Posts for Boco

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Invoker: I didn't watch your movie, but I read the TXT file. I can beat your time without rerecords. Also, Death Rogumer is the name of the Irregular Hunters' airship and is where you fight Storm Eagleed. It crashes into Spark Mandriller's level, knocking out the power, but the miniboss of Spark Mandriller's level is Thunder Slimer. Wodball: When I watched your run it desynched during the battle with Vava after Zero sacrifices himself (maybe I am using the 1.0 ROM). What I saw up until then looked good but there was room for improvement (a few seconds, tops) in some of your boss and miniboss battles. You did a lot of really nice work, especially on Eagleed's level and the first Sigma stage, though! The route you took is the one I use for 100%.. but is it the fastest for any%? By the way, either my system isn't configured for SNES9x right or SNES9x has a very inaccurate sound emulation. Many sound effects were missing, incomplete, or different in SNES9x compared to a real SFam or to zSNES. any moderator: Can this topic be split into a topic for X2 and a topic for the original X?
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
And I lose a second or so on the last boss due to savestating too late and not being able to hit him twice in one particular jump.
So.. why not play back the movie, savestate just before this, and load before the end of the movie?
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Here's a map of the game.
        |       a*
              |        |     |        |
              |        |     |        |
              |        |     |        |->c
              |        |     |
              |        |     |          c
              |        |     |-30-33-37-38-41->d
              |        |        |
              |        |        |
              |        |        |->e
              |        |
              |        |  *
              |        |-40-35!
              |     *          f*
              |     |
              |     | g
              |     |-52-55!
              |    b      * h
                       |  |
                       |  |
                       |  |-29-34-35!
                       | d     e*
Letters put you in the appropriate field. Asterisks (*) are boss fields. Bangs (!) are ending fields. And the fields that aren't on the map that I know how to access (like 28) have time requirements, not exit requirements. Remember that you can use the lure in interesting ways by shifting your weight and reeling it in or out at key moments. It's possible, for example, to "rocket jump" by grappling the ground and running, then turning and jumping at the correct frame to allow the elasticity to shoot you horizontally across the level.
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You should play it a bit to get a feel for it.. Basically, the colored balls advance long the track at an increasing rate (which is divided by the number of balls, so it may seem to be a constant rate until you start destroying large groups of them), you have a main and secondary ball in your cannon (left click fires the main, right click switches them, when you fire a ball the secondary becomes main and a new secondary is randomly generated based on what colors exist on the track).. you get points for clearing a track uder a certain time, for destroying multiple balls, for making chain reactions, for grabbing coins, for shooting through gaps in the track, and for comboing (destroying balls on every shot for a while). Two balls of the same color separated by empty space attract like magnets. Remember that bals already stuck together stay stuck together and the speed of the balls is inversely proportional to how amny are there, so if you have a group fo 30 and a group of 2 that are attracting, the group of 2 will shoot back rather quickly and the group of 30 will barely move forward. Balls not connected to the group that's advancing from offscreen are at rest. If a ball touches the end of the track, the level is over. There can be multiple tracks with mutliple exits, tracks can overlap, tracks can have inaccessable areas, etc. What would be extra nice about a free version is that you could make custom levels.
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Zuma is vaguely similar to Puzzle Bobble but it's played on a track rather than a field.
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For individual level runs, all you need to do is make a savestate. The game records play for you.
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Kill the tadpole by forcing him off the bottom of the screen. The easiest way is to alternately hang over the edge of a platform and swing around underneath.
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Post subject: Re: Give me recommondations
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Umihara Kawase, FF3, Rockman series, Rockman X series, etc.
Bob Whoops wrote:
Also, you can give me recommondations for games or scripts to make.
A battle engine for the FFRPG would be nice (graphical or text-based.. and if graphical, with a text-based log - primarily for playtesting and balancing rather than actual play use, so keep the equations for each skill and the like easily-editable). So would a character creation and monster creation utility, though those already exist as Excell spreadsheets.
Bob Whoops wrote:
My current idea is to remake the LoZ with LttP graphics.
It's been done. It's called BS Zelda. EDIT: Also, a free Zooma would be great.
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Invoker wrote:
Right now, I'm sick and tired of looking at Mega Man and all cronies that try to stop him ;p
Megaman's not even in the game. Rock isn't X.
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Her fanfiction is blatantly anti-canon (living machines? WTF?) but I generally have no problem with fanfiction that doesn't claim to be canon (Erico's fanfiction, however...). She even has a separate page for her fanfiction, so it doesn't get mixed in with canon. ..but her comments on plot, characters, and other things within the section of the site devoted to canon works shows a decided lacking. For one, she considers Captain N as canon. I don't think I need to say anything more, unless you want specific examples of her being completely and entirely wrong.
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A disclaimer for the MMHP.. Mandi's gameplay information may be useful (I usually do not find it so) but her plot information is often flawed and should never be trusted as canon. A far better resource for the plot-end of things is the Megaman Network (formerly Mega.Man.X.Online and Megaman Outpost), even though Reeve is also occasionally completely wrong, and for gameplay or news information, Planet Megaman (which also has staffers that actually do know what they're talking about). Of course the best resources - Rockmanfreak and Rockman's Bible - require knowledge of Japanese.
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Ura Zelda was ported (as Master Quest) primarily because of a call-in campaign. So Ninty has done this in the past.
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You seem to be overestimating those times a bit. I'd be interested in running the first two SoulBlazer games. If I ever get the time to...
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feitclub wrote:
I'm sure Boco will tell me what all these balls are called but I don't know what they are.
"Bonus Ball". Wily scattered them for some reason. It's some kind of jewel, but I don't think it actually has a purpose or that its purpose was explained.
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MikeBastard wrote:
How far away is this improved version of Zelda 2?
Forever from now. But next week I lose my excuse to not work on it. So it's more likely only a few weeks away and I'll probably finish before the end of the month (assuming I don't try to see if the fall-through-ceiling glitch is useful anywhere).
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Bob Whoops wrote:
What? I love midi files! They're so small.
That's because they don't store instrument information. A far better solution is .IT or .S3M or if you're doing game music, .NSF or .SPC or &c.
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You can avoid all battles and win by kuck until you get her, then use her to level to where you need to be. (I didn't know levels were required at all...)
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Blechy wrote:
(though I didn't play FF3j-not sure what the difference in skill system is between the two)
Imagine that, instead of the system in FF5, you automatically had all jobs Mastered, and all the abilities (action and otherwise) from that job were automatically equipped when you are that job, but you can't equip any abilities from any other jobs. Now, even though you can use all those skills, you suck at them - even attacking. But the longer you stay in the job, the better at it you get, and your success rate for those skills improves. When you try to change jobs, however, you have a problem - every job has a table of costs for other jobs (similar jobs have low costs) and you have to spend soething called CP to change. (you get about 3 CP per random battle, but it's shared between ALL party members and you can hold only a maximum of 255.. and since job changes cost 20~40, that means you can only change jobs about 8 times before needing to fight 90-someodd battles to recharge) ..but the more skill you have in a job, the less it costs to change to that job (the cost goes down one CP for every level of the job you have.. and jobs level about twice as fast as your character does). It's more similar to the system in FF11 than that in 5, T, or TA.
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If you're a fan of role-playing games, and live in the US, please, PLEASE take 5 minutes out of your week (next week, from the 16th to the 23rd) to remind Nintendo that this side of the pond also deserves to play Mother.
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Michael Fried wrote:
The fastest button pressers I've heard of can go at 10-15 times per second, but even at 15, which is insanely fast, it's still pretty far away from 30.
Takahashi-meijin (better known to English-speakers as Master Higgins) became famous not only because of his superb gaming skill but his ability to consistently clock 16-presses-per-second.
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The only thing I know about blood type has to do with its influence on diet, hormonal levels, and personality development. And that has nothing to do with +/-.
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krieg747 wrote:
why should 100% completion be necessary if youre going for speed?
It shouldn't. That's why both 100% and minimalist runs should be done.
krieg747 wrote:
i think in addition to pure speed, no damage taken should aldo be a part of it. i cant think of an area where you could/should take damage to save time, unless you were in one of the armored carriers so MEGA MAN didnt take damage. but still, if you did something like that, is that considered damage?
1. A significant amount of time can be saved by taking damage at strategic points. Specifically in Wheel Alligates' level right after you lose the Rabbit. 2. Rock doesn't appear in this game in any way. The main character is X. They are NOT the same.
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I absolutely totally reccomend Umihara Kawase. You don't even need rerecord to make a rerecorded video because it automatically records play. If Illusion of Gaia, then wy not the whole series? SoulBlazer, IoG, and Terranigma. If Legend fo the Mystical Ninja, why not the whole series? Ganbare! Goemon 1-4. Kendo Rage is also fun. I don't know how well of an attack one could make on Ogre Battle...
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Locke wrote:
omg none of the double dragon games are up there :(
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun series >> Double Dragon series
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