Posts for FionordeQuester

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Hey, you know guys, to be fair, I also misinterpreted ThatGugaWhoPlay's comment in the exact same way that Warepire did, that is, skipping FRAPS and using AVISynth to somehow capture video (as opposed to using FRAPS to record, then dumping it into AVISynth). In any case, I thank BOTH of you guys so much for your help! I'll try to make this LP real good once I get around to it!
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Actually, I'd kind of like to find something to encode PC games myself, as I plan on making a Let's Play of Baldur's Gate.
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I see. So don't make my videos too long, otherwise I risk quality loss. Anything else I should be doing differently, besides seeing what happens when I turn off tasblend and resizing to 8x8?
Post subject: What Does it Mean When, While You're Encoding...
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... your MB Size and MB Rate are higher than your "level limit"? I ask this because while it's encoding, my command line script is saying... "Warning: frame MB Size (224X168)>Level Limit (36864)" "Warning: MB Rate (1130838)>Level Limit (983040)" I ask because out of three videos that I posted with my current encoding method (courtesy of the Hybrid Encoding script Dacicus and others so kindly showed me)... Let's Play Dragon Warrior Part 1 (Silent and Unedited Version): Let's Play Dragon Warrior Part 2 (Silent and Unedited Version): Let's Play Dragon Warrior Part 3 (Silent and Unedited Version): ...Part 3 is inexplicably missing the options to set it to 720p, 1080p, and Original quality despite going through the same encoding process as Part 2 and 1, and I'm wondering if that was due to the sheer size of the Part 3 video. It doesn't fully explain why Part 1 doesn't allow Original quality, but, it's a start at least, right?
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Joined: 3/20/2010
Posts: 126 I tried both of these.
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Oh, hey, nevermind, I figured it out. It turns out, it has to be in a folder that the emulator forms called "Roms" in order to work...huh. Most emulators don't require that, but, hey, at least it's working :)! EDIT: Ok, and now it's not working again, despite me doing the exact same thing...sigh.
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If something has ".smc" at the end, that means it's a rom, right? I've been doing that.
Post subject: Why won't any SNESX9 emulators work on my computer?
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Whenever I try to use one, it simply crashes as soon as I load any ROM and says... "SNESXW has quit working" And then it says something along the lines of... "A problem has caused this program to stop working. Windows is trying to find a solution to this problem". Now, I am using Windows Vista, so I'm wondering if that might have anything to do with the problem. I have done this with both the latest version of 1.43 and what I assume was the latest version of 1.51. Does anybody know how I can solve this problem?
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Actually, I used a "cmd.exe" command line to try to open the example script in the Encoding Guide.
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So, when I run that sample script, what should happen? It's telling me that 'LoadPlugin', '#Open', 'a', 'b', '#Adds', 'c', 'd', '#Adds' (yes, it's listed there twice in the program), 'last', '#Below', 'is', 'how', 'Subtitle', 'Subtitle', "#Converts', 'Convert to YV24', 'YV12', and '#This' (also listed twice) are, quote, "is not recognized as an internal, external, operable program, or batch note". In addition to all of that is some other sentences above these error marks, including a line that says "C:\Users\Owner>DupMC<log="duptxt") that are not getting these error messages. I know it's all very confusing, but when I tried to take a snapshot of my results, all it did was type in ^V in the command prompt script. So, this is the best way I know how to describe it.
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I see. Should I get rid of the green text, or anything else before trying it?
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Well, I downloaded all the plugins it told me to download for AVISynth (DeDup-0.17 and msvc_dlls, right?), opened up the Command Prompt window, and tried to execute the first command in the sample script, which I assumed was "DeDup.dll". It told me this... "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the "Set Associations" control panel" So, after I used the search feature to try to find it, glanced very briefly at my User Control Panel, and did a google search, I couldn't find a clear solution. Even though I found the said control panel through "Default Programs", I still don't exactly what to associate the DeDup.dll to. Am I on the wrong track? Or do I have the right idea? I thank each and every one of you for having the patience to continue answering my questions, as I really want to make the best quality videos I can. They aren't going to be tool assisted runs, but they will be ones I'll be working hard on nonetheless.
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Cool. And where do I find times.txt?
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It also tells you how to calculate the keyint value in the section about x264 command-line options.
