Posts for Darth_Marios

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Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
Fractal said that Quick Claw effect is stored at 0x2024D1C, what value is needed to use as codebreaker codes? (xxxxxxxx yyyy) And for Critical hit, this is the script from FractalFusion & GoddessMaria TAS. Can we take an address and value for cheat use? rngstats-crit-max.lua -- -- me post -- -- ruby/sapphire 0x03004360 3004290 J -- emerald 0x02024190 J 0x020244EC U -- firered 0x02024284 -- leafgreen 0x020241e4 -- -- 64 -- 4360 43C4 4428 448C 44F0 4554 -- 45C0 4624 --select pokemon --frame 9192 delay 9264 (frame 6 delay is 0) 9265 9267-9270 is determine 9270 local defi local rng=0x3004818 local i,j local last=0 local cur local test local counter=0 local startvalue=0x000083ED local indexfind local index local clr local randvalue --local iter local bnd,br,,bit.bor,bit.bxor local multspa={ 0x41C64E6D, 0xC2A29A69, 0xEE067F11, 0xCFDDDF21, 0x5F748241, 0x8B2E1481, 0x76006901, 0x1711D201, 0xBE67A401, 0xDDDF4801, 0x3FFE9001, 0x90FD2001, 0x65FA4001, 0xDBF48001, 0xF7E90001, 0xEFD20001, 0xDFA40001, 0xBF480001, 0x7E900001, 0xFD200001, 0xFA400001, 0xF4800001, 0xE9000001, 0xD2000001, 0xA4000001, 0x48000001, 0x90000001, 0x20000001, 0x40000001, 0x80000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001} local multspb={ 0x00006073, 0xE97E7B6A, 0x31B0DDE4, 0x67DBB608, 0xCBA72510, 0x1D29AE20, 0xBA84EC40, 0x79F01880, 0x08793100, 0x6B566200, 0x803CC400, 0xA6B98800, 0xE6731000, 0x30E62000, 0xF1CC4000, 0x23988000, 0x47310000, 0x8E620000, 0x1CC40000, 0x39880000, 0x73100000, 0xE6200000, 0xCC400000, 0x98800000, 0x31000000, 0x62000000, 0xC4000000, 0x88000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000} --a 32-bit, b bit position, 0 is least significant bit function getbit(a,b) local c=bit.rshift(a,b) c=bnd(c,1) return c end --does 32-bit multiplication function mult32(a,b) local c=bnd(a,0xFFFF0000)/0x10000 local d=bnd(a,0x0000FFFF) local e=bnd(b,0xFFFF0000)/0x10000 local f=bnd(b,0x0000FFFF) local g=bnd(c*f+d*e,0xFFFF) local h=d*f local i=g*0x10000+h return i end function gettop(a) return(bit.rshift(a,16)) end -- draws a 3x3 square function drawsquare(a,b,c),b,a+2,b+2,c) end while true do i=0 cur=memory.readdword(rng) test=last while bit.tohex(cur)~=bit.tohex(test) and i<=100 do test=mult32(test,0x41C64E6D) + 0x6073 i=i+1 end gui.text(120,20,"Last RNG value: "..bit.tohex(last)) last=cur gui.text(120,0,"Current RNG value: "..bit.tohex(cur)) if i<100>2 and i<100>0 and randvalue%16<4 then clr=0x800000FF -- clr=clr+0x11111100*(15-randvalue%16) end drawsquare(2+4*j,44+4*i, clr) test=mult32(test,0x41C64E6D) + 0x6073 end end emu.frameadvance() end
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
If not for FR LG, at least someone know the RNG address and values for Ruby of quick claw effect and critical hits to convert in gameshark codes to use for fun? :D
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
No one here maded a TAS of pokemon fire red and know RNG values for Crits/quick claw effect?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
GoddessMaria15 wrote:
There will be no such thing as those are RNG dependent and those factors can change quickly...
All the RNG does is probably set a “flag” somewhere in memory that says “this is a crit/activation”, so a cheatcode could directly set the flag and disregard the RNG. Possibly, I don’t know how it actually works. Edit: Alternatively you can just cheat the RNG directly with a button-activated cheatcode, so you can disable it when you don’t need it. If you need to cheat more than the RNG then just cheat those as well.
Yeah, with button-activator would be really great! Is possible?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
Since that here be there so many experts, and doing amazing works, someone can make a GS/ Pro Action Replay codes for FR Always Quick Claw Effect and Always Critical Hit? :D Would be fun to use in normal gameplay simulating a TASing stuff in this way^^
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Posts: 108
I dont have a pc capable to run a emulator, but would like to see TAS goodness about this game :D
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
No one can make a good resources for this game? Is really funny and enjoyable
Post subject: Mario Smash Football
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/11/2015
Posts: 108
Hi to all, i really like this game [Mario Smash Football / Super Mario Striker] and will be good if someone know everything/tricks about this game: spot to shot, how long charge to score goal, any trick, RNG or also memory addresses but nothing about super strike or power ups because i dont use them. I mean a Game Resources about this game if possible, for results like this: