request.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I see. Well, if what I wrote,
Bisqwit wrote:
But tell me, if you have a backup plan of sorts, in whatever area of life, does having that plan actually mean that you're considering actualizing the plan? No, it just means that you're _prepared_ for it, _if_ it ever becomes necessary to actualize it.
, still does not make sense, I blame it on my bad command of English :)
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Xkeeper wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Xkeeper wrote:
given that he is considering turning off his server lately
I'm not considering that. I just wrote that I want it to be possible for me to do that without inconveniencing lots of people, should it be necessary for whatever purpose.
INSERT INTO `mouth` SET `object` = 'foot';
I have never understood that expression. But tell me, if you have a backup plan of sorts, in whatever area of life, does having that plan actually mean that you're considering actualizing the plan? No, it just means that you're _prepared_ for it, _if_ it ever becomes necessary to actualize it.
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Neophos wrote:
When it comes to the area of supernatural beings, if you claim to have a higher understanding of stuff you yourself claim is ununderstandable, that's arrogant.
It's not like you can't get to know Him, too.
Bablo wrote:
How much does one's ego affect on everyday life?
For most people, the perception of oneself in the eyes of others plays a significant part of their behavior.
Apo123 wrote:
1) How hard is it to install Linux on a machine? I've only ever used Windows (using a Mac in school doesn't count), and I've always been curious as to how difficult it is to install and maintain a second OS. Is it worth it? 2) How's programming for a job? Does it get monotonous with very similar projects, or is there a lot of variety as to the projects you do?
1) Depends what you want to accomplish and how much you are ready to learn new. And it of course depends which Linux distribution you install; some have one-click installers (well, almost) whereas some require you to dive in the specifics before it is even installed. 2) It quite depends on where you work at. Both are possibilities.
qFox wrote:
I obviously don't know what you'll do next since you don't seem to know this yourself, but I'm a little afraid you're throwing your current life away for this "mission".
It is indeed true that I'm throwing away something. Or maybe I'm just putting into a loosely closed box. Point being, I'm not burning bridges behind me. I'm not destroying anything I've created. I'm just hurrying up the process of delegating stuff out. I'm not going to vanish from the Internet (at least not anytime soon) and move into a monastery, or sell everything I have and book the next flight to Amboland. I am, however, shifting some priorities. God has showed me a road he wants me to walk, and he walks with me -- but the road is only lit one step at time. And he knows I'm an "always have a plan b" type person, and not being malicious, he doesn't force me to suddenly jump into the unknown, until I'm ready for such decisions. And I want to follow God's will, and for that purpose, having found that TASVideos is an obstacle that takes away from the time that I could dedicate for learning to know God better, I'm relieving myself from TASVideos.
qFox wrote:
I've been a little disappointed to learn you're so much into your religion.
I realize these words sound like nonsense to you all things considered, but I'm not into religion. I oppose religion. Religion is a curse. Faith is a life. There is an important distinction, which is unfortunately lost on people not having that faith. So as to not sound arrogant again, I'll try to explain the difference. Biblical faith is companionship with God. You are working with God. Not only to God, but _with_ God. God works with you. God works through you. And he shows his love and might to you, and leads you, as long as you're willing to follow.. Religion is following a set of rituals/routine and/or philosophy. For example, do more good than you do evil. Wear a cross necklace. Visit church every Sunday. Meditate and try to reach some awareness. Read Bible twice through. All of these are rituals and/or philosophies. Such things alone are nothing but death. It is a curse because you may think that you're on a good path, but you have never met God, or you have abandoned him in favor of easy-to-follow rituals.
Xkeeper wrote:
given that he is considering turning off his server lately
I'm not considering that. I just wrote that I want it to be possible for me to do that without inconveniencing lots of people, should it be necessary for whatever purpose.
Post subject: Re: Long-term maintenance change plans (people needed)
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arflech wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
The reason I'm doing this is because I feel that God is calling me for some job, and TASVideos responsibility is an obstacle for that job. No joke.
You should be the fourth Blues Brother: <image>
If you want to laugh at my statement, please do so in the Ask Bisqwit thread, but do not derail this thread regarding the future of this site.
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qFox wrote:
Bisqwit do you want to release tasvideo's completely? That's sort of what I'm reading. Or are you going to continue hosting the server but nothing else to it?
As I wrote elsewhere, I will continue to have a server for some time. In the first phase, I'll just want off my back the things that take my time ― namely, development and PR. And because the testing environment for development is my server, which had lots of things I wish to keep private (all my files in fact) and safe, that should be moved too. Nach's idea is splendid, but it doesn't solve the problem of accidentally using pathnames outside the allowed webroot and rendering them to the browser, and the such. If I could get a virtual server working inside the real server, that would solve the problem ― but I have no idea how to redirect HTTP traffic to the virtual server selectively based on the Host HTTP header. (Seeing as how I have multiple hostnames, including and, which all have this same IP.) I have only one public IP address.
Raiscan wrote:
There's also the possibility of making it open source somehow. Making a few lead admins. With source control and publishing rights and whatever. Well, as far as the site goes anyways. The open source community can then decide on their own what they do and do not want. If somebody fucks up, you simply revert.
With open source there's the problem of privileged information. I don't want to disclose things like users' e-mail addresses, or the list of files in my /mnt/photos, to any random developer.
Twelvepack wrote:
I hope this is not a response to the added stress of updating the main page, I don't like it what a hobby gets ruined just because you feel pressed to spend too much time on it.
It's not a response to it. I just wanted to do it before making this announcement, so that you see I've not completely abandoned the site despite the low rate of changes recently ― and because I just got the idea and it seemed easy enough to do (which it was) and I wanted to do it.
Xkeeper wrote:
I would just recommend that one person inherits the whole thing; otherwise, you end up with a lot of split servers, making a lot of potential problems. Having A have the main server and B with the images can cause a pretty nasty problem down the line, for example.
There can indeed be nasty problems if some of the servers are down. However, when the servers are up, APIs between them make things work just nicely. The tracker and site integration has worked this way for a long time already. Though they have been on the same server, they have interfaced as though they were on different servers, through a SOAP API.
Xkeeper wrote:
One of the big problems of TASvideos (from my guesses and peeks into parts of the source) is that it's a mess. Just as an example, to get the Wiki engine this site uses working on another server, I had to severely gut most of the code. Moving the site's actual programming to another server will be a significant challenge, especially if one opts to try to use a typical webhost over their own machine, and even then...
In my opinion, it works just fine. I have juggled it between… umm, four different servers in the past history. (My server, my desktop, my laptop, and my company's server.) Your mileage varies, because you have acquired just a piece of the code that was never intended to work stand-alone. It all does depend on some particular PHP configuration settings though; such as no-magic-quotes, short-open-tag, etc., and some particular extensions, which I listed in the first post. And it requires the specifying of pathnames and database names in a configuration file, but so do most other PHP sites of this scale.
Warp wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Nach wrote:
For the sites we develop at work, all our code is stored in a version control system...
That is an immensely interesting idea. I have never heard of it before
Knowing your usage and expertise of versioning systems, including git, that comment rather surprises me. Clearly I didn't understand something here.
It only surprises you because you misquoted me. It was not "all our code is stored in a VCS" that was immensely interesting to me, but the notion of "the site itself via its admin interface allows telling it to update itself to any particular revision (usually the latest)."