Posts for Dromiceius

Post subject: Ugly Salad/pretty salad
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So, I googled "ugly salad" just now (and I happen to be eating a large quantity of salad) and all this stuff about ugly bowls and utensils came up. Naturally, my interest lies in ugly salads themselves, not cutlery, so I was obliged to add exclusions to the search. It's interesting that salads, in and of themselves, are generally not considered ugly, but may be considered "pretty" and just comparing numbers you'll find that results for the latter greatly outnumber the former. You can find both ugly salad and pretty salad on flickr. ISN'T THAT AMAZING!?
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Is it acceptable to avoid a specific glitch (but to use others) in a tas to increase the entertainment value of a movie?
Sure- if it gets yes votes. That is, if it DOES add entertainment value, and successfully completes an objective. I think the only caveat is that the objective needs to be concrete, so as not to be open to reinterpretation when someone wants to beat your time. For example, "Avoids a specific glitch, but only in parts where it's less interesting" may be interesting to watch, but would be unacceptable.
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Baxter is a crazy man. /resident evil
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I never saw the previous movie, but 23 seconds is a pretty big improvement. I think it would deserve a fairly confident yes vote even if it were new. It's ugly as sin, but there's a handful of neat tricks due to sloppy coding, and the movie itself isn't so long that they all become stale.
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Deus Ex mixed with Starcraft... though I think the FPS+RTS idea has been done already. Moonwalker+starcraft! MJ rush would beat a hydralisk rush any day.
Pokémon with the gameplay of Super Robot Wars. That would be awesome.
Damn, that would be awesome.
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Me too. Glad this got bumped, because I forgot to vote after viewing.
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It isn't classic, but I dare you beat double dragon 2 controlling both characters.
I tried that once, and quickly realized that I can't even get the flying-knee timing right with one player. It's fun, though.
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You know what makes me teary-eyed? Lightning bolts! The old Ogre Battle "LARP" video. Makes me want to put a wastebasket over my head and hit people with a plastic sword.
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I recorded a battle in river city ransom last year that was in sync with the counting robots in Cornelius' "Count 5 or 6". Alex and Ryan, armed with trashcans, rhythmically bashing Thor's head in. It's very hard to get the timing right AND prevent Thor from escaping stun-lock. Edit: I should point out that it only took about 12 count before Thor ran out of stamina and ruined the timing. Dammit. Now I want to try it again, just to see it work. See, it's a 3 minute song, and RCR probably has enough variety in the fighting to keep such an idea interesting for the duration. I think fighting Mojo without weapons might work better...
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ventuz wrote:
Anyone know how to contact FunkDOC (or JoshDOC? or Josh the FunkDOC?) Or could anyone help me with this part?
Personal Messaging? Find one of his posts and press the "pm" button at the bottom of each post.
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I'm having one heck of a deja vu...
The movie was also named "Dead Fox:The Human Weapon" or "Ningen heiki - Dead fox "(Japan).
Ah. Right. Yes-voted that one, and the adaptation is equally good. Not sure why some people have been hating on the music. I'd say it's on par with the Mega Man series... except for that awful part in stages 3/4 that only dogs can hear. Don't know if this'll get accepted, but it's a welcome addition to my fcm collection. ...Wow. That rescued guy really does look like Hitler.
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It's not entirely fresh, but still a very enjoyable run. The smooth, rapid scrolling in some of those levels is soothing. Sort of hypnotic. There's also the clever use of violence to gain speed. Postcount++ ...I mean, yes vote. PS: I hope a frame near 69000 is used for the screenshot- the "hat".
Post subject: Re: Contra Score Attack
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KRocketneo wrote:
Challenge, try to get the highest score if you can. Max score is 6553500 So you can try to aim for highest score in one loop. So how many loops and stage you are when you got the maximum score? When you complete the game, it will be loop 2, 3, and so and the game will be harder and more enemy will appear and some enemies have more Hit Points.
Kind of interesting, in theory. In practice, probably not. If someone did that by hand, it would be an impressive accomplishment, but using tool-assistance... I don't see the point.
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Could be. You never really know till you see for yourself, aye? :)
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I personally like the idea of seeing how 3 different groups of heroes with only very loose ties to each other manage to save the world, but I've found out that my opinions differ from those of the general public
I don't think anyone will care one way or the other. It's kind of neat, but ultimately... probably just a gimmick. It really depends on whether there's any way to exploit that feature, IE, having group A leave a powerful or useful item at location X, knowing that group B will pick it up and save a lot of time because of it.
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Pretty good. The autoscrolling was handled well, and the suicide shortcut was hilarious. Voted yes.
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Two directions at once. Like straferunning in an FPS.
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Me like. Pretty simplistic, but the playing looks clean. Nice, brisk scroll rate. The music is great (except for the bit with the ear-bleeding pulse in one track) and the sound effects don't interfere too much. The shooting is well done, but nothing we haven't seen before in Rolling Thunder, from which this game seems to be based. I'm not sure if there's a run for the English version of this game, though. If there is, one would have to make certain that this run is faster than that. I can't be bothered to look that up while downloading something, so, yes vote. :D
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I'm wondering, would it have been any faster to use Brawny as player 2?
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I wouldn't mind seeing the ending, but for TASing purposes, this game might not be the best choice. Avoiding monotony would be a big challenge... I think you'd also have to use the (currently unsupported) snes9x v1.5X, because the current version doesn't support resets.
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Looked pretty good... especially considering this game has the most visually repulsive hero in the history of videogaming. Fortunately, he and his provocative skirt are cleverly concealed by dinosaurs most of the time. Yes vote. Edit: as for the warping vs not warping, less is more in this game. Nevertheless, I've made no assumption about separate tiers/possible obsolescence.
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Posts: 1332 Japanese TV. They combine aerobics with English study... for some reason. They forgot "Try to blow up the harbor."
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I second Phantasy Star... mostly because it's the only SMS game I've ever heard of.
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Wow. That answers that. I didn't realize you had actually re-engineered part of the game. Thanks a lot, Gunty. :)
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Voted meh. It was entertaining enough to sit through, though I probably wouldn't have if I had known what to expect.