Posts for Clumsydoomer

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Hello, glad to see the interest. I'm preparing them for submission right now but there's a couple of questionable moments 1. End of E1M8. This entire movie tetralogy was meant to be a proof of concept, and it ended up proving that it's not possible to finish the game without taking damage. You're obligated to have 20%> health in order to finish E1M8, so the only way to make it fall under the "no damage" category is to use a mod that removes all health pickups and sets player's HP to 1. 2. Getting damage with an invulnerability powerup. Technically it's still damage, but the player doesn't lose health. All damage effects, such as momentum, still affect the player, and i used an enemy attack to increase my speed one time. What do you think about it? 3. Is it worth it after all? It's the first movie in the category, merely a proof of concept.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
What to dump a video with PrBoom+ I read usage.txt in the folder with prboom-plus, downloaded all the required encoding tools, entered -timedemo and -viddump parameters like example says. As a result, demo plays very fast and I can't find any new videofiles anywhere in my PC. What's wrong?
What does stdout.txt and stderr.txt say? Also, it might happen because viddump requires older versions of some programs, here's what I'm using
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
What are the chances of us seeing an Evilution run? I am something of an outlier in that I prefer that to Plutonia.
100%, I guess. I can submit Vita's run (19:44 IGT), he's ok with that.
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pkasting wrote:
Various maps here are slower than : MAP07 MAP17 MAP21 The latter two of these are only slower by 0.03. It would be nice if the submission comments talked about why these were slower. (Then again, it would be nice if the submission comments talked about why IGT was prioritized over real time.)
MAP07 - that rocketboost in the end is not present here. I reserved some HP for the double rocket jump trick on map09. MAP17 - one less rocketboost here as well, but there's one more on map16. MAP21 - I was unable to manipulate RNG in the end of map20, since I couldn't shoot (edit: it only made things worse anyway, dudes started to shoot me and thus slow me down, and it didn't affect map21) and/or change my movement trajectory. That saved a whole second of IGT (which is traditionally more prioritized in Doom speedrunning community) on map20 and only costs a frame on map21. Quoting one of the posts from the previous submission thread: "By convention, pretty much no one has ever cared about real time in the 20-year history of Doom speedrunning (including 15 years of TASing), and viewers/other players generally appreciate being able to see the individual level times and scores." I don't know if it makes sense here, though. Lol
Aktan wrote:
I was going to update the your older run with the correct music, but if this one gets accepted, maybe I shouldn't?
That would still be nice, I think. That music fail makes it look a bit unprofessional
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Dimon12321 wrote:
2 months... for saving 1.77 secs (9,97 vs 11,74 in the previous submission)! You're a real perfectionist, man!
Just like everyone should be?.. I didn't have any motivation to do the later levels after that, though, so they're not that good.
scrimpeh wrote:
Sweet, a Doom improvement. What an incredible movie. These archvile jumps are nuts. Yes vote, obviously.
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Radiant wrote:
The question is, is it high quality? How's the level design?
Well, those maps actually push Doom engine to its limits. Higher detailing may cause crashes (actually some of ksutra's maps can crash Doom).
Radiant wrote:
Does it do anything the base game doesn't?
No, because it can't and doesn't need to. The only point of most of Doom wads is maps. Everything else usually goes to mods without maps (90% of those mods are not compatible with original Doom due to it being hardcoded)
Radiant wrote:
How does it stand out, other than from having a naked chick in the last level?
Actually it has awesome maps - they're funny, speedrun-friendly and not boring. You have to be talented to make 32 awesome maps without breaking Doom's limits.
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Maybe it's not worth mentioning, but and when you go to page 2, it says I checked other forum sections with small amounts of threads and this didn't occur.
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KennyMan666 wrote:
What was up with that?
They were not awoken. I'll explain the mechanism: These barrels near the teleporters were put there in order to awake cyberdemons - when player shoots / punches them / etc, cyberdemons hear that and start walking around somewhere outside the map. When a certain linedef is crossed, they will be released and get teleported to that area. But if you shoot BEFORE teleporting to that room with barrels (BFG shoots slowly enough), cyberdemons will not hear that and won't be able to teleport until you awake them. EDIT:
KennyMan666 wrote:
and I never thought I'd see "Uses death to save time" in a Doom run.
