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Apart from in Flash Man's stage (and the exact same scene in Heat Man's stage), there are also a few occasions in Bubble Man's stage where this could apply, and maybe some in Wily 4. Plus a few occasions scattered throughout the game. But those would be my best guesses. Like you said, this only works if there's a non-default weapon selected, if the refill only fills up one stripe (the small refill gives you two stripes, right?), and if it's possible to manipulate. Not much chance of those three conditions being true in those occasions, but if there's one possibility, then it would be a cool trick to do.
Post subject: Might have found a new way to save time...
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Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands This is from a speedrun on the Flash Man segment (not the one which ended up being in my full Rockman 2 speedrun, because I switched to the Japanese hard difficulty after a while). It's played with the (U) version of the ROM at easy difficulty. I get hit by the robot, but immediately regain control after my Air Shooter refill animation ends. I'm not sure how much faster this was than if I had just let myself get hit, but I'm pretty sure that it will be faster if the player is only missing one stripe of ammo. I got this completely by accident, and don't have the movie file anymore. I encoded it when it happened because I found it a dubious occurrence.
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We could also just use for hosting. They've got fast servers, and there's no catch. Seems perfect.
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Thanks, Bisqwit. Kenja is probably the romaji version of what the translators dubbed "Sage", one of the two ultimate jobs (a Sage can use all types of magic and all summons and is nearly as adept at casting them as their specialized counterparts). There is a "Shaman" as well, which is the improved version of the black mage class. Since defeating Dark Cloud more or less depends on your ability to deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, I'll need Ninjas to throw shurikens. With Haste (or God's Wine), they can easily deal straight 9s.
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No, I decided that I wouldn't use either the level-up or fully equipped Onion Knight glitch--if I'd use it, I'd have started working on it earlier, since the Altar Cave is the best place to do it. This is going to be a normal run depending on magic, item, and job usage. Also, which class is にんじゃ again? Shaman?
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There's nothing complicated about rerecords. Like you say, the emulator just points to a certain point in the movie file where the emulator has to continue recording from, overwriting all data beyond that point. I figure that a lot of emulators don't put in this feature because they don't even think about the possibility of superplay movies when they build their emulator. Also, those emulators might not be accurate enough for input sequence recordings to stay sync.
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quietkane wrote:
Omega wrote:
Keep in mind that a lot of people might also already be speedrun fans. Since speedruns are generally longer than superplays, I think they won't really mind watching long movies. Afterall, they're probably INTERESTED in the game they're downloading a run of. There's nothing wrong with long movies.
Save that for when all the RPGs currently in production get finished. See if you still think so then. =P
I'm MAKING one of those movies. :p And I still think that people who are going to watch this shouldn't be told that our "best movies" are necessarily only the ones that are around 20 minutes long. We've got brilliant movies which are longer, as well, and we should keep in mind that we're shoving forward what we think are the best movies. We shouldn't be paranoid about the fact nobody will download longer movies. Even if they see some long movies on screen, at worst, they'll think "Hmm, that's too long." and try a different one instead.
Post subject: Any dauntless programmers in the house?
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FCE Ultra should have Kaillera support... anybody up to that? :) Kaillera servers are easy to set up (even though you don't need to since there are a lot of servers ready for use) and work for everybody, even to those behind annoying routers. It's not perfect, but it works just fine. It would be great to play Balloon Fight on Kaillera with FCEU!
Post subject: New WIP v216
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I have to spend a lot more time running errands in FF3j, mainly because luck is so difficult to manipulate in this game. A good example is me grabbing the Ice magic in Sasoon Castle before I enter the Cave of the Seal. It took a lot of time, but it was necessary. This run will definitely be longer than FF1. EDIT: new WIP--this time, I exit Bahamut's nest. Not much progress, but I managed to get one extra level up required to cast lv. 2 magic. I still need one more to get a safe margin for Big Rat, though. Just one cast of lv. 2 magic won't be enough, even though I still have two Southwinds and one Zeus' Rage. EDIT: updated first post. Please suggest things for version 2 if you have any ideas. :) (Version 2 will be when I restart the entire run from scratch to perfect it--this current version is mainly for experimenting and finalizing the route.)
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TNSe wrote:
Yes, you could also make subtitles for your movie, explaining what is going on. Bisqwit can encode subtitles into the final movie when he renders it :P
That would be really obtrusive, though. Do you really want a bunch of black translucent screens popping up whenever dialogue is skipped through? It wouldn't be that nice. Plus, it would be an extremely tedious job to actually put them in.
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DeHackEd: The Zanac run does not have an AVI, even though it's an aesthetically impressive run, like Morimoto's Gradius run. (Actually, I haven't watched the Zanac run myself, but since it got submitted, I assume that it's an interesting watch.)
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Yeah, it only places Mega Man in that level virtually--if you somehow beat it, it would result in you returning to the stage select screen, as if you had beaten Air Man normally.
