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I'm all for it, guys. I can't help since I've not played this game longer than a little while, but I'd still like to see a run of it because of how neat the game itself is.
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FODA wrote:
I like the idea of the "fastest game completion database"
Yeah, and I also can't help but think about how these games deserve to be captured in a movie on which effort was spent, seen as how they're great games, but neglected in today's world of gaming. Who knows--maybe they'll be completely forgotten to have ever existed by the mainstream someday, so let's try not to let that happen.
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Besides enjoyment, there are some possible uses for these movies. Whether or not these uses have actually been realized, it's clear that the potential of them lie beyond just entertainment. Such things as:
  • Archiving: the fastest completion time, as well as the strategy and tactics required to reach it, and the aesthetics of the game are maintained in these movies;
  • Base for derivatives: we've got a lot of material on this site, more than enough to create impressive showreels of the best work that we've done (although it's too bad nobody has done so yet). Other examples are given, such as visuals in dance clubs, or clips in movies, possibly for commercial ends;
  • Live walkthrough/demonstration: although many movies deviate from normal gameplay in a sense that they fail to have this possibility, it's possible to use them as reference, which is usually easier than reading a text explanation.
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But it's 04:59.56668, not 05:00. :( Oh, if only there were a few more frames to spare. Still, this is neat.
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There's no need to triple post. You should edit your post if you have anything to add to it. That's what the edit button is for.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Oh my gosh
This quote amazed me:
GameFAQs user wrote:
I saw him walk right through a wall in the SMB3 movie. When I tried to do the same, It didn't work.
Also, "time attack" will always be an informal name, even though I just think that it's placed in the wrong context. I still think it's best off being used to describe time trials in games such as Gran Turismo, even though they're nearly impossible to find on-line. I've actually only found three time trial videos so far. My personal preference goes out to officially calling them "tool-assisted speedruns", and informally calling them "superplays". Both "superplay" and "speedrun" are very general terms, so we might as well COIN one of the two for our personal use, since there's not really anything "claiming" that name at the moment.
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The main obstacle here seems to be personal preference. Still, I cannot see how someone can find "slowdown/savestate run" an attractive name. It's as if you're trying to explain the phenomenon to a hardcore speedrunner who might be totally opposed to it--as if the hasty apologies for desecrating speedruns are already being made in the name itself. However:
Speedruns exist to demonstrate players thinking on their feet, controlling their nerves while playing in one sitting, and trying recover from mistakes as they play on to finish the game. This does not pretain to our movies, so your statement is false. In addition, calling yourselves speedrunners is something pure speedrunners might find insulting. But this is for another endless forum topic we could make.
I don't see it this way. My statement is correct in the way that both speedrunner and superplayer set out to perform a certain goal in a game in a time as fast as possible. We do so and produce highly entertaining movies. The fact that you're removing difficulty doesn't change the upper motive behind this. There's not near enough reason to put superplays in a whole different category than speedruns. I am a speedrunner myself and have completed various runs, and am actively working on a 100% nightmare run on Quake right now, and I see it this way. Even if I didn't, what should that matter? This is supposed to help describe our movies, and not keep die-hard speedrunners happy because they cannot accept that superplays exist. This is one extremely important thing which I think everybody should consider. Lastly:
Words like This, Topic, Is and Pointless are examples of easy words to read.
Then please leave this topic. This is for those who want to contribute to the topic. Not for people who want to tell others they're wasting their time. We don't see it this way.
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Deviance wrote:
One side argues that the term used must be a descriptive. Savestate/Slowdown Run is even more descriptive than tool-assisted speedrun, and it is exactly the same number of letters long.
Since when is "save state/slowdown run" more descriptive than "tool-assisted speedrun"? This is plain simply redundant and lacking.
  • It fails to recognize the actual tools that were used to create these movies;
Yet, it eagerly makes the reader aware of the fact they use save states and slowdowns--this is one step further than being an informative name.
  • This is an attempt to attach an explanation to a name due to its controversy, something which is redundant;
  • The name itself is awful to pronounce or think out loud.
The reason why the term "tool-assisted speedrun" is so proper is because of various reasons:
  • It acknowledges that "tools" were used by means of definition rather than description;
  • The term "tool" applies to the emulator; and the emulator describes techniques, such as save states and slowdown, which can be further divided into luck manipulation or other such possibilities;
  • We are speedrunners. The difference is that we are being "assisted". Speedruns exist for serveral purposes, all which pertain to our movies as well;
  • Unlike your term, "tool-assisted speedrun" is very easy to read, and doesn't have a slash, which breeds only annoyance for both sender and receiver of the term.
When making a name, we need to be informative in the sense that the name is capable of speaking for itself--whether with or without additional information. "Tool-assisted speedrun" is technically the best solution that I've heard so far, and I don't see why it's such a difficult name to accept, seen as how it's really not that bad of a name.
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There's a difference between making a casual joke and making an intend to lash out at someone who is trying to maintain a completely serious discussion.
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Yeah, like samurai goroh said, it's been addressed. It saves two encounters, too.
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There are about a million different names that can be made up for this phenomenon. My suggestion is to put public benefit into consideration. The name should not be vague or subjective -- afterall, not everybody may consider a certain run a "dream run" or an "ideal run". Being specific and descriptive is the best way to go, and the only title that conforms to this profile is "tool-assisted speedrun".
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NES Front Line. :)
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An improvement of a second, but the AVI is one MB larger. :p Nice work, guys. EDIT: hey, wait a minute. I just realized this submission is from 2004.
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What we need is official video game movie specifications endorsed by both Bisqwit and Radix. Making a sort of standard with the aim for clarity would remove a lot of confusion and frustration. The only problems:
  • Who would make them?
  • Would everybody agree with it?
  • How much effort would it take to create?
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According to AnotherGamer, losing is faster than winning because if you win, the result will be the same except you'll be given a long cut-scene as well.
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I should add that it'd also be extremely interesting to see a Metal Gear Solid superplay with the "walk through walls" cheat. It's possible to mess up the game pretty badly with it and take huge shortcuts that way, similar to Bisqwit's Rockman v4.
Post subject: Re: New AVI
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Bisqwit wrote:
Edit: Indeed, yet another codec. Audio codec used was (F)AAC. Can anyone report on how to get it working in Windows?
I'm torrenting it now to see which codecs are compatible with AAC (which is a pretty nice audio codec).
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I'm about 182 cm tall. The metric system is where it's at!
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Aqfaq wrote:
Yeah, that's a very interesting theory. Derivative theories also directly apply to many everyday occurrences, such as voting or trading shares. They are mainly based on the effect of human incompetence to alter a given situation. It's psychology versus sociology. Psychology wins. :)
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AngerFist wrote:
Any site I can download cool old commercials?
Yeah, there are a lot on I was able to find a Heinz commercial from 1960 on it, which contained an old woman beating up everybody in a restaurant slapstick-style because she was given a dull, soggy pickly instead of a Heinz pickle (the proud pickle).
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Michael Fried wrote:
So who's gonna remove the paragraph from the wikipedia article? We can't let it stay there.
The database is in read-only mode right now, so I can't do it yet. I'll edit it tomorrow to show that the claim is bogus. I'll leave the original "solution" in place for historical value, though. I'll link to the site as well. :)
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Viewer wrote:
So, is this a hoax?
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Those fights are normal encounters, and they're not that difficult to win. But maybe Boco manipulated luck to not have them, too? EDIT: just saw the new WIP. I like how you learnt Lv. 5 death. Everything worked exactly the way you planned it. :)
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FODA wrote:
yea, enter the pipe while getting killed by a cheep-cheep and 2 bloopers when the timer reaches zero.
That reminds me of some "rumor" I once read about Final Fantasy IX -- apparently, talking to 2 million people in Lindblum will trigger a special cut-scene in which Cinna falls off the construction site and dies. I believe it also involved fighting the fat man from the auction house as ultimate boss. They're all made up by two fine fellows named Stetson and Harrison.