Actually there are many of them (outside TASVideos), including that Plutonia run I submitted.
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Should I? I thought my role was unimportant. I just edited a bunch of tics, so I refused when Akse asked me if I want to be listed as a co-author.
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15:30 - total time with wipe screens (irrelevant) 14:06 - total time w/o wipe screens (frame count divided by FPS count) 12:41 - in-game time
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Nope. You have to rename Doom tracks and put them in wad. This is the list: D_E1M2 -> D_RUNNIN D_E1M3 -> D_STALKS D_E1M6 -> D_COUNTD D_E1M4 -> D_BETWEE D_E1M9 -> D_DOOM D_E1M8 -> D_THE_DA D_E2M1 -> D_SHAWN D_E2M2 -> D_DDTBLU D_E3M3 -> D_IN_CIT D_E3M5 -> D_DEAD D_BUNNY -> D_STLKS2 D_E3M8 -> D_THEDA2 D_E3M2 -> D_DOOM2 D_E2M8 -> D_DDTBL2 D_E3M7 -> D_RUNNI2 D_E3M1 -> D_DEAD2 D_E1M1 -> D_STLKS3 D_E1M7 -> D_ROMERO D_E1M5-> D_SHAWN2 D_READ_M -> D_COUNT2 D_E2M1 -> D_ROMER2 D_E2M2 -> D_TENSE D_E1M1 -> D_SHAWN3 D_VICTOR -> D_OPENIN Other tracks don't need to be replaced
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This encode uses Doom 2 music.
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Wait, why did you use Doom 2 music? It's possible to get the correct tracks from Doom and Doom 2 packs and put them in the right order. For example: MAP01 = D_E1M2 from Doom 1 MAP02 = D_E1M3 from Doom 1 MAP03 = D_E1M6 from Doom 1 MAP04 = D_E1M4 from Doom 1 MAP05 = D_E1M9 from Doom 1 MAP06 = D_E1M8 from Doom 1 MAP07 = D_E2M1 from Doom 1 etc. I can make the whole music pack myself if you give me Doom 1 and Doom 2 SC-55 music packs. That won't take long.
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Doom speedrunners don't care about saving bits of a second because intermission screen time is more important for us. Local rules are different and we aren't used to them yet. Yes, 2 shots seem to be faster because it takes more time to wait for the BFG traces to deal damage than to fire another shot. I'll ask Akse if it's worth fixing.
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You don't need to launch them. Just put them in your prboom+ directory and try to use -viddump.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
How to do the video capture in PrBoom+? If I do everything like usage.txt says (write -timedemo demoname -viddump filename in the target line), the program just fast forwards my playback and shows the results at the end. I can't find the video anywhere.
You also need to download oggenc, x264 and mkvmerge. From usage.txt: oggenc2 x264 mkvmerge
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Yes, this movie is okay.
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Wow, does publication really take so much time? Maybe I could help or something?
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I really loved that zigzagging. Nice TAS.
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No, that music addon was a community project started by James Paddock at I made only 3 of these tracks. There is a full description.
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YushiroGowa wrote:
Nope, in PrBoom it didn't do anything at all. I must not have set it in the .cfg file or something.
Do you use PrBoom or PrBoom-Plus? Those are two different ports with different functions.
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"Heavy takes damage to save time abuse" OMG! How did you do it? How is Heavy now?
