Posts for Dada

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Merry Christmas to you all, or happy Hanukkah or Kwanzaa in case you're celebrating that!
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The keyboard. I've done all my emulated speedruns with a keyboard, even though I have a PS2 controller adapter. To me, there is no alternative.
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I ran Bubble Man (easy difficulty) in 01:44 and added it to the tables. This obsoletes Bablo's old run by three seconds. Still, one more second could be squeezed out... maybe.
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Pegasys DVD author 1.6. I'm looking for a better solution if someone can provide it.
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Bablo's Wood Man in 02:01 added. Nice run, looks much better than your Crash Man run. And Bablo's Crash Man in 02:01. This is a bizarrely good run, better than anything I've ever done. Maybe one second can be scraped off, but I'm not gonna be the one to do it!
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There are serveral reasons why zipping is not allowed. The first and foremost is the fact that zipping is very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to perform as human player. For that reason alone, there's hardly any speedrunner who is able to do it consistently. Allowing it would delay the progress and quality of this run by a lot due to the inconsistent and bad use of this glitch. Another reason is that this is what the established speedrun on SDA by Ureta uses. We do want to be able to compare it to that, not to make Ureta's work look bad (or, in other words, make ours look good) but simply so we can see how the quality of our run translates into actual time, which I'm sure is important to a lot of people who would participate. In other news, I just added Bablo's Crash Man in 02:08 to the tables.
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That run isn't bad, but it can be improved by a lot, especially since you get hit a lot in the end. Also, please name your files a little more comprehensible than the name of the ROM. (E.g. easy_bubbleman_guybrush.fcm). I'll add this run to the tables later when you upload an improved version tomorrow.
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I've updated the first post (with somehow non-working HTML at the moment, which will be fixed later). Since I believe it would be best to have the speedrun be comparable with Ureta's run (and to provide maximum competition possibilities), the Bubble Man zipping glitch should not be used, as well as any zipping glitch. A more useful way to get past the robot dogs in Wood Man's level is by simply using Time Stopper.
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Bisqwit wrote:
1) I refuse to publish a movie and state that its author is "megaman". Choose another nickname.
Personally, I believe that forum usernames are a very low-defining and rudimentary type of data (or metadata). They are much less important than full names and are not eligible for quality moderation. In short, I think that as long as the author's full name is provided, it doesn't matter what his Internet handle is, which should simply be thrown into the information repository with full respect to its letter case. (Although I do understand your concern, since a name like that can be pretty confusing and even misleading, and generally isn't of much use in communities.)
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No, this order is the optimal route for players not abusing the zipping glitch. It's made so that you can most appropriately obtain and use the weapons.
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Since this is a segmented speedrun which aims to make a normally consistent playthrough, we'll use Ureta's order as it has been proven to be the fastest route for human players (unless someone has cool route ideas!) That means you'll only have the weapons that are available to Ureta as well when he plays the stages. In case you haven't watched his speedrun, the order is:
  1. Air Man
  2. Quick Man
  3. Flash Man
  4. Metal Man
  5. Bubble Man
  6. Heat Man
  7. Crash Man
  8. Wood Man
  9. Wily stages
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The Mega Man 2 segmented speedrun project aims for the creation of fastest completion movies for all segments of Mega Man 2 in easy difficulty and hard difficulty. It's accessible for everybody to participate in. There are two branches: easy difficulty and hard difficulty (not "normal" and "difficult" in order to more easily discern the two). The easy difficulty runs should be made with the US version of the ROM, while the hard difficulty versions should be made with the JP version of the ROM; this makes it easier to keep track of which run belongs to which branch. Note: bold denotes an acceptable time for the final version; others still require improvement. Easy difficulty:
  • Air Man: 01:55 - Omega
  • Quick Man: 01:44 - Omega
  • Flash Man: 01:28 - Bablo
  • Metal Man: 01:27 - Bablo
  • Bubble Man: 01:43 - Bablo
  • Heat Man: 01:50 - Omega
  • Crash Man: 02:04 - Bablo
  • Wood Man: 01:58 - Bablo
  • Wily Stage 1: 02:05 - Omega
  • Wily Stage 2: 01:48 - Omega
  • Wily Stage 3: 01:06 - Omega
  • Wily Stage 4: --:--
  • Wily Stage 5: --:--
  • Wily Stage 6: --:--
  • Full completion: --:--
Hard difficulty:
  • Air Man: 02:01 - Bablo
  • Quick Man: 01:59 - Omega
  • Flash Man: 01:39 - Graveworm
  • Metal Man: 01:29 - Bablo
  • Bubble Man: --:--
  • Heat Man: --:--
  • Crash Man: 02:01 - Bablo
  • Wood Man: 02:02 - Bablo
  • Wily Stage 1: --:--
  • Wily Stage 2: --:--
  • Wily Stage 3: --:--
  • Wily Stage 4: --:--
  • Wily Stage 5: --:--
  • Wily Stage 6: --:--
  • Full completion: --:--
Note that this speedrun aims to be comparable to Richard Ureta's 30:39 run hosted on Speed Demos Archive. As such, it's not allowed to use zipping, such as the shortcut in Bubble Man's level (although this is up for debate, I suggest that this particular trick is not used). Using the up+down trick is also not allowed, but all other techniques are (such as resetting your falling speed with the Start button, which Ureta does as well while still having made a legitimate run). Please send submissions to me via e-mail (omega at avalanchestudios dot net) or PM, whichever you prefer. IRC is acceptable, too. Have fun, and happy running!
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Phil wrote:
Omega: You don't seem to understand either.
Yes, I do. One version of the game contains bugs, and another doesn't. The version that contains bugs may be deemed less fun to speedrun due to less impressive gameplay possibilities, or because the bugs are too confusing.
Phil wrote:
One that contain some stupid known bugs or one that doesn't.
Bugs which you deem stupid; but other people don't. That's the reason why I felt that I had to tell you that you shouldn't discount that possibility. There's actually a discussion going on in the Final Fantasy III topic about whether Locke's scenario should be skipped entirely due to a new glitch found that lets you walk through NPCs. You may think that's stupid as well, (and I personally would much rather see that part of the game done, too), but it's very personal what people think of it.
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Phil wrote:
So, you are that kind of man that are trying to make me guilty because I think it's better when bugs are fixed? rofl
No need to be so rude. All he said was that if bugs like that exist, they're best off being used. In most cases, they are, and most speedruns on this site adhere to that way of thinking. But he wasn't trying to make you feel guilty about it.
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Has anyone found a way from Bubble Man's level into the fake Wily 4 level already? I once saw a screenshot of Mega Man in Wily 4 using the Bubble Man stage graphics, but never saw a video of this being done (it was a photo of a TV, actually, so it was most likely performed on the actual console, too).
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Looks like a really neat game! I'll try it out soon.
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I don't think that this is a great idea, but I've personally felt that it should be possible to also make runs that purposely ignore certain glitches (such as the zipping glitches in the Mega Man games) because I think that they can be very interesting, too. I loved Morimoto's Mega Man 2 which didn't use the zipping glitches, for example, and think that it's too bad there's no AVI of it being hosted anymore.
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The Teezy wrote:
Why not just record from the start until you get out of Midgar.
Because that's not a full speedrun, and not exactly segment length, either.
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Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands - Nintendo DS emulator in progress. There are no emulators that can actually be of any use yet, though.
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Alas, this is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm not going to let this topic turn into a Metroid2002 spam party, and will lock it if these sort of things continue. TRH, I think that an apology for insulting Graveworm and a mature discussion attitude would be in place.
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This is totally and wholly unacceptable. So Metroid2002, those who are somehow unable to accept that there are, in fact, people who don't adhere to their dogmatic ideas, now wants us to change what we call our runs simply so it's more politically correct to them? Who do you think you are? Let me address the problem of your proposal in three points: First off, this community makes runs for entertainment and competitiveness, as is stated on the main site time and again in big bold letters. However, tool-assistance has been around for much longer. It originally started in the Doom speedrun community, which actually coined the term; it's been around ever since, but wasn't very popular in the Quake scene. It only recently started becoming popular again due to the release of modified emulators made by the initial founders of this community. Now, my point here is: why are we, the tool-assisted speedrun community as it is today, so unwanted by the unassisted runners, even though there was no hostility 10 years ago when people were doing the exact same thing? Secondly, has there ever been any hostility towards the unassisted community from our side? Have we ever DDoS'ed your sites, spammed your forums and chatrooms, or tried to ruin your community's name on other communities? But msot of all: have we ever complained to you that you need to adhere to us? No--that never happens, because apparently, we're the bad guys. This is a classic example of that way of thinking! And lastly, let me ask you this: aren't you at fault here? We put in big bold font that we make tool-assisted runs; not to be confused with unassisted runs at all. It's on the main page, it's in the FAQ on serveral pages, it's even in movie descriptions every now and then. We constantly show that we're not the same community; we even have a warning notification that says so in every single movie on this site! Now you tell me why we should begin to do even more to please those that will, for one, never be pleased (does giving these runs a different name mean they'll be welcomed with open arms at your forum right now?), while hurting our own community by giving an inaccurate and arguably very honorless (dare I say embarrassing?) name. I thank you for making a polite post about this, and apparently even asking Bisqwit for approval, but this is a plain ridiculous proposal. It's very undesirable for us personally, and won't ever have the desired effect to begin with. If we ever want to achieve a friendly speedrun community, then it's the unassisted community that should become more open to our ideas; not the other way around.
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I haven't worked on this yet because I haven't had any good ideas for it yet. I want to do something for the site, but I don't want to make it image-intensive. But what the future holds, no-one knows!
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Hmm... that site links to an illegal crack for Camtasia Studio. I never played any of the Windows games intensively myself. :)
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Since the forum for accepted movies is simply called "Published movies", why be concrete? Just name it "Rejected submissions".
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This is totally unacceptable. You seem to be oblivious to what this site is about. Please read the Why And How page.