Alright, well, I've taken another look at that section. So, am I supposed to put into the <keyint> section this exact line? ( (number of lines) - 1) * 10000 / (last timecode)
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I'm trying to encode the NES. Thanks for the help!
Post subject: How do I use scripts used for encoding?
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I've been following the encoding guide up until the Encoding section of it. Now it said... ]quote]Regardless of whether you are using an .avi or an .avs as your input, the following command line (with some minor tweaks as noted afterwards) will initiate the video encoding process:[/quote] x264 --sar <PAR> --crf 20 --keyint <keyint> --ref 16 --no-fast-pskip --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh --merange 64 --subme 10 --trellis 2 --partitions all --input-range pc --range pc --rc-lookahead 250 --no-dct-decimate --tcfile-in times.txt -o video.mp4 in.avi So, I opened up a word document, copied and pasted this in, and altered it according to the instructions so that it looked like this... x264 --sar <7> --crf 0 --keyint <keyint> --ref 16 --no-fast-pskip --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --direct auto --me umh --merange 64 --subme 10 --trellis 2 --partitions all --input-range pc --range pc --rc-lookahead 250 --no-dct-decimate --tcfile-in times.txt -o video.mp4 in.avi Seeing that x264 was similar to AVISynth in that it wasn't it's own seperate program so much as it was something that gave your Notepad to do way more than it otherwise could, I opened up Virtualdub and chose the "Run Script" to run the script above that I had saved. But when I tried that, it told me this... Error during execution at line 1, column 5: Variable 'x264' not found x264<!> -- sar <7> --crf 0 --keyint <keyint> --ref 16 -- So what I'm wondering is, am I doing it right, and something's just not set up the way it's supposed to be? Or am I missing something? If so, what is it?
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I'm using just v 2.0.2, without the svn0. So I guess I'm not using the latest version?
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Even savestates don't work though. Even when I'm not recording a movie while making a save state, then click off of the emulator, the next time I load it up, it just says "error loading save state".
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Well, now I've run across a bit of an issue. For some reason, Youtube is saying that my video is "failing to process" when I try to upload it to Youtube, which seems silly to me, because as far as I know, other than using FFV1 for video compression rather than "Full Frames (Uncompressed)", I'm not doing anything different. Has something changed on Youtube since that time? I know that when I use their new upload design, the number of minutes remaining fluctuates, so, thinking that there might be something wrong with that, I've decided to try using their old upload format. Interestingly enough, it says that the file itself will take something like 1070 minutes to upload, but the processing is taking more than twice as long to get finished. Does anybody know what's happening? Here's the upload details I have... Format: AVI Video Codec: FFV1 Audio Codec: MP3 Dimensions: 256 x 224 px
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Well guys, I have tried all of your suggestions for trying to save my game...and none of them work. Does this mean it's time to throw in the towel?
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I never tried PCSX, because checking out the Encoders guide, it sounded like recording movies on it is extraordinarily difficult. I've checked my memory card after saving, with the emulator still loaded, and it says that the data for the game I saved is taking up a slot in the memory card. But the instant I click off of the emulator, that data is gone, replaced instead with "free". I DO really want to record movies off of this emulator, because I want to have the best quality videos, but, if that can't happen, I'll use Hypercam or something. But if I can't even save my game, well, that's gonna be a problem. EDIT: Also, now it's saying "error saving state" when I try to savestate. This is inspite of me having just restarted it.
Post subject: How come PSXjin will save my game, but then lose the data...
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...when I close the emulator, or when a long enough time has passed? In addition, my save states will quit working after a while. The only method I haven't tried to saving my progress yet is recording from Power On to the time I quit playing, and even though that's kind of cool, since I plan on recording and LPing the game in question anyways, it's still frustrating that I can't figure this out.
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So, question, how do I use the AVISynth plugins? I'm trying out the Encoding Guide, and so far, I've found it extremely helpful in terms of video and audio dumping, but it doesn't say anything about how to operate any other AVISynth plugins other than what's listed in the guide. And I'm not faulting them for that, I'm just saying, I don't need subtitles. Would you happen to know how to use it? If not, where could I go to figure it out?
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Okey doke then. I'll try all this out tomorrow, then I'll report back with the results, alright? Thanks for all the help!