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1. It can be calculated easily because vanilla Doom's tickrate and framerate is 35. So, one frame is 1/35 (~0.028) of a second. There are some timing tools, but they all work in the same way as PrBoom-Plus (they never work on intermission screens though). 2. No, it's not really different. There are three ways to make a Doom TAS: a). Just record it in a sourceport with simple tools, such as slowmotion, auto SR50 and rerecording. Pretty dirty and obsolete way. b). Record a chunk of a run with those tools, "polish" it with a frame-by-frame building tool and keep recording in a sourceport. I did my run this way. c). Completely build it with a frame-by-frame building tool. Runs made this way may look terrible because of sharp turns, but it's harder to beat them. Majority of modern Doom speed demos were made this way. EDIT: I forgot to mention the levelstat function in PrBoom-Plus. It can instantly generate all statistics just by examining the demo for a few seconds. Here is what it generated: MAP01 - 0:06.63 ( 0:06) K: 0/46 I: 0/0 S: 0/1 MAP02 - 0:42.97 ( 0:48) K: 6/54 I: 0/28 S: 0/0 MAP03 - 0:37.97 ( 1:25) K: 7/52 I: 0/11 S: 0/1 MAP04 - 0:33.77 ( 1:58) K: 13/64 I: 0/30 S: 0/4 MAP05 - 0:19.97 ( 2:17) K: 8/70 I: 8/23 S: 0/1 MAP06 - 0:40.97 ( 2:57) K: 7/60 I: 1/4 S: 1/6 MAP07 - 0:14.80 ( 3:11) K: 9/34 I: 0/1 S: 0/1 MAP08 - 0:12.94 ( 3:23) K: 2/85 I: 0/48 S: 0/1 MAP09 - 0:31.97 ( 3:54) K: 14/168 I: 2/4 S: 1/2 MAP10 - 0:17.54 ( 4:11) K: 5/91 I: 0/2 S: 0/3 MAP11 - 0:43.63 ( 4:54) K: 0/18 I: 8/16 S: 0/1 MAP12 - 0:06.94 ( 5:00) K: 5/93 I: 1/25 S: 0/2 MAP13 - 0:11.94 ( 5:11) K: 3/65 I: 0/2 S: 0/1 MAP14 - 0:14.94 ( 5:25) K: 10/54 I: 0/2 S: 0/3 MAP15 - 0:18.97 ( 5:43) K: 11/108 I: 4/51 S: 0/19 MAP16 - 0:18.91 ( 6:01) K: 7/109 I: 0/11 S: 0/0 MAP17 - 0:05.63 ( 6:06) K: 1/73 I: 0/70 S: 0/2 MAP18 - 0:05.97 ( 6:11) K: 0/96 I: 0/17 S: 0/1 MAP19 - 0:11.91 ( 6:22) K: 3/116 I: 0/2 S: 0/1 MAP20 - 0:35.97 ( 6:57) K: 11/84 I: 1/16 S: 0/2 MAP21 - 0:02.91 ( 6:59) K: 1/85 I: 0/3 S: 0/0 MAP22 - 0:41.97 ( 7:40) K: 29/139 I: 1/64 S: 0/4 MAP23 - 0:59.74 ( 8:39) K: 40/196 I: 7/96 S: 0/5 MAP24 - 0:11.74 ( 8:50) K: 1/66 I: 9/15 S: 1/7 MAP25 - 0:10.97 ( 9:00) K: 1/108 I: 3/60 S: 0/1 MAP26 - 0:38.69 ( 9:38) K: 8/159 I: 1/1 S: 0/4 MAP27 - 0:41.97 (10:19) K: 10/79 I: 2/16 S: 0/3 MAP28 - 1:11.97 (11:30) K: 17/179 I: 1/34 S: 0/4 MAP29 - 0:57.66 (12:27) K: 4/157 I: 0/3 S: 0/2 MAP30 - 0:14.91 (12:41) K: 3/19 I: 1/8 S: 0/0 I used these commands: prboom-plus.exe -iwad plutonia -warp 31 -playdemo 30pl1241 -levelstat -warp 31 isn't required, but it makes the process instant. Otherwise it will play the whole demo.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
How much time did you spend on making this? Yes vote, btw!
To be honest, this run itself took about a month to make. An idea about it came to me in 2013, but I couldn't fully embody it until now because of laziness... I had a heap of free time and burst of inspiration because I've finally mastered the smooth movement art, so this run didn't take much time to make.
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In UV-max runs (100% completion) they are required, but in UV-Speed (fastest completion) they usually are just a waste of time. But there are many different opinions about it...