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Well, it depends. If I would do this for Final Fantasy III, for example (assuming that I'm also using the translated version rather than the Japanese version), it would be extremely boring since the dialogue is experienced MUCH better by talking to NPCs and the likes. Also, it's possible to skip a lot of "critical" dialogue scenes simply by not visiting the people that tell you certain information necessary to know where to go. In the case of Final Fantasy III, I'd have to completely alter the course to visit certain people to have the story make any sense. I'm not sure if this is the case for Phantasy Star IV. If it is, then skip through everything as fast as possible. If not, then using a readable speed might not sound so bad. It could be a serperate category--does not skip or speed up dialogue.
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I've been a little busy with work and college lately, but I'm free tonight, so I'll try to get to Tozas. :) Glad to see people appreciate the run for this game! Tricky could be getting an additional level-up in the road to the summit, since apparently there's one tile there which sets off a much more difficult battle. If I could win that through luck manipulation, Big Rat will be much easier. The fact that the tile exists is unconfirmed, however.
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Well, technically, you can manipulate luck in games, but only if the algorithms are loose enough for them to be "beaten" by human players (i.e. without save states and/or slowdowns). An example could be a technique having a better effect if you wait anywhere from 1 to 2 seconds before using it after highlighting it in the technique menu. In practice, however, programmers never make their luck manipulators like that. An example of something that's NOT luck manipulation is the The Legend of Zelda speedrun--to get the highest tier, you have to win 50 rupees from the gambling cave. If you fail to do this, your run is over. The only way to pull it off is playing over and over again until you just happen to get it right. The reason why this isn't luck manipulation is because you're allowing the game to decide the outcome of the pseudo-random event, rather than taking control of it yourself. The only difference is that you stop recording your speedrun if the outcome is undesirable.
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I wish the PSX had a re-recording emulator. If that was the case, I'd opt for Ape Escape. Right now, I'll go with Final Fantasy V for SNES, simply because I really want to see that game's run completed, and because it's so frustratingly complicated (we're talking about a run that's perfect in every sense here).
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Don't let your millions of FF5 run fans stop you from running this game, Boco. :p (Or well, there aren't millions of them, but I know I'm one.)
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Vatchern wrote:
If we were going to have a speed run section.. it would have to be sent into bisqwit by video tape.. cause thats the only way it could be official. But then, we can always just send them into TG instead.
Twin Galaxies doesn't host videos. They only keep records (and are therefore very controversial). I suggest you just send your regular speedruns to Radix.
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You're right. But on the other hand, this new palette also seems slightly less saturated. The message boxes in Final Fantasy 3j look slightly more cyan than blue, which isn't that attractive, in my opinion. Maybe it's more accurate than BMF's version 3 one, but on the whole, I kinda like his.
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Bisqwit: in the Windows version, it's Config -> Palette. I'm not sure if I like this palette more than BMF's version. The colors seem much more determined and slightly more contrasted in it.
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Keep in mind that a lot of people might also already be speedrun fans. Since speedruns are generally longer than superplays, I think they won't really mind watching long movies. Afterall, they're probably INTERESTED in the game they're downloading a run of. There's nothing wrong with long movies.
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Too_Bored wrote:
perhaps we can have a section where it can be just speed runs w/o the slowdown but yes on the re-records if it was up 2 me the only thing i could actually do would be street fighter because i cant lose there
I can barely tell what you're saying. You want a site section for non-assisted speedruns (but recorded with emulators)? Those things may be fun inside communities, but they really shouldn't be published or otherwise officially or formally recognised.
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Truncated wrote:
Don't. In a movie like this which will likely end up being over an hour (what's your estimate, anyway?), it's better to put 30 frames on having a something resembling real unique names for the characters.
I haven't really thought thoroughly about the time it will take. I need to do some levelling early on so I can face Galura at level 15 (and possibly Hyde at level 10), and then I'll probably do the rest of my levelling once I reach the catacombs at the end, as by then, I'll have the wand that petrifies enemies (manipulate luck outside of battle to be able to kill them in one blow). All other battles are either not fought (this is 90%) as I can use potions or Cure magic to avoid them altogether. The remaining battles are used as quick level-ups or plain simply ran from at the first move. I've only played this game normally without trying to use special tactics, but I'll tell you now that I would be really surprised if this run ended up being less than two hours.
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Haha, that's awesome. And Bisqwit, it was you who "confirmed" that I had entered my name correctly after I showed you a screenshot. :p Well, I guess it only matters one or two pixels. I'll just add it to the to-do list for version 2, if I'm not just going to go gibberish on the name for that version to save time. I actually waited about three frames after I had input the names, just so I could manipulate the first battle for me to be able to run from it with the first move. Final Fantasy III can't be hex edited, unfortunately, because if you alter one thing in the entire movie, all the battles fought from that point will have become invalidated due to luck manipulation.